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Returning Master Founder of Warframe after a 4 year hiatus [Story Spoilers below]


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Before i start off this thread I just want to say that this thread will be about how i feel about the game right now (emotionally) and how i see warframe now compared to back then. I've been debating whether or not to make a thread like this but when i finally got to finish "THE SECOND DREAM" questline I felt this extreme urge that I HAD TO make this thread. So before I continue let me give you all a brief background about me. I am a person that has attachments to video games and when i played warframe back then I fell in love instantly. I felt that it had extreme potential that's why I invested to be a founder. Then, I had to move from a different country and I had to leave some stuff behind including my gaming hobbies (because I needed to get a job and save for college) and of course i started to back off from warframe because I didn't have time and my pc broke early on when i moved. So since finding a job I decided to just get a console to play on and I was happy and found a different game that I got so invested in and I decided not to ever look back on Warframe.

Fast forward now and I'm in college and I started to give warframe another go. I've been hearing a lot of positive feedback in the game and how it is so different now compared to back then. I thought to myself "Lets give it a shot again, I've invested in this game so better give it another chance". So i started to load the game in and for the first hour i just got hooked. The new mobility gameplay (Mainly bullet jumping) is just so fun and enjoyable that I just ran around maps trying to be as fast as i could be. I also enjoyed the reworked melee gameplay and there's just something about it that just feels so good. Archwing gameplay also is EXTREMELY fun! Flying around in space shooting bad guys is so rewarding (also mobility in archwing IMO is really fast paced and enjoyable!) In short, I GOT HOOKED. I also started doing this bazillion story missions that i missed for the last 4 years (Btw im not even halfway yet lol) and i was enjoying it a lot. But when i got to the quest "The Second Dream" something just sparked.

When this game just came out I always wondered to myself "If this game gets a story line implemented it would be so good" I always thought about story concepts that DE could follow and just imagining it in my head (Im a pretty creative person and I love to think about stories and stuff). When this questline started a cinematic popped up and I honestly was surprised with how it came out. The story telling was on point and it also tackled something about the main mystery on the first yr of warframe which is the stalker. That automatically made the beginning of the questline interesting to me because the stalker was a main figure that invades you randomly for no reason. So i just continued on with the mission until we "save" the "kid" in a black suit. At this moment, I'll be honest, i dont know what the hell was going on lol. Theres just so many stuff that's going on that I couldn't make out who the kid is and why the warframe was dying. Until... we get to the final fight with the stalker and The Lotus came and THE CHARACTER CREATION CAME. And then i started to understand and pieced everything out. For some reason seeing the story evolve in such a great way really made me so happy about the game. The way it was delivered was also incredibly well put because putting some mystery before the reveal of the MC and also creating his own backstory based on dialogue is really magnificent.

In conclusion, I am just so happy i came back to this game. I really think that DE is doing great job with how things our evolving and I believe warframe is on the right path. IWith all the changes that happened and how the story is going I am truly enjoying the experience warframe has to offer. I still have a bunch of story missions to burn and im building some new stuff in the foundry as of now. I cannot wait to get to playing after I write this!

 Im just curious, how are you guys enjoying the game? Do you enjoy the game as much as I do? Do you guys love the story?  Also I would also love some feedback about the end-game. I dont have experience on the latest warframe's end game gameplay so i would love some feedback on which warframes are good and how to prepare for it as well.

Thank you for reading and have a good one.

Edited by Zelorath
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dude your really behind with the foundry.  I've been excal prime founder for long time, and it was worth it fighting as that warframe even thou it didn't give out great fight until the change which I THANK GOD FOR IT BLESS BE YOUR NAME!  For my prayers been answer that excal warframe do remade so appluse me please.

I remember the horrible frog leep and the struggles the players having though 24h for we keep on dealing with falling into the hole.  As we had a change it was the happiest day ever in our lives that they took out the stamina bar, and fixing here and there for the help unlike back then we keep falling into holes causing making the players madly insane struggling making long jumps and feel like it was bloody platform which I thank the dev change it so fast before we were about rip out our hairs trying getting over the pit.  What was really annoying back then is the running up to the wall which gladly change thank you very much again.

The stories I do enjoy my choses, but sometime I wish to see the orokin possible still alive that not all of them are elimitated which we did had tenshin alive still, so hoping we will find dax guards and other members of the orokin that was able out lived the day.

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Just now, (PS4)OmegaSlayer said:

Welcome back, and...DE could do so much more storywise if they finially put the pieces of storylines related to past events back in game, as they shaped the gameworld in which you're playing now.

yea there is, which there is a quest "War Within" and there is more coming soon.

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3 minutes ago, ChaoticEdge said:

dude your really behind with the foundry.  I've been excal prime founder for long time, and it was worth it fighting as that warframe even thou it didn't give out great fight until the change which I THANK GOD FOR IT BLESS BE YOUR NAME!  For my prayers been answer that excal warframe do remade so appluse me please.

I remember the horrible frog leep and the struggles the players having though 24h for we keep on dealing with falling into the hole.  As we had a change it was the happiest day ever in our lives that they took out the stamina bar, and fixing here and there for the help unlike back then we keep falling into holes causing making the players madly insane struggling making long jumps and feel like it was bloody platform which I thank the dev change it so fast before we were about rip out our hairs trying getting over the pit.  What was really annoying back then is the running up to the wall which gladly change thank you very much again.

The stories I do enjoy my choses, but sometime I wish to see the orokin possible still alive that not all of them are elimitated which we did had tenshin alive still, so hoping we will find dax guards and other members of the orokin that was able out lived the day.


Also Im working on stories first! Theres like so much more stories i need to do lol

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9 minutes ago, Zelorath said:

Thank you Mintaro :D Is the forums not positive anymore? Noooo :(

Nah it is alright you just get the occasional salt thread here and there. 

Also not too long till POE update so i say you are in for a treat.


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Just now, Zelorath said:


Also Im working on stories first! Theres like so much more stories i need to do lol

well then you better start getting the primes, there is secret codex stories told if you want start reading lores, I mean the lore for rhino prime is deep *censorship*, I mean there is littery deep with majorities the primes it tells the stoires of them.

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Just now, ChaoticEdge said:

well then you better start getting the primes, there is secret codex stories told if you want start reading lores, I mean the lore for rhino prime is deep *censorship*, I mean there is littery deep with majorities the primes it tells the stoires of them.

What do you mean codex stories? How can you view them? LOL. Since i started i got 2 new prime frames Ash and Nekros so far. I dont have the other primes yet. I really want to grind but i want to finish the stories first.

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Just now, Zelorath said:

What do you mean codex stories? How can you view them? LOL. Since i started i got 2 new prime frames Ash and Nekros so far. I dont have the other primes yet. I really want to grind but i want to finish the stories first.

linking the wiki about rhino prime just read the codex I mean its lore base.


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3 minutes ago, ChaoticEdge said:

yea there is, which there is a quest "War Within" and there is more coming soon.

Nah, I don't mean that.

I mean that new players don't know about the tubemen despite Tyl's blabbering, don't know about the stealthy stuff done by Alad and so on, as those things were told in events and are 100% canon.

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Just now, (PS4)OmegaSlayer said:

Nah, I don't mean that.

I mean that new players don't know about the tubemen despite Tyl's blabbering, don't know about the stealthy stuff done by Alad and so on, as those things were told in events and are 100% canon.

yea it was, but it was best shot cannon, at lest it wasn't a "GLASS CANNON" HAHA Gara's joke.  Moving on, the events was worth it because it requires lots and lots of ultra powerful mods that the players needed for the future and they had their hand on unquie weapons.

Anyway @Zelorath you probably want start doing the war events, not the war within quest not to mix it up.  yea the war events will have lots and lots free weapons parts which its good start if you didn't started it which it will become pain to the neck, but it is handy to get them which they are unquie weapons happen back then, like the gorgon wraith, sturn wraith and few other weapons.  The weapons play just get any weapon play you want still, its an't my bloody chose picking for you.

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7 minutes ago, ChaoticEdge said:

the war events will have lots and lots free weapons parts

 @Zelorath He means the invasions that come up with various Wraith and Vandal parts, even Sheev melee parts.

Which can be found in the world state menu in the top right hand corner, features different tabs for different things. Starting with Alerts, Invasions next, Syndicate missions if you have chosen a syndicate to side with and gotten them past the initial rank. Fissures, which are the new Void Keys. And last should be sorties.

Although since you're doing quests, that'll actually be left of alerts, so before them.

You're going to want to get yourself some codex scanners and scan all of the cephalon fragments because once you get each planet completed it features some nice art work in the codex under fragments tab, however there are hidden audio recordings within each that tells a tale for none other than your ships cephalon: Ordis. I shall not spoil it, as it was a good story.

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" Tenno scum " Why you come back. ( grinner 2017 )

welcome back. loving the story until now.


current situation :


divided into 3, those who love changes, those whole love old stuff and the bystander who say anything


game :

riven, sorties, few boss changes., mroe steps to get to to boss map. No biggie

more mods more weapons more buff



you can finish the 4 years u missed in 4 weeks maybe

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39 minutes ago, Alcatraz said:

 @Zelorath He means the invasions that come up with various Wraith and Vandal parts, even Sheev melee parts.

Which can be found in the world state menu in the top right hand corner, features different tabs for different things. Starting with Alerts, Invasions next, Syndicate missions if you have chosen a syndicate to side with and gotten them past the initial rank. Fissures, which are the new Void Keys. And last should be sorties.

Although since you're doing quests, that'll actually be left of alerts, so before them.

You're going to want to get yourself some codex scanners and scan all of the cephalon fragments because once you get each planet completed it features some nice art work in the codex under fragments tab, however there are hidden audio recordings within each that tells a tale for none other than your ships cephalon: Ordis. I shall not spoil it, as it was a good story.

@Alcatraz Should i do those invasion missions? Are they important? Sorry im really so lost lol. I also just came up with two guys talking about "raids" too. Dont know what that is about either lol. I feel like i've been lost in space ever since i came back hahaha.

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6 minutes ago, Zelorath said:

@Alcatraz Should i do those invasion missions? Are they important? Sorry im really so lost lol. I also just came up with two guys talking about "raids" too. Dont know what that is about either lol. I feel like i've been lost in space ever since i came back hahaha.

Invasions are a bit of an extra for rewards. They're entirely optional, but if you want weapons like the Brakk or Detron, you'll want to side with either grineer or corpus 5 times to get those faction assassins after you.

Raids are basically 8 player missions that have some story to them. The first being Law of Retribution(LoR) is revenge on Vay Hek for destroying relays during an event two years ago. Relays are community areas that were created by and for the tenno and people that are neutral or aid the cause. The second raid is the Jordas Verdict, I think it's unlocked after completing the quest for Atlas. Not too sure on it at the moment.

Has it really be four years though? I see that you have Loki Prime as your avatar, and that surely couldn't have been four years ago.

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1 minute ago, SurrealEdge said:

Invasions are a bit of an extra for rewards. They're entirely optional, but if you want weapons like the Brakk or Detron, you'll want to side with either grineer or corpus 5 times to get those faction assassins after you.

Raids are basically 8 player missions that have some story to them. The first being Law of Retribution(LoR) is revenge on Vay Hek for destroying relays during an event two years ago. Relays are community areas that were created by and for the tenno and people that are neutral or aid the cause. The second raid is the Jordas Verdict, I think it's unlocked after completing the quest for Atlas. Not too sure on it at the moment.

Has it really be four years though? I see that you have Loki Prime as your avatar, and that surely couldn't have been four years ago.

I wouldn't consider my purchase of loki prime "Playing the game". I literally just bought loki prime because he's my favorite warframe and i wanted the avatar as well so i threw in cash. Played about 3 days then left. I didn't really touch the game back when loki P was released.

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2 minutes ago, Zelorath said:

I wouldn't consider my purchase of loki prime "Playing the game". I literally just bought loki prime because he's my favorite warframe and i wanted the avatar as well so i threw in cash. Played about 3 days then left. I didn't really touch the game back when loki P was released.

Nothing wrong with that, still welcome back to the game and are you looking forward to the next update hinted to drop this week?

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14 minutes ago, SurrealEdge said:

Nothing wrong with that, still welcome back to the game and are you looking forward to the next update hinted to drop this week?

Yes! Im really excited for the update, I cant wait for PoE.. Also i really want to learn more about end game stuff as well that's why im eager to learn all this new stuff lol.

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