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What weapons and warframes should i aim for?



Hey guys, so i've had this game like 7 days and i've made quite a bit of progress, but i've hit a wall in terms of what i should aim for.

So currently i will have in the next week :

Master Rank 7

Volt,Frost,Oberon,Ember,Trinity,Gara,Hydroid, saryn prime for frames

Dread, Paris Prime, Orthros Prime, Lex Prime,Nikana Prime for weapons

I'm halfway to oberon prime, valkyr Prime, hydroid prime, oberon prime

I've watched a lot of videos on good 'end game' items, frames and mods, but i'm still not sure what i should aim to get


Edited by fissionPanda
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13 answers to this question

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2 minutes ago, fissionPanda said:

I've watched a lot of videos on good 'end game' items, frames and mods, but i'm still not sure what i should aim to get

It depends on your goal. Are you after just the best items for "meta" builds? Or is the question more "what do people enjoy the most"?


There are frames and weapons that I love using, because they are fun. This does not mean they are the best.

Some Fun Weapons: Ferrox, Amprex, Cerata, Redeemer, Lanka (its actually quite excellent), any bows (esp. Rakta Cernos).

Some Fun Frames: Valkyr Prime (I just love Valkyr), Saryn Prime (Saryn can be Meta).

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Well, the short answer is aim to get them ALL, however. Once you do, find someone that suits your playstyle! The variety of playstyles are vast, but general builds can boil down to being DPS, Support, Tank etc. Find a category you like, and the find a frame that suits your style in that category. For instance, playing support. Your style might be Trinity, Oberon, Harrow, Nekros etc. Try them all before really deciding who you truly like. Endless possibilities.

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25 minutes ago, krc473 said:

It depends on your goal. Are you after just the best items for "meta" builds? Or is the question more "what do people enjoy the most"?


There are frames and weapons that I love using, because they are fun. This does not mean they are the best.

Some Fun Weapons: Ferrox, Amprex, Cerata, Redeemer, Lanka (its actually quite excellent), any bows (esp. Rakta Cernos).

Some Fun Frames: Valkyr Prime (I just love Valkyr), Saryn Prime (Saryn can be Meta).

So i think my goal is getting all the frames and items, but i want to have like 3 main frames and builds i can use for everything and eventually sorties and stuff like that. So a support, a dps and a tank build that stand up to higher levels

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I would recommend picking up a Nekros, and Ivara. Nekros for loot and defense, and Ivara for loot, stealth and utility. 

For weapons, i can't really recommend much, but Dread, is something you should try getting. Dread drops from Stalker, but Stalker has a 1.5% spawn chance. Don't worry though, the Dread bp is painfully high, and you'll eventually start getting annoyed over the fact that Stalker keeps dropping Dread. Dread is insanely strong, and the MR requirement is low.

Once you get some of those things, and get a good feel of the game, switch over to frames that fit you well. Same goes for weapons

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7 hours ago, fissionPanda said:

So a support, a dps and a tank build that stand up to higher levels

Support - Trinity, Nova (CC, Buff), Vauban (CC), Rhino (CC, Buff).

DPS - Saryn, Banshee.

Tank - Valkyr, Inaros.

Extras - Ivara (Stealth), Nekros (Loot Manipulation)

7 hours ago, fissionPanda said:

So i think my goal is getting all the frames and items

This is the best approach. Get everything, then figure out what you actually like. We can tell you to take an Excalibur with Nikana Prime and Chromatic Blade (MOD) for damage, but if you do not like this playstyle, its not much good to you.

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Let's see, out of the items you listed:

Volt is a nice frame if youre into gunplay.  He's got reliable CC, Shield and speed up reload time and melee atkspd.  I recently built him with 3 formas and I found him fun to play.

Saryn is also a great dps frame.  Pair her with an ignis or ignis wraith and you can clear rooms fast.

For secondaries,  I find the Lex Prime to be reliable.  Good damage and all but you gotta have to forma it alot (I spent 5 formas on it).  Reload speed is abit long tho.

You might want to consider getting an Akstilleto Prime.  It's also a great secondary with good damage, firerate, reload speed.  Plus it's gonna be vaulted soon so get it asap.


EDIT: almost forgot,  pick up an Opticor,  the BFG of warframe.  Seriously fun to use and can deal insane amount of damage.

Edited by Coldie93
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You probably wouldn't believe it but those kinda questions get asked a lot and there's allways as many answers as people answering.

Absolute frame requirements died with fissures replacing the void quite a while ago and most frames are fairly able to hold theyr ground in endgame content so what frames you wanna aim for really just depends on personal preference.

May i ask what frames you enjoyed so far? What playstyle suits you best? What “classes“ or “roles“ you usually tend to play?

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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You're a couple MR from being able to get access to most weapons that are considered "end-game", so I thought I'd recommend some you can get now.

When I was new to Warframe, I eventually hit a point where I just didn't feel effective.  That all changed when I got myself a Hek; it's a primary shotgun, and I would highly recommend it.  It will take good care of you very well, all the way up until you're MR is high enough to get "top tier" weapons.

If you like hard-hitting melee weapons, I can't recommend the Galatine enough.  Like the Hek, I could actually feel this weapon tangibly taking me to the next level of my game.     

I also lied a bit earlier when I said I wouldn't be recommending any end-game weapons, because there's one I'm going to recommend that you can get right now.  It's the Pox.  It's a secondary thrown weapon that explodes into lingering poison clouds.  It is incredibly deadly and it will solve almost all of your problems in life with ease.

Beyond that, if you have the time and/or are bored, I would highly recommend Brozime's Why Would You Use series on YouTube.  Every video covers a single weapon, and in my opinion he does a great job of explaining things.  (he also has a generally positive attitude)

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4 hours ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

You probably wouldn't believe it but those kinda questions get asked a lot and there's allways as many answers as people answering.

Absolute frame requirements died with fissures replacing the void quite a while ago and most frames are fairly able to hold theyr ground in endgame content so what frames you wanna aim for really just depends on personal preference.

May i ask what frames you enjoyed so far? What playstyle suits you best? What “classes“ or “roles“ you usually tend to play?

So i've only played volt and frost, i liked both, frost more but i liked both. Ember is done crafting tomorrow so i'll see with ember, but the most excited one i'm waiting on is gara, i like the sound of her abilities. I'm working towards getting an ivara now since i like the stealth. 

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Honestly, I am probably in this same position, except I know a bit more about the game.  I have had my account for about 2 years now, so it's been giving me time to look at things.  I am only MR 7 almost 8 working towards getting MR 10.  I didn't know what to do when I got to a certain point, I just felt like there was nothing left, even tho I have yet to unlock all the frames, I just felt like there's just nothing to do.  I recently made a clan now, and I have 4 different "Classes" that I will category all the frames into, each frame will have it's own loadout named after the class it is assigned to.  I thought it was a neat idea to do this, but I still don't have all the class types, so it's a work in progress.  So far I have "Defender" for defense missions, currently the frame selected is Nidus.  I have "Assassin" for spy missions, Ash Prime.  I have "Cleric" for healer basis, which is Oberon.  And finally, since I couldn't think of anything Mirage could fit into "Illusionist."

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On 12/3/2017 at 4:56 AM, fissionPanda said:

So i think my goal is getting all the frames and items, but i want to have like 3 main frames and builds i can use for everything and eventually sorties and stuff like that. So a support, a dps and a tank build that stand up to higher levels

You'll arrive somewhere like that eventually, but you're going to have a heck of a time predicting what your top builds are going to be in advance.  Most of my builds are 'change of pace' builds with a few main ones I play based on certain situations or because they've had staying power, but if you asked me what those would be 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and a year a go I'd have given completely different answers about everyone except Hamsterball Nyx.  Heck, Octavia's like my third most played frame and I haven't touched her in half a year.  

I wouldn't try to make those decisions now, part of the fun of Warframe is there's so much variety and sometimes a new angle or a new mod can turn a frame you've barely touched into a sudden favorite.  Weapons are pretty much the same way. 

Oh, and you also might want to add 'stealth' to your list, that's an interesting gameplay change of pace and three frames (Ash, Loki, and Ivara) are all extremely good at it.

Edited by FreeWilliam
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