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Apostasy Prologue, what happens and what it could mean lore wise.


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14 hours ago, MaksymP said:

How does Ballus even fit into all of this? Didn't we Tenno murder all the Orokin (at least the higher ups, since the Corpus had to have come from somewhere). Perhaps Stalker is in contact with him (since he hates the tenno for betraying the orokin)? Perhaps the Sacrifice is linked to all of this somehow, and we have to go out of our ways to save space-mom.

The Ordin backstory suggest that the top Orokin can't even truly be killed, as they just regenerate. Which is why I suspected that some of them actually survived the Tenno assault, Ballas in particular.

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On 12/22/2017 at 7:48 AM, CaptainJLP said:

Warning Huge Speculation (I can't say this is correct):

Is anyone's head broken yet? I mean I can't even add up all the quest events in warframe and put together a half decent resolution of what on earth is happening, I mean first of all I can't even understand what Hunhow is anymore like he just feels like some illusion.. He looks exactly like the "Lotus" just burnt or something and apparently he has Sentient looking bones as seen in the second dream, something tells me Lotus (OR whatever on earth she is) is rejoining the warframe tenno kill squad or has figured the Tenno might be too overpowered? The problem here is that we don't know what Hunhow looks like, He is obviously wearing a mask like the Lotus Mask except looks like he was put on a barbeque, must be some "Sentient Cultural Thing"  to hide Facial identity with a mask. We've also never heard Hunhow Speak of Ballas, which leaves a huge gap as we aren't sure if he is the father of the Lotus / Natah as he might not know about Ballas. She now has to be called by 99 names, well actually 3: Lotus, Natah, Margulis. A theory that seems to fit this situation is Margulis taking disguise as a Sentient named Natah, Hunhow might think she is still Natah but in reality it is a culprit, Margulis, known as the Lotus, But I'm not gonna jump ahead because a lot of you would probably think, what the hell is this guy talking about. Ballas was also known to be an Orokin Executor, known for executing Margulis or at least Imprisoning her. The Grineer Queens describe themselves as also being Orokin, so Somehow they must link to Ballas (God I hate his name...). And also, thinking of it, Looking at the Cephalon Fragments again, tells us that Ballas gave Ordan Karris (Orids' Old Form) eternal life aka turned him into a cephalon, this could also be a way he decided to free Margulis from Babysitting (Just stick with the word for now) the Tenno, he added a new ally to assist the tenno so Margulis could escape Babysitting and also what I'm gonna talk about next a couple lines down. But also looking at Teshin's reference to Margulis in TWW:

Now I am forced to undo what Margulis did, to open the gates... and make you suffer. Margulis lied to you, a lie of omission. She did not cure the Zariman Children - she erased them. My only hope is that truth still lingers inside you, buried within your mind. The power and the misery of the Void.

It seemed Margulis / Lotus was deliberately trying to keep the tenno Underpowered, she must have realized what a threat they could be, and what she did was escaped at the help of........ yeah Ballas......

So far I can presume at least one of these characters would be used in the follow up quest.

Cephalon Simaris, Hunhow, Helminth, The Queens, The Man in the Wall (Plzz No), Rell (Very sure he is long gone), Teshin and possibly Stalker

I don't think Lotus/Margulis feared the kids, it seems she thought she was healing the Tenno's PTSD from having to fight/kill their parents while they were stranded in the Void, as the War Within make references to, Chain of harrow makes reference to, and what the comic explores a bit. This PTSD was just simply tied to greater transference.

Edited by UrielColtan
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Just now, UrielColtan said:

I don't think Lotus feared the kids, it seems she thought she was healing the Tenno's PTSD from having to fight/kill their parents while they were stranded in the Void, as the War Within make references to, Chain of harrow makes reference to, and what the comic explores a bit. This PTSD was just simply tied to greater transference.

dude stop posting the same S#&$

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2 hours ago, JohnBbDog said:

dude stop posting the same S#&$

What's with the hostility? The guy's participating in and contributing to a discussion on important in-game lore, not spitting on your cornflakes or kicking the back of your chair repeatedly.

If you have an issue with people rehashing details or ideas in this thread, you can always...you know...go read another thread that won't offend your sensibilities.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)dragon1561 said:

Guys, I think this could be a start of a new arc, the apostasy arc. 

Seeing as the quest is called Apostasy Prologue, I definitely agree. That said, this will more than likely set up Sacrifice, in which we'll be seeing a bit more of Ballas. 

Which brings me to the Sacrifice trailer. Who is Ballas addressing: The player...or perhaps Margulis?

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2 hours ago, MirageKnight said:

Seeing as the quest is called Apostasy Prologue, I definitely agree. That said, this will more than likely set up Sacrifice, in which we'll be seeing a bit more of Ballas. 

Which brings me to the Sacrifice trailer. Who is Ballas addressing: The player...or perhaps Margulis?

Or both? It's a possibility for either one. 

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On 12/22/2017 at 2:23 AM, Kiwinille said:

My theory is, Margulis was ordered to be executed but Ballas "saved" her by making a some sort of deal with Natah (who suddenly cares about the Tenno >.>) to "imprison" Margulis in order to save her so Ballas could control the Tenno through the Lotus, so once Ballas cut the connectors to her helmet, Margulis is free from Natah and sees Ballas again after thousand years and goes back with him.

I could see that happening since Ballas was truly in love with Margulis and didn't want to see her killed. However, from what I've seen and read it's heavily hinted that she was executed much to the woe of Ballas. That said, the conversation at the beginning of the Prologue hints at Ballas could've prevented her execution given his status and rank within the Empire being just below the Seven Emperors (not The Seven who carried out he execution). Natah used the memories of the Tenno to take the form of Margulis and essentially resurrect her in a since. Ballas in the cutscene probably was talking to the locked away memories within Natah since they're indeed trapped within a sentient body. So, it's possible that Ballas will use contunity in order to restore Margulis to an Orokin body. 

Then again it's hard to say since the quest was so short and leaves more questions then answers. Also to be honest Margulis would probably be upset with Ballas given that he lied to her. 

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So here is what I would like clarified. How much of what happened was real, or was flashback? The prologue had an ethereal, dreamlike quality.

1. Entering a glowing orb

2. Distortions reminiscent of the Operator disconnections to the Warframe. 

However, it does seem that it was the Lotus, and Ballus seemed to acknowledge this but insisted on referring to her as Margulis. Did Natah’s assumption of Margulis’s form have more dimensions to it? Warframe has had multiple themes of the transference of conciseness to different substrates. 

Then there is both the helmet in the quarters and Ordis’s confirmation that Lotus is gone. 

The abstract nature of the prologue is confusing. But, the message is clear. At least one more Orokin survived [Ballus] assuming it isn’t another Sentient ploy. 

The Stage is set for an interesting development. I look forward to seeing how it plays out. 

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On 23-12-2017 at 3:07 AM, MaksymP said:

How does Ballus even fit into all of this? Didn't we Tenno murder all the Orokin (at least the higher ups, since the Corpus had to have come from somewhere). Perhaps Stalker is in contact with him (since he hates the tenno for betraying the orokin)? Perhaps the Sacrifice is linked to all of this somehow, and we have to go out of our ways to save space-mom.

The Tenno murdered the Seven Emperors, and perhaps all the Orokin and Dax surrounding the Seven Emperors. Ballas being a borderline rogue Orokin wouldn't be attacked by the Tenno, because... one his relationship with Margulis already meant he was pretty close to getting killed for subordinance himself, and two he made the Warframes and he was pretty much the only guiding figure the Tenno had between Margulis' disappearance and the Lotus' appearance.

People think Ballas will be an enemy, but I imagine Ballas will act more neutral - just with his own hidden agenda. If the Prime Access trailers are an indication, Ballas has a great deal of respect, or interest in the Tenno and Warframes.

Edited by Phobonaut
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18 hours ago, Phobonaut said:

The Tenno murdered the Seven Emperors, and perhaps all the Orokin and Dax surrounding the Seven Emperors. Ballas being a borderline rogue Orokin wouldn't be attacked by the Tenno, because... one his relationship with Margulis already meant he was pretty close to getting killed for subordinance himself, and two he made the Warframes and he was pretty much the only guiding figure the Tenno had between Margulis' disappearance and the Lotus' appearance.

People think Ballas will be an enemy, but I imagine Ballas will act more neutral - just with his own hidden agenda. If the Prime Access trailers are an indication, Ballas has a great deal of respect, or interest in the Tenno and Warframes.

I can see what you mean, though I would think the Tenno would not be too happy about being weaponized by the Orokin, and in that, would include Ballas. As it is, DE Is very good at leaving more questions than answers in their lore .

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On 12/21/2017 at 10:10 PM, zzzNitro said:

I don't know what to think... Did Ballas not see us or didn't bother with us? the F is up with his arm? Did he release the Lotus? Is Margulis alive or did he transfer Margulis's Oro into a new vessel?

I think said new vessel was Natah, Lotus is the oro of Margulis inside Natah, without taking over completely, hence the new creature, Lotus... now, the question is are Ballas' motive pure or malicious?

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Now that space mom has abandoned us to the void, IMO we should start getting not just Excal, but all frames in Umbra versions, but make them dark, i.e. Trinity vampires life with an aura similar to Equinox's 3rd ability's damage or slow, Ember does void damage instead of fire damage, Nekros...*shudder*... ummm, yeah, Hydroid uses 'void sludge" instead of water, etc... make the Umbra our first step towards the Man in the all... "Hey Kiddo!"

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16 hours ago, Shudonen said:

I think said new vessel was Natah, Lotus is the oro of Margulis inside Natah, without taking over completely, hence the new creature, Lotus... now, the question is are Ballas' motive pure or malicious?

I think the Lotus is a tittle, and not an amalgamation of the two, Ballas, just as any other Orokin out there is probably crazy.

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Wasnt Ballas involved in the creation of the sentients? What if he hid Margulis or some part of her inside the sentient code before they were sent away. Upon return this part was singeled out as Natah, and sent back to the orokin, while hunhow continued to run the regular code; or at least some twisted version of it due to reprogramming themself again and again for so long.

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