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Nerf/Rework Soundquake


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I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. You hop on Hydron and see a banshee sitting in the middle of the map with soundquake and hitting just about the whole map. I didn't think that this power would be as much of a problem going forward with how we seem to be transitioning away from small maps and into larger areas. However, today, I did a defense mission on the corpus ship defense tile (which I would consider to be a much more spread out map than hydron), and lo and behold our banshee got the highest % of damage on the team.

Now, our team wasn't particularly stellar and I'm not basing all my ideas on this one experience, but I don't think it's acceptable for players to essentially be able to be AFK and still contribute to the team.

In addition, I think the addition of the soundquake augment in its current form was a really bad decision. By letting the bonuses increase with time (damage and range), players are encouraged to stay in soundquake for longer, thereby encouraging a passive and lazy playstyle.

So what would I do about it? Well, I would prefer soundquake be reworked in a way such that it would involve some more participation from the player (similar to undertow). I would also prefer an entirely different augment. However, seeing as how DE likely has a lot of frames to work on right now, I think a temporary solution would be to nerf the augment by removing the increasing range component entirely. You still have the option to make soundquake into a "high-damage" power through the augment, but you can't blanket the whole map. Therefore, the player has to move around to get into position to use it.

It may also be necessary to decrease its casting speed to make up for that, but I'm not sure about that.

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No thank you. I'd like Banshee to remain one of my favourites and I rarely even use sound quake I'm a sonar banshee. But I like the fact that she has VIABLE options on most of her abilitys. Viable=OP 90% of the time to the warframe community. With the exception of a few warframes that are overly viable but I won't name them :^)

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28 minutes ago, Somb3rBivalve said:

I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. You hop on Hydron and see a banshee sitting in the middle of the map with soundquake and hitting just about the whole map. I didn't think that this power would be as much of a problem going forward with how we seem to be transitioning away from small maps and into larger areas. However, today, I did a defense mission on the corpus ship defense tile (which I would consider to be a much more spread out map than hydron), and lo and behold our banshee got the highest % of damage on the team.

Now, our team wasn't particularly stellar and I'm not basing all my ideas on this one experience, but I don't think it's acceptable for players to essentially be able to be AFK and still contribute to the team.

In addition, I think the addition of the soundquake augment in its current form was a really bad decision. By letting the bonuses increase with time (damage and range), players are encouraged to stay in soundquake for longer, thereby encouraging a passive and lazy playstyle.

So what would I do about it? Well, I would prefer soundquake be reworked in a way such that it would involve some more participation from the player (similar to undertow). I would also prefer an entirely different augment. However, seeing as how DE likely has a lot of frames to work on right now, I think a temporary solution would be to nerf the augment by removing the increasing range component entirely. You still have the option to make soundquake into a "high-damage" power through the augment, but you can't blanket the whole map. Therefore, the player has to move around to get into position to use it.

It may also be necessary to decrease its casting speed to make up for that, but I'm not sure about that.

Yes please.

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19 minutes ago, Somb3rBivalve said:

I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. You hop on Hydron and see a banshee sitting in the middle of the map with soundquake and hitting just about the whole map. I didn't think that this power would be as much of a problem going forward with how we seem to be transitioning away from small maps and into larger areas. However, today, I did a defense mission on the corpus ship defense tile (which I would consider to be a much more spread out map than hydron), and lo and behold our banshee got the highest % of damage on the team.

Now, our team wasn't particularly stellar and I'm not basing all my ideas on this one experience, but I don't think it's acceptable for players to essentially be able to be AFK and still contribute to the team.

In addition, I think the addition of the soundquake augment in its current form was a really bad decision. By letting the bonuses increase with time (damage and range), players are encouraged to stay in soundquake for longer, thereby encouraging a passive and lazy playstyle.

So what would I do about it? Well, I would prefer soundquake be reworked in a way such that it would involve some more participation from the player (similar to undertow). I would also prefer an entirely different augment. However, seeing as how DE likely has a lot of frames to work on right now, I think a temporary solution would be to nerf the augment by removing the increasing range component entirely. You still have the option to make soundquake into a "high-damage" power through the augment, but you can't blanket the whole map. Therefore, the player has to move around to get into position to use it.

It may also be necessary to decrease its casting speed to make up for that, but I'm not sure about that.

Oh boy here we go again .. Another one .. and you gues it ..Another one

pff anyway

Its not only Banshee that can rek the whole map there .

latest?cb=20170920180616 Banshee




latest?cb=20170920181136 Nova



I gues we are all not done with this ridiculous topics 

Iam fine with every warframe .. aslong you show respect 

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ember world on fire = afk

hydroid undertow = afk

frost globe = afk

eq sleep = afk

now banshee sound quake = afk

how ppl know about other being afk tho ?


for those afk crap to work they may have a background work just how they manage get a certain mod, certain equipment... to be able to afk ad relax for a certain mission

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Just now, Whitestrake0 said:

Actually wait I can just use the same thing Nidus players use to defend themselves. It only works in places where you have to stand still otherwise soundquake is pretty trash. Does that work? I think it dooooes.

What i have seeing ..  Is that Gara the only one that can contain banshee in borders that Gara makes on him/she 4th ability 

yeah i saw that happen early today .. Oo i were like oh lol there we go blocking eachothers ability

How i can messup Saryns Spore 2nd ability with only Nova's 2nd ability .. heheh there allot of exploring to do 

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54 minutes ago, -_Highlander_- said:

Oh boy here we go again .. Another one .. and you gues it ..Another one

pff anyway

Its not only Banshee that can rek the whole map there .

latest?cb=20170920180616 Banshee




latest?cb=20170920181136 Nova



I gues we are all not done with this ridiculous topics 

Iam fine with every warframe .. aslong you show respect 

Eh... One of these things is not like the other.... Also isn't it Ember, not Nova...?

Personally, any one-button, nuke map style frames are bad design but hey what do we know about fun... 

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I'd prefer a overhauled Lobby system that allows players to choose what frames, abilities, weapons, mods, number of rounds, etc. they automatically will/won't get paired with and will leave squad/join squad according to preferences. I think Soundquake, WOF, Maim, etc. are viable playstyles, I don't use it but I'm not bothered by those who do. Banshee is easily the most AFK out of any frame or ability since she's actually locked down herself, though. She is the one frame who could use her 4th changed, but having a better Lobby system and devoting resources to that far outweighs every request to nerf frames. Then we can circumvent all of the garbage threads started by new players complaining about stronger, long time players. For all future targets of potentially undeserved nerf hammers. RIP nerfed stuff.

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2 hours ago, Ajwf said:

Also isn't it Ember, not Nova...?


Nova can kill lvl 115 Bombards much easier than Ember. If you have a Tigris Prime equipped, you can kill all 20 of them with Molecular Prime and 3 Anti Matter drops charged up. In the lower levels, Nova is easier to deal with strangely since the Experience from Molecular Prime goes to you when you trigger the chain Reaction. But still, She can nuke a whole crowd no problem.

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5 hours ago, -_Highlander_- said:

Oh boy here we go again .. Another one .. and you gues it ..Another one

pff anyway

Its not only Banshee that can rek the whole map there .

latest?cb=20170920180616 Banshee




latest?cb=20170920181136 Nova



I gues we are all not done with this ridiculous topics 

Iam fine with every warframe .. aslong you show respect 

Some of those frames have similar problems for sure. I never said that they didn't. However, the reason I chose to single out banshee is that I think she is the least participatory of all of those. You literally sit in one place for the majority of the time. Even if you wanted to run and around and do other things, you can't. It's boring for everyone involved.

With equinox, I don't think maim can kill mid-level enemies (like the stuff on hydron) fast enough before they get out of their spawn. I don't think it would be as much of a problem and other players would have a chance to kill things. With banshee, the potential range is much larger when you take the augment into account, and it can stagger lock enemies in their spawns

I'll admit Mag is a problem as well, but nerfing polarize also does not seem like a good idea right now. At least if the enemies run out of shields or armor, it won't really do anything anymore.

I don't really mind Mesa that much. I think peacemaker's damage is insanely high, but at least you have to aim a bit and it has line of sight restrictions.

With nova, again molecular prime is a map-covering ability, but it doesn't kill anything. Sure it has the potential to make enemies trivially easy, but at least you can do other things in addition to spamming it, and allies have a chance to kill stuff too.

With saryn I definitely see her as a problem as well. Personally I think the damage from spreading spores should be nerfed (I see spores exclusively as a debuff and a way to add miasma damage). To compensate, perhaps miasma's damage bonus from previously applied viral and toxin procs should be increased. I think she should be steered in a direction that involves trying to set up for miasma nukes rather than building solely around spores.

3 hours ago, Sasuda said:

I'd prefer a overhauled Lobby system that allows players to choose what frames, abilities, weapons, mods, number of rounds, etc. they automatically will/won't get paired with and will leave squad/join squad according to preferences. I think Soundquake, WOF, Maim, etc. are viable playstyles, I don't use it but I'm not bothered by those who do. Banshee is easily the most AFK out of any frame or ability since she's actually locked down herself, though. She is the one frame who could use her 4th changed, but having a better Lobby system and devoting resources to that far outweighs every request to nerf frames. Then we can circumvent all of the garbage threads started by new players complaining about stronger, long time players. For all future targets of potentially undeserved nerf hammers. RIP nerfed stuff.

Matchmaking restrictions would split the playerbase and would cause people to play less of these "questionable" frames even if they want to play them in a non-cheesy way. It's not a good solution imo.

6 hours ago, ChaotikDreamz said:

Your complaining about basically getting free leveling. And asking for nerfs in a PvE farm fest. This is why we cant have nice things and new content. To many ppl crying nerf this nerf that in the content thats 5 years old.

I don't know about you, but I do try to have fun when playing warframe. It's not all about the grind. If a frame is affecting my ability to have fun (by killing enemies too close to their spawns) then it would be in my interest to ask for nerfs.

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SQ is fine in my oppinion, it's rather the player base that's toxic af.

A good banshee player won't essencially cover the whole map. He'd sonar/resonance first to get around 5 times the damage on lower but not bad range...he'd thus allow the team to add too.

For a frame to do propper aoe is fine. For a frame to hinder everyone else and to even prolong games, forcing the squad to check each and every doorway of the map to spot the eximus...for someone building to literally steal damage, to troll, that's an issue. The aoe is not.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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1 hour ago, Somb3rBivalve said:

Some of those frames have similar problems for sure. I never said that they didn't. However, the reason I chose to single out banshee is that I think she is the least participatory of all of those. You literally sit in one place for the majority of the time. Even if you wanted to run and around and do other things, you can't. It's boring for everyone involved.

With equinox, I don't think maim can kill mid-level enemies (like the stuff on hydron) fast enough before they get out of their spawn. I don't think it would be as much of a problem and other players would have a chance to kill things. With banshee, the potential range is much larger when you take the augment into account, and it can stagger lock enemies in their spawns

I'll admit Mag is a problem as well, but nerfing polarize also does not seem like a good idea right now. At least if the enemies run out of shields or armor, it won't really do anything anymore.

I don't really mind Mesa that much. I think peacemaker's damage is insanely high, but at least you have to aim a bit and it has line of sight restrictions.

With nova, again molecular prime is a map-covering ability, but it doesn't kill anything. Sure it has the potential to make enemies trivially easy, but at least you can do other things in addition to spamming it, and allies have a chance to kill stuff too.

With saryn I definitely see her as a problem as well. Personally I think the damage from spreading spores should be nerfed (I see spores exclusively as a debuff and a way to add miasma damage). To compensate, perhaps miasma's damage bonus from previously applied viral and toxin procs should be increased. I think she should be steered in a direction that involves trying to set up for miasma nukes rather than building solely around spores.

Matchmaking restrictions would split the playerbase and would cause people to play less of these "questionable" frames even if they want to play them in a non-cheesy way. It's not a good solution imo.

I don't know about you, but I do try to have fun when playing warframe. It's not all about the grind. If a frame is affecting my ability to have fun (by killing enemies too close to their spawns) then it would be in my interest to ask for nerfs.

Wow i cant belive what iam are reading here :facepalm:

Shame on you 

You are just one of those that seeing warframe realy comming to an end

How you love to destroy warframes that players posses

weither if not powerfull enough or to powerfull


Just picking on random warframes is just asking for an backfire you know it i know it

This week it begun with



and now its banshee


3 warframes in one week that some raging persons loves to see destroyed

while the reason isnt that high enough to support it


Iam realy against nerfing .. why

Becuase you didnt pay my 5k computer 

think it over before you take aways somebodys property


Pls dont reply to this ever

as i know that you didnt see the things i mention above 

and you give it an total new direction on it while iam telling you . yes you .. that it useless to trowing trash around while you're statement isnt 100% an fact but more an rage 

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Okay ladies and gents, and everyone in between, I'd like to talk a little sense.

This whole thread has devolved into little more than arguing the merits of a frame that can affect an entire map with a single ability, and whether that ability is considered too powerful because of it.

And the actual answer is that none of them are supposed to do what they do, but you're all looking at the wrong part of what they do.

DE have changed many abilities in the past because they cause the player to be encouraged to use only a single ability, consistently, with no account for their other casts. Why? Because DE takes the time and effort to ensure that all four are available to you at all times and they don't like single button casting to affect so much.

But that's not the question!

The real question:

How would we change Banshee's 4 to make it essentially the same ability (for people who would cry if it were different) but encourage them not to spend entire rounds tucked into a ball?

I would suggest...

Wait until January when the IPS status update arrives.

No, really, I genuinely suggest this. Because Impact and Blast are the damage types of Sound Quake.

Multiple Stagger procs will stack into ragdolls on enemies, in other words, Sound Quake will throw enemies out of its range rather than kill them over time. It will still deal the same damage, but unless you're on the smallest maps the enemies will spend more time out of Sound Quake than in it.

People using Sound Quake will not be getting the kills, they'll just be keeping the enemies locked out of range, and it will be less effective to keep the thing on consistently.

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6 hours ago, Sasuda said:

I'd prefer a overhauled Lobby system that allows players to choose what frames, abilities, weapons, mods, number of rounds, etc. they automatically will/won't get paired with and will leave squad/join squad according to preferences. I think Soundquake, WOF, Maim, etc. are viable playstyles, I don't use it but I'm not bothered by those who do. Banshee is easily the most AFK out of any frame or ability since she's actually locked down herself, though. She is the one frame who could use her 4th changed, but having a better Lobby system and devoting resources to that far outweighs every request to nerf frames. Then we can circumvent all of the garbage threads started by new players complaining about stronger, long time players. For all future targets of potentially undeserved nerf hammers. RIP nerfed stuff.

I second this.

After playing for 4 years, I have grown sick of these.

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 Wow another nerf thread. If you dont like it dont use it. If you get into a lobby and sombody is playing in a way you dont like ,abort mission. More people find this useful then a hindrance this playstyle is only effective on very specific tilesets. And only up to a certain point. I really hope DE doesnt ruin frames and abilities based off the ideas of the minority. 

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I think there's just common courtesy to other players.  If you want to single handedly wipe out Hydron, then play solo or invite only. While I'm there, I'm not there to be bored out of my mind for 5-10 minutes. I do enjoy playing the game.

For full disclosure, I used to do the same thing (Saryn/Nezha/Banshee/Ember etc etc). But after leveling up a lot of frames and forma'd weapons (and trying to experience how the forma is affecting the weapon/frame efficiency as I level so I could tweak) , I actually found it kind of rude actually being prevented from playing after experiencing it endlessly myself.

So now I still run frames that can hit the map, but I run very low power strength (think my ember runs 75 or 85% power strength).  It does let enemies come to the objective but weakens enemies for other squad members to get in on the action too.  Especially on Nox/Bombard waves (usually go 10-15 waves). I have to run around killing things too so it feels like I'm actually playing the game.

I don't try to obliterate the map anymore as its not really fun for me or for anyone.

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To all of the people that keep saying to stop asking for nerfs, you're going to be very disappointed in this situation.

DE has already said multiple times that they are reworking all of the abilities that currently don't require any effort or participation because they are not fun and do not fit into the vision of how they intend this game to be.

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5 hours ago, Thaylien said:

Okay ladies and gents, and everyone in between, I'd like to talk a little sense.

This whole thread has devolved into little more than arguing the merits of a frame that can affect an entire map with a single ability, and whether that ability is considered too powerful because of it.

And the actual answer is that none of them are supposed to do what they do, but you're all looking at the wrong part of what they do.

DE have changed many abilities in the past because they cause the player to be encouraged to use only a single ability, consistently, with no account for their other casts. Why? Because DE takes the time and effort to ensure that all four are available to you at all times and they don't like single button casting to affect so much.

But that's not the question!

The real question:

How would we change Banshee's 4 to make it essentially the same ability (for people who would cry if it were different) but encourage them not to spend entire rounds tucked into a ball?

I would suggest...

Wait until January when the IPS status update arrives.

No, really, I genuinely suggest this. Because Impact and Blast are the damage types of Sound Quake.

Multiple Stagger procs will stack into ragdolls on enemies, in other words, Sound Quake will throw enemies out of its range rather than kill them over time. It will still deal the same damage, but unless you're on the smallest maps the enemies will spend more time out of Sound Quake than in it.

People using Sound Quake will not be getting the kills, they'll just be keeping the enemies locked out of range, and it will be less effective to keep the thing on consistently.

I actually hadn't thought about that. Although I recall that the the IPS changes are actually arriving before the elemental changes, I will try to be cautiously optimistic about what improvements they might bring.

3 hours ago, (Xbox One)Hyoden said:

 Wow another nerf thread. If you dont like it dont use it. If you get into a lobby and sombody is playing in a way you dont like ,abort mission. More people find this useful then a hindrance this playstyle is only effective on very specific tilesets. And only up to a certain point. I really hope DE doesnt ruin frames and abilities based off the ideas of the minority. 

Well as you can probably tell, I don't use it because I don't like it. Honestly though, I feel like aborting missions isn't a good solution. It makes it harder to simply sit down and play the game, and that would be made worse if I join the same game upon re-queuing or if the new game that I join also has a person doing the same thing. I also don't think it's clear who here is in the minority and who is in the majority. The thoughts of forum-goers cannot be extrapolated to the general warframe population. 

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49 minutes ago, Somb3rBivalve said:

Honestly though, I feel like aborting missions isn't a good solution.

So in retrospect, any Warframe that would ultimately out kill you with a Warframe power will ultimately cause you grief. 

Take everyone's advice and leave or solo queue. 

Should I request Nova's molecular Prime be nerfed when players bring our to a defense mission making it take twice as long?

Should I request a Frost Nerf when I see snow globe spammed at every entrance?

No, just Nerf Mag.

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18 hours ago, Somb3rBivalve said:

Matchmaking restrictions would split the playerbase and would cause people to play less of these "questionable" frames even if they want to play them in a non-cheesy way. It's not a good solution imo.

So even though there are players out there with similar goals as you, looking for players of a similar mindset, you'd rather people be forced to find each other through a non-specific chat or hope to randomly end up with them? How will this force the playerbase to split more than they are? Isn't the split caused by players who have opposing goals/clashing ideas being matched together randomly? Why not give them a tool to find the people they want to play with faster and easier? As long as the system is well designed with a thorough set of options it won't cause problems. I'm not suggesting something that prevents random matchmaking if you are fine with going with the flow, I'm suggesting a priority based system that makes players more likely to end up with other players they are inclined to play with.


This was written more jokingly so I decided to cut it (there's a little truth in it, but don't take it seriously if you read it). Contains over-the-top sarcasm.  If you like to help out (carry) new players and feel like your the most powerful (even though you're not really that amazing powerful), you'll be matched with players looking to be carried and collect lots of loot so they can go use their weapons the way they want. And when no one meets your criteria ever, maybe you'll learn you're too nitpicky and actually have a selfish mindset that is better off soloing.

For the most part, it's going to be players of high level, who consistently deal massive damage being matched with each other rather than matched with the Rank 2 Mag who thinks Ember is the most powerful entity in game. If anything it'll shift the rebalance frames coming from players complaining about other people to use these frames in all the ways that upset them to players finding their own abilities uninteresting and looking to make them play well with others. Rather than the guy who just hates that frame and wants to see it nerfed and gives suggestions that don't make sense, the players who use these frames will bring out the ways their abilities could be balanced. Or they'll go have fun on their own with other players just going out to have fun.

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7 hours ago, Sasuda said:

For the most part, it's going to be players of high level, who consistently deal massive damage being matched with each other rather than matched with the Rank 2 Mag who thinks Ember is the most powerful entity in game.

You know, you're not wrong. But the problem is there's absolutely no measuring stick for this.

We had an ongoing argument in my Alliance a year or so back about MR and whether it matters, and so we tried out some pretty weird things.

For a start, we found out how long it takes to get to the highest Mastery possible, or what the shortest time it can take to hit the point in the game where you can call yourself 'high' MR. We decided to go for MR18, because the highest at the time was MR20. It took, with three dedicated team members boosting the levelling gain, cycling through as many weapons and frames as fast farming and Plat would allow, and it took... 18 days. One day per rank of MR. That's it.

Now, the next thing we did was take a single account and take the fastest route through the game's content, and note this was before the Junction system started putting arbitrary progression-based tasks between the planets, to see what the fastest way to reach the 'endgame' in Warframe was, and how low the MR could be to do this. The result was an MR2 player could progress through the entire game, gain the meta weapons, all the mods needed, build a tiny Arsenal that could take on any content the game offered in 29 days. Because this account had unlocked the entire system when the Junctions were introduced, it never had to unlock them, so quests that existed before it (like The Second Dream and The War Within) were already playable to them, meaning that even an MR2 player had access to the Sorties and they spent no end of time laughing at players that were consistently being out-played by this account that had nothing.

Basically, what I'm trying to say, is that there's no measure of 'skill' in warframe. Not one that could be effectively used to match-make. An MR2 player could still have bought plat and grabbed a Mesa or Chroma or Nidus or Octavia... One MR2 player who watched Twitch streams could have a Frost Prime, but no idea how to use it, while another one could have started with Mag or Volt and be soloing Survival Sorties having never used another frame and never needed to...

Meanwhile I can remember an MR 20 player that told me not to Sprint in Survival because it used more Life Support.

This is the kind of diversity and split we have in Warframe. There is absolutely no finite method of 'skill' to be found anywhere in the game. All you can do is look in Recruiting, make a Clan, make an Alliance, form up your squads from like-minded people that way.

Heck, grab a Discord server while you're at it, find people you like there, play lots of different games with them and have fun, that way you're not just connected via Warframe. Worth a shot, right?

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MR lockouts wasn't the system I suggested really in the first place, I'm well aware of it's potential to misrepresent strength being a player who stuck at MR 12 for a very long time. MR also holds a lot more weight than it used to. Still far from accurate, but many MR locks have been added and adjusted.

18 hours ago, Thaylien said:

But the problem is there's absolutely no measuring stick for this.

Well the thing is, if there's no measuring stick then how did you determine that you were consistently out-playing other players?
You must've had some points of reference that are key indicators. The most obvious one is the one I already brought up, but was overshadowed by the mention of high rank. Every mission has an endgame screen that displays kill counts and damage dealt. Because that's the measuring stick generally used for nerf such and such. There are plenty of stats to go off of, but certain advantages are always clear fully leveled gear, mods equipped/owned, number of missions and quests completed... I'm not saying it's a perfect system, nor am I saying MR requirements are the best or only option for prioritizing matchmaking. We also used to have conclave values set according to our loadouts. Still not perfect but not completely useless either.
The system I was suggesting was more intended to help you find players you want to play with than to avoid players you don't. You still would be able to but the best part of it would be finding players that also want to only 5 or 20 waves of defense and a lobby that doesn't have clan recruiting, relic runs, vault runs, leveling runs, etc all in the same 500x250 pixel window. A lobby system that uses the "H T4 relics" and makes you see what you're looking for. In addition it sees when players don't meet the 20 waves they signed up for. Through analysis of stat and data trends over time you should be able to predict good matchups relatively often. And again for those that are under the impression Ember ruins their life they can choose not to get matched with players using Ember, and then they don't have to complain about Ember.
It doesn't have to contain any of these things specifically to be better than it is. Like I said Recruit chat could be easily mountains more useful. The Lobby system barely exists right now, I just want to see more options than public, friends, invite, solo and Wait for players and start now. Keeping it streamlined is important but still easily possible with lots of options so long as it's designed well. Although Warframes UI and menus is general have always been bad.

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