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Plains of Eidolon Feedback - The Open World Experience - Why PoE is Lacking in this Area and How to Improve It


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First of all, congratulations on the release of Plains of Eidolon. To @[DE]Steve, @[DE]Grineeer, @[DE]Sheldon, @[DE]Rebecca, and everyone else at DE who worked so hard over the past year or so to get this out, thank you so much! You all are incredible. To see Warframe expand in such a way after the four years that I've been a part of this community is truly awesome.

Let me begin by saying that I really love that DE has finally opened up to adding an open world area to Warframe. As someone who has been asking for this for years, you don't know how excited I was after watching the Tennocon stream. As we began to see more of Plains of Eidolon, however, my hype started to fade. As Focus 2.0 was revealed, that hype decreased even further. I held out hope that it might not be as bad as I thought it would be; I waited until this day - the day of PoE's release - to try it for myself before forming a conclusion. Well, that day has come, and all of my concerns about Plains of Eidolon have proven true.

Let me take a step back and say that I'm a big open world fan. My first experience with anything resembling open world was Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I loved traveling across land, exploring and fighting bad guys. That carried over into the AC series, which drew lessons from OoT and really defined open world for the late 2000s. Then, this year, Ghost Recon Wildlands came out, and I thoroughly enjoyed the amount of freedom that modern tactical experience provided, with various vehicles and tools and interaction that it offered. That's the background that pushed me to swell with anticipation when DE announced Plains of Eidolon. My mind raced with the possibilities that open world could bring to Warframe.

The more DE revealed about Plains of Eidolon, the more I started paying attention to what the expansion was lacking. What PoE offers Warframe is good. It is fresh, and different. It’s a good update compared to what Warframe currently has to offer. However, it’s a poor, underwhelming open world experience. There are two things above all that open world games feature and that Plains of Eidolon is lacking: life and options.


By “life”, I mean that the world feels alive. It’s what moves a gameplay space from being an open map to an open world. For a gameplay space to be alive, there must be the simulation of life within the gameplay space. This simulated life takes the form of AI; that includes friendly and unfriendly NPCs. These NPCs interact within the gameplay space. Unfriendly NPCs are patrolling around, and react in a hostile manner towards players if players make threatening moves (such as pulling out and/or firing a weapon). Friendly NPCs go about their business, and get frightened when players make threatening moves. They may react angrily when players bump into them. All NPCs travel throughout the gameplay space, following their own movement paths as they traverse the open world. The feeling of “life” also reflects in the environment, which usually features diverse terrain (greener and browner areas, colder and hotter areas, etc) that helps make different parts of the open world feel unique. This is the simulation of life that makes an open map feel like a world. And it happens all within the gameplay space, not outside of it.

Plains of Eidolon is missing this. The Plains are scarcely populated with hostile Grineer and Sentients, with the latter only appearing at night. For the Grineer, their spawning and traversal of the Plains is random. Their presence lacks the immersive feeling of an occupying force, with random Grineer spawns in place of believable, understandable patrol paths. They patrol on foot, with no regularly-occurring surface or air patrols. There are no Ogmas regularly moving through the skies. There are no Dargyns regularly skimming the surface, patrolling for Ostrons or hostile Tenno. Not only does this affect the immersion of the world, but it also limits the kinds of dynamic missions that are possible (such as attacking Grineer patrols and convoys on the move).

There is no civilian presence whatsoever in the Plains. While DE has cleverly crafted a story that requires no civilians in the Plains, this is to the detriment of Plains of Eidolon. It fails to feel like a world because it is not a lived-in world. There are no villages in the Plains, no Ostrons going about their lives, no chance for Grineer-Ostron encounters. That means that the gameplay space does not feel alive or active. It isn’t a world; it’s just a large tile. It feels dead, because it is dead. And a dead world quickly becomes a boring world.

It also is the same throughout. While interesting at first glance, there is no diversity to the terrain. All areas of the map feel the same. After seeing one area, there is nothing special about moving to the next. And because it’s all brown, it’s not exciting. It contributes to the feeling of the landscape as being boring and dead. Right now, I find the Grineer Galleon, Ceres shipyard, Jupiter Gas City, and Earth all more exciting that Plains of Eidolon, and that’s because the terrain and infrastructure of all of those tilesets are more striking to me than that of the Plains.


The other thing Plains of Eidolon is lacking is options, which is greatly tied to the interactivity of the world. One common characteristic of open world environments is that they are often also sandbox environments. This means they provide a great variety of “toys”, or tools, to play around with. That includes weapons, vehicles, and miscellaneous tools that one can interact with in the open world environment. This diverse selection allows for various gameplay options, which in turn gives players great freedom in how they complete missions. This freedom is seen in how players travel to a mission/objective/target and how they accomplish their specific mission. Examples of travel diversity include using several different types of land vehicles and aircraft; examples of diversity in accomplishing missions includes stealth infiltration on foot (often after conducting aerial reconnaissance of the target area), frontal assaults, and vehicular/aerial assaults. The offering of various, diverse gameplay options helps improve the replayability of the open world experience because players have many options to help keep their gameplay fresh.

Plains of Eidolon lacks this. While Warframe offers a large selection of weapons, warframes, and companions, and a few archwings, that’s it. Plains of Eidolon does not offer various diverse ways of traversing through and completing missions in the Plains. The traversal options are either bullet jump across the Plains or fly around in Archwings (and that’s after one spends much time bullet jumping across the Plains to farm the fish oil and minerals necessary to craft a limited number of consumable “Sky Archwing” beacons). That’s it. The mission options are even more abysmal, with no real opportunity to choose the manner of approach to missions (you can only frontally assault enemies, and there is no chance of stealth). Furthermore, there aren’t really any tools to diversify that experience (such as using sentinels and even kubrows/kavats to recon an area). All of this makes for a gameplay experience that will quickly get boring. And with an environment that already feels empty and dead, it will only increase the time it takes for Plains of Eidolon to feel stale. While there are many things to explore in Plains of Eidolon, the gameplay involved will get boring very quickly (something I’m already feeling).


You all worked really hard to get this update released. But don’t let this go the way of your other updates. Don’t let Plains of Eidolon be another Focus situation, where you let it sit for two years before you touch it. Please do the work soon to improve Plains of Eidolon, to make it as good as it can be.

I suggest that you:

1)      Put Ostrons in the Plains. Whether they’re living in villages or in makeshift camps, place Ostrons in the Plains so that the gameplay space can feel alive. Let them interact with Grineer. Give us dynamic missions where we’re defending Ostron villages and camps from Grineer attack, or where we’re liberating them from Grineer occupation. Let them move around the Plains, fishing and mining and hunting and scavenging, so that the Plains truly feel active with a civilian NPC presence.

2)      Improve Grineer pathing and spawning, adding foot, mobile, mechanized, and aerial patrols. Add regular large squads and platoons of Grineer patrolling the Plains. Add regular 2-skiff Dargyn patrols that are moving throughout the Plains. Add regular patrols of Ogmas and Bolkors in the skies above the Plains. Put a Grineer Galleon in the sky above the Plains as a symbol of Grineer occupation of the area. And let them interact not only with the Sentients at night but with the Ostrons during the day. This will help the Plains feel alive and active.

3)      Give us more travel options than just bullet jumping and archwing. Give players some basic Tenno land-based transportation. Let players hijack grounded Grineer Dargyns and Ogmas. Add Ostron mounts that the Ostrons use in the Plains, and that players can use as well. These are just suggestions, but the point is that more options mean more gameplay variety and diversity, which ultimately means gameplay that will always be fresh.

4)      Design missions with multiple gameplay options (i.e. stealth, no stealth) in mind. Let us use our companions to recon areas. This will allow dynamic missions and bounties to be more varied, complex, and unique, especially at higher levels.

5)      Tweak the terrain so that the terrain can have some diversity in different areas of the map. Add different types of foliage and vegetation to different areas of the map, maybe some greener and some browner, some taller grass and different kinds of trees in different areas. Even just making the grass green instead of brown would make the terrain more striking. It’d “pop” a whole lot more. While the map is relatively small, this will also help keep the Plains fresh by creating a different feeling and atmosphere in different parts of the map. As well, the sky is really dark. Brightening up the sky during the day and making it a nice sky blue, maybe with more white clouds in the sky, would do wonders for the Plains and Warframe as a whole, presenting an environment that looks lively and different than other environments in the game.

EDIT: Something I failed to mention earlier is regarding loot, particularly weapons and weapon parts:

We should be finding these things in the environment, not buying parts as Syndicate tier rewards. Games like GRW and the upcoming Anthem do this well, imo. Having items that you can find in the open world is so much more interesting than unlocking enough standing to buy them. These items (particularly weapons, but also including cosmetic armor) would be tiered, so that there's a different rarity level associated with each tier. That makes free roam/exploration much more interesting than just discovering mining spots, fish, and lore pieces. It's something Warframe would greatly benefit from and would change the loot experience, especially if the kinds of items you found were RNG-based like Rivens. And to be clear, I'm not saying that the presence of items at certain locations would depend on RNG (such that sometimes, there's nothing there), but that the particular kind/type of item you got would be as random as the Rivens (such that you could have many different possible combinations, especially with regard to weapon parts).

DE, I want Plains of Eidolon to be successful. I want this new landscape endeavor to be something that truly expands the scope of Warframe’s gameplay and breathes new life into the game. As a fan of open world games, I believe Plains of Eidolon can only do that if it feels alive, active, interactive, and diverse. I know I would enjoy the Plains a lot more if it had these additions

Edited by A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n
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Fair criticism, and eloquently stated. I can't help but feel you set the bar unreasonably high however. Don't get me wrong, DE can, and absolutely have shattered what I and many others consider the "bar" for game's development, but, I'll try to explain what I mean as best I can.

The things you mention, at their particular depth and complexity I would wholeheartedly expect in a single-player, immersive game. That's their job, their main draw. It makes sense for resources and hours to be dedicated to pulling that off and making it believable. For a game like Warframe, a looter and shooter, action-packed and multiplayer, there are so many other things going on to be developed that it isn't worth the resources and hours to make things a little more immersive with a bit more depth. What is the payoff? Compared to refining and expanding relevant content such as combat mechanics, weapons, abilities, etc., the payoff for depth and complexity in systems that will ultimately be glossed over by your average player just isn't worth it.

Creating immersion and believable depth is akin to an illusion in a video game. The more focus you put into pulling it off, the more successful it is, and that works for a single-player, story driven or pure sandbox game, not a F2P looter shooter like Warframe in my opinion. I don't know how coherent if at all I was with explaining that, but hopefully I didn't butcher it too badly.

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One of the biggest weaknesses is how badly the stealth/awareness mechanics mesh with PoE. Even using banshee I was instantly spotted within a kill or two as enemies would see the death, become alerted, and since stealth in PoE is purely a Line of Sight check, you're then spotted even at 600+ metres. Picking targets at the back of groups helps with this, but snipers in the towers or enemies behind cover will often see the bodies anyway, then instantly alert all grineer in the area, who then all start firing with pinpoint aim towards the Tenno at a distance where they're barely a bright speck. As said, it feels really frustrating since it limits your options to -snipe the enemies faster than they snipe you, or rush the enemies and kill them with closerange weapons before the million AoE's kill you. It really feels lacking in tactical play.

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4 hours ago, WhiteCr0w said:

Fair criticism, and eloquently stated. I can't help but feel you set the bar unreasonably high however. Don't get me wrong, DE can, and absolutely have shattered what I and many others consider the "bar" for game's development, but, I'll try to explain what I mean as best I can.

The things you mention, at their particular depth and complexity I would wholeheartedly expect in a single-player, immersive game. That's their job, their main draw. It makes sense for resources and hours to be dedicated to pulling that off and making it believable. For a game like Warframe, a looter and shooter, action-packed and multiplayer, there are so many other things going on to be developed that it isn't worth the resources and hours to make things a little more immersive with a bit more depth. What is the payoff? Compared to refining and expanding relevant content such as combat mechanics, weapons, abilities, etc., the payoff for depth and complexity in systems that will ultimately be glossed over by your average player just isn't worth it.

Creating immersion and believable depth is akin to an illusion in a video game. The more focus you put into pulling it off, the more successful it is, and that works for a single-player, story driven or pure sandbox game, not a F2P looter shooter like Warframe in my opinion. I don't know how coherent if at all I was with explaining that, but hopefully I didn't butcher it too badly.

This is key to any open world experience. IMO, it's not worth doing open world if it isn't going to have the things I mentioned, because that's the draw of an open world. Without it, what ultimate reason do I have to go to the open world over a tileset? Sure, I can go to the Plains at night, but what about the day? For me, it is a lacking experience and it's not one that I want to linger in. A good open world is one you want to linger in.

That's the payoff. Endless replayability. Its why I think landscapes should've been endgame, not early game. This is where endgame content should be. Then the value of investing in it is multiplies because this is the game after you've gone through the star chart. So it'd be worth making more immersive, adding more depth. And it would have been a chance for Warframe to grow out of its limited looter-shooter shell, which holds it back imo. Warframe is shallow. It appears deep because it has a lot of features, but those features are shallow. Open world would be the one thing that is deep and immersive and complete when it comes to a gameplay experience. While the rest of the core game would be a shallow looter, the endgame open landscape would be a deep, immersive sandbox experience. That's breathing new life into Warframe (something the devs said they wanted Plains of Eidolon to do). Keeping their open world limited to fit within the limited scope of a looter isn't breathing new life into Warframe; it's sucking the life out of a feature that could be overflowing with it. For me, it just doesn't bode well for future landscapes.

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I definitely agree. One of the first things that I noticed was the lack of civilians in the plains. Cetus is a bustling marketplace, but the plains is an empty wasteland. The contrast is so striking. I would love to have little Ostron camps that interact with the Grineer, where I can choose to save/liberate them, which in turn would make me feel like my presence in the plains had meaning and my choices had consequences.

The caves are empty, the flora is bleak, the fauna is scarce, and I feel like after spending one day in the plains, I have nothing left to explore.

Nothing stands out to me.

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Really well said. I'm usually the type of player that plays for a couple months and then leaves to play another game for 2 months, and comes back. I came back just to see Plains of Eidolon when I heard about it on Friday. It turned out to be a huge disappointment. It really did feel extremely dead. In fact I had a lot more fun playing the tile sets that we already have so many of. 

I don't expect DE to make this an immersive single player game. That's not a realistic thing to ask them of with Warframe being free to play and all, but there's no point of releasing a world that feels extremely bleak.

You said it right:

Plains of Eidolon is just a huge tileset


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The LoS thing is the biggest turn-off to the open world gameplay, for me. Look at how MGSV:TPP did it; unless the enemy was a sniper their LoS was pretty short-ranged allowing you to approach the camp and engage it well before you're detected.

Significantly shortening the detection range for standard units but leaving the snipers in the nests untouched might fix multiple problems (like fishing/mining being interrupted by enemies 500m away) while still encouraging a careful approach to Grineer camps. The devs could also play around with a stealth detection meter like in Far Cry 3. It wouldn't fit properly in current stealth code, but it'd probably be worth bootstrapping in to test out internally at least.

The detection on those turret-armed infantry transports could use changes too. Those pop in randomly alongside the normal transports, and so long as they're within 500m they'll instantly detect you and fire upon you. Similarly, if you're invisible the gun-flyers (whatever they were called) will still know where you are exactly and follow you around, even though they can't shoot at you.

Edited by Sennera
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2 hours ago, Sennera said:

The LoS thing is the biggest turn-off to the open world gameplay, for me. Look at how MGSV:TPP did it; unless the enemy was a sniper their LoS was pretty short-ranged allowing you to approach the camp and engage it well before you're detected.

Significantly shortening the detection range for standard units but leaving the snipers in the nests untouched might fix multiple problems (like fishing/mining being interrupted by enemies 500m away) while still encouraging a careful approach to Grineer camps. The devs could also play around with a stealth detection meter like in Far Cry 3. It wouldn't fit properly in current stealth code, but it'd probably be worth bootstrapping in to test out internally at least.

The detection on those turret-armed infantry transports could use changes too. Those pop in randomly alongside the normal transports, and so long as they're within 500m they'll instantly detect you and fire upon you. Similarly, if you're invisible the gun-flyers (whatever they were called) will still know where you are exactly and follow you around, even though they can't shoot at you.

Enemies shouldn't be able to see us from beyond, let's say, 300 meters when alerted. Unalerted enemies should have shorter detection range. They should also have damage and/or accuracy falloff the farther from them we are. Same goes for flyers. I also think the gun-flyers shouldn't engage or follow us unless we are already fighting ground units.

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On 10/13/2017 at 2:16 AM, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

all this

I am going to start this with a question for you- De Has said they will be doing more maps like this. what kind of maps do you hope to see? personal, I very much hope that at lest one of the corpus open world maps will be a sprawling city that has corpus troop occupation. a more modern futuristic styled Chicago or New York if you will, complet with a criminal underbelly kind of thing, but with a lot of life. maby you help a resistance out of the back of a speek easy bar. Maby I am an idiot. honestly it will probibly end up being a corpus ice world, but I still kinda hope for a city of some type. ... you could still fish in the fountains at lest.

I feel like stealth is harder to do out here. it seems like drop ships are way too common at times, plus things can see you in tall grass :I  it is kind of like the infested isshue where if one notices you, almost all of them know you are there thought a hive mind. plus they can see us far before we usually can see them. 

Ground based transport would be awesome, on both sides. I think it makes a lot more scents to see tanks or ground based veicals for the grineer rather then alwas just ships, but it would be cool to have something you could use/steal that you and a squad could sit in. hell look at borderlands.

actly, that is a good exmaple for a lot of your points: look at borderlands and games like fallout. they have settlements (Tenno another settlement needs your help. god please no) with inhabitants and people. one of the venders mentions people charging people to cross bridges and other towns in the filed but you never get to see them. granted they might be behind the fence thing plus they probably do not want to live in the path of destruction for the ediolons. destroyed structures might add some flavor to the lands as well, or failed camps. I would love to see something like a meck walker or skiff bike kind of thing. patrols beyond just the camps and the like.

I think a game to also take a note form would be Mad Maxx. they had roads between the camps where patrols could spawn in, and on occasion would have supply trucks going back and forth that you could raid/destroy that would give you loot or sometimes standing. the standing in itself for the game was to build things for the people and it got the area to be better. camps went from starving and depressed people to flourishing strongholds. Rep gain right now is kind of crappy, and providing fish or ores is the "best" way to grind it out (the bounty's are better, if they decied to work...). It would be interesting to have more things to do, be it fixing something in the town or trying to build something for them with a large amont of standing given back for it. like "hey last night, the edilons took out the water pump. go fix it. we would relay be in your debt" kind of thing. or like "go get us a new power cell from this grineer camp, and we will give you a few gems in return as payment". I know its the typical fetch quests or go kill X things, but this kind of set up needs it, mostly to feel alive.

one game that got it wrong, ish, was rage. It was mostly because it was a wonderfully wasted story on a half finished game but that is not the point. the setup of the quests was correct, but too many things where left unfinished or never tied up. the things they got right however where that they had things in town you could do for the people. stuff like fixing the water works and going into the sewers to reconnect stuff. Now I dont know if the tower has tunnels going out from under it, but it would be very cool to see oriken "sewers" that are in use under the town for sanitation/power/storage and "things" sometimes wander into them that are a problem. the tower itself is also somewhat of a wasted opportunity that I hope they open up later as another area to explore. Id assume that more bountys could be done there for geting X component or clearing out an area of hostile drones or whatnot, not to mention whatever is under the tower. its something I very much look forward to them expanding on, if they ever do.

Also the metal safe things seem a tad bit disappointing for the amount of material you get from them. now if it held processed gems or something, I would not be complaining. but some fruit and a few ores... come on. Not to mention that all of the crafts that take gems need them in stacks of 10, and each one takes like an houre to craft in the orbiter. Id be somewhat more ok with it if you could process them in cetus as well somehow, even if its not a foundry but more of a general use forge.


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40 minutes ago, Fluff-E-Kitty said:

I am going to start this with a question for you- De Has said they will be doing more maps like this. what kind of maps do you hope to see?


Well, I don't think DE's capable of pulling off a full city (like AC Unity's full Paris), but they could give us part of a city.

What I want to see are four landscapes in particular:

1) Mars: I want a Tatooine-like Martian landscape, with a Mos Eisley-style town, a Steel Meridian base, a Grineer fortress, a northern Corpus outpost, and an infested region. The Relay area would be the Steel Meridian base. Factions active in the open world would include Martian colonists, Martian bounty hunters (hostile to Tenno and friendly to the Grineer), Martian smugglers and outlaws (friendly to Tenno and hostile to the Grineer), Steel Meridian, the Grineer, the Corpus (in the northern region), and the Infested.

2) Earth: I want another Earth landscape that is green, not brown. Not like the Earth Forest, not like Plains of Eidolon, but something more appealing, with rolling grassy knolls, a jungle area, and a small city. I'm thinking something like Naboo from Star Wars, with a small but royal town and then plains and a jungle nearby. This would tie into some of Warframe's old unreleased lore, featuring a Royal Trade Colony (yeah, that was in Warframe's old lore but never released by DE). New Loka would be based here. The Relay area would be central part of the city, with most of the city and the surrounding area being the playable area. Factions active in the open world would include royal colonists, royal guardsmen, New Loka, the Grineer, and the Corpus (they'd be trading with the colonists).

3) Titan: I want to see Saturn's largest moon as a landscape. Titan is the closest Earth-like place in the entire solar system, and it would've been a major colony during the Orokin era. The Grineer would have stripped it of all resources long ago, so it'd be rather barren. The main landscape area would most be Titan City, with some outskirts area. The people would live under Grineer occupation and would be forced to work for the Grineer. This would be a high-level landscape. There would be an old part of the city, where the Oracles of Saturn (old pre-Syndicate faction and one I would have partnering with Suda to preserve old Orokin knowledge) and Arbiters of Hexis would reside, and an industrialized part of the city where people live in squalor and are forced to work. I'm thinking about something like Jedha, but heavily industrialized. The Relay area would be an Arbiters of Hexis keep in the old city. Factions in the open world would include Titan civilians/workers, Oracles of Saturn in the old city (the equivalent of the Quills, basically), the Grineer, and Steel Meridian-backed rebels.

4) Ganymede: I'd like to see a Corpus metropolis on Ganymede (Jupiter's largest moon), with a section of that city being the playable area. It'd basically be like a mini Coruscant, and would be a very vertically-inclined landscape, with an upper city and a lower city (like Coruscant's surface city and underworld city). It'd be one city, but would be very different between the surface and subsurface. Civilians here would be working for corporations, with some be shuttled off to work on Jupiter's gas refineries. It would be a high-level Corpus landscape, meant for more veteran players. Corpus security would be very heavy. Security would be heaviest on the surface, and much lighter in the underworld. Operator use would be greatly encouraged, especially on the surface, in order to blend in with the populace. A lot of activities would involve some sort of espionage or heist. Perrin Sequence would have a corporate tower here, and that would be the main Relay area. Factions would include Ganymedean citizens, local Ganymedean bounty hunters (friendly to the Corpus, hostile to Tenno), Corpus security, local Ganymedean smugglers/dissidents (friendly to Tenno, but not hostile to Corpus), and Perrin Sequence.

That's what I'd like to see from Warframe's landscapes. All of these would have many factions interacting with each other in the open world, and would have multiple vehicles that we could commandeer and use in the open world.

Also, something I failed to mention in my post (I'll probably add this section to it) is regarding loot, particularly weapons and weapon parts:

We should be finding these things in the environment, not buying parts as Syndicate tier rewards. Games like GRW and the upcoming Anthem do this well, imo. Having items that you can find in the open world is so much more interesting than unlocking enough standing to buy them. These items (particularly weapons, but also including cosmetic armor) would be tiered, so that there's a different rarity level associated with each tier. That makes free roam/exploration much more interesting than just discovering mining spots, fish, and lore pieces. It's something Warframe would greatly benefit from and would change the loot experience, especially if the kinds of items you found were RNG-based like Rivens. And to be clear, I'm not saying that the presence of items at certain locations would depend on RNG (such that sometimes, there's nothing there), but that the particular kind/type of item you got would be as random as the Rivens (such that you could have many different possible combinations, especially with regard to weapon parts).

So for these landscapes, I'd want all of them to have items in the environment (in crates or lying around) that you can find and collect and use.

Edited by A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n
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10 hours ago, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:


Also, something I failed to mention in my post (I'll probably add this section to it) is regarding loot, particularly weapons and weapon parts:

We should be finding these things in the environment, not buying parts as Syndicate tier rewards. Games like GRW and the upcoming Anthem do this well, imo. Having items that you can find in the open world is so much more interesting than unlocking enough standing to buy them. These items (particularly weapons, but also including cosmetic armor) would be tiered, so that there's a different rarity level associated with each tier. That makes free roam/exploration much more interesting than just discovering mining spots, fish, and lore pieces. It's something Warframe would greatly benefit from and would change the loot experience, especially if the kinds of items you found were RNG-based like Rivens. And to be clear, I'm not saying that the presence of items at certain locations would depend on RNG (such that sometimes, there's nothing there), but that the particular kind/type of item you got would be as random as the Rivens (such that you could have many different possible combinations, especially with regard to weapon parts).

So for these landscapes, I'd want all of them to have items in the environment (in crates or lying around) that you can find and collect and use.

I was going to mention this in a diffrent post but didnt know ho it would go over.

I also thin that the armered valts that we have to open in the feild are a bit... lackluster. like its a few ore and some fruit. now if it where one or two processed materials, like say a few ingots and a gem or somehitng, that makes scents.

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8 hours ago, Fluff-E-Kitty said:

I was going to mention this in a diffrent post but didnt know ho it would go over.

I also thin that the armered valts that we have to open in the feild are a bit... lackluster. like its a few ore and some fruit. now if it where one or two processed materials, like say a few ingots and a gem or somehitng, that makes scents.

That's assuming it doesn't bug out... like the last ten times in a row I've encountered them.

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