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The Fails of Eidolon (problems and suggestion)


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Hello there Tenno.

Im gonna tell you a story of a vision, a beautiful dream what was choosen to change how warframe works. A vast open land down on Earth where the remmants of a sentient roam freely, grineer are collecting precious minerals to advance their technology and the ostrons are trying to live in peace.

This was the dream, an open world experience to further enchance warframe and introduce us to a new way of playing the game. Flying throught the sky in archwing, hunting down teralysts to enchance the new focus trees and raiding the grineer miner platforms and outposts for various minerals and loot, but when it came the dream shattered as they gave us something what left a sour taste in the mouths of many players.

Here in this thread im trying to highlight all problems we encountered soo far and give suggestions on how to fix them.



The Plains of Eidolon probmlems and solutions

Suprisingly its name fits perfectly as the whole map is plain and dull. At first sight it looks great but the more time one plays here the more he notices how empty and similar is this area. Random missions popping up with low variety, eternal brown hills everywhere, nothing to do.

The problems with the plains itself:

1) Scenery: Everything is brown, to the point i feel like im looking at one of the fallout games.


If you think this is not true you can check this gameplay video of the plains and see what i am talking about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPRqgKW31qs

To fix this i recommend to bring some life to the area trees and bushes here and there with vibrant colors, green oasis like areas around the water, crystal caves even some weather effects like light wind, small rain and such.


2) Empty plains: The whole area feels empty and pointless. There are some grineer bases and outposts here and there but nothing much really. Theres no reason to explore, to search the map because theres nothing out there. The avarage void map is filled with hidden rooms and such what generates a feeling that the map is bigger than it is while also fuels the desire to explore. This should be fixed by implementing the suggestion on problem 1 and 4.


3) Replayability: Well currently this are has no replay value. Once you unlock everything you needed at cetus this place will be more deserted than most of the starmap. The whole map has some specific resources what cant be used outside and otherwise if it uses the standard earth resource drop table what means no one apart from some newbies want to go back here to farm. This should be fixed too with the suggestion of problem 4.


4) Drop tables: Due to the fact that the Plains of Eidolon uses standard earth droptable (if it even uses it) and an update specific droptable there is no incentive to play this map once you got what you wanted.

The suggestion here is to grant the area an universal droptable with chance to get EVERY POSSIBLE material here. Chances stay the same as on their specific areas what means this would be still inferior to mainstream farm nodes but would give us an oppurtinity to farm everything in one place.


5) Archwing: One of the main premises of the Plains is to hop into your Archwing and fly free as a bird. What we got feels like a kick in the nuts, not only we have to research and build a new segment for it to work, we have to extract fish oil to make them work. The suggestion here is simply, remove this.


So to sum up: Give us actual reasons to explore this beauty what is hiding behind layers of brown. Create giant crystal caves where we could rarely find rubedo, gallium and argon, giant ore veins where we could mine ferrite and fight unique area specific enemies for rare fashion items.

Turn this area into a living place with wandering ostron convoys and merchants, rogue grineer soldiers who are willing to trade their equipment for food (fish and fruits), corpus spy drones what can be returned to orbit for a nice sum of credits, finding lost kubrows and returning them home or keeping them.

Dont be afraid to touch that color palette, lets bring Life itself to here. Some green here, more blue there, ocassional red here and there and the whole map turns alive before your own eyes.

Remove the abonimation you dared to call archwing on the plains. Its simply terrible and i fail to see any way to keep the current system in any way.


The problems with the operator itself:


1) Animations: The operator animations and movement is clunky, slow and at best it looks like we are using the clots from the killing floor games. 


Before you guys try to implement anymore operator focused gameplay, fix this.....just fix it. Give operators fluid movement sets and some unique movement tricks. For example revert the hotfix what let us chain a superdash, give us triple jump on operators and so on.


2) Operator combat: At best this is hardly useable. Operators are not capatable of real combat, their survivability is worse then a Limbo's who cant enter the rift. You either turn invisible and become immortal what is good and fine for as long as you have energy or try to do the void warrior tricks and die horribly in most cases.

The nodes what make the oprators sturdier should be unlockable from the begining and active all the time not just a part of them.


3) Customization: I think i must make this part red and underlined, because the current customization options are extremely limited. We need more faces or face sliders, body sliders, atleast 30 more armor and other pieces of fashion items. You want us to use these kids? Fine, let me customize them as well as my frames.


Sum up: Make the operators move and act as fluid as the warframes, let us customize them to our hearth. In warframe everything is about pressing our limits, being agile and unique but operators fail at this.


The problems with the new focus itself:


1) Forced operator mode: Before fixing the upper mentioned problems this wont change. The longer you wait of fixing them, the more people will gonna despise or outright hate the operators.


2) Nerfs and questionable choices: This should be universal knoweledge already but people hate when something is nerfed to the ground. Opinions may change here, but some new nodes are at best questionable while others got replaced with useless variants.


  1. Zenurik, Inner might. This passively increases channelling efficiency, the problem its completely useless. There were no changes to the channel system and this node doesnt worth using at all. Also worth mentioning that the zenurki tree lost a node what gived power efficiency.
  2. Vazarin Protective dash and Guardian blast. Well good luck hitting a player with a void dash while they bulletjump across the room to not die. Also vazarin lost its original healing effect completely.
  3. Unairu, while it got some new and interesting nodes its still the least useful school of all.
  4. Madurai got itself a node what increases elemental damage by 30% but at the same time it got a nerf by losing the passive physical damage nodes.
  5. Naramon lost its invisibility (is it good or bad i leave it to the readers) along with all of the coop nodes. he new nodes are watered down versions of warframe skills and one of the node was stolen from the zenurik tree.

Most of these nodes needs either rethinking or changes to make them actually useable and not a crippled version of warframe skills.


3)  More passives needed: Many of the players despise operators for a good reason and now theres a good chance they completely abadon the focus system because of its heavy reliance on operators therefore i suggest to implement more passives what does NOT require operators at all.


To sum it up: The focus syystem is crippled by the operators itself with nodes what are nerfed or too weak to worth the effort. Nothing more to add here.


Tl;dr : The update is here but its not what we imagined. We need DE's help to turn the nightmare into the dream we were promised. The Plains of Eidolon doesnt need to share the fate of the void, this world can be turned beautiful but it needs more effort and soon. Anymore wait increases the problems created and the angry voices become louder every day.

I now request DE to fix PoE and turn it what it must be from the begining, a great open-world experience.

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5) Archwing: One of the main premises of the Plains is to hop into your Archwing and fly free as a bird. What we got feels like a kick in the nuts, not only we have to research and build a new segment for it to work, we have to extract fish oil to make them work. The suggestion here is simply, remove this.

I guess you haven't farmed a lot in this game. "oh, no, they didn't just give me the segment, I have to do something to obtain it? DISGUSTING!".


i recommend to bring some life to the area trees and bushes here and there with vibrant colors, green oasis like areas around the water, crystal caves even some weather effects like light wind, small rain and such.

I like this idea, but the plains aren't made to feel green and happy, it's mostly an aftermath of a sentient battle, so a lot of stuff is dead. And I honestly like the colors, they're vibrant enough.


Create giant crystal caves where we could rarely find rubedo, gallium and argon

The argon isn't found on earth as crystals, it's in the atmosphere. theoretically, bringing argon crystalls on earth will make them to sublimate.


triple jump on operators


29 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:

3) Customization: I think i must make this part red and underlined, because the current customization options are extremely limited. We need more faces or face sliders, body sliders, atleast 30 more armor and other pieces of fashion items. You want us to use these kids? Fine, let me customize them as well as my frames.

I agree on this

30 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:

The focus syystem is crippled by the operators

not crippled, more like slowed down, it's not as fast.

Honestly, i love the update, it's just that everyone is used to buzz trough missions and rush to the extractions. Give the plains some time, go out and fish, or have fun with friends or even randoms, who knows.

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2 minutes ago, TacticalOwl said:

I guess you haven't farmed a lot in this game. "oh, no, they didn't just give me the segment, I have to do something to obtain it? DISGUSTING!".

The problem is not that i have to research and build a segment, the problem is that i need to create a consumable to be able to fly.


4 minutes ago, TacticalOwl said:

The argon isn't found on earth as crystals, it's in the atmosphere. theoretically, bringing argon crystalls on earth will make them to sublimate.

Its not like warframe is a realistic game, lets just say that the magnetic water keeps the crystals intact. 


3 minutes ago, TacticalOwl said:

not crippled, more like slowed down, it's not as fast.

Honestly, i love the update, it's just that everyone is used to buzz trough missions and rush to the extractions. Give the plains some time, go out and fish, or have fun with friends or even randoms, who knows.

Its still there people the difference is that energy syphon is popular again along with trinity and people started to mass craft pizzas.

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36 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:


1) Forced operator mode: Before fixing the upper mentioned problems this wont change. The longer you wait of fixing them, the more people will gonna despise or outright hate the operators.

what? to fight the eidolons? pretty sure they have basically no reason to fight them if you arent looking to enhance your operator. especially the teralyst. the only things it drops that arent operator related are the 120% impact mods, and lets be honest, you'll rarely if ever use those

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1 minute ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Its not like warframe is a realistic game, lets just say that the magnetic water keeps the crystals intact. 

the water just short-circuits warframes, they may have some electrical stuff in them


1 minute ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Its still there people the difference is that energy syphon is popular again along with trinity and people started to mass craft pizzas.

maybe that's what DE aimed for, more diversity in mod selections


2 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:

the problem is that i need to create a consumable to be able to fly.

...so? I see no problem in this

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the drop tables really have me itching, i got used to the new focus and whatnot but all the junk ( AND THE RELICS ) in the drop table for bounties need to go and never come back

all those missions and the time spent to get an axi or a meso relic is a kick in the @@'s

Ps: and the reward for hunting down  that eidolon are lacklusters to the extreme

Edited by arm4geddon-117
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3 hours ago, TacticalOwl said:

I guess you haven't farmed a lot in this game. "oh, no, they didn't just give me the segment, I have to do something to obtain it? DISGUSTING!".


Yes, it is disgusting to farm useless stuff all over again to be able use something which we had already farmed to build and have been using for a long time. It is especially annoying considering how much pointless back and forth we need to do in order to do more farming in the void that is the plains.

It is like farming to build a weapon, use it for months, then suddenly have to farm some more to build an arm to hold said weapon. Pointless and annoying

Edited by Anthraxicus
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33 minutes ago, Anthraxicus said:

Yes, it is disgusting to farm useless stuff all over again to be able use something which we had already farmed to build and have been using for a long time. It is especially annoying considering how much pointless back and forth we need to do in order to do more farming in the void that is the plains.

It is like farming to build a weapon, use it for months, then suddenly have to farm some more to build an arm to hold said weapon. Pointless and annoying

Thats the point... we can magically use archwing on uranus at water zones... but hey, farm fish oil to call your archwings on the plains¿? What¿? XDDD and Why fish oil¿? do I need to polish my archwing with fish oil to get a shiny transport vehicle and blind my enemies¿? or what¿?

Edited by DarkDemonXR69
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3 minutes ago, DarkDemonXR69 said:

Thats the point... we can magically use archwing on uranus at water zones... but hey, farm fish oil to call your archwings on the plains¿? What¿? XDDD and Why fish oil¿? do I need to polish my archwing with fish oil to get a shiny transport vehicle and blind my enemies¿? or what¿?

And what you said is no exaggeration of reality. The archwing literally appears out of nowhere when you get underwater. It is harder to take it out. Can't I farm fish oil on Uranus? I've seen some fish there. There is even a shark of some sort. Space shark oil best oil I've heard.

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