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The proposed log-in reward changes are frustrating and dissapointing


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20 hours ago, (PS4)fullblast35 said:

Blame it on the players complaining about it.  I've spent blood sweat and tears to get where I am, now anyone can get everything thanks to this lazy side of the community who wants everything fast.  At least we know DE listens.

You spent "blood sweat and tears" pressing a button to login every day? Please. That's not what that saying means. Yes, now everyone "can get everything" by spending the EXACT SAME AMOUNT OF TIME as you did to get everything. 30 seconds of work a day is not "effort" since a MR0 could effectively have all these items by just pressing login daily and then logging back out.

The way they worded it after 50 days you get the first sigil, then you pick your next track to get the reward in the next 50 days, then you get another sigil, THEN you get to pick your next reward. They didn't word it as you can get everything in half the time, they worded it as you get to pick your milestones instead of DE picking them for you. Cosmetics are fine to keep behind a login time frame, things that actually affect game play are not. Period. It should not have taking this much complaining for that message to get across and it also shouldn't be met with this much push back by people claiming their "effort" is being diminished.

Edited by Ashendal
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On 11/3/2017 at 1:18 PM, (Xbox One)DeluxeKnight831 said:

For those who didn't catch the latest dev stream, the log in reward system is being changed once more. This time it allows players to set reward goals to work towards. for example, you can select the Sigma and Octantis, currently 700 day reward, and work towards it presumably log in for 50 days and obtain it. 

The current log in reward system is okay. It rewards loyal players who stick to the game and are in some cases a sort of identifiable trophy for hardcore players who also log into the game frequently. You don't even have to do any work, just log in when it's reset time and it counts. The proposed system gets rid of all sense of reward for hardcore players. Sure it's better for the casual player and by casual i mean the player who only plays for a limited time, maybe only on weekends but then again, you don't even have to play the game to add to your reward progress . All you have to do is log in and log out if you wish . I just can't understand why it would be changed to the new system discussed. it's really frustrating to be at 600 days plus like myself only to learn all my progress working towards certain log in goals will mean pretty much nothing in the near future. If people want a certain weapon faster from the rewards, why not log in and log out like the rest of us have ? i just don't get it and i don't think it's a good change at all. I hope DE reconsiders on this one 

it still takes 700 days to get all the rewards tho

the only change is that players get a choice as to which one to go for first

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4 hours ago, TheBrsrkr said:

If it's that simple, why can't everyone do it? 

Having a job? Social life? Vacation? Medical emergency? Family emergency? Birth? Death?

I mean, there’s a lot of legitimate reasons not to log into a videogame everyday. And they still have to log in for 700 days to get everything, they just choose which mile stone they want first.

But I guess people who think logging in for 500 days is some kind of special trophy. Its not, you just had more free time to be concerned about make believe items.

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2 minutes ago, racooperii said:

Having a job? Social life? Vacation? Medical emergency? Family emergency? Birth? Death?

Wow, it's almost like it's not simple at all. Almost  like it's a complex issue where tough decisions not everyone would like have to be made. Almost like it can't be simplified to, say, everyone who whines about it is a special snowflake who thinks they deserve it for playing longer than anyone else. Hm. Really activates the almonds. 


2 minutes ago, racooperii said:


But I guess people who think logging in for 500 days is some kind of special trophy. Its not, you just had more free time to be concerned about make believe items.

For the umpteenth time, none  of these weapons are things you can't get better of today, now. Right now. I fail to see how this is an issue beyond  people wanting something they can't  have. Or in this case, can have but have to wait for. 

Edited by TheBrsrkr
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Just now, TheBrsrkr said:

Wow, it's almost like it's not simple at all. 


For the umpteenth time, none  of these weapons are things you can't get better of today, now. Right now. I fail to see how this is an issue beyond  people wanting something they can't  have. Or in this case, can have but have to wait for. 

If we can get better now then why does it matter if people can get them sooner? By this logic, getting it 50 days later or 500 days later doesnt matter cause you still eventually get it.

This is an issue where some people have made a huge stink over people getting things faster than they did. So in this case, why does it bother them so much? Their pretend achievement isnt as meaningful now? They’ll get over it.

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4 minutes ago, racooperii said:

If we can get better now then why does it matter if people can get them sooner? By this logic, getting it 50 days later or 500 days later doesnt matter cause you still eventually get it.

That's aside from the point. These weapons aren't rewards, they're milestone markers. Getting them means something, even if it is for something as mundane as logging in. You're cheapening that experience for no reason I can see other than envy. If it isn't such a big deal, why do you care so much? If it is such a big deal, why shouldn't they care? 


7 minutes ago, racooperii said:

This is an issue where some people have made a huge stink over people getting things faster than they did. So in this case, why does it bother them so much? Their pretend achievement isnt as meaningful now? They’ll get over it.

If  you got a company watch for sticking out your job for 10 years, where you made no upward movement but contributed at your station already, then the same company start offering a yearly system where you pick what you want to get after the first year, including your watch, what was the point? It's like a participation award you give to children. 

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On 11/4/2017 at 5:45 AM, (Xbox One)DeluxeKnight831 said:

it is because it's a sort of trophy. i mean it definitely is important enough for other people to want them ASAP right ?

People want Zenistar because it's a genuinely good weapon. People want the Primed mods because however niche those are, they all have their uses and they're very good at them.

It's only useless junk like the Azima and the 650-day sigil that can possibly serve as trophies, and I highly doubt anyone other than special snowflake-wannabes even care about those, other than "using" the Azima and the Zenith for mastery fodder.


This thread is pure comedy - All daily tribute milestone fast-track suggestions in the past have been bashed by insecure special snowflakes who called it whining. Now DE announces an upcoming change that doesn't even change the total days required and these very people whine way more vocally than everyone they've accused of whining combined ever did.

Edited by Mattoropael
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13 hours ago, DeltaPangaea said:

It's because it's gameplay content. And unique gameplay content no less, they aren't just 'assault rifle but a bit different', they have different functions to them which only they have.

None of which are more useful than weapons you can already get in the game, especially the Azima. The Zenith  is exactly as you describe, an assault rifle but a bit different. You'll get more mileage out of Soma or even Braton Prime than you'll  ever get out of the Zenith , but the Zenith is simply a nice thing to have. Infinite punch through is severely overrated, and  the enemy highlights, while useful, isn't particularly spectacular especially since the other weapons mentioned will take down enemies faster even with infinite punch through, meaning enemies are still highlighted because they're ALIVE. Same with the Azima and Dex Furis, Akstilleto Prime, Aksomati, Wraith Twin Vipers, Twin Grakata...... The sword and board isn't even that good. Like, at all.

If it were just for the Primed mods I would get  it, because I was legitimately confused when things  like Primed Shred and Vigor were locked behind it. These do wonders for a lot of builds and are something not easily replaced with by a competitor. Wouldn't care in the slightest. 


13 hours ago, DeltaPangaea said:

Honestly, I like this proposed system even more if it's making people like you this upset.

 But here is where you show your true colors, Tenno. These are not children. You do not tell them it serves them right because you got what you wanted. These are people who put their time and possibly money into this game for years for those weapons. They feel cheated and their experience cheapened. That is exactly what happened. Yes, they are still ahead,  but being ahead now means nothing. They came to the forum to express their displeasure. Nothing will change, and I know most of them know that, but that isn't the point.  


You want this out of nothing more than malice. I don't even care, according to Warframe I have 43 days played. The system would be better for me to get these weapons I don't particularly want. Yet I can still understand why people don't like it. You show us here that you cannot. 

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1 minute ago, TheBrsrkr said:

 But here is where you show your true colors, Tenno. These are not children. You do not tell them it serves them right because you got what you wanted. These are people who put their time and possibly money into this game for years for those weapons. They feel cheated and their experience cheapened. That is exactly what happened. Yes, they are still ahead,  but being ahead now means nothing. They came to the forum to express their displeasure. Nothing will change, and I know most of them know that, but that isn't the point.  

M8, people aren't putting money into this game for the goddamn login rewards. The experience and time that they've put into the game isn't going to be erased from their brains because someone can get a weapon in a different order to what they did.

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38 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

Being able to work towards something they'll want will probably boost log in and play time stats - they'll login more often to get the new weapon faster and play longer to level up and forma them.


Shhh... Don't expose DE's plan like that!!! 

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As a returning player whose join date is April 6, 2013, I appreciate the changes. I have 2,255 hours on record but I'm just now reaching login day 200. It's nice to know DE is thinking about new and returning players like this.

Edited by JBurke
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9 hours ago, TheBrsrkr said:

That's aside from the point. These weapons aren't rewards, they're milestone markers. Getting them means something, even if it is for something as mundane as logging in. You're cheapening that experience for no reason I can see other than envy. If it isn't such a big deal, why do you care so much? If it is such a big deal, why shouldn't they care? 


If  you got a company watch for sticking out your job for 10 years, where you made no upward movement but contributed at your station already, then the same company start offering a yearly system where you pick what you want to get after the first year, including your watch, what was the point? It's like a participation award you give to children. 

Cheapening what experience? Taking 1 second to log in...oooh such an accomplishment. Youre also the one who pointed out they can get better already, it was YOUR point to begin with. They're still Milestones just which mile is different. Im also not the one throwing a hissy fit, you are with “But my effort” “Its a badge of importance” and other whiney nonsense.

Why do you care enough to keep responding then? Because You're jealous other people are getting a better log in reward system, thats what it sounds like to me. They are meaningless which is why I dont care if a new player gets the same log in rewards Ive gotten faster, Im not the ine trying to preserve my “Oh so precious achievement of typing in my password once a day”.

Im sorry but I cant take you seriously bringing up the company prize. The company prizes are always cheap garbage, Id rather get a yearly raise than a watch in 10 years. The only people who care if someone else gets some silly prize faster are petty people with a false sense of accomplishment.

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12 minutes ago, racooperii said:

Cheapening what experience? Taking 1 second to log in...oooh such an accomplishment. 

You keep saying this, not realizing that putting it at this level makes you seem petty because you want something when you can't complete such a basic task as taking 1 second to log in, yet you want a reward anyway for not completing such a basic task. 


14 minutes ago, racooperii said:

. Im also not the one throwing a hissy fit, you are with “But my effort” “Its a badge of importance” and other whiney nonsense.


He says, while complaining about something that he could have gotten a better thing than in something like 5 days at the most or 5 minutes and some Plat not being available to him. 


See those answers? They're stupid, right? But those are the only answers I can give because you failed to answer the 2 questions that really matter. If it holds no value, why do you want it? If it holds value, why should they NOT want it? Again, this system benefits me more than anyone, as I can only play Warframe at my friend's house until I can get another contract, but I can see why people disagree with this system. 

21 minutes ago, racooperii said:


Why do you care enough to keep responding then? 

Oh, the Iron E. 


22 minutes ago, racooperii said:

? Because You're jealous other people are getting a better log in reward system, thats what it sounds like to me. They are meaningless which is why I dont care if a new player gets the same log in rewards Ive gotten faster, Im not the ine trying to preserve my “Oh so precious achievement of typing in my password once a day”.

22 minutes ago, racooperii said:

Why do you care enough to keep responding then? 


See how this works? Every answer you give can also apply to you, because you're not looking at the root of the issue, and  instead focus on what you think other players think about new players getting it. The issue is that people who logged in for 700 days to get whatever it is they got feel disenfranchised that other people can put in a tenth of the effort for something they took 2 years of dedication to get.

You're rendering that effort, small that it seems, meaningless. A first prize turned into a consolation prize. It is worth nothing to you it is worth nothing to me, but it is not worth nothing to everyone. Empathy, Tenno. You have to respect that. 

30 minutes ago, racooperii said:

Im sorry but I cant take you seriously bringing up the company prize. The company prizes are always cheap garbage, Id rather get a yearly raise than a watch in 10 years. The only people who care if someone else gets some silly prize faster are petty people with a false sense of accomplishment.

Wow, your company gave you something to represent your 10 years of service and you appreciate what it represents. Talk about pettiness. Do you have nothing better to do with your life? 



That's what this sounds like to me. It is not about what it is,  it is about what it represents. 

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As it stands the current system punished those with lives, you have a job/family and can’t login daily? Well you’re #*($%%@ see that 2 year reward ? Make it 5 years for most people since most people can’t login daily.


if your a kid/jobless/no family and have the ability to play games everyday, well done! 


But for the majority of the player base, the casual side DE needs to keep goals realistic, because end of the day new players bring new revenue, and with them their friends who also bring more cash.


a vet is a poor source of income for DE because we have everything therefor purchase less

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28 minutes ago, TheBrsrkr said:

You keep saying this, not realizing that putting it at this level makes you seem petty because you want something when you can't complete such a basic task as taking 1 second to log in, yet you want a reward anyway for not completing such a basic task. 


He says, while complaining about something that he could have gotten a better thing than in something like 5 days at the most or 5 minutes and some Plat not being available to him. 


See those answers? They're stupid, right? But those are the only answers I can give because you failed to answer the 2 questions that really matter. If it holds no value, why do you want it? If it holds value, why should they NOT want it? Again, this system benefits me more than anyone, as I can only play Warframe at my friend's house until I can get another contract, but I can see why people disagree with this system. 

Oh, the Iron E. 


See how this works? Every answer you give can also apply to you, because you're not looking at the root of the issue, and  instead focus on what you think other players think about new players getting it. The issue is that people who logged in for 700 days to get whatever it is they got feel disenfranchised that other people can put in a tenth of the effort for something they took 2 years of dedication to get.

You're rendering that effort, small that it seems, meaningless. A first prize turned into a consolation prize. It is worth nothing to you it is worth nothing to me, but it is not worth nothing to everyone. Empathy, Tenno. You have to respect that. 

Wow, your company gave you something to represent your 10 years of service and you appreciate what it represents. Talk about pettiness. Do you have nothing better to do with your life? 



That's what this sounds like to me. It is not about what it is,  it is about what it represents. 

Uh huh. Well I remain unconvinced, I have enough log in rewards and still dont care about who gets what when but don’t bother addressing that in your counter points. Oh no I wont get the Zenistar for another 100 days...dont care.

It represents nothing other than you logged in X times...yay.

You keep talking as if somehow calling me petty is going to change my mind, heres a news flash it wont.

I prefer my company to reward me with raises and promotions, not allocate funds to pointless objects. You know, Real recognition for what Ive done, but man that watch...made all the difference even if they dont give anyone raises for 3 years.

You keep on crying about your pretend award losing its value because some people get it faster than you. I simply dont care anymore to repond to cry babies over make believe items at this point, thanks for giving me something to laugh about while taking a dump.

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3 hours ago, racooperii said:

You keep talking as if somehow calling me petty is going to change my mind, heres a news flash it wont.

 Nowhere in that post did I call you petty. I cannot say the same for you. 


3 hours ago, racooperii said:

I prefer my company to reward me with raises and promotions, not allocate funds to pointless objects. You know, Real recognition for what Ive done, but man that watch...made all the difference even if they dont give anyone raises for 3 years.

You're still missing the point. I have 660 days to get everything. I gain the most from this system. Yet I understand why people do not like it. Probably because I tried to understand. Can you say the same? 

3 hours ago, racooperii said:

You keep on crying about your pretend award losing its value because some people get it faster than you. I simply dont care anymore to repond to cry babies over make believe items at this point, thanks for giving me something to laugh about while taking a dump.

And I ask yet again, if they're meaningless imaginary items, why do you want them so much, and if these imaginary items do have meaning, why should others not care? A question it seems you cannot answer. 

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48 minutes ago, TheBrsrkr said:

 Nowhere in that post did I call you petty. I cannot say the same for you. 


You're still missing the point. I have 660 days to get everything. I gain the most from this system. Yet I understand why people do not like it. Probably because I tried to understand. Can you say the same? 

And I ask yet again, if they're meaningless imaginary items, why do you want them so much, and if these imaginary items do have meaning, why should others not care? A question it seems you cannot answer. 

It's because it's actual content. People care about the items for the items, while you care about them for what they 'mean'.

Meanwhile, you completely ignore the fact that as a person with those 700whatever days, you'll still have the sigils which you can only get from logging in that many times. You'll still have all of the gameplay changing rewards rather than just one or two.

If what you care about is what it 'means', then that will still be there. It's not going away. Sentimental cosmetic, item reward, sentimental cosmetic, item reward. That's how it'll go.

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