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What Happens When All Frames Get Their Deluxe Bundle?


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I'm not gonna argue anymore, I even put the definition for you to understand, just because it can be categorized as CC/Damage/Support doesn't mean its not new, its not rocket science.  

The end result is the same because it is not about the end result, its about the process of reaching it. The end result of every mission is Extraction or Failure, doesn't mean that the mission wasn't different.

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On 01/12/2017 at 3:53 PM, Midrib said:

I'm not gonna argue anymore, I even put the definition for you to understand, just because it can be categorized as CC/Damage/Support doesn't mean its not new, its not rocket science. 

CC, damage and support were all covered long ago by the first frames. You also deliberately misunderstand my point which is how the end result is always the same albeit less effective. So yes, there is nothing truly new being added to the game, only different ways to achieve the same thing you could already achieve years ago.

On 01/12/2017 at 3:53 PM, Midrib said:

The end result is the same because it is not about the end result

For you, maybe. Not for people who actually like experiencing something new.

On 01/12/2017 at 3:53 PM, Midrib said:

The end result of every mission is Extraction or Failure, doesn't mean that the mission wasn't different.

Comparing resulting frame mechanics and mission endings just shows how little you understand what I'm talking about.

Edited by (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01
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On 12/1/2017 at 4:23 AM, Tellakey said:

With DE's recent heightened rate of deluxe skin output, I think it's safe to say that in a year or two all frames are gonna get theirs.

Question is, what then? Is this a one-and-done? Or will we get a new category of skins to replace the occasional produce of deluxe ones?

Also, how will this work with newer frames? Suppose new deluxe variants come out, will new frames get two skins after a while? 

Blah blah blah, you get the point. 

Limbo gets a double delux bundle to rip the balance apart obviously. This is basic math friend.

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30 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

CC, damage and support were all covered long ago by the first frames. You also deliberately misunderstand my point which is how the end result is always the same albeit less effective. So yes, there is nothing truly new being added to the game, only different ways to achieve the same thing you could already achieve years ago.

For you, maybe. Not for people who actually like experiencing something new.

Comparing resulting frame mechanics and mission endings just shows how little you understand what I'm talking about.

ok bro whatever you say

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51 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

CC, damage and support were all covered long ago by the first frames. You also deliberately misunderstand my point which is how the end result is always the same albeit less effective. So yes, there is nothing truly new being added to the game, only different ways to achieve the same thing you could already achieve years ago.

So you say they should just made trinty and skip the rest of the frames?   That would been one boring game to play with just 1 frame for 4 years.  Gara might be a mix of frost and nova but she way more fun then both of them. 

And going by your definintion of mechanics  I guess we need a frame that have 4 powers with just fun visuals like releasing a balloon that let the enemies shoot you while you looking at it flying away.  Then we can have 1 power that throw a glass of water in the face of the enemy that do no damage no cc just make them wet. That would be new mechancis then? as It not cc ,damage or healing.

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2 minutes ago, Emolition said:

So you say they should just made trinty and skip the rest of the frames?

Basically. I mean you basically had all you needed when the first frames were introduced. Anything else is just padding out the games lifetime.

3 minutes ago, Emolition said:

Gara might be a mix of frost and nova but she way more fun then both of them. 

^This is subjective

I personally find her incredibly boring since she is, as you say a mix of two frames we've already had before, four if you count her damage reduction and "keep-the-enemy-busy-while-you-work" distraction power. On top of that she is also one of the ugliest frames to boot.

8 minutes ago, Emolition said:

And going by your definintion of mechanics  I guess we need a frame that have 4 powers with just fun visuals like releasing a balloon that let the enemies shoot you while you looking at it flying away.  Then we can have 1 power that throw a glass of water in the face of the enemy that do no damage no cc just make them wet. That would be new mechancis then? as It not cc ,damage or healing.

My whole point was that people who crow when a new frame comes out "Oh cool that's never been done before" are complete liars. Blissful ignorance is a good phrase here. This reminds me of the Nintendo situation where they just release the same game every single year and the concept/end-result doesn't budge a goddamn inch. So to sum it all up; Stop saying new frames have new mechanics. They don't.

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then all the frames with proto skins get normal deluxes, and the frames with normal deluxes gets protos? idek, there is nothing to suggest deluxes are a one thing per frame ordeal. (frames only have one per atm because they need to spread the design out)

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I swear i read or heard somewhere that MR30 will be the max. We have a stupid number of frames already far more than I thought warframe would have at the start. I could see them continue to do weapons until everyone stopped playing but not frames. The end of frame production just surely means they can go down to a skeleton crew and start working on warframe 2. With what ever iteration of warframe at that point as the framework of what warframe 2 will be. Strong lore base, established systems and gameplay.

Personally I'd love to see the tenno go to a new solar system and start waging war elsewhere against new foes. Perhaps we ultimately destroy the corpus and grineer forces are humanity is completly overcome and we have to leave. But first I want a better dojo ;p

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