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[DE] Please for the love of fish & Wisps


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Revert whatever you did to fishing in last update  back to before. If you have stealth nerfed fish spawns as it seems you have (due to only catching a fraction  compared to pre update) because more tenno  fished for standing than they did  doing bounties maybe you should look at why no one likes bounties (pointless low level rewards). Its not as if people are fishing for an hour  to max standing and reach T5 in a few days  as the 20.000 cap makes that pretty hard to do anyway. But lowering the spawn rate considering how much fish are needed to craft  stuff is just dumb and that leads to people just not bothering at all  and i would hate to see POE going the same way as D2. There is already a limit for standing  so why limit how many fish you can catch when they are such a high used build resource.

Im at 2200 hours in this game and ive taken my time leveling up  Ive  been TRYING to play POE and enjoy it since its release but in truth Im already getting bored and burning out with it the grind is just  boring to be honest. Only thing that was worth doing was Eidolon hunt  but now after 30+ of each shard and 100+ cores  even that is just like MEHHHHHHH cant be bothered anymore WHY?.

Because all im getting for that fight is a few cores and a couple of shards "OK but you need those for quill standing i hear you say" Your right i do but whats the point if everything  you can buy requires those pesky Rare wisps  and FISH and gems. Wisps seem to be rarer for some than for others dont understand that at all considering how many you need (why not just make them appear  during the night only Put them in the MINES or around the Bones of  fallen Eidolon that are lying all around the map and increase spawn rate double it)  make them something for none Eidolon hunters to do during the night cycle.

Edited by LTDaWolf
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I don't know this is bug or not, but Luminous Dye range is smaller now. I can hear the sound of fish swimming loud and clearly but I can't see fish in the water, really not fun when trying to catch fish at night. I can only see the marked fish when it really close to the surface.

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Fishing was fine before the last update, most of us feel there's a 'bug' (that coincidentally happened on a weekend when a lot of us had boosters...) at the moment and hopefully it will be corrected with the next hotfix.


Wisps, yeah they're a pain to find, wouldn't be so bad if they actually had a glow or something to help spot them because they blend into the scenery far too much imo.  I also don't seem to have that high a spawn rate or more accurately if they are spawning they're nowhere near me most of the time.


Gems/ore, personally feel the amount you get could be buffed and the rarity of some of them is far too high compared with how much we need etc.

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12 minutes ago, dudefaceguy said:

Players enjoy fishing and find it rewarding. Better nerf it.

More like "Most players liked the concept as a side game, but didn't want it as a core mechanic and hate the amount of fishing required - but there were some players who liked fishing and and didn't think it was too grindy - so lets nerf it to ensure EVERYONE finds the grind oppressive."


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11 hours ago, KenthNisshoku said:

hot spots don't even work properly

tossed 30 bait only 1 or 2 rare fish spawned

and when they do spawn they despawn immediately

The hot spots just a joke for me.a meaningless design

most situation is waste time and bait to wait 0-2 rare fish.

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16 hours ago, eltroeltro said:

You sir just said everything that could be better of POE and i love that. but you forgot to say that it's still a nice update (POE i mean)

yes your right i agree I do like POE But the bugs and grind  make it less apealling

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