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Can Warframe Beat What Destiny Has?


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The only reason I want to play Destiny at all is (a) it's like Warframe but a bit different (avoiding potential Warframe burnout), (b) I'm a lore junkie and always like good universe lore, (c) a different feel (going tactical vs Warframe parkour and power), (c) some of my friends are getting it and from what I've personally seen, high-level co-op is pretty fun, and (d) raids. As much as a gear check as they are, Destiny raids look a lot more fun and satisfying than Warframe raids.

However, all of my reasons could be invalidated by Warframe including some sort of tactical mode (a and c), expanding the universe as planned (b), and creating mechanically better and visually more impressive raids (d). 

That's the power of AAA funding, though.

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8 hours ago, iMalicious said:

Why not? everything in Warframe is pretty much repetitive, do the same thing every day, raids, sorties, farm kuva, farm mats, farm focus points, alerts, invasions, pvp (which needs more flair), syndicates and in the end it's all just doing missions with different rewards over and over and over so the content is basically almost all the same besides raids and pvp.

If Destiny 2 can offer more to do in end game that isn't all comparable to Warframe then it's a win for me, especially if Destiny 2's PvP is well polished and no where near Warframes (which I don't even bother pvp'n in Warframe it's just not enjoyable) and on the plus side to Destiny 2 the graphics and environment are so much more beautiful and have so much more weather effects and Warframe has only just started redesigning planets to look more beautiful by adding sunshine and lighting effects after 4 years (ex the new Earth coming).

In the end this is all just my opinion and I'm free to speak my mind as anyone else is.

I agree with you.

The comment, that I was commenting on, was targeting the lack of content in Destiny and I just thought it was ironic when comparing it to Warframe. 

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I heard they are already working on Destiny 3.

Frankly, I'm not interest in some diarrhea-assass-creed game and sheits. What is it now? assassin creed 1, 2, 3, 4, more of the pasts, more of the futures, ultimate... forward, then prequel... oh wait another one and it's more original. Jesus.

But I guess that make Warframe one game beats them all!!

BTW, this thread should be moved to Off-Topic discussion.

Edited by ndantony
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On 6/18/2017 at 11:01 PM, sh00chu said:

To me Destiny looks like someone took Warframe and poured molasses all over it. Seriously, I've tried to watch gameplay from Destiny, but it just seems too much like a slow motion copy. Also, watching analog controller aim-assist really grates on my nerves because of my admittedly irrational distaste for console shooters.

Destiny is not a Warframe copy at all, nor would any successful AAA studio (which Bungie certainly is) want to copy Warframe. Warframe and Destiny don't look the same at all.

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6 hours ago, Tesseract7777 said:

Sorry, I guess I just assume everyone also has a decent PC (why do I make that assumption when I can't even afford a console?). I did look it up and they don't have a port for consoles yet, but I imagine they will have a testing period for consoles at least in beta, if not the alpha. Because I know they will want to get it on all platforms eventually. I will let you know if I hear any information about them testing it on console though, I'm in the closed alpha so I'll be one of the first to hear about that stuff. 


I am not going to sit here with a straight face and tell you that Warframe can spend the amount of money they can on special effects, or get the same kind of big names. But think of it this way: I didn't include that because EVERY AAA title is expected to have up to date and excellent cinematics, and special effects of every kind. That's basically the bare minimum for any AAA game, and Warframe comes close enough considering their comparative budget. Destiny isn't really competing with Warframe directly anyways, but even in terms of comparisons, Warframe has done well enough with their budget in terms of graphics, that people don't really complain about it not being good enough. 

I mean, if Warframe was a AAA title with a AAA budget it might be a little below average on graphics and such, but for its budget? It's amazing. And in terms of creativity and design quality, Warframe beats Destiny hands down. Sure, Destiny is sleeker, but there's not accounting for taste. 

Oh don't get me wrong, I completely agree with you. (Especially with the last part)

I just wanted to point out that it's a bit bold to say WF beats Destiny in every aspect. Especially since we're WF fans.

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7 hours ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

Warframe isn't Destiny's major problem.  My son has played Destiny AND Borderlands and when the next Borderlands sequel hits in 2018, it will crush Destiny 2's player base.

Also... I kind of feel a large part of Destiny's success was the lack of proper competition on the new next gen consoles.

This time around, as you mentioned, we have the likes of Borderlands and Anthem directly competing. Not to mention SW:BF 2 launches this fall.

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Find it funny everyone is trashing Destiny 2 and it's not even released yet nor has anyone played it. Shouldn't trash a game until you've tried it, the sequel looks completely different then the first and they completely overhauled any features from the previous game, plus added so much more. Destiny 2 is worth checking out before assumptions are made and topics like this just attract fan boys who devote their life to a single game, neglect their girlfriends, wake up and hop on WF, eat dinner at their PC and forget their food was even their till it gets cold, drop coffee or beer on themselves and dont even change their clothes or notice their wet, that is all these topics attract. Kind of sad...

Edited by GrimSoulis
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7 minutes ago, GrimSoulis said:

 the sequel looks completely different then the first 



Don't really know much about the game myself, but 90% of the people that I`ve seen posting about D2 expressed exactly the opposite opinion to yours. 

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8 minutes ago, GrimSoulis said:

Find it funny everyone is trashing Destiny 2 and it's not even released yet nor has anyone played it. Shouldn't trash a game until you've tried it, the sequel looks completely different then the first and they completely overhauled any features from the previous game, plus added so much more.

Take this from a person who would consider himself an avid Destiny player.

Destiny was not a bad game in and of itself. The gameplay was solid, the mechanics solid, and with later expansions, the story was solid too. The graphics were nice, I suppose. It's everything else, like the constant DLCs, horribad RNG, and lack of variety for example, that makes the game so hated. Why do people call Destiny 2 bad? Because it offers very little improvement. More weapon variety, and possibly more class variety, and that's it. Graphic upgrades are negligible, and frankly unimportant. I'll agree that it's unfair to make hasty judgement before it's released, but so far, we've had very little indication to any real improvement over the original.

topics like this just attract fan boys who devote their life to a single game, neglect their girlfriends, wake up and hop on WF, eat dinner at their PC and forget their food was even their till it gets cold, drop coffee or beer on themselves and dont even change their clothes or notice their wet, that is all these topics attract. Kind of sad...

Now this was just uncalled for, and plain rude.

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1 minute ago, DimLamp said:

You're comparing an AAA title against a Beta game, for what reason?

Anything Bungie creates is a curse, their greed is only destined to screw players over and over.

The funny thing is that said 'beta' game is widely considered among gamers to be better than the AAA title.

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From the past few years experiences, I'm going to say Destiny 2 sucks until it is released and proved itself otherwise.

Too many bait and switch "gameplay" videos out there these days for games that are not released yet.

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18 hours ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

Detail-wise?  Ok.  But in terms of design and style, Destiny is near-laughable level sleek-generic whereas Warframe's Style curbstomps Destiny.

Warframe isn't Destiny's major problem.  My son has played Destiny AND Borderlands and when the next Borderlands sequel hits in 2018, it will crush Destiny 2's player base.

Seeing that warframe is no better at level design or PVP I can say Destiny stomps Warframe in music, level designs, party in gameplay. I'd say Destiny stomps warframe in does departments. Come on. I know this it warframe but please don't forget what type of game this is. 

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2 hours ago, (PS4)ghinellil said:

Remember me something...


Why Destiny is hated and WF loved? Money :laugh:

Your point? Yes. Every game seeks to earn money. Including warframe. Let me remind you Warframe locks content behind grind walls, RNG, time walls that you can pay to skip for [insert plat number here]. 

In my opinion Destiny trumps warframe in level design, voice acting, in customization (although limited, is okay). Not to mention damn good enemy scaling so you aren't getting one shot like the average warframe player. A good learning curve so you don't have to look up videos on how to play the game as a new player, unlike warframe

AND raids. All warframe players I've seen have said Nope to raids cause they amount to nothing more than a CC (Crowd Control) fest, and the Jordas Golem raid was the one everyone said was the most boring, repetitive, mess you'd need to memorize a walkthrough for to know what to do next. 

Warframe has many problems. Lets not let our love for the game blind our judgment. 

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9 hours ago, DxAdder said:

Here is footage from a raid in Destiny 2:

From What I see here is better than any mission I have played in Warframe.

DE needs to spend bank if they want to stay on top.

So.... why? Aside from your own subjective opinion, what exactly makes this better than the average mission in Warframe? Really, Destiny raids are no different from Warframe raids. Both offer no room for error, both require somewhat specific team compositions, both can be finished within an hour with a competent team, and both give you decent rewards. On the other hand, I don't need to suffer through a third-party website or clan to find a team for my LoR or JV run.

8 hours ago, DrakoKnight48 said:

Seeing that warframe is no better at level design or PVP I can say Destiny stomps Warframe in music, level designs, party in gameplay. I'd say Destiny stomps warframe in does departments. Come on. I know this it warframe but please don't forget what type of game this is. 

Level design is, at the worst, equal. Destiny has the same map over and over again, and Warframe has different tilesets. And if you really think Destiny's gameplay is better than Warframe, then we're going to have disagree. Destiny has solid gameplay, but it's nothing unique. It's just standard FPS action. Warframe's gunplay/melee-play is unique from a lot of games on the market.

And no, music is subjective. It's pointless to argue that one soundtrack is better than the other.

7 hours ago, DrakoKnight48 said:

voice acting, in customization

Hell no. Destiny's customization is far inferior to Warframe's. You have far less choice in colour schemes (which are preset and also must be earned, whereas you can easily buy one in Warframe with plat), and you have stats tied to cosmetics (which forces you to choose between effectiveness and taste). I'll take Warframe over Destiny in the customization department any day.

As for voice acting: subjective. I think everyone in Destiny except Cayde sounds like an idiot. Aside from my Operator's lines, I like Warframe's VA.

7 hours ago, DrakoKnight48 said:

Let me remind you Warframe locks content behind grind walls, RNG, time walls

So does Destiny; don't be hypocritical. Not only that, but WF's RNG can be bypassed through the Trade system, it can be altered through Relic Refinement, and the time walls are frankly minor and don't detract from the game in general. Destiny's grind is slow, annoying, and is quickly made pointless when your progress is erased, a new Expansion is released, or your weapon is nerfed to the ground/powercreep occurs.

Edited by PrVonTuckIII
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Four years from now, in all likelihood Warframe will still be here and be greatly improved on what it is now.  Much like how Warframe went from a small game that was essentially mass effect 3's multiplayer with parkour to what it is now in four years.   

Four years from now; presuming Destiny 2 hasn't been retired in favor of 3, I doubt many people will still be playing it.   Destiny 1 had an enormous hype campaign to try and grab everyone it could, and due to its massive budget (500 million or so), even those initial sales struggled to cover the expenses and the game had pretty bad player retention; plus the DLC policy is downright Ubisoft grade exploitive.      

Yes it does have a colossal budget behind it, but it's a game without much in the way of soul and the first game at launch was eh...kind of a mess to be honest.   It was throwing money at you in the hopes you wouldn't notice the paucity of anything to do.   Now, credit where credit's do; Bungie did legitimately try to make up for the initial release but it certainly doesn't fill me with confidence that Bungie has what it takes to make Destiny relevant for ten years like they and Activision planned to.  

Also Bobby Kotick is a ponce and I'm not giving Activision money.   

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personally i think warframe is better.  destiny is fun and all but it gets boring and dies out fast for me. yes destiny and warframe can get both repetitive but i personally can come back to warframe and still have  the same enjoyment i had when i first started playing when the game first came out. I cant say destiny has had the same impact for me, but defiantly i think warframe is the better game.

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Destiny was a AAA title that was released liked an early access beta, and every big update required you to repurchase the game to get the content you were promised by the initial hype. Also, even if you were there from vanilla, you had to repurchase all previous content to really get the full experience. The initial story is full of characters too busy trying to aggrandize the epicness of the setting to actually tell you anything. Warframe is honest about what it is, whereas Destiny keeps telling us it will get better and by the way can you cover rent again this month.

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Honestly if they fill this game with DLC's and micro-transactions again just like they did with the last one it's not gonna survive long, and i've heard they got a confirmed DLC expansion pack date already lol

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