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POE farming isn't warframe.


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same skillset used for sniping pinpoint headshots in overwatch carried over to warframe, which now carries over to fishing.

no big deal. it's still targeting game in my book.

also if you roam in between incursions, these gems and landlocked water will be visible anyway.

the mistake one player said people do is doing one thing only.

why not level your weapon, farm the fish or vomvalyst, crack the rocks, all as you go?

a chef does not bake on meal in the oven at a time.



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15 minutes ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

Fishing is not a game mode. It has nothing to do with the game. It would have been a game mode if Warframe was a fishmonger simulator. But it isn't. 

You're right, it isn't a game-mode. It's a mini-game. The game mode I was referring to is Free Roam mode, or the Plains of Eidolon in full.

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I played WF a bit at release but it didn't really click. I returned a month or so before PoE and it sucked me in. If I had come straight back to PoE the experience would not have hooked me back in, I don't think its nearly  as strong as the core experience.

DE are riding high, deservedly so but really they need to revisit all the cruddy bits, and polish polish polish. Not just PoE but all of the bolt on bits that dont feel as good as the core game. if PoE improved as much as the core game has over the years it should do OK but It could easily go the way of archwing missions. if this current event 'running to the 4 corners of the map' is indicative I am unsure.

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On ‎11‎/‎8‎/‎2017 at 5:06 PM, NinthAria said:

Mining and fishing are both variants on the basic aim-and-shoot mechanics that you use throughout the entire game. Just because it's slower-paced and you're not killing something doesn't mean it's a fundamental shift in gameplay.

By this logic, since all computer/controller games are variants of keystroking, they could spend resources adding a word processing side game instead of combat additions and you'd be fine with that?

To the topic, there is merit to OP's claims, and especially if they wall future content behind similar noncombat grinds and side games. WF has PLENTY of that already with the hacking, collecting, archwing, lunaro, etc. etc. side games for 3 games. I have no problems at present with the POE farming loops though, so long as they remain self-contained and don't spread to combat gameplay further. It's just another side game as it is, and not necessary for enjoyment of the core game. BIG PROBLEM if they wall more and more content behind mandatory operator use in the future though.

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On ‎11‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 5:35 PM, AperoBeltaTwo said:

They absolutely didn't have to create fishing. It's a lot of work to make something this bad. They wouldn't have put it into the game if they thought this was a bad idea. 

 PoE farming isn't motivated by the progression of the main gameplay. PoE is a self-contained little hell that loops onto itself. It's not required otherwise in any other part of the game and could be skipped in its entirety. The problem is that neither fishing, nor mining have a place in this game. Not mechanically, nor thematically. Not the way those mechanics are realized. Mining could have been done better - excavation mission type is much better mining (though not without its own flaws). Fishing simply doesn't fit this game at all.

I get the feeling they have contractors pitching them various content complete with "revenue enhancement potential" spreadsheets and PP presentations, and the fishing/mining contractor had the best pitch/lowest bid and so won the beauty contest.

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2 hours ago, SenorClipClop said:

You're right, it isn't a game-mode. It's a mini-game. The game mode I was referring to is Free Roam mode, or the Plains of Eidolon in full.

That's not a game mode either. It's just a map. One huge tile with a bunch of half-a-note missions downgraded even in comparison to the nodes we already had in the game. PoE is just a really-really sad thing top to bottom. I'm not saying it could have been done better. Nor would I say that open world was a bad idea in the first place. I will say, though, that an awful lot of stuff went wrong along the way.

37 minutes ago, Buttaface said:

I get the feeling they have contractors pitching them various content complete with "revenue enhancement potential" spreadsheets and PP presentations, and the fishing/mining contractor had the best pitch/lowest bid and so won the beauty contest.

I imagine them throwing darts at the wall with those spreadsheets pinned on... while blindfolded.

"Lets have quidditch in a game about Space Ninjas! What do you mean, nobody's gonna play it? Who cares?!"

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13 minutes ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

That's not a game mode either. It's just a map. One huge tile with a bunch of half-a-note missions downgraded even in comparison to the nodes we already had in the game. PoE is just a really-really sad thing top to bottom. I'm not saying it could have been done better. Nor would I say that open world was a bad idea in the first place. I will say, though, that an awful lot of stuff went wrong along the way.

I imagine them throwing darts at the wall with those spreadsheets pinned on... while blindfolded.

"Lets have quidditch in a game about Space Ninjas! What do you mean, nobody's gonna play it? Who cares?!"

Good point.

PoE is so utterly pointless. Large open map...and the only rewards come from lackluster mini missions confined to tiny mission Areas...

So...why bother with the huge open map to begin with? Should free roam mode be rewarding? If it's not...aren't the Plains literally pointless?

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1 hour ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Good point.

PoE is so utterly pointless. Large open map...and the only rewards come from lackluster mini missions confined to tiny mission Areas...

So...why bother with the huge open map to begin with? Should free roam mode be rewarding? If it's not...aren't the Plains literally pointless?

 The thing is, as I said, open world Warframe in itself isn't such a bad idea. It's actually a really cool idea, but the whole game from ground up should have been disigned for it. You can't just suddenly decide to have an open world in your game after 4 years of open beta. Life simply doesn't work that way. 

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8 hours ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Good point.

PoE is so utterly pointless. Large open map...and the only rewards come from lackluster mini missions confined to tiny mission Areas...

So...why bother with the huge open map to begin with? Should free roam mode be rewarding? If it's not...aren't the Plains literally pointless?



Warframe has a bad case of Dunning Kruger Effect and obtained titles "Forever Half Baked" and "No effort on polishing".

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I'm going to open this Post with This.

I'm sorry PC Players for not taking your complaints seriously.

After dropping into cetus I was thrilled at all the amazing things that was available to me at the start, but then I realized that what most of you were saying had came to fruition.  We have stepped even closer to Korean MMO territory.  The Grind has gotten so bad that even I, a serious Disgaea Player, Is like what the holy hek is this. Every thing in cetus is a constant use of standing and to rank up requires not multiples of one materials but hordes of multiple materials to rank up. Building Gara is a real time sink and instead of rewarding us with her parts from the quest gave us a rng grindfest to obtain her with even more grind to get standing to earn BP to refine minerals into a resource to build her. I'm literally beside myself in anger right now at how grindy this game continues to become. The carrot on a stick is gone now everything is on a wing and a prayer.


Edited by (PS4)Tenchi145
Missing details.
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If you've played warframe for any length of time you know the core of the game is grind. At that doesn't have to be a bad thing especially when there are so many ways to do it. PoE however limits that to certain activities. The only thing I hate at the moment is when I'm trying to fish or mine and I have enemys spawning on top of me its infuriating to be disturbed every 5 minutes. There needs to be an 'explore' and 'combat' instances.

Explore still having grineer but outside of instigating fights no spawns and combat being normal.

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14 hours ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

 No it's not. You're confusing secondary gameplay elements with the actual core gameplay.

I agree to this point. That being said PoE is more like a relaxing vacation in hawaii with a bunch of grineer occasionaly to kill for fun or to practice your sniping skills and all. People who confuse core game and this side element are the one's who cant understand the fact that you can totally avoid PoE if you dont want. example: i dont care about zaws,..fine not interested and not gonna look at it. Im not interested in eidolon hunting..fine..ill just lazily farm for vomvalyst...dont like fishing?..turn away from PoE as a whole..the normal game mode still exist wer you dont need any norg brain or cutthole tendril. Just come to PoE for relaxing. Thats my view though

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6 hours ago, Prophet_007 said:

I agree to this point. That being said PoE is more like a relaxing vacation in hawaii with a bunch of grineer occasionaly to kill for fun or to practice your sniping skills and all. People who confuse core game and this side element are the one's who cant understand the fact that you can totally avoid PoE if you dont want. example: i dont care about zaws,..fine not interested and not gonna look at it. Im not interested in eidolon hunting..fine..ill just lazily farm for vomvalyst...dont like fishing?..turn away from PoE as a whole..the normal game mode still exist wer you dont need any norg brain or cutthole tendril. Just come to PoE for relaxing. Thats my view though

Except if you want to get anything of the update's gear you have to move to Hawaii and get a job.

 Avoiding PoE isn't a valid solution btw, cause no matter how bad they are, amps are a part of the game now. They're not needed now, but I'm sure DE will buff them to health % damage and find a way to enforce them eventually with more Kuva-Eidolon-like activities. Yet amps would still be locked behind fishing. I don't play PoE because I can't play Warframe at all anymore. But for the people who are still playing the game it's a huge bummer.

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10 hours ago, (PS4)Tenchi145 said:

I'm going to open this Post with This.

I'm sorry PC Players for not taking your complaints seriously.

After dropping into cetus I was thrilled at all the amazing things that was available to me at the start, but then I realized that what most of you were saying had came to fruition.  We have stepped even closer to Korean MMO territory.  The Grind has gotten so bad that even I, a serious Disgaea Player, Is like what the holy hek is this. Every thing in cetus is a constant use of standing and to rank up requires not multiples of one materials but hordes of multiple materials to rank up. Building Gara is a real time sink and instead of rewarding us with her parts from the quest gave us a rng grindfest to obtain her with even more grind to get standing to earn BP to refine minerals into a resource to build her. I'm literally beside myself in anger right now at how grindy this game continues to become. The carrot on a stick is gone now everything is on a wing and a prayer.


Gara is another one in the series of "Just-buy-it"-frames. Inaros, Ivara, Titania, Nidus, Octavia, Harrow, Gara... etc.

 Carrot on a stick, btw, was gone in the Spectres of the Rails update. A lot of players simply didn't notice, because "EASIER PRIME FARM!!!", or something like that. But Void 2.0 ended up devaluating prime parts in general and pulled Void out of the effort-reward system by providing rewards for no effort whatsoever.

   ...but that's another topic.

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13 hours ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

Gara is another one in the series of "Just-buy-it"-frames. Inaros, Ivara, Titania, Nidus, Octavia, Harrow, Gara... etc.

 Carrot on a stick, btw, was gone in the Spectres of the Rails update. A lot of players simply didn't notice, because "EASIER PRIME FARM!!!", or something like that. But Void 2.0 ended up devaluating prime parts in general and pulled Void out of the effort-reward system by providing rewards for no effort whatsoever.

   ...but that's another topic.

HAHAHA!!!! Gara puts those frames to shame the level of grind involved.

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15 hours ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

I don't play PoE because I can't play Warframe at all anymore.

you cant play warframe in the sense is the game crashing or anything or just that you dont want to play because of the farming. If its the former i have a solution to it.


15 hours ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

you have to move to Hawaii and get a job.

Made my day!!! XD


14 hours ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

Gara is another one in the series of "Just-buy-it"-frames.

Iv'e ttotally neglected gara because of the grinding required. Among the others i'd say there wasnt much grind for inaros and titania because atleast it was guarantee parts for each stage. But Ivara...damn...its been an eternity since ive started farming for her and so is harrow.

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20 hours ago, (PS4)Chel-El said:

Who’s to say what’s “core gameplay”?

Did u rly think they designed conclave, arch, and now the heavily marketed poe thinking it wouldn’t be part of the core game? 

Defining the core gameplay isn't a subjective matter. Core is always a core. And for Warframe the core is PVE third-person horde shooter with space majic. It's not up for debate, it's a historic fact, so to speak. A fact supported by years of combat- and action-oriented development process. Warframe is not a fishing simulator.

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15 hours ago, snarfbot said:

i got inaros and ivara at least, and i think they were relatively easy to acquire compared to say mesa. i havent bothered with the others, i might do harrow tho he seems cool.

im sure the quest is cake.

It's not the quest. You have to farm Gara's parts through bounties. And boutines are... bounties. 

57 minutes ago, Prophet_007 said:

you cant play warframe in the sense is the game crashing or anything or just that you dont want to play because of the farming. If its the former i have a solution to it.

I can't play warframe because I have a little bit of self-esteem left, appearently. I really-really don't like the directions DE took with the game, and I can't stand even loging in. I just don't feel motivated playing the game at all. What would I do? I can't seriously enjoy oneshotting lvl 25 enemies... Or fishing... And sorties are 15 minutes of RNG on top of RNG gameplay locked behind a 24 hour timer. Low-lvl, low-effort, no reward gameplay is unbeareble to me. I just can't enjoy a game like that.

57 minutes ago, Prophet_007 said:

Iv'e ttotally neglected gara because of the grinding required. Among the others i'd say there wasnt much grind for inaros and titania because atleast it was guarantee parts for each stage. But Ivara...damn...its been an eternity since ive started farming for her and so is harrow.

I just been bying for plat every new frame I was interested in. Nidus, Octavia, had to buy another Limbo after deleting the old one, bought Gara recently - couldn't be bothered to max. Getting plat in the trade chat is simply faster than relying on RNG of the reward tables.

P.S. If you really want to farm Ivara, try huras kubrow. You don't need 100% no alarms stealth and with Huras you could parkour freely while being invisible. It's the only pet that is even remotely capable of competing with Sentinels.

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