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Vehicle Concepts for Open World Gameplay


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With the reveal of Plains of Eidolon, I got to thinking the game needs more vehicles besides just archwing, for variety's sake. I was thinking motorcycles and tanks. Have the vehicles be faction based, of course. Something along the lines of compact, high tech Corpus crotch rockets with reasonably light weaponry, more emphasis on speed and mobility. For the Grineer, something a little more rugged, rat bike/chopper oriented mixed with their rugged and bulky space marine equipment. One Idea I had was a (reverse) trike with a cannon and/or a battering ram, with a boost that was a little less "hold the boost button for an extended burst of speed" and more " press the boost button to charge forward and plow through your enemies". Big. Ugly. Slow. Grineer. Lastly, tenno motorcycles would be a nice versatile middle ground. Sleek and luxurious cruisers armed with forward mounted machine guns and "saddle bag" guided missile launchers. Each faction gets their own variety of boost, and I was thinking for the Corpus bikes, make more or less a wall of death (or just really nice damage should an enemy NPC or player [should there be open world PVP, which would be sick] happen to run into it) like the lightcycles from Tron.

TANKS! 4-man tanks would be awesome. You and your squad pile into one vehicle and take on the world. Again, armament and stats would be faction based. Probably photon cannons and laser weaponry with some nice arcing electricity for close anti-personnel for Corpus tanks, massive, brutal, slow-firing artillery for Grineer with some big machine guns and land mine laying capabilities, and a well rounded and dependable happy medium for Tenno.

Possibility for customizable weapon loadouts for each vehicle (torpedoes, mortar launchers, miniguns, flamethrowers, etc.) and of course, more mods to level, and skins and attachments for fashion frame.

Now some of you probably are asking "why motorcycles and tanks? What about cars or buggies?"

Well, in a game that relies as much on mobility as it does firepower like Warframe, I thought "why on earth would I want to be caged up in a car when I could have a motorcycle that I could leap into the air from and descend onto my enemies with?" Basically, I want a huge boost to how high and how far you can bullet jump when you eject from the vehicle while in motion, because it would be awesome and you could rain down hot death onto roaming mobs. "But what about the bike?" Smart A.I. bike can park itself... except for the Grineer ram bike, it crashes into things and makes them dead until it stops.

While I did entertain the thought of space dune buggies/rovers, I didn't have as much inspiration for ideas since it was more of an afterthought. Cars are out of the question.

I also thought walker units of varying crew capacity could be neat, whether for scouting or artillery, maybe a couple hovercraft. Again, an afterthought.

Tanks because tanks.

How to acquire these vehicles would probably be your usual lab research, rare loot, or, perhaps, some missions to recover and/or steal/hijack (new purpose for hijack missions?) blueprints/parts.

What do you all think? More vehicles in Warframe, at least for open-world maps? Reasons for, reasons against? I like the idea of seeing some ground units for once.

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Definitely need some ground vehicles and aircraft that we can hop into. They make for a more diverse experience than just having archwings.

Just now, -Eraxios- said:

There won't be any other vehicles, and for one reason, there is already archwing for mobility.

I take it you've never played or enjoyed open world games with vehicles, have you?

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Well , we could get some kind of hover-bike or even hover-skates like Scrambus units but I rather not get any other vehicle / mount cuz we just got a reason to use our Archwings.

Also against the idea of tank , cuz I don't like tanks.

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It would be fun and that's something I want to see in game but I'm pretty sure using parkour well will be faster than any vehicle (I'm 100% sure it will be the case with Archwings).

I think if we get some vehicle, it should be for other purpose like carrying high amount of something for a mini-quest/mission a bit like we do on hijack, but let us drive it.
It could also serve as transport some huge orokin artefact/dead sentient parts to the Cetus camp.

2 minutes ago, -Eraxios- said:

There won't be any other vehicles, and for one reason, there is already archwing for mobility.

How I said previously in this post, current parkour is faster than archwings if used correctly, so they would not serve as mobility.

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Just now, Aeon94 said:

Also against the idea of tank , cuz I don't like tanks.

What? You wouldn't be forced to use it. It makes sense for the Grineer, a heavily militarized faction, to have tanks and other military vehicles. It doesn't have to be a tracked vehicle; it could be a hover tank, but it doesn't make sense for Grineer not to have tanks.

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1 minute ago, lukinu_u said:

It would be fun and that's something I want to see in game but I'm pretty sure using parkour well will be faster than any vehicle (I'm 100% sure it will be the case with Archwings).

I think if we get some vehicle, it should be for other purpose like carrying high amount of something for a mini-quest/mission a bit like we do on hijack, but let us drive it.
It could also serve as transport some huge orokin artefact/dead sentient parts to the Cetus camp.

How I said previously in this post, current parkour is faster than archwings if used correctly, so they would not serve as mobility.

Or, you know, we could have vehicles because they're, you know, fun to use. Not everything needs to have some efficient purpose. It makes sense to have vehicles in an open world setting. I swear, sometimes I get the impression that the people criticizing any PoE suggestion have never actually played an open world game before.

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Well, i said that, but i'd really like to see vehicles if done well in warframe. It's just that i don't think the devs will spend time into making vehicles in a game revolving around space ninjas supposed to be parkouring or flying in jet packs, and the map is way to small to really have a use for a vehicle. Look at a game like arma, the maps are huge and you cross it in a few minutes with a vehicle, for a map that small, you would take 15 seconds to cross it with a car.


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1 minute ago, lukinu_u said:

current parkour is faster than archwings if used correctly, so they would not serve as mobility.

We still don't know if Archwings get speed boost or not , yet bulletjumping will be alot faster than any ground vehicle too.

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2 minutes ago, Aeon94 said:

We still don't know if Archwings get speed boost or not , yet bulletjumping will be alot faster than any ground vehicle too.

Who cares if it's faster? It'd be fun gameplay that would make absolute sense for the open world. And if you're approaching open world with the mindset of "I want to get through it as fast as possible", then I'm sorry but open world isn't for you. Stick with the current missions.

Edited by A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n
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12 minutes ago, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

What? You wouldn't be forced to use it. It makes sense for the Grineer, a heavily militarized faction, to have tanks and other military vehicles. It doesn't have to be a tracked vehicle; it could be a hover tank, but it doesn't make sense for Grineer not to have tanks.

so 1 question , do u want someone to drive a huge tank towards u , knock u over or block your view with it ?

like I said above , I'm not against some kind of ground vehicle for open world but no tanks pls.

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7 minutes ago, Aeon94 said:

so 1 question , do u want someone to drive a huge tank towards u , knock u over or block your view with it ?

Yeah, I'm fine with that, because I'll just move around it. This is an open world game! There's room enough to maneuver around a vehicle. These baseless counter arguments you guys are coming up with are not problems in an open world. And no, it doesn't have to knock us over. Again, to the people who are criticizing this, have you guys ever played an open world game in your life?

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Just now, AlphaPHENIX said:

I just want those giant kubrows like the ones Reb and Meg have so we can ride them in the plains...also obviously cosplay reasons.

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Kubrow-riding was one of my dreams but imagine how stupid we will look with it XD

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Just now, Aeon94 said:

Kubrow-riding was one of my dreams but imagine how stupid we will look with it XD

I don't want to ride a kubrow. But they could introduce some other larger creature that we could ride. Some kind of Orokin horse would be really cool.

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1 minute ago, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

I don't want to ride a kubrow. But they could introduce some other larger creature that we could ride. Some kind of Orokin horse would be really cool.

Horse...what a casual.

But let's be reall, do you think horses would still exist?

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Just now, AlphaPHENIX said:

Horse...what a casual.

But let's be reall, do you think horses would still exist?

Kubrows are like pig-dog-things, and Kavats are lizard-cat-things, so I'm sure there's some something-horse-thing somewhere.

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3 minutes ago, AlphaPHENIX said:

Horse...what a casual.

But let's be reall, do you think horses would still exist?

Well , we have mutated dogs , cats , infested fishes and upcoming vulture-like birds so why can't horses exist ?

Imagine a flamethrowing six-legged horse *-*

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By the way, I don't mean to sound angry, so if someone interprets my posts as such, please don't. I'm just glad that we're getting an open world, and it's disheartening to see people shutting down ideas for things that are rather necessary to make an open world feel open and accessible and interactive. The experience of playing Plains of Eidolon won't be as satisfying without some kind of ground vehicle that are readily accessible and drive-able/pilot-able in the open world. Those vehicles also have to make sense and fit within the context of the environment and story. Military vehicles make perfect sense, and it doesn't make sense to not have them, since the Grineer are a heavily militarized faction.

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4 minutes ago, Aeon94 said:

Well , we have mutated dogs , cats , infested fishes and upcoming vulture-like birds so why can't horses exist ?

Imagine a flamethrowing six-legged horse *-*

Because all of those, are carnivors. Meat-eating wildlife usually adpats easier and in most cases is overall stronger then the herbivor kind.

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Its interesting because people complain that DE add mechanics and forget about them

Now, we will receive maybe the most important update in the history of the game and instead of the players let DE focuse on the map and integration with all the different mechanics that already exist in the game, players are asking for more and more trivial mechanics.

"Please DE add a horse, add a bike, a tank, a ship, a skate..."

I want DE to make the landscape part of the game, without major bugs on launch, with a lot of content to find, farm and craft, with Archwing fully integrated and good. Then after all this things done and a increase in the size of the map they can add planes, space ships, giant snakes or whathever useless things the players want to look cool.


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Mounts could be interesting

Am currently working on a cavalier frame to utilize rather specific mounts - but this wouldn't discount them from being added to the game as titania/zephyr and Archwing don't

Edit: an old concept of mine may be of interest for such things


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