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Plains of Eidolon: Hotfix 22.0.2


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2 minutes ago, DreamsmithJane said:

Okay, I'm going to add my voice to the chorus of "NO!" here.

We like Transference movement chaining. Why take it away? I don't want to wait until I land to be able to use my warframe powers after a void dash. I don't want to wonder if my feet left the ground (or didn't quite touch the ground) before I started transference, and I'm going to be caught with my pants down at the end of my "clever" maneuver. This change is unnecessarily punishing to people who have embraced the use of both operators and warframes together. That's the opposite of what should be happening, especially when considering that many people have been resistant to the inclusion of operators in gameplay to begin with.

That last part especially, I was like the one person in my group of friends who saw the potential in Operators, but DE just ripped a huge amount of it away. Not only does the game feel much slower now, that's not even taking into consideration Operators have fall damage and frames don't. This of course means that since you can't swap back, if you swap to get a few void dashes in all you've done is F*** yourself hard because you'll get squished.

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3 minutes ago, Athanaric said:

This of course means that since you can't swap back, if you swap to get a few void dashes in all you've done is F*** yourself hard because you'll get squished.

YUP! In addition to those things I "don't want", I definitely don't want to wonder if my void mode is going to run out before I hit the ground and send me back where I started with a Transference Static kicker.

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  • Vor’s Prize will now appear as “Completed” in the Codex for players that chose to skip it back in the day. This was causing confusion on prerequisites for Saya’s Vigil - it wasn't stopping progression, just adding confusion. 

this didnt make my vor prize quest completed, when the quest came and i did it it crashed mid mission and i never could finish it and it has been blurry in my codex from that day on :D never bothered me but it would be nice to maybe finish it someday. 

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You guys should make it where you can leave individually on the plains and not in a squad, and it would be cool if the waters in the plains where submersible and you can find hidden caves in it. Although good job and keep on working your magic.

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2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:


  • Increased Endo Bounty rewards at highest tiers - we will continue to monitor and balance the economy (rewards and costs). Worry not, Tenno!  

50 endo or 300 endo, we vets got enough endo already, so could the higher tier bounties rewards (that i'm assuming are also the "end game content") be more useful? I understand you want us to spend more time in the game, but i think this way you just push older players away. At least i lost my interest.

Edited by PakkiTheDog
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@[DE]Megan @[DE]Danielle Please help me relay this message to whomever is fixing the bugs. 

About the crashes at the gate,  I ran a low-end pc and I can confirm I have no problem playing in the Plains if I access it straight from starchart but if I tried to enter the Plains from Cetus' gate, the game will crash.This will mean many of us cannot take bounties and resulted unable to start Saya's quest.

I have no problem entering Cetus from the Plains though loading took awhile.

So the problem I deduced, lies at the transition at the 2nd gate going out to the Plains from Cetus.

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I still haven't received any of my Twitch Drops, not even the syandana that most people seem to have gotten. I know for sure that I should have the syandana and sigil.

It's hard to keep up with what's been fixed and what hasn't haha.

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3 minutes ago, kyori said:

@[DE]Megan @[DE]Danielle Please help me relay this message to whomever is fixing the bugs. 

About the crashes at the gate,  I ran a low-end pc and I can confirm I have no problem playing in the Plains if I access it straight from starchart but if I tried to enter the Plains from Cetus' gate, the game will crash.This will mean many of us cannot take bounties and resulted unable to start Saya's quest.

I have no problem entering Cetus from the Plains though loading took awhile.

So the problem I deduced, lies at the transition at the 2nd gate going out to the Plains from Cetus.


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Thanks for your hard work and all those fixes, but . .

" To reduce unintended Transference movement chaining, one can only use Transference once after a jump and must land before being able to use Transference again."

That movement chaining has been my favourite way to use the operator since they first launched. It was an incredibly fun and versatile way to get around, which also required a great deal of skill and finesse to pull off. So why did it need to be removed? I know flying with Archwing is supposed to be the big thing but it's not any less useful if we're able to use an inferior ability to get around too.

It may have been an unintended ability, but no doubt my greatest excitement for PoE was being able to finally use it without the skybox limit that's made it so useless for so long.
Please reconsider this change, because it is without a doubt removing one of the most entertaining, challenging and yet not game-breaking mechanics in the Warframe.

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