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Where Do you Farm HArrow At


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Defection seems to drop it on rotation C.  Each 'packet' of defectors counts as a rotation.  Not sure what the exact drop chance is, but we got the Systems bp on 16 packets escorted out on Caracol, Saturn.  That suggests that the drop chance is reasonable, and so far it's taking longer to farm all these Kuva fortress spy missions.

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2 hours ago, dopey_opi said:

Defection seems to drop it on rotation C.  Each 'packet' of defectors counts as a rotation.  Not sure what the exact drop chance is, but we got the Systems bp on 16 packets escorted out on Caracol, Saturn.  That suggests that the drop chance is reasonable, and so far it's taking longer to farm all these Kuva fortress spy missions.

Ugh, we've done about 15 missions on Caracol, going to about 12-16 and are yet to get it...


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What is a defection mission? Do you mean deception?

EDIT: Nevermind, I... Guess I just haven't heard of Defection before. Why does it not show up in the codex?

Edited by Neskah
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36 minutes ago, Neskah said:

What is a defection mission? Do you mean deception?

EDIT: Nevermind, I... Guess I just haven't heard of Defection before. Why does it not show up in the codex?

It's new.  It was added to the game on the most recent update, and is pretty much the same thing as the Pacifism Defect.

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I've done like 8 runs now and one guy wanted to leave but we wanted to go till 16th wave, he dc'd at wave 15 and we got the systems on wave 16. rip. probaply connection error, cuz he joined back after we finished the mission :/ After we told him the systems dropped, he quit. Probaply rage quit.

An entire story just because of these systems.

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How do you do the defection missions? nothing really to explain them, and i was busy with RL so i missed the pacifist defect. Kay i get trhat we need to power the med station and heal em up. then Tower B comes, wich is 200 meters further away, they are dead or dying by the time they are within 100 meters of the exit. just because of the poison air. AND they dont visit tower A to heal up. this really needs a tutorial mission. or the lotus explaining it as she usualy does

Edited by Marabunta5
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1 hour ago, Marabunta5 said:

How do you do the defection missions? nothing really to explain them, and i was busy with RL so i missed the pacifist defect. Kay i get trhat we need to power the med station and heal em up. then Tower B comes, wich is 200 meters further away, they are dead or dying by the time they are within 100 meters of the exit. just because of the poison air. AND they dont visit tower A to heal up. this really needs a tutorial mission. or the lotus explaining it as she usualy does

First you do A and rush them in (what i prefer, is faster but takes more power from healer..) heal them up and leave, when tower B comes you rush them in (as i said takes more power) and heal them up. After healing you escort them to A (goes automatically) what you said they skip A, but that is because you pressed X on them again or maybe because a teammate is trolling you, OR it is an accident. (Picking up powercell is X while escorting is too, this happened to me.)

If you still have trouble take a support warframe which protects them. Also, kill any enemies around them and don't let them come to a stop for any reason! (except if they are at healing station ofc)

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  • 2 months later...
2 minutes ago, northscott2 said:

So there is no boss you can kill over and over to get the blueprints from.

That's been the trend for a while now, do a quest, get the main blue print and farm the parts individually.

Also, be mindful of when the last reply is on a thread. This thread has been inactive for nearly 3 months.

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Do the war within quest
have done the void mission Mot
are the requirements to get the quest
have siphion traps from simaris for the quest
once quest finished you get harrow bp
neuritics gained by doing kuva spy with all 3 data collected
chassis can drop randomly when you murder corrupted enemies in fissures
system is gained defection mission an best to do Caracol on staturn with a 11.28% drop chance every 8 squads saved, Yursa on neptune has drop chance with higher lv enemies

defection missions have you taking group of grineer defectors from there spawn points to a extraction point.
you pick up power cells an put them into a medical tower that looks like life support towers, these heal the grineer.
you auto fail if 10 grineer defectors die, also once they die they become a infested unit.
Red veil an manics will spawn from time to time an will try to kill the grineer defectors.

At start they spawn near waypoint A, then after 2 groups saved they will come from waypoint B an then from waypoint C.
Once they start spawning at C will also start spawning from B. A will now become mid point of taking them to extraction.
Having a EV trinity will help out as the low duration blessing will heal them an let you keep using it, while a blessing build trinity will just heal an have long time between when blessing will heal them up.
a Nezha with his warding halo augment think will put it on them but you will have to disable it somehow to cast it again on next group.
Harrows second power an just damaging enmies along the way will keep them healed up an is cost effective, plus able to CC with his first.
Rhino an Vaulbon can use there 4th powers to shall groups so you can get through a mob without too much danger. 

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