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ERMMMmmm have mods just had a major nerf?


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3 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

The drama became when people started accusing him of using different weapons . Yet he is not. He is just showing rather old version of his build.

I actually only looked at the images in the OP. I missed them saying they were using a build from online.

So, I thought OP said they had played around with that build and then got to the second. My fault, reading posts when images do not have spoiler tags is not really my suite.

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11 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

You do know that after you forma a weapon you can move your polarities, right?

The thing is that the first screenshot is actually from the old menu. Isn't that the old Opticor before the buff?

... its the same menu in both and the point is OP is claiming that they made the build, went in mission and came back out and their gun was like that.

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Just now, ---Quill-Onkko--- said:

... its the same menu in both and the point is OP is claiming that they made the build, went in mission and came back out and their gun was like that.

No it is not the same menu, you can either read trough the rest of the topics or go pack to the OP and compare side by side the menus.

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5 minutes ago, ---Quill-Onkko--- said:

ah my mistake. either way OP has a dragon key equipped and thats the issue

To be fair, OP just says they found a build online. I was assuming they showed their interpretation of the build (I did not pay enough attention to notice one lacked punch through in the menu). OP did not state the build they showed was not theirs. Hence why I thought it looked a bit odd (you know, different polarities).




It makes stuff much clearer when you specify whether or not an image is yours...

Edited by krc473
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26 minutes ago, krc473 said:

You forgot something:

You cannot swap polarity slots without increasing forma count.

This is not true. You can move polarities around freely as long as at least one Forma has been spent on the equipment in question. In the upgrade screen for your weapon/frame, select the "Actions" option, and in that menu select "Swap Polarities". This is a completely free action. No resources are expended, your equipment's level is untouched, and its Forma count stays the same.

I really hope you haven't been spending Forma just to move your polarities around. My sympathies if you have.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)BlitzKeir said:

This is not true. You can move polarities around freely as long as at least one Forma has been spent on the equipment in question. In the upgrade screen for your weapon/frame, select the "Actions" option, and in that menu select "Swap Polarities".

You are completely misunderstanding me.

The actual polarity types are different in the images. One has 4 V slots, the other has 3 V slots. Hence, one V has been swapped to a line. You need to forma to do this.

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Just now, krc473 said:

You are completely misunderstanding me.

The actual polarity types are different in the images. One has 4 V slots, the other has 3 V slots. Hence, one V has been swapped to a line. You need to forma to do this.

Whoops, my mistake. I misinterpreted your phrasing.

I'll, uh... show myself out.

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They literally aren't the same Opticor, and even the text identifying the weapon and rank are clearly from different builds of the game.

OP hasn't responded to completely reasonable requests for more information, or to the solutions others have given (unequip dragon key)

My bet is that this is an attention-'horin, grandstanding forum post.  The sooner people let it die, the better.  OP is, at best, mistaken, and at worst trying to let the forum take itself for a ride.  There was no nerf.  Guy is wrong and/or confused and/or trolling.

Edited by Epsilon_Knight
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Funny i asked a resonable question as i was confused as to what was going on and i get called a troll

I guess most of you trolls didnt actually read properly eh

I clearly stated that i copied a build i found online because i dont have opticor riven. The build i copied was first pic I used the pic because i didnt have screen shot of mine before the issue happened.

I then proceded to say  that i changed it up a bit  hense difference in polarities  chance multiplier ect ect  FFS  dont you guys read anything or you just like being salty trolls.

Yes i had a dragon key  installed earlier  as i had done a couple of vault runs but i had taken it off  after the runs i guess  it bugged out  exiting game and relogging twice solved the problem  and all went back to normal. As for not responding right away its called having a life outside of warframe i dont sit ingame or on forums all day.

anyhow back to normal now guess i just wont bother asking all you salty kids questions anymore


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2 hours ago, LTDaWolf said:

Funny i asked a resonable question as i was confused as to what was going on and i get called a troll

I guess most of you trolls didnt actually read properly eh

I clearly stated that i copied a build i found online because i dont have opticor riven. The build i copied was first pic I used the pic because i didnt have screen shot of mine before the issue happened.

I then proceded to say  that i changed it up a bit  hense difference in polarities  chance multiplier ect ect  FFS  dont you guys read anything or you just like being salty trolls.

Yes i had a dragon key  installed earlier  as i had done a couple of vault runs but i had taken it off  after the runs i guess  it bugged out  exiting game and relogging twice solved the problem  and all went back to normal. As for not responding right away its called having a life outside of warframe i dont sit ingame or on forums all day.

anyhow back to normal now guess i just wont bother asking all you salty kids questions anymore



Not really their fault when you can't be asked to use the BOLD FEATURE. Could've made it easier to pick out that part.

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2 hours ago, LTDaWolf said:

Funny i asked a resonable question as i was confused as to what was going on and i get called a troll

I guess most of you trolls didnt actually read properly eh

I clearly stated that i copied a build i found online because i dont have opticor riven. The build i copied was first pic I used the pic because i didnt have screen shot of mine before the issue happened.

I then proceded to say  that i changed it up a bit  hense difference in polarities  chance multiplier ect ect  FFS  dont you guys read anything or you just like being salty trolls.

Yes i had a dragon key  installed earlier  as i had done a couple of vault runs but i had taken it off  after the runs i guess  it bugged out  exiting game and relogging twice solved the problem  and all went back to normal. As for not responding right away its called having a life outside of warframe i dont sit ingame or on forums all day.

anyhow back to normal now guess i just wont bother asking all you salty kids questions anymore


And yet u came to forums asking for help with an issue that was both clear and selfmade. 



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