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Can We Please Pick The Sex Of Our Warframe?


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If we are crafting a Warframe, can we please pick its sex?


A female frost or a male Saryn just sound epickly awesome. It's not like it would take a lot of work to replace a few textures on already created models. I am sure you can even outsource this stuff to the community.


This way we can vote and see what makes it into the game!

I am not too terrible with Maya, and I know there are people out there that can do amazing things with it.

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The Digital Extremes developers have stated that gender-swapping is not supported, though they will release future, unique Warframes with the same theme and the opposite gender (i.e. you can't gender -swap Frost, but you can buy/make a future, unique female Warframe that has the "ice" theme).

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DE has said in multiple livestreams that there will probably never be gender swapping. There is the chance in the future of getting a new warframe of the opposite gender following the same theme.


For example, there would be a female frame that follows the same ice theme as Frost does or a male frame that follows the same poison theme as Saryn does. 


Different gendered frames following the same themes? Possible/Yes. Gender swapping for any/all frames? No.

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Why is the answer now?


Can you please point me in the direction of the thread? Searching this forum for "sex" does not yield the best results :-)

Check the videos. Can't tell you which livestream it was answered in but it was basicly:

Each frame was considdered a special one and if they would make a male/female version of the frames they would have different skills.

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If we are crafting a Warframe, can we please pick its sex?


A female frost or a male Saryn just sound epickly awesome. It's not like it would take a lot of work to replace a few textures on already created models. I am sure you can even outsource this stuff to the community.


This way we can vote and see what makes it into the game!

I am not too terrible with Maya, and I know there are people out there that can do amazing things with it.

actually this was an original idea when the game was being made.

Nyx was made to be the female Excalibur.

however in the end they decided to go this way in order to give the frames a more unique feel. plus it gave us a certain fanfic...

i do wonder however how they would feel about people switching the frames gender for a mod. as you said there are people who can do it and the mod would be visual, and so not game breaking or a hack.

World of Tanks did something similar allowing people to visually mod away, going so far to put a forum section up for it and setting the game client up with a folder to do it easily.

its something to ask the Devs about in the next livestream.

personally i happy with ember, but a female ash or volt. would be interesting. or a male nova.

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If we are crafting a Warframe, can we please pick its sex?


A female frost or a male Saryn just sound epickly awesome. It's not like it would take a lot of work to replace a few textures on already created models. I am sure you can even outsource this stuff to the community.


This way we can vote and see what makes it into the game!

I am not too terrible with Maya, and I know there are people out there that can do amazing things with it.

Before you search for gender and such stuff, let me emake it fast.


DE sees every frame as a person. Making gender selection not possible.

DE now thinks about adding frames of the existing themes with opposite genders. Ember=Blaze ect

We dont have to argue about "simply changing the meshes" or anything else.

Thats what DE might do. Nothing else.



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Ember=Blaze ect

Flame Pillar: Creates a hot, throbbing pillar of flame, burning everything inside. Hot air currents allow the pillar to be used as a elevator.

Fireballs of Steel: Generates two fireballs. Temporary invincibility if they hit anything.

Flamethrower: Ejects hot, salty,  liquid flame over a area in front of Blaze. Enemies within take continuous fire damage and take double fire damage from any source.

Fire Dragon: Creates a python of flame that attacks enemies nearby for [X] damage. Can be targeted by enemies but cannot be damaged.


Gains bonus damage when wielding Kraken.

Edited by Cancer_Cowboy
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Flame Pillar: Creates a hot, throbbing pillar of flame, burning everything inside. Hot air currents allow the pillar to be used as a elevator.

Fireballs of Steel: Generates two fireballs. Temporary invincibility if they hit anything.

Flamethrower: Ejects hot, salty,  liquid flame over a area in front of Blaze. Enemies within take continuous fire damage and take double fire damage from any source.

Fire Dragon: Creates a python of flame that attacks enemies nearby for [X] damage. Can be targeted by enemies but cannot be damaged.


Gains bonus damage when wielding Kraken.

I feel like you're trying to do something here that has to do with male genitalia.

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 Why? I don't see anyone breaking any rules. As long as people can be cool about the discussion/topic there is no reason to consider a lock. Not in my opinion.

Oh. I thought the genderswap topic was one of those things that's just been done so many times it just gets locked at first sight. Nevermind me then.

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Flame Pillar: Creates a hot, throbbing pillar of flame, burning everything inside. Hot air currents allow the pillar to be used as a elevator.

Fireballs of Steel: Generates two fireballs. Temporary invincibility if they hit anything.

Flamethrower: Ejects hot, salty,  liquid flame over a area in front of Blaze. Enemies within take continuous fire damage and take double fire damage from any source.

Fire Dragon: Creates a python of flame that attacks enemies nearby for [X] damage. Can be targeted by enemies but cannot be damaged.


Gains bonus damage when wielding Kraken.


Innuendo. Innuendo everywhere.

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Oh. I thought the genderswap topic was one of those things that's just been done so many times it just gets locked at first sight. Nevermind me then.


 Most of the time you'd probably be right - but that isn't so much about the topic and more about the funky way these forums tend to go bonkers over a few select topics. It is fairly common for gender topic threads to go bad. 


 But I try to give the decent threads a fair chance. Even when the topic has a definite answer decent discussion can be had. 

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 Why? I don't see anyone breaking any rules. As long as people can be cool about the discussion/topic there is no reason to consider a lock. Not in my opinion.

*stares at rank*

gold eagle........wow ...got a long way to go till that =(

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Last we heard, the answer was a unsteady no.  There was no solidarity in the answer.  Personally I would not want to see parallel frames (Ember/Blaze) as it would mean the same waste of resources, even more actually when you gotta balance it.  As I have stated before this game is wierd on the player perspective which leads to questions like this.  DE is trying to juggle both and its just going to create confusion.  They need to take a more solid stance, don't dance around the issue with parallel frames, and reinforce it IN GAME that we players are not singular Tenno.  Unfortunatly this Ying-Yang thing they talked about is only going to make things more confusing unless they make it warframe specific, in fact that would be a good start.  That way threads like this can more quickly go away aside from a 1 outa 3 said no.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This addition to the game would be good thing coz improve the gameplay and can open new doors to players whom want to try a frame but they are required play on they real gender like me. This thing can improve also the interest and can give more feeling in this game and also looks pretty nice.

If they consider one day to do this they can improve their fanbase because this thing not a main thing in game but when this will possible more player want to try that skills on different genders. This not mean you can play only on your gender but before buy or built a frame you can choose which gender you want that and i think this thing give more freedom to the players. The fact this thing is not easy because they need to create the genders to each frame which take time and they need to do all what they did the actually of course copy paste is disable coz that not mean something good. So i can imagine these things and the paralell frames also but if we want this things to see into this game we need the following: 


1. We can make a vote how many people want this

2. We can donate them for this idea 5 dollar / voter which maybe not so bad about the nearly 3 million people.

3. Creative players who can make designs can ask DE to lend them few model and make the variation and they just need implement into this game.


This thing worth to make it but they are also humans and they work hard to make something so we can ask them but their capacity not endless. That's why i am sure if we make models and we try our best then DE can consider will implement in game or lend back that models and they modify them. But is just an opinion maybe they can tolerate this want. 

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Before you search for gender and such stuff, let me emake it fast.


DE sees every frame as a person. Making gender selection not possible.

DE now thinks about adding frames of the existing themes with opposite genders. Ember=Blaze ect

We dont have to argue about "simply changing the meshes" or anything else.

Thats what DE might do. Nothing else.



Actually this was original approach (although not whole DE crew shared it if you watched live streams carefully) and it's a bit stale now considering that last live streams talked about each player having personal Tenno.

For now there is a NO for gender swapping because DE simply lacks resources for it at this point.

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