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Does anyone play Lunaro Ball?


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A lot of people played when it first came out. But that was just the rush to try the new thing. I thought it was fun and leveled up my conclave standing with it. Now, I can't find a single public match whenever I try. Conclave as a whole needs something to draw people in. It's unnecessary to the game right now. I'll even forget the console is there half the time. So either it needs to be changed to farm a second sortie style reward pool, or offer unique and powerful items.

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20 minutes ago, theMongoose said:

...farm a second sortie style reward pool, or offer unique and powerful items.

Bribing people who don't want to pvp with pve items is imo a horrible idea. People already slog through it for some unique skins but there is no joy in doing so, and they wont return once they get the item. The reason to play pvp should be the pvp part and the pvp'ers shouldn't need a rotating door of easy kill pve players who are just there for the daily points.

I'm never much on pvp honestly and I already owned rocket league for a ball game and it at least has several modes. DE just couldn't carve out their own part of the nitch being that everyone sees WF as, you know, a pve game. A year later now and it hasn't had enough interest for further enhancements to try and resuscitate it. So it will always just be that mini-game hidden away inside the conclave kiosk I wish I could jettison from my orbiter.

Edited by Firetempest
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16 minutes ago, Firetempest said:

Bribing people who don't want to pvp with pve items is imo a horrible idea. 

I honestly didn't think of it like that but you're right. Unfortunately, from the Tennocon announcements, it doesn't look like conclave is getting any love for a long while anyway. Which is a shame.

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1 minute ago, Lanieu said:

All PVP in this game is wasted resources in my opinion. This game started as a PVE coop game and should stay one.

Nope.  Could not disagree with you more.

Personally, I hate PvP.  Don't get it.  Don't like it.  Don't play it.

However, many people do and that keeps many people in the WF universe.  Anything that keeps more players playing benefits DE and the other players as well.

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1 hour ago, Troll_Logic said:

Nope.  Could not disagree with you more.

Personally, I hate PvP.  Don't get it.  Don't like it.  Don't play it.

However, many people do and that keeps many people in the WF universe.  Anything that keeps more players playing benefits DE and the other players as well.

Which is why I said 'in my opinion' and didn't claim that everyone should hold said opinion.

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Just now, Lanieu said:

Which is why I said 'in my opinion' and didn't claim that everyone should hold said opinion.

I didn't say you should hold that opinion.  You gave your opinion, right? I even agreed with your opinion on PvP. I didn't say you were wrong. :)

Why is everyone so touchy?

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As a former member (still have an alt there) of L U N A T I C S, the one and probably only lunaro clan: maybe? I left the clan for my current one because I grew disinterested due to my pc being unable to keep up (fps is a rather important factor), and an extreme lack of player variety in lunaro, which made me simply not play it anymore. I'm unsure if they still hold clan matches, or if everyone's moved on. One thing I do know though, is that high-level lunaro (laugh at me all you want) is extremely fast-paced, to the point that everything bugs out really easily. When it works however, it is an amazing mode.

A few examples: own goals (unstable it as it goes in, works on regular and unstable lunaros), lagshots (instant unstable that moves ridiculously fast), check immunity (no stagger on hit), getting knocked down by an unstable while checking it (it should be deflected), getting knocked down by your own unstable (lag issue), dunking (ball passes through defender), rolling bug (releasing sprint/roll after a while of being held triggers 1 or more rolls, killing momentum) and certain things I don't wish to post in public, due to being bug exploits that are extremely unfair to use.

You shouldn't encounter most of these in average play though, but it is EXTREMELY frustrating to deal with.

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