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Corpus and how they look


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I think it would be time to upgrade the Corpus models they look so outdated.

A suit that looks like it's made out of plastic with a box as a helmet? That screams high tech to me! An the boring and lazy design of the other Corpus units(not the newer ones). A grey corpus, here's a yellow corpus... with a SNIPER.. but wait a RED one has appeared it seems to be stronger than the others dan, dan, daaa!! Comparing them to the Grineer witch has been beautifully designed and fleshed out with so much variety(and more coming) the Corpus just feels so unfinished. I think it would be time to get rid of the color code(The Grineer also has but somehow it works better) and Box head and maybe go for a little more futuristic look. 

Oh.. and the infested look like plastic as well (not a fan but i don't know if it was intentional)

I think it would be a time to re-introduce the corpus with a bang and make them more interesting like what we saw in one of the first warframe CG videos with alad-v selling warframe parts now that was cool. it seems like alad-v is the only corpus character that's interesting (the Void guy is just annoying. I just can't get behind the ridiculous design). I might be asking a lot but just the Basic Corpus enemy unit models done from the scratch would make me really happy.

Love the game and i want all the best to it and the team behind it

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a Major redesign would take the same amount of time as releasing new content could be shorter depending on how fast the can Model from the ground up and then make it work with the animations they if that doesnt not work out the gotta spend more time on new animations

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I agree. I think the problem lies in them not really getting the spotlight like the Grineer and Infested do CONSTANTLY. I mean, can we please tone down on all the Infested stuff, I realize they're like the Flood but seriously. They can't be making a billion a day, unlike the Grineer, who granted have had some cool stuff (PoE), but I'd still love to see the Corpus get featured more because right now, they're kind of the kid in the corner, with like 2 friends while the Grineer and Infested are downing 7 bottles with a whole crowd cheering them on.

Corpus rework would be awesome. And perhaps release it along with a new PoE type environment featuring the Corpus maybe?

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3 minutes ago, Vicsvinny said:

I agree. I think the problem lies in them not really getting the spotlight like the Grineer and Infested do CONSTANTLY. I mean, can we please tone down on all the Infested stuff, I realize they're like the Flood but seriously. They can't be making a billion a day, unlike the Grineer, who granted have had some cool stuff (PoE), but I'd still love to see the Corpus get featured more because right now, they're kind of the kid in the corner, with like 2 friends while the Grineer and Infested are downing 7 bottles with a whole crowd cheering them on.

Corpus rework would be awesome. And perhaps release it along with a new PoE type environment featuring the Corpus maybe?

Considering the next PoE like open space is going to be on Venus, im sure the Corpus are going to get some sort of look over when that eventually drops.

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Every faction except for Grineer feels like an unfinished concept. I mean, Grineer even got different models for BLUNT, a BLUNT! A ballon barricade that has 3 different skins alone. I mean, when was the last time Corpus or Infested got a new unit? Umm... yeah (Hemocyst doesn't count, it's just a re-colored Lephantis), Infested got new units back in U17 (J3-Golem)... that was 5 updates ago! Last regular units that weren't a fan concept (Juggernaut in U16) were Mutalist units, released in U15...  Corpus have got Comba and Scarambus I think? Wiki doesn't say how long ago that was, but definitely a "while" ago.

Yet Grineer get more and more units, variants and bosses. (New Pilot units, Mortar Bombards, Kuva Guardians, Kuva Jesters, Ghouls and so on). I know next Update is supposed to be all about Corpus, but c'mon, we've been hearing about that wave of Corpus focus since pretty much always, I remember a year or two ago when Steve (I think it was Steve) said that it's all a cycle and every faction will get its content, but as we can see Grineer get more and more. And I predict that after that one update, we'll go back to "moar" Grineer stuff, that's how it always was until now (Oh, and how many years ago they started working on Nef Anyo boss-fight?)

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Regarding Corpus it looks like DE expand them on robots and not the meatbags. Why use your lives when you have near unlimited supply of perfectly good robots?

Colored meatbags make sense though, since they are more a corporation than just scientists.

5 minutes ago, markus230 said:

I mean, when was the last time Corpus or Infested got a new unit?


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Are you suggesting to remove crewmen buckets? Begone you foul bastard! There is no place for the likes of you.

Or if you desire more serious answer, I don't support changes to basic crewmen. I find their design to be one of the most memorable evil mook designs I've ever seen and only slightly behind my all time favorite: Grineer Lancer. They essentially are purpose bred serfs for corporate cults, lacking identity beyond their purpose, and design lacking in ooomph conveys it very well. Crewmen hit that sweetspot where they are fairly intimitating for guys who are not supposed to be that way, which I find more intimitating and, believe it or not - cooler than sleek hi-tech i-podman with pauldrons and bike helmet #1337.

Now if we talk about proxies, there can be a lot to discuss. Unlike crewmen, there are all the reasons and excuses to make proxies to look different and really cool: why there's no railgun on railgun MOA - just generic proxy gun, why are shockwave MOA's legs just as sleek as those of proxies who can't perform shockwaves, why there is only one model for all ospries and most archwing drones - seriously, DE is running out of recolors for these things. Corpus is supposed to be the robot faction. Why do most of their robots feel so placeholderish?

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