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❈ The Clan & Alliance Emblem Shop ❈ Taking Requests since 2014!


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I been without power for most of the past week but here is my request


On 3/2/2018 at 1:23 PM, Jithvan said:


  • Clan/Alliance Name: Sic semper ad victoriam, XBOX
  • Preferred Payment Type: $$$
  • Design Details: I want something similar to the reference art so you should take a look at it first. I want it in color, not black and white. mostly gold, red, white, silver and black.  I want the exact same helmet shape with the colors of the helmet being gold and the fez being red or white and red. I want it symmetrical so I don’t want the feather fez flowing to the top left of the helmet on the reference art. I’d like the guns to be replaced with soma latron or boltor primes(both the same weapon,whatever prime weapon is easiest). I’d like the M replaced with SS and the S replaced with AV. I’d like the words surrounding the helmet to be imperium, superbia, dignitate.
  • Links to reference images: https://anterisalliance.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/MSS-Helmet-Logo-2-1024x803.png
  •  Additional Comments:  just want something looking great but from your previous work it looks like you are doing great.
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On 3/10/2018 at 4:14 PM, (XB1)Unrivaled20 said:

I been without power for most of the past week but here is my request


  • Clan/Alliance Name: Sic semper ad victoriam, XBOX
  • Preferred Payment Type: $$$
  • Design Details: I want something similar to the reference art so you should take a look at it first. I want it in color, not black and white. mostly gold, red, white, silver and black.  I want the exact same helmet shape with the colors of the helmet being gold and the fez being red or white and red. I want it symmetrical so I don’t want the feather fez flowing to the top left of the helmet on the reference art. I’d like the guns to be replaced with soma latron or boltor primes(both the same weapon,whatever prime weapon is easiest). I’d like the M replaced with SS and the S replaced with AV. I’d like the words surrounding the helmet to be imperium, superbia, dignitate.
  • Links to reference images: https://anterisalliance.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/MSS-Helmet-Logo-2-1024x803.png
  •  Additional Comments:  just want something looking great but from your previous work it looks like you are doing great.

Is this satisfactory?


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Hello here's my request:

Clan: Legacy of Tenno

Payment type: Plat/ingame items

Design Details: My fav colours ingame are Red, Black and Gold. I want this picture as my main symbol https://www.google.ge/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpre00.deviantart.net%2F56af%2Fth%2Fpre%2Fi%2F2004%2F229%2Fe%2F3%2Fclan_symbols.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fsylisthedark.deviantart.com%2Ffavourites%2F61311480%2FLegacy-Of-Kain&docid=GeJjSfm_6n5oaM&tbnid=VrEdhXNJgmK7HM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjiutzmsOfZAhUBliwKHWt3BbsQMwiBAShJMEk..i&w=941&h=908&bih=672&biw=1366&q=legacy of kain kain and raziel emblems combined&ved=0ahUKEwjiutzmsOfZAhUBliwKHWt3BbsQMwiBAShJMEk&iact=mrc&uact=8  its from the game Legacy of of kain and Soul reaver. its Symbols of 2 main characters combined together. i want you to colour it. leave inner side black. Make outer side red/crimson like.   so itll be like it turns from black to bloody red.  and make small aura around it. In aura i mean like light glowing around the letters that will be yellow/gold colour. Inside horns put 3 dots https://www.google.ge/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fupload.wikimedia.org%2Fwikipedia%2Fcommons%2Fthumb%2Fb%2Fbb%2FThreeDots.svg%2F2000px-ThreeDots.svg.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcommons.wikimedia.org%2Fwiki%2FFile%3AThreeDots.svg&docid=PSIAjS-fzODf0M&tbnid=3L6ejxc3SJkcnM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiBqfOnw-fZAhXK1ywKHdGbCXYQMwg1KAAwAA..i&w=2000&h=1875&bih=623&biw=1366&q=triangle 3 dots&ved=0ahUKEwiBqfOnw-fZAhXK1ywKHdGbCXYQMwg1KAAwAA&iact=mrc&uact=8  make them red.  on both sides near the wings put this symbol https://www.google.ge/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fvignette.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fwarhammer40k%2Fimages%2Fa%2Fa4%2FInquisiton.png%2Frevision%2Flatest%2Fscale-to-width-down%2F175%3Fcb%3D20120903081128&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwarhammer40k.wikia.com%2Fwiki%2FInquisition&docid=GeG8uFEGL3vaJM&tbnid=crx_IQDnyZrF4M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiC7LSstefZAhUKkiwKHbIvA1YQMwg1KAAwAA..i&w=175&h=271&bih=623&biw=1366&q=inquisition warhammer&ved=0ahUKEwiC7LSstefZAhUKkiwKHbIvA1YQMwg1KAAwAA&iact=mrc&uact=8, but remove skull and put https://www.google.ge/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fih1.redbubble.net%2Fimage.412766276.7627%2Fraf%2C360x360%2C075%2Ct%2Cfafafa%3Aca443f4786.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redbubble.com%2Fpeople%2Fkapesh%2Fworks%2F25517627-berserk-mark-of-sacrifice-subtle-pattern%3Fp%3Dt-shirt%26style%3Dmens&docid=QU_TZdQle688oM&tbnid=ONOsuOvjDklwwM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwi7-a7-uefZAhUEWywKHR3TB1kQMwg8KAMwAw..i&w=360&h=360&itg=1&bih=623&biw=1366&q=berserk symbol&ved=0ahUKEwi7-a7-uefZAhUEWywKHR3TB1kQMwg8KAMwAw&iact=mrc&uact=8 this symbol instead.  I know itll be troublesome and itll take some time.  Tell me how much time itll take and lets agree on price.  

P.S.  Almost forgot. i dont want it to be in a square. I want u to cut it so itll be floating. Dont know how to explain it better.  i don't wanna have frames on emblem.

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On 3/9/2018 at 12:50 AM, Jithvan said:

'll try my best to get a draft in after i'm done working on the one mentioned above.

Just go for it and quote my message when you are ready/have a draft, Alliance won't be ready for awhile so take your time.

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  • Clan/Alliance Name: The Southern Adamantines
  • Preferred Payment Type: Platinum
  • Design Details: We were wanting it to be a Knight all in black, with his left eye red and him welding a galatine prime downward, and of course some detailing on his armor, not a whole lot just enough to make it stand out. large shoulder pads, a large crown, 
  • Links to reference images: coloured-knight-design_1152-54.png
  • Additional Comments:Want it to be simple but with some detailing work.


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On 3/12/2018 at 12:48 PM, Jithvan said:

Is this satisfactory?


Look great but i'd like a few things changed. First i'd like the top two surrounding words moved a bit https://ibb.co/ncVnPc and all three have a slightly larger size(if the current size is 12 i'd like it to be 14).  Also i don't like the background, It looks too dark toward the bottom right. Can you give me one where the whole image looks similar to the background behind imperium, one that has transparent background and one image that has a dark blue backround. I'll choose from those. What paypal account do you want me to send the money to.

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14 hours ago, (XB1)Unrivaled20 said:

actually is the image transparent now

The final image after recieving the payment will be transparent, I add the background to show the emblems contrast.

Based on the complexity and time taken to make your emblem $40 would be the final price https://www.paypal.me/FalconGaming

I'll send you the final logo with a transperent background as soon as I recieve the payment.

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2 hours ago, Jithvan said:

The final image after recieving the payment will be transparent, I add the background to show the emblems contrast.

Based on the complexity and time taken to make your emblem $40 would be the final price https://www.paypal.me/FalconGaming

I'll send you the final logo with a transperent background as soon as I recieve the payment.

hmm i though you said 20 was fine... I guess I could do 40 though. Did you change the surrounding words(imperium superbia and dignitate. the image below shows where i want them.  I wanted them a bit bigger because i'm scared they will be hard to see in smaller signs. I'll send money when I see It.


22 hours ago, (XB1)Unrivaled20 said:

First i'd like the top two surrounding words moved a bit https://ibb.co/ncVnPc and all three have a slightly larger size(if the current size is 12 i'd like it to be 14)


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22 hours ago, (XB1)Unrivaled20 said:

hmm i though you said 20 was fine... I guess I could do 40 though. Did you change the surrounding words(imperium superbia and dignitate. the image below shows where i want them.  I wanted them a bit bigger because i'm scared they will be hard to see in smaller signs. I'll send money when I see It.



My rate is $20 and hour, your piece took me 2 hours with the changes to the text size included.



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Clan Name: The Teleri

Preferred Payment Type: Platnium (Paypal if it's $20 but I'm short on cash and know these things take time)

Design Details: Eye of Sauron. Fire around it. Firey colours and theme. Cool looking, unique.

Links to reference images: 

Additional Comments:  Basically our emblem is the Eye of Sauron. I own my clan with my partner and our emblem is from google. I want a more personalized emblem. I was thinking the eye of sauron with fire around it. I'm not sure if I want 'Teleri' underneath it or not. Even though our dojo is foresty he loves our emblem so reds, blacks (and mainly firey colours) would be great! I want it to be not amazingly cluttered but not majorly simple if that makes sense. I've attach previous emblems others have made for us which were shut down by him.

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2 hours ago, NotJaz said:

Clan Name: The Teleri

Preferred Payment Type: Platnium (Paypal if it's $20 but I'm short on cash and know these things take time)

Design Details: Eye of Sauron. Fire around it. Firey colours and theme. Cool looking, unique.

Links to reference images: 

Additional Comments:  Basically our emblem is the Eye of Sauron. I own my clan with my partner and our emblem is from google. I want a more personalized emblem. I was thinking the eye of sauron with fire around it. I'm not sure if I want 'Teleri' underneath it or not. Even though our dojo is foresty he loves our emblem so reds, blacks (and mainly firey colours) would be great! I want it to be not amazingly cluttered but not majorly simple if that makes sense. I've attach previous emblems others have made for us which were shut down by him.

Like this?


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20 minutes ago, Jithvan said:

Like this?


He loves it!! I'll take it with the transparent background asap! I might go paypal if that's okay, how much do I owe you? I'm going to bed now but I will pay you in the morning :). I'll make sure to give you credit in my recruiting post too~

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31 minutes ago, NotJaz said:

He loves it!! I'll take it with the transparent background asap! I might go paypal if that's okay, how much do I owe you? I'm going to bed now but I will pay you in the morning :). I'll make sure to give you credit in my recruiting post too~

$20, glad you like it!

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Hello here's my request:

Clan: Legacy of Tenno

Payment type: Plat/ingame items

Design Details: My fav colours ingame are Red, Black and Gold. I want this picture as my main symbol .  Its from the game Legacy of of kain and Soul reaver. its Symbols of 2 main characters combined together. i want you to colour it. leave inner side black. Make outer side red/crimson like.   so itll be like it turns from black to bloody red.  and make small aura around it. In aura i mean like light glowing around the letters that will be yellow/gold colour. Inside horns put 3 dots.  make them red.  on both sides near the wings put this symbol , but remove skull and put  this symbol instead.  I know itll be troublesome and itll take some time.  Tell me how much time itll take and lets agree on price.  

P.S.  Almost forgot. i want transparent background.  btw is my 

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Clan name: Jewish Bankers

Payment type: Platinum

Design Details: I want logo to be medieval pouch but with orokin elements like "Pouch Prime" :D Something like this but more smooth .Instead of gold coins i want Warframe platinum dropping from it. Thread should be laser but transparent like this . On top of the pouch is kuria symbol. 

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1 hour ago, Trizion said:

Just wanted to ask since it has been another week or so since my request and I wanted to know if you have got a preview for it ready or not. Thanks.

I was planning on getting that preview to you by the weekend but I got 2 requests with cash payments so I had to prioritize those. I should be able to get you a draft by the end of tomorrow.

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Clan Name: The Azure Legion

Preferred Payment Type: Platinum or Paypal

Design Detail: Basically what I've been thinking about is having a blue galatine prime in front of a blue shield. Another thing I wanted to add to it was an old looking ribbon wrapping around. If you have other flairs to add to the design. I'd like it to have a whole regal or legionnary look. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me! Thank you in advance!

Additional comments: I'd just like to reinforce the idea that I'd like it to have a regal look to it. Thank you again!

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