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D20 Concept : Rubah. Kitsune Themed warframe (PRIME TIME FEATURED).


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Le 14/11/2017 à 22:24, lukinu_u a dit :

The new "escape" fit better into warframe and still have the initial idea of rewarding the player for its reflexes.

However, I think it could be improved by adding a special mechanic that would increase ths feeling of rewarding players for their reflexe, give more mobility to the frame and make the power a bit stronger because it's a 3rd power that seems like a 1st/2nd power.

The idea is to add a combo system that stack with number of enemies hit for each successive dash during the invulnerability period.
So, for example, you would get -1 energy cost per enemi hit with the dash, for the next one if you do it during the next second. This effect may stack for each successive dash (capped at a certain percentage of reduction like 25-50%).
This is not a that much but woud reward fast analyse of the battlefield and precision with lower energy cost to curse a bunch of enemies or just travel faster.

I don't really see why this power should get such a combo system. For 25 energy, it already does a lot. No need to reduce the energy cost like that and make it a power even more spammable, even if it's for the sake of skill indexing it... Unless I increase the cost of that power. But in that case I think there would be more simple ways to set up that kind of idea, or outright better option in order to "skill index" it.

Actually, maybe it would be a bit more interesting to reward people for using the skill the way it should be. For exemple I could raise the cost of Escape to 40 or 50, but I could make the skill free to use if you are suffering a knockdown or status effect. This would truly reward players for their reflexes.

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Good news everyone ! I just learned that the concept has been featured on Prime Time #188 ! Yeah, I am kind of late I know. Why did nobody told me ? D:

I really would like to thank [DE]Danielle and [DE]Megan for the featuring. It's greatly encouraging. :)

@lukinu_u's artwork will now be considered as the official artwork for Rubah. Thank you man for the magnificent piece and the feedback brought to the concept. It widely contributed. I have to credit you for at least half of the success. :p

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Update time, but just a small one. I decided to change Escape in order to reward correct uses of the skill. Escape will now be free to cast when you are under the effect of a CC effect stagger or knockdown. This includes all kind of CC effects (tethers from denial bursas, switch teleports from commanders, etc...). Note that other status effect doesn't count (except blast that will knock you down). However, the skill cost is now increased to 50 energy.

This has been made so players are more rewarded for using the skill the way it should be. Escape is meant to be used to escape CC effect or prevent yourself from suffering damage if you are immobilized, but with the current modifications some people might be more tempted to use it as a way to quickly curse enemies. It's another way to use it, but I don't want the skill to be just used to curse stuff. So I decided to reward strongly the use of that power by removing its cost in the right situations. The cost has been increased so people wouldn't be too tempted to spam this skill over foxfire.

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Le 23/11/2017 à 00:45, Hyratel a dit :

a shame none of the abilities are named "Shenanigans", or maybe that could be an Augment for Vixen's Dance - randomly switch-teleport Cursed enemies with each other while active?

I don't really see the point about switching the position of enemies between themselves randomly. Actually I can see this being more harmful for the user than anything. Just imagine an enemy you are beating with melee being switch teleported with something that you absolutely do NOT want to be close to, like a toxic ancient. You don't want to be close to those at all.

Il y a 8 heures, (XB1)KabaEistee a dit :

So is this gonna happen? Is this frame coming? I Hope one of the best fan concepts so far!

While the featuring in Prime Time brought up a lot of hopes, I don't think this concept will be added to the game anytime soon. There is likely more work to pull out, more modifications to do and more support to earn from the community before Rubah becomes a reality. If you really like the concept and wants it to be a thing, I greatly encourage you to share it with your friends. The more support from the community this concept gets, the closer we will get from seeing an actual implementation of Rubah in Warframe. :)

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There are a lot of nice fan concepts, like : Flora, Hennya, Shard, Tiburon, Vespa, Widow, Furion and a lot old forgotten concepts aswell but the chance these will happening anytime soon is low. Maybe if the DE can hire more people to work on models then they can yearly make 10-15 frame and there is then a good chance to fan concepts happen.

(fan model makers also could work on these frames) but the chance these will be choosen is low. Personally I would suggest a fan made app where you can upload your 3d models and pictures with some story and some interesting things about the frame concept what you make then it would be more person whom willing to make concepts and full models. If I were DE I would like to see more help in this part.

Edited by Sziklamester
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Little bit of new stuff :

I'm currently trying to think through what could be Rubah's quest. I would like to make something unique. So far I thought about the following :

  • Quest would involve the warframe used to start the quest being cursed by Rubah herself at the end of the first mission.
  • The player needs to lift Rubah's curse by appeasing her hunger, greed and languor. Basically Rubah wants food, shinies and see you dance for herself. Never said this quest would be a serious one.
  • The curse would basically turn the cursed warframe into Rubah for each of the quest's missions. Each of the mission would require the player to exploit one of Rubah's tricks in order to be achieved.
  • Rubah's curse would have no effect on missions outside of the quest's mission of course. However, the cursed Warframe would be marked with a special sigil, that will be unlocked for free use at the end of the quest with Rubah's blueprint.
  • The quest acts like some kind of tutorial for Rubah herself as well.
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Still requesting your thoughts for the following ideas :

Le 26/11/2017 à 11:42, D20 a dit :

Little bit of new stuff :

I'm currently trying to think through what could be Rubah's quest. I would like to make something unique. So far I thought about the following :

  • Quest would involve the warframe used to start the quest being cursed by Rubah herself at the end of the first mission.
  • The player needs to lift Rubah's curse by appeasing her hunger, greed and languor. Basically Rubah wants food, shinies and see you dance for herself. Never said this quest would be a serious one.
  • The curse would basically turn the cursed warframe into Rubah for each of the quest's missions. Each of the mission would require the player to exploit one of Rubah's tricks in order to be achieved.
  • Rubah's curse would have no effect on missions outside of the quest's mission of course. However, the cursed Warframe would be marked with a special sigil, that will be unlocked for free use at the end of the quest with Rubah's blueprint.
  • The quest acts like some kind of tutorial for Rubah herself as well.


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I like the broad strokes of the quest idea, I'd like to see it more fleshed out - what would start the quest (is it a free-start in the Codex, has prerequisites, or do you get the quest from a syndicate/NPC etc), what tileset it would happen in? Octavia quest got some unique settings and some extensive voicing for example

How would the curse manifest? would there need to be new crafting items created for it?

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Le 05/12/2017 à 03:51, Hyratel a dit :

I like the broad strokes of the quest idea, I'd like to see it more fleshed out - what would start the quest (is it a free-start in the Codex, has prerequisites, or do you get the quest from a syndicate/NPC etc), what tileset it would happen in? Octavia quest got some unique settings and some extensive voicing for example

How would the curse manifest? would there need to be new crafting items created for it?

Hey ! Sorry for the late answer. I got involved into some pretty big projects lately.

I don't think the settings would differ too much from what the tilesets we can already find. Maybe we could add a few more tiles to that tileset in order to represent Rubah's shrine. I could imagine this either in Earth, the Derelict or the Void. Because the Earth has already Octavia's shrine, I think it would probably be better to set that in the Void or the Derelict, looking like some kind of garden. Might clash with the prime warframe lore though. This is what I did not settled the story in an exact way yet. The quest would likely be something that you can buy in the market once you reached the right Mastery Rank. A bit like Mirage's and Limbo's quest.

I don't think there would be stuff to craft. I want this quest to not be too much of a hassle for the player. Something pretty straightforward, but enjoyable. Very likely with a bit of humor as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Am ‎26‎.‎11‎.‎2017 um 11:42 schrieb D20:

Little bit of new stuff :

I'm currently trying to think through what could be Rubah's quest. I would like to make something unique. So far I thought about the following :

  • Quest would involve the warframe used to start the quest being cursed by Rubah herself at the end of the first mission.
  • The player needs to lift Rubah's curse by appeasing her hunger, greed and languor. Basically Rubah wants food, shinies and see you dance for herself. Never said this quest would be a serious one.
  • The curse would basically turn the cursed warframe into Rubah for each of the quest's missions. Each of the mission would require the player to exploit one of Rubah's tricks in order to be achieved.
  • Rubah's curse would have no effect on missions outside of the quest's mission of course. However, the cursed Warframe would be marked with a special sigil, that will be unlocked for free use at the end of the quest with Rubah's blueprint.
  • The quest acts like some kind of tutorial for Rubah herself as well.

So, do I understand this right?!

You Need the 'light' Version of rubah to Play he quest?

Questions About Rubah's Quest

I would try to write a Story Quest for rubah. But I have to write it in german and translate it into eng. SO it may take some time....

Do you want something Special or something that can not be in the Story?!

May I add something from my own?


My Story would have some contant with the Orokin and the Grineer.

They build Rubah (the light Version) without her abbilities. Only the Frame without power.

After Ballas kills Murgalis they stop finishing rubah and throw it away in the space. The grineer found it and do some experiments with the Frame.

Some how, Lotus hear that and send the Tenno to salvage the lifeless shell.

More More more would happen of course but i have to think about it and have stuff to do....


Boss Farming Frame or Quest Play and get the Frame or something like nidus (I don't hope so)

Edited by (XB1)KabaEistee
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I like it a lot, i only think the 4th skill could use some touch ups to be honest. The one thing i am thinking about is having spectral tails spawn out of her that curse all enemies that get within a short range (effectively expanding your bump cruse radius basically). 

Alsp having both +parkour speed and -friction on her 4th risks making her damn near uncontrollable XD Maybe remove the friction portion and substitute it with the expanded curse radius? 

Another idea i had right now is to tie in radiation procs into the cursed mechanic. Maybe have a small chance (<10%) for enemies that receive damage through the curse to get rad proced too? For maximum chaos <3 Kitsunes love to mess with people's head. It could also be tied into the curse part of her 4th skill. 


That said (i just poured over every thing that went through my brain) i still like the concept a lot as it is. 

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Le 20/12/2017 à 10:25, Autongnosis a dit :

I like it a lot, i only think the 4th skill could use some touch ups to be honest. The one thing i am thinking about is having spectral tails spawn out of her that curse all enemies that get within a short range (effectively expanding your bump cruse radius basically). 

Alsp having both +parkour speed and -friction on her 4th risks making her damn near uncontrollable XD Maybe remove the friction portion and substitute it with the expanded curse radius? 

Another idea i had right now is to tie in radiation procs into the cursed mechanic. Maybe have a small chance (<10%) for enemies that receive damage through the curse to get rad proced too? For maximum chaos <3 Kitsunes love to mess with people's head. It could also be tied into the curse part of her 4th skill. 


That said (i just poured over every thing that went through my brain) i still like the concept a lot as it is. 

The friction portion is mostly about making your warframe slide better and doesn't affect your mobility if you don't slide. It shouldn't be affecting your parkour manoeuvers at all. Bulletjumping will also ensure that you won't slip at all upon landing after a slide.

Now about the ability itself, I think it's fine. That power allow you to earn more mobility so you can curse more people and faster, and provides some kind of CC to all targets that you have cursed. I don't think it needs improvement considering how powerful Rubah's entire kit is overall.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, I really forgot this one since a long time, didn't I ?

I don't have anything new to share abour Rubah, through I wish I could share that concept to more users so it begins to earn more and more popularity, pretty much like concepts such as Typhus did. I would like to gather more feedback about that fan concept as well.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Time for an update.

I've been thinking if Rubah really rewarded skillful gameplay and reflexes as she's supposed to do. To be honest when I think about it, she doesn't really value the user's reflexes as much as she should be. Escape is here but it's not enough. Her kit remains fun however so I don't see myself changing her too soon.

I'm also thinking about the overall effectiveness of that warframe. Curse is kind of an incredibly strong passive that can allow its user to wipe down enemies with incredible ease if you hit multiple at once with an AoE weapon. 

Is Rubah too powerful in the current suggested state ?

I await your thoughts.

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  • 3 months later...
il y a une heure, Pifilix a dit :

I find rubah so far quite solid, no need to change d20.
Well, any ideas for her "signature" weps ? I mean like, what kind of weapons suit her the best ?

I didn't thought about any signature weapon so far, but I think fire themed weapons could fit her quite well. Something like a fire staff or a flare gun for exemple.

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