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Creating a Warframe


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Here's a hypothetical question:


If you could design and create your own Warframe, what would it be like? What abilities would it have? What would it look like? And how would it tie into the use of your operator? What sort of things would you include to help synergize your operator with your warframe?

(Okay, that was more than one question. Sorry about that)

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I know this is more a Kung Fu thing and not a "ninja" thing, BUT a type of drunken master frame would be awesome. Basically his 1-3 abilities would be basic Kung Fu attacks. Palm attack that pushes enemies back, trips to knock enemies down, etc... And he would be fat. Now here's where it would get interesting. As you use your 1-3 abilities the void energy that you give off is collected by a "jug" type device on your hip. Once it was full, or maybe it doesn't have to be full, but would be less effective. So when you activate your 4 you drink from the jug which imbues you with concentrated void energy which makes you incredibly powerful, but due to your frame not being able to handle that much energy it takes on a type of "drunken" state and deals counterattacks and has percentage to not take damage on counter. A type of thorns tank if you would. BUT, I think the 4 should be tap or hold. Tap you drink the jug and hold you douse yourself in it. Dousing yourself in it causes your limbs to extend some what so that they are lanky and your "belly" is extended out of your torso and becomes one of those big ball flails/maces. Basically a form that deals in offense, speed/damage, but eats up energy faster. Just a thought and seems unique.

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So I started writing this as a joke, and in the end I actually thought it was neat.  Life is weird sometimes.

My Warframe is hair-themed.  It's simply covered in body hair.  And it has abilities that make the hair grow, so that as you dash around you have a flowing mane trailing behind your body.

  • One ability should tie up the enemies with body hair so they can't move
  • One ability should put body hair in enemies' mouths, preventing them from calling for help and alerting other unaware enemies.
  • One ability will put hair gel on the body hair, making it very spiky, dealing puncture damage to enemies when you get close to them.
  • One ability should let you use the body hair as a grappling hook.

I dunno what the Warframe would actually look like.  Maybe like a Super Saiyan Ewok.  That's good enough.

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21 minutes ago, (PS4)Unstar said:

So I started writing this as a joke, and in the end I actually thought it was neat.  Life is weird sometimes.

My Warframe is hair-themed.  It's simply covered in body hair.  And it has abilities that make the hair grow, so that as you dash around you have a flowing mane trailing behind your body.

  • One ability should tie up the enemies with body hair so they can't move
  • One ability should put body hair in enemies' mouths, preventing them from calling for help and alerting other unaware enemies.
  • One ability will put hair gel on the body hair, making it very spiky, dealing puncture damage to enemies when you get close to them.
  • One ability should let you use the body hair as a grappling hook.

I dunno what the Warframe would actually look like.  Maybe like a Super Saiyan Ewok.  That's good enough.

Did someone say Bayonetta?


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I'd have a couple of frames.

One would be a demolitionist like Street Fighter's Rolento. Planting bombs on the enemy within melee range, only to knock him back and detonate it later.

The other would be able to control Gravity. Making enemies and allies fly. AOE is gravitational waves. CC would leave enemies knocked down for seconds.
Number 4 would be a Quasar. Hold 4 to jet stream of energy and matter out of the black hole.

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Combustion based frame.

Have his/her body covered wih hidden jet engines that can open up and either propel or combust.

1st can be the jet engine on the back opens and does a basic charge, but if hit twice it'll be followed up by a leg jet opening to do a roundhouse kick, and finaly a third tap would do a combustion/explosion. Kinda like atlas' first


2nd would be a mobility based skill on duration. Jets on the arms and legs would open, you'd be able to skid through for a moment. Like that one skill in kingdom hearts 2 where you'd basically ice skate in the air for a short period of time


3rd would be a hard ground slam with the help of arm jets that would knock everyone in its vicinity down and disarmed, trying to pick up their guns when they get up


4th would be  sustained phara barrage. Hold down a position, open op every parts of the body engines, and release a barrage of rockets/lazers/ajything lore friendly.

High mobility, high damage frame.


Name him...



Edited by (PS4)watt4hem
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I'd like to make an undead frame. Don't get mix up with Nekros, I means not necromancer but an undead, something similar to Inaros but more raw and less refined, like a ghoul or revenant where dying is a part of playing with some interval between 'fake' death which I gonna call it "Undead Resilence" that instead of waiting for teammate to come to the rescue, it do stuff like unleashing some kind of energy that do damage and/or debuff enemies around it for some period of time before reviving itself.

It will have very siniter abilities.

1. Coat itself with slime or energy field that drain melee attackers' health and make them panic.

2. Leap toward enemy and eat it alive to rush Undead Resilence cooldown. The DPS is high but no invulnerability granted unlike Inaros.

3. Boost HP pool up multiple times and become invincible zombie at cost of health loss over time. The running speed is fixed and no splinting allow, only way to stay alive is to keep killing. And during the effect you can't cast any other abilities at all.

4. Commit suicide, explode and deal damage equal to 50+ times (or any number DE see fit) of remaining HP and then trigger Undead Resilence if available.

And last but not least, it's a very squishy frame on the same level as Loki or even worse

Edited by R3b3ll10n90s
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Has anyone never thought of having a Merdusa frame? A Snake frame basically. Type : Female, long metal hair, sexy animation, No leg but a snake tail to travel around instead. Having two leg means you can run and jump and glide. But having a snake tail her movement speed will be fast. Snake can jump pretty high as well. And 1st ability i suggest is Sting Dash, charges foward and nearby enemies will get hits and dealt toxin damage overtime. her 2nd will be Snake skin, its a channeling ability. she will remove her damaged skin and recovered the health slighty. Her damaged skin will stay remained as a decoy till its destoryed. Her 3rd ability is Sense, it will show a location of the enemies. this ability is effected by duration and range. And her 4th ability is Eyes of blight. Any enemies look at her on eye will get stoned till if merdusa looked away. This ability is effected by duration, range and strength. Duration will last ability more longer, Range increase her meters and Strength increase how much enemies she can cast on it. Well that was my idea anyway =3= . I mostly care about the appearence more than abilities.

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How about an emo frame?


1 No One Understands- Cuts himself, spraying forth a wave of acid blood with a 100% toxin proc for 3/5/10/15m

2 Doctor's Orders - Guzzles a handful of pills causing the frame to glow for 5/10/15/20 seconds making it more resistant to damage 

3 Do You Even Listen - An AoE blast of the worst 3 chords of music in the known universe causing enemies to clutch their heads and be stunned for 1/3/5/7 seconds

4 Sideways For Attention - Whenever this frame goes to zero health all enemies within 5/10/15/20m will run to their location to mourn, making them vulnerable to finishing moves. Once activated the frame would leap from the ground to hit 2/4/6/8 enemies.  If at least 50% of the enemies hit do not die, the frame goes into bleedout mode.  If more than 50% do die from the attack, then the frame is fully restored and invulnerable for 3 seconds.   So you activate it after dying

Physically would appear androgynous, complete with thigh length dress/tunic and horizontally wide striped leggings.  Helmet would emulate a sideways haircut.  around the waist would be an updated version of a wide white leather belt.

Edited by (PS4)BattleCry1791
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15 minutes ago, WhiteWingCat said:

Has anyone never thought of having a Merdusa frame? A Snake frame basically. Type : Female, long metal hair, sexy animation, No leg but a snake tail to travel around instead. Having two leg means you can run and jump and glide. But having a snake tail her movement speed will be fast. Snake can jump pretty high as well. And 1st ability i suggest is Sting Dash, charges foward and nearby enemies will get hits and dealt toxin damage overtime. her 2nd will be Snake skin, its a channeling ability. she will remove her damaged skin and recovered the health slighty. Her damaged skin will stay remained as a decoy till its destoryed. Her 3rd ability is Sense, it will show a location of the enemies. this ability is effected by duration and range. And her 4th ability is Eyes of blight. Any enemies look at her on eye will get stoned till if merdusa looked away. This ability is effected by duration, range and strength. Duration will last ability more longer, Range increase her meters and Strength increase how much enemies she can cast on it. Well that was my idea anyway =3= . I mostly care about the appearence more than abilities.

Poison damage and skin decoy part sound like Saryn but I like the snake tail idea.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)BattleCry1791 said:


Basically pick 4 powers from 5 different frames and then choose 1 (and only one) from those 4 frames; torso, legs, arms, and head

So OP'd.  

I had a similar idea a while ago.  I'd call it "Morph".

I would like a transformer frame.  Warframe mode, land-vehicle mode, Air-vehicle mode (like Titania's 4, but not).  Would have 1 and 2 abilities in each form; 3, and 4 would cycle between modes, perhaps with some added effect, like transforming from car to Warframe would give you a temporary speed boost.  I would call it Optimus.  And then it would get a prime version.  And DE would get sued.  =P


Edited by PhotriusPyrelus
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I am currently working on my frames there are 4 at moment and one are specifically a tenno request from here the another 3 is my original idea and from these 2 still early conceptural one is now currently modelling phase. I need to do a lot of work on them but I would only share if these are implemented on the way how I imagined otherwise these will be later uploaded for fans.

A xenomorph inspired frame called : Xenis - she is pretty much a valkyre like xeno frame which can be tanky and agile enough to avoid the bullets. This one still needs ideas for abilities and some minor things but currently I co work on this frame and on another which called Desdemona (she is still in concept) and later on I will work on two other frame which still no have name but I have some ideas how they will look and work. 

Currently this but it would be a nice to find a warframe related application which used to share 3d models of fan made frames and a catalogy for them to the better searching.

The chances are low for these frames but hopefully someday they will take finished ideas and won't change them drastically. There is alos a Flora named frame by - MrPigman and several artists whom coworked on her. I pretty much like that frame all in all and hope they will add her because she is rdy.

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2 hours ago, WhiteWingCat said:

Has anyone never thought of having a Merdusa frame? A Snake frame basically. Type : Female, long metal hair, sexy animation, No leg but a snake tail to travel around instead. 

Rigging would be too different, they'd need an entire new movement animation set. Her noble and agile stances won't be usable for others and vice verca. This has been brought up wayyy back (i remember seeing a thread about it).

As for the hair, look up hennya and tell me you don't want her in game.

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20 minutes ago, Sziklamester said:

I am currently working on my frames there are 4 at moment and one are specifically a tenno request from here the another 3 is my original idea and from these 2 still early conceptural one is now currently modelling phase. I need to do a lot of work on them but I would only share if these are implemented on the way how I imagined otherwise these will be later uploaded for fans.

A xenomorph inspired frame called : Xenis - she is pretty much a valkyre like xeno frame which can be tanky and agile enough to avoid the bullets. This one still needs ideas for abilities and some minor things but currently I co work on this frame and on another which called Desdemona (she is still in concept) and later on I will work on two other frame which still no have name but I have some ideas how they will look and work. 

Currently this but it would be a nice to find a warframe related application which used to share 3d models of fan made frames and a catalogy for them to the better searching.

The chances are low for these frames but hopefully someday they will take finished ideas and won't change them drastically. There is alos a Flora named frame by - MrPigman and several artists whom coworked on her. I pretty much like that frame all in all and hope they will add her because she is rdy.

Why are you speaking like your ideas have a chance at being put in the game?

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I actually have another idea inspired by a guy hip shooting Kord heavy machine gun (look for him on YT) and I thinks "man, that's awesome you put Rambo to shame"

I still don't have clear image of him yet but he should looks like a big guy carrying a large ammo backpack with a hand held quad cannon stick to it and his ability is as following.

Passive: Bullet Hoast - Increase magazine size of primary weapon for xx percent (as DE see fit)

1st: Snap Shot - Needs secondary weapon, likes quick melee but instead using secondary weapon to hit a single target at the weakspot with chance to score critical hit based on chance on secondary weapon and mods. Fire in normal left click pattern. Consume secondary ammo. Cast rate restricted by weapon rate of fire.

2nd: Mechanism Rush - Boost rate of fire and magazine size of all allies in the radius. Bow don't get magazine size buff but does get double effect of rate of fire buff.

3rd: Taunt - Insult enemies so that they pay attention to him with damage buff at cost of reduced armor and HP pool.

4th: Quadromatic - Pull out quad cannon and start shooting non-stop. Quad cannon has infinite ammo and has very high rate of fire but suffer pathetic accuracy hitting stuff is all about luck unless you get into melee range. Any enemies caught in crosshair will get Supressed effect which is damage debuff. During the effect the movement speed is reduce to walking and cannot be improved. Ranking up increase rate of fire and strenthen debuff effect but reduce accuracy or in other word, increase the area of debuff. Damage output, rate of fire, and accuracy is affected by primary weapon mods.



Guardian (temporarily name) is a Steel Meridian's attempt to create warframe of Tenno's equivalent to help combat its foes but ended up as a big waste of resources and time due to lack of operator capable to operate, so they locked him away in a secret lab on Earth but then Grineer spy snatched him away right under their nose and send him right the way to Vey Hek's tech team where he get 'Grineerification' to simpify the operation system and lessen the burden put on operator..

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I've been waiting for a Druid frame similar to diablo 2. Khorra is coming but she's more like a crazy cat lady. 


Im talking a frame where his/her abilities are used to buff or summon creatures. We have kavats and kubrows, maybe it will open up the door to creating a bear like futuristic creature. 


Or maybe he/she can morph into creatures. Allows you to play as a werekavat or werekubrow and his/her abilities would be different as to what form he/she morphs into. 


Maybe be one day. A guy can dream right?

Edited by Deger27
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a ghost/spirit warframe 

abilities: phase through certaon objects, posses a enemy which you take control over and use his abilities, aoe mark where every marked enemy recieves more dmg from you and allies, he marks a enemy which dies when he (the frame) dies while the ability is active but revives the frame in the process

passive: gains flat 80 armor for every allie in reach but loses 25 max energy for every allie in reach

sorry for my english in advance

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A Warframe with wolf like characterstics with an emphasis on being a team player. Some ideas for abilities are...


1) Rending Claws - Swipe your razor sharp claws tearing your enemies to bits, enemies hit bleed for 10 seconds and take additional damage from all sources (cone aoe, can hold the attack button for continuous use).

2) Relentless Predator - Leap forward and mawl your prey until there's nothing left!  While active, kills restore a small portion of energy while also boosting attack speed for you and your allies (aoe/buff).

3) Stealthy Hunter - Turns you and your allies invisible. While invisible, activate to mawl enemies and heal yourself (single target/buff). 

4) Cry Wolf - Unleash a devasting howl, so powerful it crushes even the sturdiest of armors. Enemies are stunned and take heavy damage depending on % of missing health (wide aoe).


Passive - Strength of the Pack - Players within range gain a boost to damage. 





Edited by (PS4)BR0TH3R_H00D_
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