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Your favorite frame to play?


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My first place would be Gundam uhh I means Titania, the reason is Gundam, I means her akimbo pistols offer very high offensive potential, I even dish out 10k dmg per crit headshot and she also can fly around evading almost every shot fired. If there is unknown odd the first frame I gonna bring gonna be Gundam uhh I means Titania

My second place would be tied between Octavia and Nova especially survival, I can stay 30 min without real problem until Juggy immerged.

3rd place goes to Mesa, my ex 1st place which I bought with plat solely because of gunslinger theme and Peacemaker until I realized that there is other ability that worth using.

4th is Frost, especially in PoE, just Snow Globe and then play Sniper Elite with my Lanka.

5th is Ember, I only keep her for low level resource farming though, Argon Crystal to be exact.

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Volt, for he is my starting warframe, as well as a good all-rounder that able to do something in every single mission.

Also Nova, because she is also good at every missions, though you need to tweak the mod settings a bit.

Other than that, these are some useful frames for many situations

-Nekros: For farming resources. You better have one, really.

-Frost: Good at any non-Infested defense/mobile defense/excavation missions because of Snow Globe. Keep in mind that use the globe in Infested mission is no more than troll - the globe blocks enemy shootings, but Infesteds are only concentrate on melee and the globe only blocks the bullets of you and your teammates! In Infested defense missions, you better take either Vauban or Nova. Limbo is good at any MOBILE defense mission too.

-Ember: Good when you can't use proper weapons, or extermination missions. Also very good at any low-level missions that needs to kill the enemy.


Well, and, while Speed is good, but Volt is not so good melee frame because of his pitiful defense. If you want to go melee by Volt, you better acquire Volt Prime.



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My favorite is Ivara. With the cool cyber bunny-like skin.


I love never ever getting shot at because I can stealth through every single mission almost 100% of the time and spam my hushed sonicor so that entire hallways get smacked around to clear the way for me due to the built in blast effect. Not to mention pickpocketing loot from enemies left and right as well. (roll, jump, jump again, roll in mid air > can keep up with most normal frames so it's not much slower either)

If there is a target to protect, I just shoot it with my Invis arrow that sticks to it (Rescuing a prisoner for example) and he is safe untill the exit. Or the drone escort on the plains. Can't attack what they can't see.

If there are strong enemies, 1 sleep arrow will put the whole group to sleep and I hit kill every single enemy there with my dagger with covert lethality, even if they are lvl 5000. Dead in 1 hit.

Annoying enemies that have Aura's or shoot stuff on the floor or Aoe's? Make a zipline towards the ceiling and stay somewhere mid-air. Clear of all of that stuff.

Spy missions? With her augment, walk through everything with your eyes closed even. Walk right up to any terminal and hack away. Like there weren't even any enemies or shields around.

Exterminate? Slap on that Artemis bow and go to town on groups of enemies all at once.

Interception. Sleep several points at once and prevent more enemies from being spawned.

Sniping? In prowl, that headshot multiplier goes up quite nicely, mix that with the VEctis prime's zoomed in bonus. Awesome headshots at long range. Fun on the plains :)



I can go on, but I think you get the point ^_^

I love my Ivara and I use her for just about every single mission in the game. I can always find a good use for her no matter the mission type.

It is not as high paced action as other frames, But I like to play things slow and keep things under control the way I want them to be.



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My all time favourite is Nezha. I like that I can move quick, as well as teleport, so I love his mobility. There is also the bonus that I can heal and take on a lot of damage. I enjoy the feeling of invincibility when Warding Halo is up. Then there is his Divine Spears, which is a fun crowd control. I feel his abilities are all fit the playstyle I enjoy. 

My other favourites which are tied for second place are Gara and Valkyr Prime, I feel like they have a good damage output, and they have abilities that make them hard to kill. I suppose I just love having that feeling that nothing can stop me. 

Then my third favourite is Mesa, simply because I love that cowgirl aesthetic, and her damage is awesome. 

I'm looking forward to the release of Khora, because from what I've heard from her abilities, she is going to be an instant favourite. 

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My favorite Warframe since her release has been Zephyr. <3

Despite lots of people saying she is bad, i am often the one topping the scores in missions with her and often the most helpful player in the team, running back and forth to assist my teammates should they be downed for running ahead or staying behind.


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I love playing my Regen Molt Saryn. Got just enough range to make Spores feel great, have a Vitality and Regen Molt makes it so I can get into a fight with Toxic Lash pretty easily, and top it off with a Miasma and we've got ourselves a party. Guess that also explains the almost 50mil affinity I've got clocked on her lmao

I also have been having a ball on the Plains with Mirage, since she just got her Prime version. I'm kind of really picky with the way the frames look so I didn't really care for her all that much until the Prime came along. If you go out onto the Plains and cast Eclipse, you get one of two things. A MASSIVE damage buff, or a MASSIVE resistance to damage, depending on what time it is out there. You don't have to worry about it flip-flopping when you don't want it to.

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12 minutes ago, (Xbox One)RDeschain82 said:

hm is short for how much. Srry,  It's trade chat lingo. 

well, i used like 480 plats on it, theres more stuff behind the bird, and outside the view of the screenshot :P

Edited by Toppien
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A month ago, I started playing again. This time, properly and with more understanding.

 In saying that, I dropped the highest amount of plat that you can buy in the store for some plats to spend, bought all the warframes that have abilities that I thought is nice in the in game market. 2 days later, my mate introduced me to the warframe market, and trade chat (which for some reason I didn't thought can exist in warframe >.<)

I spent 1.5k buying normal warframes in game market >.<


Also, I like Ember. And any warframes that allows me to deal huge damage to enemies around me like Oberon and Mags.

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17 hours ago, skyfiredraco said:

ty for the replies all!

i've been madly looking up most of these as i toss back and forth from the forums and trying to max my Trinity lol.

I have a lot of these... have to try em out.

One that i don't have, or even have the pieces for, is Volt... and that speed demon looks interesting (i love the agility in this game). Think i might burn a little plat there...

ty for the idea! =D

Ahh you love Agility?

Idc (jk), my favourite frame is HARROW!

Chain em up, steal their health, get their life energy!

And the ult that basically make you a GOD? Boi I love that!

You can RED CRIT with STATUS weapons

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Mesa-- Just really fun to play and quick, peacemaker is really great and useful. 

No other frame has given me this much fun, really.


I've yet to try Zephyr, though, and I see people say she's fun to play, just not as useful as she could be

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I've always liked classes/characters in games that barely anyone uses. So my favourite has always been Limbo since day one. I love the magician theme to him and I like what they TRIED to do with him by making him a sort of Dimension hopping frame and making seem like a god in the rift (although i find they haven't succeeded in that).  Harrow has come close to becoming my favourite though as I love the darker themes involving the frame and his mission had an excellent dark theme to it.

Edited by (XB1)Shining caliber
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1.Oberon - I've always enjoyed versatile,hybrid classes.Toss on rage+quick thinking+(primed)flow and he's basically an immortal with infinite energy

2.Nekros - Necromancer frame.yes plz.I run him with a scourge that spits out triple status like crazy and turns huge groups of enemies to mewling babies while my shadows protect me and eat the bad guys.

3.Harrow - dark priest.good enough for me.

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