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Warframe personalities


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23 minutes ago, (PS4)Vindras said:

Orokin are $&*^s i know. Its easy to justify killing ppl like them, why its not an issue. Im talking after orokin. Their society. Are you saying theres like super cities of humans uncontrolled by orokin freeded by lotus? 

If so ya she's a goddess I'll lick her boots and agree with you. What we are told orokin are all but dead.

  She wants balance with grineer and corpus. Both factions affected by orokin in the long run. Shouldn't she spend less energy sending elite murder warframes to these regions. And maybe diplomacy. Let's break the mold guys we should be cleansing the infested hehe


You can't be diplomatic with someone who wants nothing but ultimate power. 

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Anyway, nothing but love for this community just wanted to see what you guys think why theres masculine and feminine stances to warframes and why they are related to self righteous $&*^s orokin. I still think they dabbled with the sentient infested. Gobbled them up for their traits and put them into warframes 


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17 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

You can't be diplomatic with someone who wants nothing but ultimate power. 

I agree. But I think the world of warframe suffers from the heroes being given too much power. As a player honestly do you fear anything corpus or grineer throw at you? With how powerful tenno currently are I don't even know why the kuva fortress even floats around  still. Theres literally no comments on it. Threat to the tenno? But maybe a future plot of evil tenno? Who can compete with tenno? Game suffers much like destiny1 hero's are way more scarier than the villain.

Edited by (PS4)Vindras
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10 minutes ago, (PS4)Vindras said:

I agree. But I think the world of warframe suffers from the heroes being given too much power. As a player honestly do you fear anything corpus or grineer throw at you? With how powerful tenno currently are I don't even know why the kuva fortress even floats around  still. Theres literally no comments on it. Threat to the tenno? But maybe a future plot of evil tenno? Who can compete with tenno? Game suffers much like destiny1 hero's are way more scarier than the villain.

We have quality, they have quantity. It balances out quite well. Although technically, neither the corpus, the grineer, or even the infested are the main bad guy. 

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Warframe needs a scary villain. A threat to tenno and  to the system. Random spawns of Stalker, the 3 and hunhow dont cut it. Grineer corpus and even sentients are no match for tenno. 

I'd love to see a super badass orokin sleeper group come out of hiding and pose a threat with overtly high tech cocky tenno warframes. umbra  badasses on roids/voids cuz they guarded the super classy orokin. The orokin elite. I'm sick of fighting  sickly grineer.  I'd like some prequel background fights.

Lol sorry for all the edits I'm traveling. A lot of miss clicks on phone

Edited by (PS4)Vindras
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We've seen several clues as to WHAT the warframes are but it's all very vague. Firstly, the infestation refers to itself as "your flesh" and we know the technocyte that comprises them was a staple of orokin design, further, most warframes require either plastids, nano spores, neurodes, or neural sensors, all of which are technocitic in nature, and further, the Worm refers to your warframe as an "infested puppet", which means your warframe is a living creature, albeit a combat machine, and orokin in design, controlled technocyte in composition.


Second, in the second dream, when the dream is interrupted, the dreamer touches the warframe, and it instinctively grabs on, protecting the operator, and later, when impaled and separated from the operator, it reaches out and breaks the War. Both of these actions are in defense of the operator, but somewhat independent of it.


Thirdly there are mods which are apparently, in some cases capable of augmenting the powers, abilities, and skills of warframes. stance mods in particular imply that your warframe did not possess these battle skills until you equipped the mod, and these are also skills that the operators themselves do not possess, as they aren't shown to be capable of using the guns and blades we've acquired. This would imply that the warframes' personalities are partially programmed, but also exchangeable, which is how I also view the animation sets: a preprogrammed personality that overlays on top of the operator's own. It knows how to handle that sword, even if the child does not. The warframe possesses these battle skills, not the child, even if the child has memories of it, and directs its hand, the killer instinct is preprogrammed into the machine.


Just my thoughts on the matter.



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Fighting warframes is actually a pretty good idea,
When i xp my weapons, stalker somehow sense it and attack me when i carry a lvl 0 quanta vandal and nothing else.

it happened yersterday, and it was the most challenging and fun battle i had in a long time. 

The power of the stalker are pretty cool, and i think, more warframes battles like that can't be bad for the game.  But maybe it is what they planned.

(And maybe a lot more difficult than stalker) 

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45 minutes ago, (PS4)Kardello said:

We've seen several clues as to WHAT the warframes are but it's all very vague. Firstly, the infestation refers to itself as "your flesh" and we know the technocyte that comprises them was a staple of orokin design, further, most warframes require either plastids, nano spores, neurodes, or neural sensors, all of which are technocitic in nature, and further, the Worm refers to your warframe as an "infested puppet", which means your warframe is a living creature, albeit a combat machine, and orokin in design, controlled technocyte in composition.


Second, in the second dream, when the dream is interrupted, the dreamer touches the warframe, and it instinctively grabs on, protecting the operator, and later, when impaled and separated from the operator, it reaches out and breaks the War. Both of these actions are in defense of the operator, but somewhat independent of it.


Thirdly there are mods which are apparently, in some cases capable of augmenting the powers, abilities, and skills of warframes. stance mods in particular imply that your warframe did not possess these battle skills until you equipped the mod, and these are also skills that the operators themselves do not possess, as they aren't shown to be capable of using the guns and blades we've acquired. This would imply that the warframes' personalities are partially programmed, but also exchangeable, which is how I also view the animation sets: a preprogrammed personality that overlays on top of the operator's own. It knows how to handle that sword, even if the child does not. The warframe possesses these battle skills, not the child, even if the child has memories of it, and directs its hand, the killer instinct is preprogrammed into the machine.


Just my thoughts on the matter.



We also don't need the Transference chair to control the Warframes it just makes it much easier.

So we could just infer that we were still controlling the frame even if only at an instinctual level to protect ourselves.

Also programming for weapon use does not equate personality, our frames after all can pick up any weapon and master it's use in rather short order.

As for the Augments we have lore covering that. The Warframes are just focusing points for our powers, depending on how they are configured it converts our void energy into certain powers or alter the existing ones.

Edited by SilvaDreams
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Warframe universe is much like the Warhammer universe, there are no good guys only different perspectives. This is why halting Tyl Regor is only the right thing to do if you're on Lotus's side. If you were a Grineer, success would bring victory, prosperity, health. For the Tenno it would be annihilation. Is it good? Is it bad? No, for both outcomes it's just war. Which is why Lotus shouldn't be portrayed as a space Jesus, just look at Thrall, he's despised by the WoW community now.

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55 minutes ago, Sovyul said:

Warframe universe is much like the Warhammer universe, there are no good guys only different perspectives. This is why halting Tyl Regor is only the right thing to do if you're on Lotus's side. If you were a Grineer, success would bring victory, prosperity, health. For the Tenno it would be annihilation. Is it good? Is it bad? No, for both outcomes it's just war. Which is why Lotus shouldn't be portrayed as a space Jesus, just look at Thrall, he's despised by the WoW community now.

No one looks upon her like Jesus, she is simply space mom to us Tenno .

She even claims she is merely trying to keep a balance not allowing either side to gain the advantage as it would be bad. And she isn't wrong if either the Grineer or Corpus gained and advantage and crushed the other the colonies would suffer all the more.

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4 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

No one looks upon her like Jesus, she is simply space mom to us Tenno .

well that's quite a rushed statement

5 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

She even claims she is merely trying to keep a balance not allowing either side to gain the advantage as it would be bad. And she isn't wrong if either the Grineer or Corpus gained and advantage and crushed the other the colonies would suffer all the more.


Lotus wants to keep "balance" which is good for her, balance is bad for anyone who's not affiliated with Lotus, like i said before

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3 hours ago, Sovyul said:

Warframe universe is much like the Warhammer universe, there are no good guys only different perspectives.

I've always rejected his stance of moral relativism. There is right and wrong and to deny it is disingenuous, to put it mildly.

3 hours ago, Sovyul said:

...just look at Thrall, he's despised by the WoW community now.

Thrall was roundly despised by the WoW community because of the ham-fisted way he was forced down everyone's throat through linear quests (especially by Draenei shaman...Thrall wasn't batting in Nobundo's league, no matter what Chris Metzen wants you to think). The character himself is quite cool in many way; it's just a matter of poor presentation--and over use.

But I digress...

The warframes themselves are constructs. How they're made exactly, we don't know. We suspect (very strongly) that they're ultimately clones modified by the technocyte virus and controlled via cybernetic implants. They seem to be based on a variety of archetypes drawn from collective human history. This is probably more of an Orokin conceit than anything else, but it does seem to be the case.

Mesa's blindfold is more of a challenge than anything else. This is a warframe whose aim is so unerring that she can flaunt it with the totally superfluous blindfold. It's a taunt. A statement. It probably means nothing to the warframe, but meant something to the warframe's creators and, presumably, to her operators.

The operators do run the show. Warframes left to their own devices are quite animalistic and follow typical infested behavior. It does seem an operator can be subsumed by the warframe; uploaded to the 'frame with the physical body left behind and destroyed. This seems problematic as well (Stalker).

What the Lotus' motivations or goals are is debatable. They seem pretty murky and the Lotus might not have much of a long term plan at all past preservation of the tenno. All her behavior so far seems limited to that particular goal. Is this healthy for the origin system? Probably not, but it is what it is.

As an operator myself, I'm certainly willing to listen to her, but I'm also completely OK with ignoring her and doing what I want. Is that healthy for the origin system? Probably not, but the other options seem worse and ultimately I'm the tenno with the gun, so what I say goes. Give me a reason to think otherwise and we'll talk.

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The way I see it my chroma has a tough slightly animalistic personality and my nidus has more of a ... scary one that just wants to kill anyone that gets in his way Idk that's how I perceive them 


I would gladly follow the orders of whatever the lotus wants us to do however I will reject a order if it meant helping someone else or if there is a second option to take to a problem example was with the glast gambit quest 


when both sides wanted the child beliving in what was her best interest I refused both the syndicate and the lotus and allowed the child to  decide for her self and what she wanted in my playthrough she chosed to be the last of her kind 


idk this is how I see it ignore me if you want 

Edited by (PS4)Axlethegamer
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On 7/9/2017 at 0:39 AM, (PS4)Axlethegamer said:

The way I see it my chroma has a tough slightly animalistic personality and my nidus has more of a ... scary one that just wants to kill anyone that gets in his way Idk that's how I perceive them 


I would gladly follow the orders of whatever the lotus wants us to do however I will reject a order if it meant helping someone else or if there is a second option to take to a problem example was with the glast gambit quest 


when both sides wanted the child beliving in what was her best interest I refused both the syndicate and the lotus and allowed the child to  decide for her self and what she wanted in my playthrough she chosed to be the last of her kind 


idk this is how I see it ignore me if you want 

The majority of us probably chose the same option as you, though I don't know the exact statistics. At the very least, most players in my clan chose to let her choose.

Let it be said that I despise the Myconian tradition. It may have kept them alive and coexist to some degree with the Infested, but at what cost? One girl bearing the fate of a whole colony while her life is doomed to be cut short. Nah fam. That's not how I roll.

At the same time, I'd be sacrificing someone's way of life, and to some degree their lives, if I try to take control of things completely. Glast said it best in my opinion. How would the Myconians live (without the girl)? Really, Lotus isn't totally in the right either. She's not the one who built themselves around this tradition of living with the infested, so she has no authority to change anything about it.

I let Meena(?) choose because she was the hero of the story. Because in the end, if we truly care for what she has gone through, the one small thing that we can give her is the freedom of choice.

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On 08/07/2017 at 6:21 AM, (PS4)Vindras said:

Grineer finally found a cure to their genes. What did we do. Without choice. Lotus execute order 66. And we did without question. Without even mentioning it to steel meridien.

Shady business indeed.


What is this "order 66"?

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I asked Steve this very question at tennocon. He seemed very tight lipped, and told me that the next quest should answer some of these questions. I asked again, "so is there a reason for their personalities?, Were they individuals before and not just weapons?" He didn't confirm or deny, but said wait for quest, but did seem to not in agreement that WFs did have identities.


Also, during tennolive, they discussed using operator and WF at same time. Does this mean autonomous WFs? I don't know.

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5 hours ago, (PS4)Axlethegamer said:



na i kid if your serious then chances are you have not seen Star Wars you should watch them great movies 

I thought it was lore specific in warframe. I already know about the clones turning on the Jedi and destroying the empire I was just wondering if the actual phrase "execute order 66" was said by lotus or warframes turning on lotus was mentioned in lore

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3 hours ago, (Xbox One)FuriousALPH4 said:

I thought it was lore specific in warframe. I already know about the clones turning on the Jedi and destroying the empire I was just wondering if the actual phrase "execute order 66" was said by lotus or warframes turning on lotus was mentioned in lore

Lore wise I don't think she gave a order at least one that we are not aware to start the attack I don't think we know if she ordered us to do it or if it was a signal that made us idk

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