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Cetus Wisps


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After looking through the forums, trying all sorts of different "fly through" maps and circling the plains for hours I have still only found 1 Cetus Wisp. Best part is, that one was by accident while fighting a Vomvalyst! These things are abysmally rare and you need 30 of them just for the first AMP upgrade. Now, I get they are supposed to be a rare thing, but this spawn rate for them, the fact they never come from caches, and only sometimes come from tier 4 and 5 bounties (1 and 2 respectfully) is just asinine.  


I am sure others have supplemented great ideas. I mean, we could always put them in containers as a rare drop, have the dang Vomvalysts drop them as a rare drop. I wouldn't even mind mini spy vaults in PoE just to get my hands on them. Still, if that isn't enough, I will pay for them. That is right, I rather shell out a couple plat than run around like a dolt looking for objects that may or may not be there. Charge the same amount as a Detonite Injector and we are golden. I really don't think I should have to sink 4 hours of running around looking for these buggers just to come away empty handed and to save me that horrendous experience I am willing to pay for them. This really shouldn't be a stretch to think of, you let us buy Detonite Injectors, Mutagen Masses, Fieldron, Tellurium, etc. Hell, we can even buy gems and fish guts on a time rotating table and those things aren't as bad to get! (Well, the rare fish are a different story but there are enough threads about that nightmare I won't get into it here) So please, change something about these wisps or just let me buy them, simple as that.

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I got around 7 randomly, I therefore missed 23 for the amp. It took me around 10-15min to find them all.

You have to search at sundown / night / sunrise around the giant lake + the river next to it + the pond with the geyser.

Then go back to town, and go back to the plain to repeat.

Equip all mod to show loot and it'll be easy.


I thought wisp were a pain to obtain, in the end they're quite easy. The real issue are the rare fish like murkray and the eidolon breath which isn't farmable in anything else than bounty...

Edited by Trichouette
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Funny i got 11 in like 15-20 minutes, while looking just for them. Titania + loot detector + thiefs wit, you can see them on minimap and they apear only near water. Its even easier when you figure out where they spawn since they have static spawn points.

Edited by kuciol
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4 minutes ago, kuciol said:

Funny i got 11 in like 15-20 minutes, while looking just for them. Titania + loot detector + thiefs wit, you can see them on minimap and they apear only near water. Its even easier when you figure out where they spawn since they have static spawn points.

That is the thing, I am running thief's wit and loot detector flying around on my archwing to the spawn locations mapped out by others on the forums and nothing. So, I don't know if it is luck based or their are certain times I should go to X location but it is a tad bit ridiculous. 

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It is somewhat luck based , on 1 run i got 2 while on next one i got 5. Whats more important is that archwing is not the best to look for them. They spawn close to ground and start to run away after about 5 seconds thats why i use titania. They are tricky to spot at first but once you get some you will get better at it.

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Just now, kuciol said:

It is somewhat luck based , on 1 run i got 2 while on next one i got 5. Whats more important is that archwing is not the best to look for them. They spawn close to ground and start to run away after about 5 seconds thats why i use titania. They are tricky to spot at first but once you get some you will get better at it.

I will try again, but with all the massive time sinks in PoE it seems there is little else I can go do and have to put all my time into the PoE. I mean, I would like to get back in to doing my daily runs of other things as well. Here is to hoping it gets better.


2 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

Aren't those night spawns?

They can spawn day or night.

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Wisps have specific spawn points, as others mentioned. It's not a guaranteed spawn, but at least you know approximately where to look and their spawns get reset every time you leave and reenter the plains. It's certainly annoying, but at least less luck-based than things like fishing or bounties.

Acquire a map from the wiki, bring your fastest frame (like Volt), stack loot radar mods. Go to the big lake with the geyser to the left of the gate and scope in from afar, there's multiple spawn points so odds are you'll see one wisp there to get, then race back to the right where the gigantic Eidolon river is. Run a lap around that, there's up to four spawn points along the shore, then go back to gate and reset. You should average 1 wisp per run, more if you're lucky. From there it's just a matter of time...

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For those who want to use archwing to do some quick run : be careful as loot detector and thief's wit don't work in archwing since you're not technically using your warframe. The only way is to have a companion with animal instinct. I recommand using Itzal for cosmic crush as it will pull the cetus wisps above your position so you just have to ascend a bit to pick them, Blink is also good to zip from water bodies to other water bodies. I get 2-3 wisps per run doing this, just be careful of enemies AA.

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