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what will happen to maiming strike in 2k18


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  • 2 weeks later...

There is lot of useless weapon in warframe. If they nerf it, there will be nothing to play that gives you extras anymore... And it is not really that perfect without Maiming Strike which is expensive mod that anyone can get it easily.

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Maiming Strike isn't the issue. The issue is a combination of bad power creep (Dex Dakra -> Kronen -> Boltace -> Telos Broltace -> Ohma, JESUS dE that's enough slide damage...) and Blood Rush being far higher than it needs to be (+100% would be fine, really, you can nerf it down to that level and it wouldn't butcher anyone's builds)

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Nerfed to the ground I think.

I mean that's what happens to pretty much anything people put nerf posts on for as long as this game has been running so it's not gonna surprise me.

Just try and identify the second best of anything and have them semi-ready for use and you should be fine.

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Prices Should be nerfed too I think...

It is so not 800 plat worth (and yeah I do realise that it isn't 800 plat now... but its going to be in the future...). You need to slide constantly+it's only meant for weapons like Orthos Prime or lecta or atarax or... and it is indeed overkill, I mean overkill over 9000 and for what even?

So yeah it should be nerfed a bit I guess.

Edited by bloemkoolmeeworst
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