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Plains of Eidolon: Hotfix 22.0.2


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I never thought i would say this ... especially about warframe but.... i @(*()$ LOVE Spear fishing! it is one of thoughs things i never thought i wanted until i had it. Even when i got the spear i was like.. this is SO dumb and a waste of time andits just SO grindy and annoy- OH MY GOD I JUST NAILED THAT FISH!!! (fist fish, Large Maw fish) now its like, "Tenno, crazy high explosive event happening now and-"  "SHHHHH, your scaring the fish."

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Pls DE standings for ostron is too low for regular player who have job and want to max it daily. Economy we need better economy i don't want get 3k creds as reword for my hard work in plains. 

Edited by zazo55
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too hard to take points of new syndicate.

I think, now very small reward by hard mission. It dishonest when reward (points of syndicate) by easy mission (average level) 1k, and hardest mission only 1,5-1,6k. Moreover high level missions more long (more stages). I think reward by such missions could be 2-2,5k.

Actually, in my opinion farming of points is too long. Need grow up all rewars minimum on 30-40%.

Edited by lAtlanticl
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Hi anyone, 

I did the war within again after I played through everything. I even got the mote amp from the quills. Now , at the final stage where we have to battle the queen, I cannot destroy the braids. Now I am stuck in the game, and cannot reset the game or exit it.  PLEASE FIX THIS ASAP.

Edited by Adniwhack
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3 hours ago, Adniwhack said:

Hi anyone, 

I did the war within again after I played through everything. I even got the mote amp from the quills. Now , at the final stage where we have to battle the queen, I cannot destroy the braids. Now I am stuck in the game, and cannot reset the game or exit it.  PLEASE FIX THIS ASAP.

Same here, can't play until it's fixed ;_;

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I have to upgrade my GPU to:

1) play the Plains of Eidolon update

2) play the "update" of Earth

3) not lag in Raids with all the visual FX from frames

But it's kinda my fault since I waited like 8 years to upgrade my gpu.

I was kinda like "lol ill just minmax everything, i can play GTA V and Overwatch as long as they're below minimum X'DDDD"

But with Warframe it's a different story, with so many effects such as Shadows that I have no idea how to disable through configs, at this point I'd need to develop or find a complete texture and graphics downgrade, it'll be a while until I can upgrade. Ah, well..

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Played this update for a day. New weapons are okay. New frame is meh. New reps are ridiculously grindy. So is mining and fishing. Bugs are abundant as ever. Terrible lag and disconnects and failing objectives make me question whose brilliant idea it was to host this "open world segment" on client machines instead of company servers. Doing missions in the plains is boring. You basically do same stuff, except now you have to run 500-700m between each objective and you're constantly bombarded by rockets and bombs from troops, turrets or fast flying ships. Oh and there's vegetation everywhere that makes identifying targets quickly very difficult. My maxed out Chroma with godlike weapons survives here (on max level bounties) but not much else would.

Overall, the whole open world segment is just a huge pretty-looking chore. Everything here takes more time for less payoff. It's been a pointless gimmick to bring in more Destiny players when it was conceived, and it is exactly what it remained when it made it to live. DE really let that "Warframe is Destiny but good" thing go to their head. Warframe is not Destiny. Destiny is a slow hypergrindy boring WoW-like time sink that makes you regret any time you've spent in it. Warframe was never that, but now it got a huge step closer.

Oh and no thanks for butchering Focus. Not only did you shift most talents to operator mode, which I will still not use, no matter how hard you try to make me, but you also locked them behind the most bulls**t rep grind in the game. I have my 8 million focus in Naramon refunded, sure enough, but I can't unlock almost anything unless I spend several more months going to the boring plains and hunting boring invulnerable monsters with boring operator mode, which I'm not going to do. This is a basket case of a rework for a system of endgame talents that instead of providing more and more powerful talents have introduced new grindwalls and shifted the talents themselves to a useless gimmicky mode that nobody is a fan of. I loved the Second Dream as much as the next guy, but I should have known that in hands of DE it would eventually encroach on the good things we accidentally had, and turn them into trash forced on us instead of good focus talents, while also making us grind for even more than we used to grind for it before. I guess it was too much to expect for people to learn from the *immensely popular* raids that wasting development time on such gimmicks doesn't really add anything of value to the game.

Whatever, at least we got some new weapons to play with, that will be interesting for a couple of days. Warframe is only good if you never get attached to anything and never start having any expectations from DE. Which is kinda fitting, seeing how Warframe is modeled after East Asian culture and draws some inspiration for Buddhism, which exactly teaches you to let go of everything and never get truly attached to anything.

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