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Are you liking PoE so far?


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4 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

It's disheartening that negativity is so popular on the forum. 

I'm having a blast with PoE. What's up with this obsession with perfection? It's never going to happen.  The game is still one of the best of it's type, yet people insist on bashing it like the devs are clueless as always underperforming. 

The reason why it’s getting negativity is because it’s marketed as the best update ever and was even at Times Square. If everyone sees this as a bad update, you may see a lot less people in game and the game may die, so we’re trying to get DE to sort it out before everyone knows how glitchy it really is.


thats my reason anyways.

Edited by EndermanBeast
DE listen to us.
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6 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

It's disheartening that negativity is so popular on the forum. 

I'm having a blast with PoE. What's up with this obsession with perfection? It's never going to happen.  The game is still one of the best of it's type, yet people insist on bashing it like the devs are clueless as always underperforming. 

Advertised the update and aimed it at all players. While the grind is nothing new to current players, new players will more than likely be put off from experiencing the plains, when they're locked out because they haven't finished Vor's Prize or seeing the nearly insurmountable task ahead of them with the amount of resources needed upon its initial release.

Otherwise, it's decent, but needs plenty of polish and adjustments to make some of the mindless grinding bearable. As it is now, it's an improvement over what was launched initially.

Fish oil still does not make sense as a crafting material for an orb that pretty much guides an archwing to the site.

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12 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

It's disheartening that negativity is so popular on the forum. 

I'm having a blast with PoE. What's up with this obsession with perfection? It's never going to happen.  The game is still one of the best of it's type, yet people insist on bashing it like the devs are clueless as always underperforming. 

Oh noes how dare people voice their opinion how dare people not gracefully accept everything that is thrown their way. Criticism is good without criticism nothing can evolve, What you suggest, it is just like communism, don´t be so negative, it is disheartening, the party is always right, in this case the devs are always right, perfect they never make mistakes. Oh yes they do and it is important to point the mistakes out to improve the product. I have seen enough projects, games utterly fail because of yes men, white knights, dev bootlickers, who never voiced an honest opinion but instead thought in their own twisted way praising a flawed system would benefit them, gain them favors.  

Edited by TwistedDee
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2 hours ago, EndermanBeast said:

Even though everyone was hyped for it, I feel like the update wasn’t good. Mostly because of the grind which new players have no clue how to get and doesn't help them in anything over than PoE. Also, archwing... why can’t we just have a normal arch wing where you don’t have to farm materials/fish to get.

Tell me if you liked it or not, and what you would change in the comments below.

I disagree, I think it was a fantastic update - albeit too buggy for comfort at the moment. 

The grind isn't any harder than the normal grind when you're starting Warframe - it's just that vets haven't been in that position for a while (starting out like a schlub with a new form of progression), that's why they're whining.  Soon everyone will have everything again and start whining about being bored with nothing to do.  It is the way of these things.

And yeah, the bugs, particularly the bugs for Teralyst rewards and the bugs for teaming in the plains - some of them are quite bad and persistent.  The "only the host can get Lures" bug is also very bad (theoretically, I think it's supposed to be that each member in the team finds a Grineer camp to handle on their own, captures and feeds the Lure with Vomvalysts, THEN the team hunts for the Teralyst, which would be great, but that's not possible atm).  The UI bug is another showstopper.  Another really annoying bug is the Supply Wagon bug where you insert the datamass, fend off the Grineer, then the wagon is supposed to open, but sometimes the quest is stuck there and the team can't progress, or the mission fails.  The worst bugs are always those that stop a player's progress after they've done some work.  But ofc DE are aware of all these bugs and I'm sure they're working hard to squash them.

And generally, while the teaming experience is smooth when it works, there's just too much glitchiness that's sort of more or less tolerable in the normal mission context (e.g. those glitchy transitions when the team is forming), but in the context of something that's supposed to be creating the illusion of a persistent world, that lack of polish from the end user's point of view, in terms of feel, is starting to become unacceptable.  (I really feel that DE ought to invest in dedicated servers, the peer to peer thing was nice when the game started, to get things going, but I'm getting sick and tired of being in teams where the host has a potato or a poor connection, and it's slideshow time.  One wishes that somehow you could keep the best aspects of peer to peer - the speed when players are found with good connections together - but servers could "fill in" for those annoying situations where the host has a potato.)

But apart from all that, when all's said and done, I absolutely adore the update, I love teaming up in the plains, I love the epic feel of the warframes at work in a familiar earthly setting, it makes them feel really real and spectacular in a way that the imaginary settings they've been in up till now hasn't done; and the warzone feel of the missions, particularly where the team is defending, is amazing.  The Teralyst fights are hectic and fun too - but again, if you go through those things, and you don't get a reward, it's extremely annoying.

Fishing and mining are really well done too.

So yeah, a big thumbs up from me overall - when it works.

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18 minutes ago, TwistedDee said:

Oh noes how dare people voice their opinion how dare people not gracefully accept everything that is thrown their way. Criticism is good without criticism nothing can evolve, What you suggest, it is just like communism, don´t be so negative, it is disheartening, the party is always right, in this case the devs are always right, perfect they never make mistakes. Oh yes they do and it is important to point the mistakes out to improve the product. I have seen enough projects, games utterly fail because of yes men, white knights, dev bootlickers, who never voiced an honest opinion but instead thought in their own twisted way praising a flawed system would benefit them, gain them favors.  

Criticism is, "This isn't working, here's the proof, here are some thoughts and suggestions." 

It's not, "I'm a junior game designer and I think you should be doing it this way.  If you don't heed my words of wisdom I'm going to tell everyone what a big poopyhead you are."

I've seen as many games fail from devs treating their players as oracles and not sticking to their guns. 

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32 minutes ago, Omnimorph said:

Criticism is, "This isn't working, here's the proof, here are some thoughts and suggestions." 

It's not, "I'm a junior game designer and I think you should be doing it this way.  If you don't heed my words of wisdom I'm going to tell everyone what a big poopyhead you are."

I've seen as many games fail from devs treating their players as oracles and not sticking to their guns. 

You know some of us are not 12, some of us do actually have a job, some of us also have some experience playing games and some of us are capable of giving constructive feedback, it is to whom the devs should listen. You have to filter the criticism for what is unreasonable and what is justified, adult people usually manage, they know criticism is necessary to evolve because you can always do better, it is the less mentally capable, the dreamers, the NEETs who have a romantic view of things, of the game they use to flee reality, where they feel and experience accomplishment and where they feel that a huge grind is personally rewarding once you finish it because not everyone is willing or capable to deal with that grind so you finally can feel like you have accomplished something in life. So far I have not heard a single sane argument in favor of how the PoE grind was implemented, I have read plenty of well thought out and well brought forward valid criticism so I have to judge based on the social background of people and there are those who have a sense of how the world works and those who never leave their own four walls and therefore have an extremely limited view of things.     

Edited by TwistedDee
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48 minutes ago, Omnimorph said:

Criticism is, "This isn't working, here's the proof, here are some thoughts and suggestions." 

It's not, "I'm a junior game designer and I think you should be doing it this way.  If you don't heed my words of wisdom I'm going to tell everyone what a big poopyhead you are."

I've seen as many games fail from devs treating their players as oracles and not sticking to their guns. 

Exactly. There is a difference between criticism and straight up endless bashing of the content. 

I have many criticisms of the content too, but I can also recognize it's a great update. No devs in the business gets everything right every time. 

Or maybe I'm just one of the few players thats actually enjoying PoE a lot, despite it's flaws. I'm loving the open environment, the bounties, The new activities to do. I feel like far more was done great than there are missteps. I'm just not obsessed with the game conforming perfectly to my taste. 

Its not just these forums either I find in general people just can't consume and enjoy content for what it is anymore, everyone has become an extreme critic of everything. Holding things to a standard that's never been reached.


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1 hour ago, TwistedDee said:

Oh noes how dare people voice their opinion how dare people not gracefully accept everything that is thrown their way. Criticism is good without criticism nothing can evolve, What you suggest, it is just like communism, don´t be so negative, it is disheartening, the party is always right, in this case the devs are always right, perfect they never make mistakes. Oh yes they do and it is important to point the mistakes out to improve the product. I have seen enough projects, games utterly fail because of yes men, white knights, dev bootlickers, who never voiced an honest opinion but instead thought in their own twisted way praising a flawed system would benefit them, gain them favors.  

I somehow don't think this game will utterly fail and you'll still be playing.

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I think it's an awesome update. Are there bugs? Yes. Is DE squashing them? Yes. Does rewards/grinding need tweaking? Sure but they are working on that slowly as well. 

Hey look. It was a free huge game update that introduced many new systems. I have been around a few years and haven't had this much fun in a long time with Warframe. People need to relax, report bugs properly, give good feedback to help DE get the minor issues sorted out. 

At the end of the day it's a game. A free to play game. Relax and take it easy a little. 

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23 minutes ago, Froztbytes said:

So far I'm liking it.
But if I were a new player I might have a different opinion.

I actually have to admit that I feel the other way around - I think I would be totally blown away if I'd be a new player. :) 

Nevertheless I really enjoy PoE. 
The only thing that really bothers me in a way.. I wish there would be a bigger variety of missions out on the plains. Personally I had a blast the first evening, but you really fast reach the point where you feel like "Hum, well, I think I've seen it all. Rinse and repeat."
But who knows? I am amazed by the way DE takes in feedback and keeps adjusting things, so I honestly have no doubt that the open world idea will keep evolving and improving in the future. 

I've silently been following all the feedback discussions on the forum ever since PoE arrived, and it is actually sad to see all the negativity. While I do understand a lot of the thoughts other fellow tennos have on the Update, there is also a fair (a really, really fair) amount of nonsense going on.

People have been complaining about having nothing left to do for ages, now they complain about the new grind. 
It might not be perfectly balanced yet - but like I said earlier.. things keep being adjusted, atleast give them a chance.
Someone earlier said (bare with me that I don't remember your name rn :)) that the veterans are having big trouble starting from scratch because they are so used to having it all. 
And I honestly think that is the perfect description for this. 
So please, stop acting like spoiled kids* :smile: - we are all grown up tenno by now!

The other day I saw someone saying something like "It is sad to see DE running out of ideas for their game, so they come up with fishing and mining"
But aren't that.. Ideas aswell? 
In all seriousness it is something I would have never expected. Mining or fishing in Warframe. But really though.. In my honest opinion it breathes a lot of extra life into PoE and they managed to blend it in perfectly, without any odd feeling to it.
Leave out the fact that the fishing mechanic is the best I have ever experienced in any game, but that might be personal preference.

Operators.. The rise of the little monkeys (no offence, thats just how we ended up calling them in our clan :)).. I am actually a little bit scared to even say anything about this. 
It's hard, really really hard. They heavily remind me of Archwings.. You either hate them or you love them.
I don't want to go too much into this, but I want to remind those of you, who really don't like the operators and the direction things seem to go at the moment: As much as they might freak some of us out (hell, they are spooky, right?) - There is also a fair bunch of people who loves them. 

I have to admit I have been scared as well. That the operators might will take over a too important role. But then I started thinking about it a bit more and I realised that I would find it sad, if they would end up being dead content. Something you unlock with a quest and never use again. 
They are there for a while now, so it is time to accept that they are playing a part in the Warframe universe now - and move on.
If you ask me.. That you have to use your operator for certain things sets this game apart of some other games, where you just brainlessly shoot things. I don't think that operators are a real threat to your frames. They just make sure you have to play things a little smarter sometimes, before you can blow everything up again.
So instead of fighting the pure existence of the little monkeys I decided to live with them and trust in DE that they will keep their priorities straight, and not turn this into Waroperator.

Overall I think PoE is well done. I love the atmosphere and unlike others I don't feel like it was rushed. 
It ran into bugs.. Of course it did. But like I mentioned several times now.. Things are getting fixed and adjusted as we speak. Pay them some credit. 
I don't know if you played many other games, or experienced how sometimes big content patches get handled in other games.. There is downtimes. There is bugs. There is weeks inbetween release and first fixes. And most of the time players have no words on adjusting rewards or w/e. 
So yes, to pick up the word from earlier: I think all of us are a bit spoiled by DE, if we realise it or not. So forgive them their flaws and see it for what is is: A team that actively works on things to improve your game experience. But things like that don't happen over night and you can't please every single one, therefor we are too different :)

In a game that still receives love and work there always will be changes some people maybe don't like, but it is your choice if you adapt to those changes or if you let the negativity take away your fun before you even gave those changes a real chance.

And considering the fact I didn't plan on saying much, this turned out far too long, I am sorry!


* just to clarify: I did not mean to offend anyone, I just wanted to spread a little bit of humor, don't take it too serious. :)


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For me the feelings are rather mixed.

I like the pet shop, I like mining, I like the vanity items and the Zaws. What I don't like is fishing. It takes a lot of time, you need it everywhere, and the baits seem rather RNG. Out of an average of five baits I get one fish of the type it is supposed to lure in.

I don't like Focus 2.0 either. It takes and even more ridiculous time to work on, the Eidolon hunt is backwards, as in you have to kill the boss multiple times to get enough standing to become an "Eidolon hunter" to be able to hunt the boss more. And farming focus in general is more of a pain that before.

I like the map overall, I kind of like the bounties and I don't have a problem with enemies, though they have all the annoying type of CCs (the freezing grenade, grappling hooks an slam attacks).

Rewards for your time are kind of all over the place. Some things are a real grind for little reward, while you can get other things rather fast that are nice to have.

Overall, it's a nice update, though too detached from the rest of the game. Like its own little thing within Warframe.

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I love it.


The worst thing about the update is that some new/returning players are salty about every single "grindwall" they'll find.

It's a freakin F2P kids... (I mean if you can't handle "this" grind, just find another way to grind for PoE content. Farm platinum and buy daily deals in Cetus shops for example)

Edited by Xgomme
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1 hour ago, Xgomme said:

It's a freakin F2P kids...

Being Free-To-Play is not a "get out of jail free" card and it does not excuse poor decisions/implementations. People do invest money in F2P games, that is how they stay afloat. Warframe doesn't run on fairy dust and goodwill.

There is okay grind and then there is ludicrous grind. PoE currently sits in the latter category along with the Hema. I don't mind grinding if it is reasonable and the rewards behind them are worth it and it doesn't suck the fun out of the game. So far the cons far outweigh the pros in this update. 

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37 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Being Free-To-Play is not a "get out of jail free" card and it does not excuse poor decisions/implementations. People do invest money in F2P games, that is how they stay afloat. Warframe doesn't run on fairy dust and goodwill.

There is okay grind and then there is ludicrous grind. PoE currently sits in the latter category along with the Hema. I don't mind grinding if it is reasonable and the rewards behind them are worth it and it doesn't suck the fun out of the game. So far the cons far outweigh the pros in this update. 

Well don't grind then ? Wtf

If you clearly say it's optional and you don't want to grind, don't grind. Simple...


Also they tonned downed the grind.

And if this grind is a problem but you don't mind grinding relics. Each shop have daily deals you can buy out of platinum. Farm platinum, buy those. Boom :clem:

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Not a bad implementation, but itself this won't solve the core problems of the game. Also the grind is not fun if they not fill with fun implementations. The only problem the grind as always the anti fun ideas which created during the development and cause this is a free to play.

I would like to make my own maps and would like some dojo and social additions. That could help to solve the repetitiveness with filling some fun. So I am more likely waiting for the tournaments, orbiter expansion and the king pin system.

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17 minutes ago, Xgomme said:

Well don't grind then ? Wtf

If you clearly say it's optional and you don't want to grind, don't grind. Simple...

"Well don't grind then" is not an answer. Also you clearly misunderstood my post. I said I don't mind grinding as long as the grind isn't excessive and the rewards are totally worth it. Right now they are not. I only want to grind for something if the rewards are obviously worth the time. Simply just dismissing the grind problems doesn't do anything and only makes sure this update remains a chore, when you are supposed to be having fun.

17 minutes ago, Xgomme said:

Also they tonned downed the grind.

Not by much. They've still got a lot of things to do with this update. 

17 minutes ago, Xgomme said:

And if this grind is a problem but you don't mind grinding relics. Each shop have daily deals you can buy out of platinum. Farm platinum, buy those. Boom

This is just shifting the problem, not addressing it. Even if I was farming relics outside of the Plains, which defeats the purpose of the place, it wouldn't change the fact that the area itself is a glorified mega-grinding arena, like Destiny. Simply saying "go grind somewhere else" does not fix any problems whatsoever. I want to be able to grind in the plains, but the rewards are just not worth it. Either make the rewards better, or tone down the grind to match the mediocrity of the rewards.

Edited by TheGodofWiFi
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In between all the bounty breaking bugs, the grind and pitiful rewards (I've been getting focus lenses up the wazoo, F*** the bounties)... It was impressive at first, but got quickly repetitive so...






At least the fishing and mining was fun.

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