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POE farming isn't warframe.


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21 minutes ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

And personally I will gladly skip that event as well. Gear farming in the current build aren't rooted into the gameplay at all. It's not worth it getting every single weapon when missions barely last five minutes each and boil down to a parkour run.

That's your opinion, what if the new event weapon is something you really want to get?

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Il y a 4 heures, Shockwave- a dit :

That's your opinion, what if the new event weapon is something you really want to get?

just hear what you're saying: "What if someday there will be some unknown event that would be designed for operators specifically with amps in mind and also have a decent reward in it?" - it's like four "what if?"-s in a row. It is possible, but it would be too random of occasion to bother farming all this cr@p for. If that happens, personally, I would be much happier without that hypothetical weapon that doesn't even exist yet.

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17 hours ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

They absolutely didn't have to create fishing. It's a lot of work to make something this bad. They wouldn't have put it into the game if they thought this was a bad idea. 

 PoE farming isn't motivated by the progression of the main gameplay. PoE is a self-contained little hell that loops onto itself. It's not required otherwise in any other part of the game and could be skipped in its entirety. The problem is that neither fishing, nor mining have a place in this game. Not mechanically, nor thematically. Not the way those mechanics are realized. Mining could have been done better - excavation mission type is much better mining (though not without its own flaws). Fishing simply doesn't fit this game at all.

I like the idea of fishing, your aiming and doing stuff, but if you can't buff or use wf abilities to enhance your fishing ability and spear, eh...

11 hours ago, JalakBali said:


The killing and the star map are still there. It's not like DE scrapped the rest of the game and only PoE remains. If you don't enjoy PoE, just farm to get the resources to build stuff and never set foot there again. Just like all the other game modes. I'm sure there are players who thinks "spy mission is not warframe since you don't need to kill to advance". So just do that to farm Ivara (or not, buy her from market?) and never Spy again unless it's an alert or sortie or something.

There just isn't time to do that.  It has major requirements, requires your full attention and investment, and it will most likely be required for upcoming content (probably not immediately soon, I imagine they'll give us 'time' to build up relevant stuff) probably 4-6 months down the road.

10 hours ago, Shockwave- said:

I'd love to do this but have seen DE require it later too many times. An event will come with a great event weapon and it will require you to have Tier 3 amps to do well, or a new reward will be dropped in the plains and you will have wished you had farmed up all that stuff. Currently it is skippable, but I simply don't Trust DE to leave operator mode skippable.

Smart person.  We know what's coming. And honestly, the abilities in the focus trees aren't bad or negligable this time around, though as far as the operator ones go I'm assuming some of those values can be boosted by amps and things, or some wf interactivity (ie does madurai flame trail do 1k heat damage a second?).


Either way, PoE is frustrating because I enjoy the landscape, the flow of encounters is something I'm striving for in my own project, and I love the new enemies.  Playing it as Zephyr again (used to be one of my favorite frames) was also an entirely new game, but...thats just combat encounters.  Any other speed frame is better for travel.  The resource system is the frustrating part, because it takes so much time and attention and its not like you can seriously boost it.  You can't nekros or superfarm fish as far as I know.  I imagine you can use a double resource drop booster, but that doesn't affect time to acquire, travel time, etc.  Yeah you can cut down if you go for a speed frame.  I'd like to beef up my operator because eventually I'll be weaving in and out of operator every few seconds for a few specific build/gameplay styles...but getting there is atrocious.  Even with boosters, I just don't have the time to grind poe resources and currently there is no passive resource aquisition for it, aside from plat trading for fish.  I imagine the plat trading for the other resources at the npc shop are probably at horrible rates.

Need Oberon and Nezha to have a meeting with the fish and then betray them all -_-

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Il y a 1 heure, Terrornaut a dit :

I like the idea of fishing, your aiming and doing stuff, but if you can't buff or use wf abilities to enhance your fishing ability and spear, eh...

It's just standing with a spear and aiming into a fish ffs. When you could fight enemies, use abilities, jump around and be a flipping space ninja. Warframe is a coop action game. Not an mmorpg. Even mmorp games only add side mechanics like fishing and building when there's nothing else to add and fine tune - definitely not WF's case.

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15 minutes ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

It's just standing with a spear and aiming into a fish ffs. When you could fight enemies, use abilities, jump around and be a flipping space ninja. Warframe is a coop action game. Not an mmorpg. Even mmorp games only add side mechanics like fishing and building when there's nothing else to add and fine tune - definitely not WF's case.

and who gave you the right to question what someone enjoys doing in a game when the game actively promotes it? Also i l;ove how you seem to think other games only add resource harvesting when the rest is perfectly fine. Name a single game that has resources that doesn't have any bugs or incomplete content. I'll wait.

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When you can't progress the next story quest because you don't have enough fish parts or didn't spend enough time starting at rocks...that's when we will really see how well the community likes PoE.

I can tell you now...if overall game Progress is ever gated TWW style behind PoE Progress, it's probably uninstall time...I love the open map and random encounters, enemy bases, etc.

But the rewards are so poor, and Bounties so awful and repetitive...that I mostly ignore PoE.

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I think the fact that its not old warframe was the whole point? I can sort of feel what you mean, I mean I will say that one of my major annoyances is having to collect loot in this game thats meant to be high pace action etc so I guess I can see why you dislike mining ans such.


But at the same time POE's whole shpeel was the be different from the "rat mazes" we used to run. So it does achieve that at least.

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6 hours ago, (Xbox One)Mythical Warden said:

Pretty sure that isn't part of the quote. I'm not ignoring it, I'm aware of it, just all the focus on negativity isn't healthy for the community. You gotta at least see the light in the situation. 

 Ignoring that the cup is half-empty doesn't make it full. Positivity is useless feedback. Yes, the reciever would feel good for two seconds. Then they'll be left with numerous flaws they can't see because all people tell them is "everything is fine, the game is great, you're great, keep it up". This type of feedback is absolute cancer for any kind of developer. At least people who complain are pointing fingers at something specific.

6 hours ago, NeithanDiniem said:

and who gave you the right to question what someone enjoys doing in a game when the game actively promotes it? Also i l;ove how you seem to think other games only add resource harvesting when the rest is perfectly fine. Name a single game that has resources that doesn't have any bugs or incomplete content. I'll wait.

Just as there are Ninja Games about Space Ninjas, there are also FISHING GAMES ABOUT FISHING. Warframe is a game about ninjas. Not about fishing. People come here for ninjas, not for mackerel.

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A note to all the: I love the change of pace that PoE offers. Fishing and mining is a great distraction and a different way to play the game...

Let's just say you're right. 

Could you try, to recognize that Warframe is not a Fishing/Mining/Walking simulator. (Sure you enjoy these things, and maybe it's a good thing to have them in the game, to add 'depth.') ((But what's not a good thing, is forcing player's into commiting hours of their gaming time to these 'fun' activities.))



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44 minutes ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

Just as there are Ninja Games about Space Ninjas, there are also FISHING GAMES ABOUT FISHING. Warframe is a game about ninjas. Not about fishing. People come here for ninjas, not for mackerel.

Its just great that you think you know what should go into a game that you don't even make. Its also great how you feel that you know every single one of the players of the game and all the things about it they like or don't like. Just great all around.

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Personally, I'm glad POE is a change of pace. The standard grind is kind of dull and has made me go on extended breaks before. Warframe has needed an open world like this for a very long time, and honestly, it's what I thought I was getting into when I started playing 4 years ago. I understand that you don't like its slower pace, and that's perfectly fine. If you don't like it, no one is making  you play the node. But please don't ruin it for the rest of us who do enjoy the open world aspect of it and the slower more relaxing pace it brings to the table. It's a good refreshing appearance on a game that many of us have loved for many years.

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So much whining. Ive got 2000 hours in game and I think its great. Stuff to do!!! The fishing i sussed out, got what i need. i hate the mining, its driving me nuts, but damnit i'll do it. At this point Ive done EVERYTHING ELSE 5000 TIMES. POE is new and exciting and theres stuff there i havent already got 1 million of from elsewhere. Im ok with it. Thanks DE for the new content, I really appreciate the work youve put into it, Take some more of my money so these ungrateful sods can keep playing. 

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7 hours ago, NeithanDiniem said:

Its just great that you think you know what should go into a game that you don't even make. Its also great how you feel that you know every single one of the players of the game and all the things about it they like or don't like. Just great all around.

 That's the thing, you're not supposed to cater to every single player in the game individually. Yes, there might be players who would want to have a pizza-cooking simulator in Warframe. Doesn't mean the game should have it and enforce pizza-making by locking gear behind it.

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7 hours ago, NeithanDiniem said:

Its just great that you think you know what should go into a game that you don't even make. Its also great how you feel that you know every single one of the players of the game and all the things about it they like or don't like. Just great all around.

That's exactly how feedback works. Everybody tells his own. When many ppl say the same thing or agree it becomes an important fact to pay attention to it by the developers. Developers aren't gods and know everything, they try to come out with new interesting things wich they think ppl do like but in the end the playerbase decide if it was a good idea or not, not the developer. If your playerbase don't like it and don't think it is fitting and slowly leaves the game because the direction it takes means there will be no game. That's why every single players opinion, observation is important even if you personally do not agree with it.

To be fair, warframe for years was a hordeshooter. Players downloaded it and stick with it for the gameplay it offered wich wasn't fishing/mining type of activities. The game grew thanks to its action packed, high mobility gameplay and took it in the most played games cathegory on steam.

PoE was developed to add something new to the game to enlarge the playerbase and attract new ppl. or just make come back old players who left. While it was a good idea in theory, they made a variety of big mistakes in the implemantation.

If you pay attention, nobody is against PoE in general, or fishing/ mining. People is against of how it was implemented into the core gameplay, wich means it mostly wasn't. PoE is isolated from the rest of the game. It has a microeconomy on its own for a progression that is useful for longtime players and not at all for new players, with gameplay elements that are very different of the type of gameplay that people downloaded the game for and played it for years. Adding fishing/mining/wisp hunting would be perfectly fine if it was for optional content, but as it is going, operatore progression is not really truly optional anymore. Nothing was really added to the game in the last years that wasn't pushing operatore gameplay and I expect that it will become more important in time. If not, all the time and money gone into it was a total waste wich would be even worst in my opinion.

It's not question of liking it or not. The problem is that you you have to do it no matter what at some point to progress your operatore and many of us did not sign up for this kind of gameplay, we feel it out of place and don'y like the idea to HAVE to do it.


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Well all the good fish spawn at night, the fish most people farm anyway, mortus for standing spawns at night only in larger numbers, farming cetus wisps during day is useless etc...and having only 50 mins to do these things is bothersome. You can easily spend this 50 mins hunting eidolons and the night is already over what feels like 5 minutes once you take down a few of them compared to day which lasts for 1 hour and 30 mins which feels like an eternity.

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Not sure if it was said but, Murkray give way more standing rep(S 500, M 650, L 1K), you can fish it anytime day/night, starter fish spear is best, only thing you need is bait and ocean hotspots.Thus leaving the night time to do other things unless you need other fish like norgs.

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11 hours ago, Kromatia said:

Personally, I'm glad POE is a change of pace. The standard grind is kind of dull and has made me go on extended breaks before. Warframe has needed an open world like this for a very long time, and honestly, it's what I thought I was getting into when I started playing 4 years ago. I understand that you don't like its slower pace, and that's perfectly fine. If you don't like it, no one is making  you play the node. But please don't ruin it for the rest of us who do enjoy the open world aspect of it and the slower more relaxing pace it brings to the table. It's a good refreshing appearance on a game that many of us have loved for many years.

No one wants PoE or Landscapes to go away. I know I certainly dont.

What I DO want is for them to be FUN. And pesonally, I think fishing is fun. In small, brief bouts. Between missions or while waiting for Incursions, sure, I'll catch a few fish.

But am I willing to commit hours of playing, to mining and fishing? NO. ABSOLUTELY not. If I were, I WOULD JUST GO PLAY MINECRAFT. Or Skyrim. Or one of a thousand other games that does mining, fishing and crafting far, far better than Warframe.

These things are PERFECTLY OK as amusing, unnecessary side activities that can help you pick up credits or a couple hundred rep. Or even craft an unnecessary melee weapon.

But to gate progression behind them is ABSURD. You're forcing people who come here for fast action, parking running killing sprees to stop and play Minecraft. Well...what if they dont like Minecraft? Or worse, what if they discover that they DO like Minecraft, and that Minecraft is a BETTER Minecraft than Warframe is? EITHER WAY, you are NOT playing to your own game's strengths. You're instead highlighting your game's weaker, less fleshed out, less polished points versus other games whose mechanics you are, lets face it, shamelessly inserting into your game (badly, I might add). 

When you spend time trying to shore up weakness, you get slightly stronger while exposing that weakness. This is what PoE focus on fishing and mining does. It first highlights mechanics Warframe shares with other games...and then goes on to shine such a bright light upon them that it quickly becomes apparent that those other games - who actually focus on and build around these mechanics - do them far better than Warframe. It highlights your game's weakness in comparison to the games you are competing with/aping. 

When you play to your strengths, however - things like Parkour, your widely varied Warframes and Powers, the lack of cooldowns (seriously, Bungie, yes, Cooldowns DO suck) - then you highlight what your game offers that its competitors DO NOT. You shine your light brightest on what you do well, and why people should play your game INSTEAD of others. 

This is why DE needs to regroup and refocus. Dont double down on Operator game play. Or fishing. Or mining. Maybe even consider letting Warframes gather Kuva, even if at diminished rate versus Operators, and letting Warframe Powers damage the teralyst shield (Void Energy, hello) but not weapons. That way, you can shove Operators to the background where they belong, along with the (now optional, and no longer progression-gating) fishing and mining.

Then you need to refocus on WARFRAME. Play up what it is your game offers that others dont, and stick to it. Maybe take a look at Assault on the Kuva Fortress. That is the best mission you have created in a LONG TIME. The person responsible for it deserves more attention and gravitas from your design folks. Get some more missions in the Bounty rotation, including clearing multiple camps, killing X patrols along a route, retrieving items and returning them to the Cetus gate. Get more non endless missions on the Star Chart, and get Incursions working with more missions, in more places.

But focus on Warframe. This aping Rocket League and Minecraft isnt doing you any favors. 

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6 hours ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

 That's the thing, you're not supposed to cater to every single player in the game individually. Yes, there might be players who would want to have a pizza-cooking simulator in Warframe. Doesn't mean the game should have it and enforce pizza-making by locking gear behind it.

Then why does the game have gear locked behind raids that are boring and broken and show no signs of being fixed? Why is there content locked behind a grindwall RNG system that I dont enjoy that is enforced upon us to endure in order to get the latest shinies? Why is focus farming something specifically enforced on us so we can use our operators?

There are dozens and dozens of things locked behind content that people may or may not want to do. The game doesn't cater to everyone's tastes, but they aren't going to cater to yours specifically. That means they will make new content and new experiences and give it a reason to be done, ergo putting content behind it. So how about people stop thinking Warframe should cater to their standards of not having content locked behind new features and just play the game, or not in this case if it is too much for them.

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22 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

Then why does the game have gear locked behind raids that are boring and broken and show no signs of being fixed? Why is there content locked behind a grindwall RNG system that I dont enjoy that is enforced upon us to endure in order to get the latest shinies? Why is focus farming something specifically enforced on us so we can use our operators?

Raids are in a horrible state. One thing that should have been done from the start is to include an in-mission guide marker, that would point new players in the right direction. Altho, honestly, raids are horribly designed in general. They rely to much on the outside prior knowledge and utilize segments and mechanics that were never foreshadowed in the core gameplay before. Raids are step-sequencers that require you to know every step before you ever even played them once. 

 And when you finally learn them, the timerlock and random nature of rewards burn you out pretty quickly. There are no excuses. Raids are just bad. Warframe has a huge issue with mission design in general. I believe, Warframe missions didn't change for, what, 4? 5? years? DE just adding the same but more convoluted stuff like Lua spy or that new mission in the Kuva Fortress (i forgot the name).

22 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

There are dozens and dozens of things locked behind content that people may or may not want to do. The game doesn't cater to everyone's tastes, but they aren't going to cater to yours specifically. That means they will make new content and new experiences and give it a reason to be done, ergo putting content behind it. So how about people stop thinking Warframe should cater to their standards of not having content locked behind new features and just play the game, or not in this case if it is too much for them.

The difference is, that only PoE stuff is locked behind fishing. Everything else is locked behind combat and action one way or another. PoE gear is locked behind standing on the side of a glorified puddle and spearfishing. It's not warframe. It has nothing to do with the main theme of the game. It's just flipping fishing.

Oh, and mining. At least mining could have been done in a more engaging way, like excavation missions. DE decided not to do that, tho. I suppose drawing d@... ...simple shapes on the walls is more fun. Yeah...

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On 11/8/2017 at 3:28 PM, Shockwave- said:

Warframe is about killing. The Devs have said a number of times on the streams that Tenno should feel overpowerd a bit, like a ninja god cleaving through hordes of enemies. And to farm the things in Warframe we had to do just that. Sure there was the occaionsal rare crate we looked for, or the syndicate medallion, but mostly it was killing, or sneaking, or something.

WIth POE we can now use our uber powerful warframes to:

Mine, by standing around tracing a pattern (that is buggy as all hell when it's not on a flat rock)

Fish: by standing around holding a spear to throw at fish

Stroll on the beach - in order to farm cetus wisps which you need a TON of, you literally have to spend time doing nothing but walking around the shores of lakes.


Not only is the farming more of the "standing around and waiting" type but it is vastly exacerbated by the day night cycle. Fish only come at night (at least the ones you need), and it is reported that wisps spawn better at night, and eidlons are at night. That's a lot of things that happen at night, where as during the day you have nothing, well the 3 rare mods from excursions, but that's it.

I get wanting to stretch out POE content and have it take a while, but farming by standing, especially cetus wisps, is ridiculous, and limiting much of that farming to a day night cycle that many people could simply miss if they log on for 1 hour a day is harsh.


If for one moment I thought POE would be self contained, that you only needed these things for operators and such I'd be fine, but I will bet $1M that in a future patch everyone will wish they had max operator standing with max arcanes and the best amps. I guarantee that even though it doesn't seem like we have to farm these things now, we will in the future. DE seems to be trying to maker operators the central focus of Warframe.


While mining and fishing are marginally tolerable, and tradable (with fish and gems) wisps are not. You simply have to walk around and gather them yourself, doing nothing else.

In reality, DE, the OStrons woudl be selling the fish and wisps and other things for Orokin cells, neural sensors, and stuff we have. How can we be better spear fishers than the Ostrons?

Screw farming for money to buy all of that stuff, it's better where we can go farm it ourselves if we don't want to save up the money for that. Plus ninja's can do more than just kills things 24/7 and doing it for that amount becomes boring. 

Plus you can get wisps also from doing bounties and wisps are easy as hell to farm. 

The plains are a breath of fresh air from all the normal grinding we do in warframe and that's burned a good amount of players out. This type of grind is more fun to do vs getting traces, kuva, etc. 

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