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Why is wukong so underrated?


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to me, his Iron Jab and Cloudwalker are too underpowered.

- Iron Jab just ragdolls enemies they same way a dozen other abilities do, I think it would be more interesting if it impaled enemies and made them move a lot slower, or mark them to make them a little more vulnerable to damage. give it some kind of synergy as well as the knockdown.

- Cloudwalker could produce a large misty area that blinds and confuses enemies within it, making them vulnerable to finishers. Wukong is clearly modelled for Melee Combat, so it makes sense for him to be able to open up enemies to lethal finishers at a whim, much like Excalibur.


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On 6/16/2017 at 6:39 AM, TDIDiamond said:

People mostly say "hurr durr why play wukong when valkyr is 15x better"



Because it is!

His 1: Nekros' shadow punch can do a lot better

His 2: Way too weak to be called "tank". I rather go with Valkyr's... or Inaros and can still suck enemies health back, not keep having reducing health max or draining energy all the time when ability on.

His 3 & 4: These are a joke compared to Valkyr's

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His 1 is CC you can do better with most melees and in many cases even do more damage absolutely free of cost.

His 2 is his best ability, not being able to die is still real solid and I don't buy the <worse than valkyr> thing because Wukong can use whatever he wants when he is immortal whereas Valkyr only has her claws. Her claws are great but she won't be chopping down lephantis any time soon. Its a different kind of immortality and its really strong on wukong.

His 3 is an escape tool for a frame that needs to work real hard to get killed. Sure it can open to finishers but if you have access to all your weapons, theres very few things that are worth relying on your 3 and do your finishers to. I'd say thats a good idea when your weapons just don't do enough any more but at that point you'd best be Ivara instead.

As for his 4, even with the augment, Primal Fury cannot compete with any decent crit melee because Blood Rush and Drifting Contact exist and immediately make any weapon just do more. All other weapons created from abilities have the luxury of insanely high damage output. Wukon's stick gets real long, yes but it still hits like a stick,

All the other ability weapons (Exated Blade, Hysteria Claws, Artemis bow) do insane amounts of damage and all can open up to finishers in a split second whereas Wukong needs to hop on the stick, become Nimbus and then slide down from the stick to open up for a finisher.

I like Wukong, used him quite a bit and its really sad when you think about the amount of weaknesses this frame has. 3 of his abilities are pretty much useless and to top it off his 2 is cripplingly vulnerable to Energy Drain and more importantly Magnetic Procs. You can take a nuke to the face and not even flinch but the moment your batteries run out... The Lotus is forced to extract you with a spatula.

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2 hours ago, Tesseract7777 said:

Wukong is super OP in Star Armor, but that's just because the Chinese want the frame based on their favorite deity to be absurdly powerful. 

Yea, you can make non-Chinese frame strong and everybody would whine just OP. But if it's Wukong then because it's Chinese and they want OP.

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My main draw to Wukong is the invincibility and ability to use your guns. This means I can go nuts on a zarr and have no issues in two hour survivals matches, solo.


Wukong is essentially my favorite "all around solo frame". If I just had to survive forever I'd use trinity or valkyr. Most damage would probably be Excalibur, but at decent range and long life, if I'm by myself I'll usually bring Wukong. That said, the chinese version would work out a lot better. If exalted blade can go through god knows everything, there's no reason a weaker weapon can't have just as long a reach in all directions. THAT said, I would really like it if they changed the stance up a bit, most combos are really difficult to pull off, and all of them look really stupid. Give him an amalgam of all the bo stances in the game and he's perfect.

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The only useful skill is his second. Even his passive is more useful than the combination of his other 3 skills. 

First skill: you dont need to lockdown people down when you are invincible.

Second skill: Best survival skill in the game and probably the best skill overall in the game. 

Third skill: 99% of the time you dont need to go invis when you are invicible except for some spy missions. 

Fourth skill: you dont need to use this clowny stick when you have weapons like lesion, aegis and silva prime or attrax etc... I can even show you how they absolute dumpster the wukong stick.

Passive: very good passive that actually does something

Wukong pretty much is all about his second skill and i stop using him because its super boring. 

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I don't know where op is playing but I see so many people slobbing Wukong's knob it ridiculous. To me it's just an uninspired Valkyr clone with far less out of power survivability. He just feels.blabd to play. As for my thoughts on his abilities...

1) With augment it is loads of fun for "surprise" slams, otherwise forgettable.

2) invincibility. .speaks enough on its own

3) Screw this ability.  You know what I would like? Since lore has Wukong use dopplegangers lets do that. Similar to Loki's decoy but have it mimic our melee strikes (doing some damage itself) and allow us to switch places with it during the duration for a small energy cost (similar to Nezha and his ring in flight there).

4) The combos suck and most need a speed REDUCTION to use. Coupled with lackluster damage its just meh.

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