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When you report a player, does he get banned? (Solved)


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I was farming Kuva and came accros this fellah. He called me unskilled because I was like 2 seconds too late to revive him. He didn't do anything afterwards. He only typed: "You know you suck". I hope karma will hit him some day and he gets a perma ban. I did report this kid 3 times so... Hopefully it works... 

Edited by bloemkoolmeeworst
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Don't name and shame, one. Two... how is this productive? 

Edit in response to original post edit: No, I believe it's a cumulative thing. Being instantly banned for something as petty as that would be ridiculous. That being said, reporting the same player multiple times isn't doing anything but flooding support, and frankly, they may disregard the report entirely if you file more than 1.

Edited by ldegroodt115
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