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Petition to bring back Excalibur Prime (Only Excalibur Prime)


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Just a thought, MAYBE DE could allow those who did not have the opportunity to get the founders pack to purchase JUST Excalibur Prime and nothing else, not the badge not the prime weapons while the founders will get a new exclusive item (Weapons, sigils, syandanna, dual lato prime/ dual skana prime, etc) that are related to plains of eidolons. Just a suggestion. 

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No. It has been said many times , DE won't bring him or other founder stuff back. Let it stay as it is. We will get Excalibur Umbra with The Sacrifice quest which is next big cinematic quest. At least that is what we can get equivalent to his prime.

Edited by Aeon94
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I'm not a founder, since I didn't have the money at the time to get Hunter pack...but let me just say one thing..





I'm sorry, I want him and the weapons just as much as the next person, BUT HE AIN'T COMING BACK!!


If anything, I think DE should just distribute all of the Affinity from Excal Prime, Lato Prime and Skana Prime to everyone.  That's THE ONLY THING that I can see being fair, and NOT screwing over Founders.

Edited by Oksanya
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6 minutes ago, TheHoodQ said:

Just a thought, MAYBE DE could allow those who did not have the opportunity to get the founders pack to purchase JUST Excalibur Prime and nothing else, not the badge not the prime weapons while the founders will get a new exclusive item (Weapons, sigils, syandanna, dual lato prime/ dual skana prime, etc) that are related to plains of eidolons. Just a suggestion. 

Here ya go. 

I wasn't a founder but I admire the people who dropped $200 to support Warframe early on. They made the game survive so that we, in 2017, could enjoy it. I don't ever want to get access to Excalibur Prime because it would be wrong, morally, in my opinion. At least, it wouldn't be good karma for DE. 


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