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Plis gib Braton Prime back 540 ammo


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On 6/10/2017 at 7:11 PM, djternan said:

You must've missed the /sarcasm in that post.  I put that there for people who wouldn't get it but I guess that wasn't enough.

No, I stopped at "Riven".  I've only barely delved into them and they already piss me off.  I dont even bother with them, they are a waste of time.  RNG on top of RNG with a random idiotic challenge(a few which are just over the top stupid) with more RNG, paired alongside a stupid irritating game mode to get the material to RNG the riven some more. 

I saw a challenge that was something stupid like "In a 30-40 lvl Interception, beat it solo without losing any posts" or something, I think it was actually even more stupid then that though, I swear it also included a "while using melee" or something....it was really idiotic.  .....

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21 minutes ago, Sapphic-Sandra said:

Now that ammo case is a thing I genuinely am surprised at anyone who can empty their whole weapon's ammo pool.

I don't think it's a matter of ammo, I think it's more of the fact that Braton Prime has a reduced ammo pool to 'justify' it's upgrade, and that every other rifle has the usual 540 ammo pool. It also being a mid-tier weapon means that this reduction is rather illogical.

Personally, I think it should be treated like other rifles and be given the normal 540 ammo. I don't think it will start toppling the META with that addition alone.

Edited by Beggining
Woop da Woot
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Carrier + Ammo Mutation... Sometimes you need to supplement weapons with other functions to make them sweet, I build my Braton for Firerate then Status+Damage. Braton P. is one of my favourite weapons to use, I still never run out of ammo.


On 2017-6-11 at 4:48 AM, Tesseract7777 said:

This makes so little sense it would take paragraphs of explanation to parse just how little sense it makes. 

My head hurts reading it. 

It makes sense... if you're using ammo so inefficiently to not be picking up enough to replace your usage, then ultimately 540, 800, you'll still run out... Not to difficult to understand really.

Edited by Carnage2K4
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Ahh I was there for the Braton Prime buff.  It was a dark day.


Community: Please buff the Braton Prime.

Community: Please buff the Braton Prime.

Community: Please buff the Braton Prime.

Community: Please buff the Braton Prime.

DE: FINE! Here! Oh, less ammo though, suckers.

Community: WTF.


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15 hours ago, Sapphic-Sandra said:

Now that ammo case is a thing I genuinely am surprised at anyone who can empty their whole weapon's ammo pool.

Because not everyone uses Carrier /  Carrier Prime? Just throwing that out there.

On topic: I'm in the camp that thinks that nerfing Braton Prime's ammo reserve is inconsistent with all other assault rifles, much less Primed ones. Heck, the Boltor Prime gets 540 rounds of reserve ammo - that's 9 clips of ammo with 60 rounds per clip and this is a weapon that arguably does better damage than the Braton Prime. Yet the Braton Prime only gets 5 clips of ammo in reserve with 75 rounds per clip.

Given the wait we had to endure just to get stat buffs on the gun, only to find out its ammo reserve took a dive, I swear, it's like [DE]Scott hates the Braton Prime (amongst other things). Reminder to all: Scott blew us off for months and then finally - after constant nagging and pleading and some poking from Rebecca - finally said "Yeah, I'll look at it..." in a devstream...and we wound up with another half-finished rework to an old item. 

Sound familiar? It should.


Edited by MirageKnight
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