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The Stalker Is An Opportunistic Nuisance


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So I've been killing bosses and running missions for quite some time now. Haven't seen the stalker in forever. Which is fine, I have all his crap. But nonetheless, I've given him plenty of opportunities to show up and take me on mano y mano. I like the challenge. Tenno on Tenno dueling. But no! So I've done all my farming and get a new frame, Loki. Loving him by the way. Couple missions down, only a couple ranks up. And guess who decides to show his pretty face: the stalker of course! And, of course again, he rips me to pieces. I know he is supposed to be hard. I know he is supposed to show at random. But this is BS. The stalker should track the frame, not just the player.  

No, its not a big deal. So I wasted one of my daily respawns for the convenience of continuing, not a bit deal, I never use them. But I just feel cheated. I would have loved to matched skills with him as the frame he was contracted to hunt down, not a completely different frame, one which was literally just built. Give me some time to train, c'mon!


Despite, DE's rather obnoxious ruse of ignorance, I would hope to see this addressed at some point. 


Does this bother anyone else, or is it just me? 



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i would like to see some things changed with the stalker... i personaly think there should b a stalker hunt raid or something, let the hunter b the hunted would b good... and perhaps mayb in them raids get the oportunity to get the warframe bar just the weapons!... hes so hard to find or even farm!

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Stalker thinks he's a mysterious noble avenger like batman but he only comes off as a petty nuisance and at worst an annoyance who slows down your progress.


Targets only the weakest warframe in a party? check

Shows up only when you're leveling a new warframe and/or weapons? check

runs away when things get a little bit difficult? check


Yeah, Stalker represents the new generation of gamers. Colour scheme also plays in to my theory.

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Did you coincidentally unequip all of your useful weapons?


Yes, actually, when I can I like to start new frames with new weapons. Gives me that 'new game' feel that I liked from the beginning. Whats the point in mastering a new frame when you have weapons that can pull all the slack? 



He does come after you more when you have lower ranked stuff. Is in his code.



And this is exactly my point. It shouldn't be in his code. At least not for new frames. Maybe new weapons, but not new frames. How is he supposed to have tracked you when you are a completely difference entity? 

Edited by inthephonebox
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Pretty sure stalker has a higher chance of showing up when you use lower level gear. I mean, if you were hunting tenno, wouldn't you?


This is something I agree with.


It's certainly possible for the Stalker to spawn against a high level Warframe with end-game weapons, but he's supposed to a hard mini-boss to kill, which is why he likes to stalk the newer Tenno.


Although I must admit, I had a fun time against the Stalker when using my Excalibur and made him a joke with my Frost Prime, Snow Globe, and Lanka (no offense, Stalker, but that was indeed an unfair fight).

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To be fair, that's the best way to go about assassinating a space-wizard-ninja. You wouldn't attack a tank alone if it's fully stocked and armed for another shot. You'd wait for it to be out of ammo and on its way back to base.

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I feel like the Stalker appearance rate should be changed from "Random" to more of a "Set Rate" considering every time he appears for me, it's like 2 days after I had killed said boss, and I didn't even remember that I had killed it. Alas, he kicks my &#! because I wasn't even expecting his surprise appearance to go all Slash Dash in my face before I even know what the hell is going on. So yeah, change up the way Stalker appears, I'd be happy bout that.

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It's actually a pretty common occurence. I myself and a lot of my friends have had experiences where Stalker rarely ever shows up when they're using their "serious" gear, but the moment they switch to a low level weapon for ranking up, the jerk shows up. It's almost like he was programmed to show up more when the player has low ranked gear to create the illusion that the Stalker is "hard". Of course DE won't tell us anything about the Stalker at all. Seriously, the "what stalker?" joke is getting REALLY old.

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ummm i was level 5 ember i think not sure.. i did not put any mods on her.. i was also leveling my guns which were really low.. like 2 haha.. and i was solo for some reason.. and the stalker pops out of no where and i just ran from him and he just vanished so i dont see a big deal with this.. and tbh it was not too hard to just move in a direction that was not his...

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my stalker story is interesting and it brings me back


like 3rd or 4th level being a noob and playing with high level people.One of them had an all new frost witch was cool so i got to see his abiltes and how to play witch was a big help. then the chat goes bad


<New frost> Oh no

<Me> What

<New frost> stalker

<Me> stalker?

<other people> OH MY GRUUD

<New frost> im low level so il run off and you kill him

<Me> im new and i cant beat him who is he?

<other people> (high level strats conversation)

<Me> who the hell is he 


Then he appears and me and the frost run of to a safe place the other guys battle him and we see 2 messages saying such and such has died. we run in frost goes for the far away one i go for the close one i go invis and revive him we regroup at a little platform they all run away stalker slash dashes me i aim and.... hit the explosive barrel he dies and no loot was dropped

Edited by Lord_zasca
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