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Isn't it about time we got a vaccine option?


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I think they should expand that Helminth room with a "DNA replicator" that stores the DNA from the first cyst you pop, and allows you to, for a modest 10,000 credits - buy a vial of "Helminth Bile" which is use for the creation of the Helminth Charger during incubation, that way they can make the stupid pink pimple a one time thing without sacrificing it's one and only purpose.  After that, they can let any frame, not just Nidus, enter the room to buy the Bile... personally though I think they should do a story mission where we airlock that useless room so they can use it for something worthwhile.  

Some people might not think it's a big deal, but I find it ruins fashion frame, especially on darker frames.  The idea of a spreadable virus was cool - but considering the only negative effect is ugliness, and overall the mechanic serves no deep or meaningful purpose, they should just drop it or rework it altogether as I suggested above.

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7 hours ago, Jicematoro said:

People, really, removing the week required to remove the Cyst from a frame wouldn't take more than deleting/editing a/couple line/s of code.

You don't even need to remove the week of maduration for the Cyst before turning it into a Kubrow, if that's the issue.

Implying the implementation of a faster counter-meassure for Space Aids, or the removal of the Week of wait would take any time away from the development of other features is just ridiculous.

Agreed 100%. Exactly what I've been saying.

And to reply to the other guys, having the cyst instantly mature or, especially paying to have that happen, is something I'm not really a fan of. If you want your cyst to mature, waiting for it to do so is fine for most people. What I'm talking about is not even wanting to have this cyst in the first place, yet being forced to carry it for at least a week before you're given the option to get rid of it.

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I am really tired to see the disgusting cyst for a week and manually remove it after a week by each warframes, every single one. Guys, I have used all warframes save for Excaliber Prime(because I am not a prime access buyer), Gara(because of ridiculous amount of resource required to make her), Mesa(because I can't get the chassis yet), Hydroid Prime(because I am start to build him yesterday) and Mirage Prime. I have sell Ember and Frost long ago before we saw Archwings and make me out of game(at that time the client was too slow so I can't even turn on the client) then I have returned the game this year... so I have to remove it for FORTY-FIVE TIMES. Wait for a week then manually remove it one by one, EVERY SINGLE ONE. It really make me sick. Why we have to have a disgusting feature for a week after make a brand new warframe? I don't get it.


edit: it was FORTY-FOUR because my Harrow still get a cyst and it wasn't fully grown. Still, it makes me disgusted.

Edited by DroopingPuppy
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2 minutes ago, Rentix said:

"Stop ALL the big updates and fix this pimple on my neck!"

Hahahah what??

Again, who the heck ever said that? Seriously, how much work do you think it is to literally add an item/script that prevents cyst growth? Enough work to prevent working on anything else? I really need people who think this way to elaborate on their way of "thinking".

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39 minutes ago, Lance_Lionroar said:

Again, who the heck ever said that? Seriously, how much work do you think it is to literally add an item/script that prevents cyst growth? Enough work to prevent working on anything else? I really need people who think this way to elaborate on their way of "thinking".

Not sure who said it really, I just skimmed the thread and summed it up in a single post.
Which was supposed to be viewed as comical for the most part.
As for asking my ways of thinking, that's a bit odd to ask, don't know you well enough to get into that, sorry.


15 minutes ago, DroopingPuppy said:

Sir, did you ever have a look for the OP? Please read the post before make a reply.

Yes I have.
Making* btw.

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I am agreeing all of them who says the cyst thing is horrible and should have never existed. They did it because they wanted a surprise but not everybody like surprises and (this kind of surprises) so this can have 2 outcome. The vaccine is a thing which never implemented sadly but technically it is easy. That is awful to wait weeks for all of your frame whom infected with this to remove it. An option would be welcomed if they add the option to vaccine all and immunize my frames against the helmint virus and if I want I can infect a selected frame if wish to breed helmin chargers. This is how this should have be done and not what happend in reality. This is partly a fashion thing secondly it is disgusting and not everyone like these disgusting things. If you had a dinner and watch tv I suppose you don't wish to see an advertising with cyst or ebola or anything else. I guess it is gust question and many peoples are just doesn't car because their needs are on the bottom line. Some of us have taste for things and doesn't like things like this and it shouldn't be a forced thing to all at all. 

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2 hours ago, Sziklamester said:

I am agreeing all of them who says the cyst thing is horrible and should have never existed. They did it because they wanted a surprise but not everybody like surprises and (this kind of surprises) so this can have 2 outcome. The vaccine is a thing which never implemented sadly but technically it is easy. That is awful to wait weeks for all of your frame whom infected with this to remove it. An option would be welcomed if they add the option to vaccine all and immunize my frames against the helmint virus and if I want I can infect a selected frame if wish to breed helmin chargers. This is how this should have be done and not what happend in reality. This is partly a fashion thing secondly it is disgusting and not everyone like these disgusting things. If you had a dinner and watch tv I suppose you don't wish to see an advertising with cyst or ebola or anything else. I guess it is gust question and many peoples are just doesn't car because their needs are on the bottom line. Some of us have taste for things and doesn't like things like this and it shouldn't be a forced thing to all at all. 

Well I gotta admit, when the cyst first showed up in the game, it was pretty interesting. It has long since overstayed its welcome.


2 hours ago, (Xbox One)AyersyBears said:

Seems a really, really minor thing but I don't see why it would be a bad thing to introduce a consumable you can craft for some materials to innoculate a new frame with. Could even introduce a mini quest with some lore behind creating the vaccine/ finding out what Helminth is/ how it got in the ship etc.

I love that idea actually.

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