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The Big Bad Weapon Race


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Hello, Tenno!

Welcome to the race of year!

This is a vote what is going to be held on multiple platforms to find out which weapons are the worst ingame!

Some categories may overlap each other but thats because we will have a finalist a weapon what is currently the worst possible choice to use.


Each person can only vote once per category to show what he think what is the most useless, ugly or simply trash weapon ingame. There are total 14 categories where the 14th is the finalist the weapon what got the most votes and became the worst of all.

The categories:


Even the Ghouls have better style

This weapon is great, the sound is amazing and yet it looks like some kind of thrift shop relic. In this category we wait for the fashion disasters, weapons what are simply too ugly to use.

Like sratching forks on a plate

The sound, make it stop! These guns have sound effects what are either missing the power factor or just a torture to listen to them.

Cheese spraying intensifies

This category is for the beam weapons what are soo bad, spraying cheese from a can onto the corpus is more deadly then them.

As deadly as a confetti gun

This category is dedicated for shotguns and weapons with innate multishot what should have been used for shooting confetti in a party rather than military purposes.

Militarized potato laucher

Have you ever got your hands on a projectile weapon what was soo useable you would deal more damage if you throw ammo packs at the enemy? If your asnwer is yes vote here.

Primary source of disappointment

One of the widest categories, here i wait for primary weapons what simply cant hold themselves up, because their stats, sounds, looks or mechanics are bad.

Bursts of tears and fear

Sadly not on the enemies but on you as the butcher gets closer and closer because your burst weapon cant handle him. Vote for the worst burst weapons here.

And what do you want me with this, make them die of laughter?

There are bad secondaries and there are secondaries what are soo bad you can almost see the grineer holding back laughter under their masks. The worst secondaries await their votes here.

Pocket sand is a preferable alternative to this throwing weapon:

Well yeah, there are throwable weapons out there soo useable i rather borrow some sand from inaros than use them. Nominate the worst glavies and throwable secondaries here.

The weapon choice of the wacky inflatable tubemen

Melee weapons what might be changed into balloon swords because they are equally deadly. Nominate your most hated melee weapons here.

"Free hugs"

I dont think that the staff at DE ever tried to test the range of this thing but it shouldnt be possible to hug this charger and still miss the attacks. Vote for weapons here what just dont have enough range to be useable.

If i set my Taxon on fire and throw it inside that crowd it would be still more dangerous than this thing.

Elemental weapons, there are many forms and effects they bring but some of them is as threating as wet cardboard. Nominate the worst pure elemental weapons here.

Mechanical nightmare

The last category here is dedicated to weapons what are otherwise acceptable but has some terrible mechanics what keeps the fun away. Nominate the worst mechanics weapons here.


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Alright, so here are my votes

Even the Ghouls have better style: Torid

Like scratching forks on a plate: Latron Prime

Cheese spraying intensifies: Gammacor

As deadly as a confetti gun: MK1-Strun

Militarized potato launcherSeer

Primary source of disappointment: MK1-Braton

Bursts of tears and fear: Hind

And what do you want me with this, make them die of laughter?: Kraken

Pocket sand is a preferable alternative to this throwing weapon: MK1-Kunai

The weapon choice of the wacky inflatable tubemen: Plasma Sword

"Free hugs": Fang

If i set my Taxon on fire and throw it inside that crowd it would be still more dangerous than this thing: Embolist

Mechanical nightmare: Broken Scepter

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Even the Ghouls have better style: Current Ogris

Like scratching forks on a plate: Arca Plasmor

Cheese spraying intensifies: Spectra

As deadly as a confetti gun: No Vote

Militarized potato launcher: No Vote

Primary source of disappointment: Argonak - it just looks like you're holding a bucktooth salamander and it's pretty lacklustre without a riven

Bursts of tears and fear: Hind

And what do you want me with this, make them die of laughter?: Akzani all that ammo, so little done

Pocket sand is a preferable alternative to this throwing weapon: I'll get hate for this one, but the Fusilai just boring, slow and i'll admit i levelled them on the plains that projectile speed though! felt like it took an age to mastery fodder that one

The weapon choice of the wacky inflatable tubemen: Prova, not just for the pitiful dmg and range but also the sound

"Free hugs": Ripkas

If i set my Taxon on fire and throw it inside that crowd it would be still more dangerous than this thing: Glaxion

Mechanical nightmare: Cycron

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1. Vulkar/Wraith

2. Grinlok, it just feels weak, sounds weak, is weak

3. All the beam weapons tbh. fit this category

4. Cernos Prime

5. Bolto/Akbolto

6. Karak Wraith

7. Kraken

8. Seer

9. Despair

10. Prova/Vandal

11. Hate (Gunsen also but i want to like Hate so that one hurts more)

12. Stinger

13. Daikyu, it needs multiprocs

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On 26/12/2017 at 11:08 AM, Fallen_Echo said:

Hello, Tenno!

Welcome to the race of year!

This is a vote what is going to be held on multiple platforms to find out which weapons are the worst ingame!

Some categories may overlap each other but thats because we will have a finalist a weapon what is currently the worst possible choice to use.


Each person can only vote once per category to show what he think what is the most useless, ugly or simply trash weapon ingame. There are total 14 categories where the 14th is the finalist the weapon what got the most votes and became the worst of all.

The categories:


Even the Ghouls have better style

This weapon is great, the sound is amazing and yet it looks like some kind of thrift shop relic. In this category we wait for the fashion disasters, weapons what are simply too ugly to use.

Like sratching forks on a plate

The sound, make it stop! These guns have sound effects what are either missing the power factor or just a torture to listen to them.

Cheese spraying intensifies

This category is for the beam weapons what are soo bad, spraying cheese from a can onto the corpus is more deadly then them.

As deadly as a confetti gun

This category is dedicated for shotguns and weapons with innate multishot what should have been used for shooting confetti in a party rather than military purposes.

Militarized potato laucher

Have you ever got your hands on a projectile weapon what was soo useable you would deal more damage if you throw ammo packs at the enemy? If your asnwer is yes vote here.

Primary source of disappointment

One of the widest categories, here i wait for primary weapons what simply cant hold themselves up, because their stats, sounds, looks or mechanics are bad.

Bursts of tears and fear

Sadly not on the enemies but on you as the butcher gets closer and closer because your burst weapon cant handle him. Vote for the worst burst weapons here.

And what do you want me with this, make them die of laughter?

There are bad secondaries and there are secondaries what are soo bad you can almost see the grineer holding back laughter under their masks. The worst secondaries await their votes here.

Pocket sand is a preferable alternative to this throwing weapon:

Well yeah, there are throwable weapons out there soo useable i rather borrow some sand from inaros than use them. Nominate the worst glavies and throwable secondaries here.

The weapon choice of the wacky inflatable tubemen

Melee weapons what might be changed into balloon swords because they are equally deadly. Nominate your most hated melee weapons here.

"Free hugs"

I dont think that the staff at DE ever tried to test the range of this thing but it shouldnt be possible to hug this charger and still miss the attacks. Vote for weapons here what just dont have enough range to be useable.

If i set my Taxon on fire and throw it inside that crowd it would be still more dangerous than this thing.

Elemental weapons, there are many forms and effects they bring but some of them is as threating as wet cardboard. Nominate the worst pure elemental weapons here.

Mechanical nightmare

The last category here is dedicated to weapons what are otherwise acceptable but has some terrible mechanics what keeps the fun away. Nominate the worst mechanics weapons here.


Like scratching a fork?


you mean VASTO PRIME

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On 12/26/2017 at 5:08 AM, Fallen_Echo said:

The weapon choice of the wacky inflatable tubemen

I'd have to go with Ripkas here, because they are basically just bad Venka P's.  If they had 5% more status, I could maybe justify them, but these chainsaws play like chain butterknives.

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On 12/26/2017 at 2:08 AM, Fallen_Echo said:

Each person can only vote once per category to show what he think what is the most useless, ugly or simply trash weapon ingame. There are total 14 categories where the 14th is the finalist the weapon what got the most votes and became the worst of all.


Even the Ghouls have better style

http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Stug The stug. This weapon looks more like a paint tube then a gun to me. 

Like scratching forks on a plate

http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Boar This weapon is such a boar to listen to. It sounds like someone's shooting beanbags for god's sake. 

Cheese spraying intensifies

http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Cycron Useless. Totally useless. 

As deadly as a confetti gun

http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Angstrum How do you even expect to hit anything with this? 

Militarized potato laucher

http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Tonkor I'd never thought I'd say. RIP Tonkor 2015-2017

Primary source of disappointment

http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Attica It's an awesome crossbow...until you fire it. I feel so powerless using this gun. I feel like I'm shooting toothpicks at the enemy. It even sounds horrible. 

Bursts of tears and fear

http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Paracyst I was going to put this in the above category but I'm glad I saved it. This is weapon is so WEAK. I can't begin to describe the pain and suffering this weapon has caused for me...especially when it looks quite nice!

And what do you want me with this, make them die of laughter?

http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Lato Need I say more? I trashed this weapon as I soon I finished leveling it. 

Pocket sand is a preferable alternative to this throwing weapon:

http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Talons 3 rounds max thrown? When the magazine size is 2? Did someone forget how to count? Geezus. 

The weapon choice of the wacky inflatable tubemen

http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Gram It's short, heavy, and slow. Zero advantages. 

"Free hugs"

http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Kronen I literally have to hug the enemy. Like literally, with both arms. 

If i set my Taxon on fire and throw it inside that crowd it would be still more dangerous than this thing.

http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Nukor Besides causing massive swelling...a kamikaze Taxon equipped with [Self-Destruct] would do more damage. 

Mechanical nightmare

http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Drakgoon http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Convectrix http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Phage

The Drakgoon, Convectrix, and Phage. All "charge" shotguns...need I say more? DE, I'm starting to see a pattern here. 

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Okay lets do a quick recap on the current toplisters combined with the votes on the reddit page:

1: Too many ugly weapons are nominated so theres no change here.

2: The vasto prime and the synoid simulor is leading here with 2 votes each.

3: With 3 votes soo far the wiggly Glaxion beam is the worst you can shoot at your enemy

4: Soo many trash we cant decide which is the worse it seems.

5: And it looks like we cant decide which projectile gun is the worst too.

6: With two votes the king of insanity, the lord of the grind the Hema leads this category as the primary source of disappointment.

7: With 3 votes the hind takes the lead as the worst burst weapon.

8: The Kraken takes the lead with 3 votes as the worst secondary. Not suprising at all.

9: With just one vote on each i cant put anything here, moving on.

10: The base machete and the plasma sword is fighting for the spot of the worst melee here both with 2 votes.

11: The euphona prime shotgun mode and all daggers (in the last half hour i tried to find a dagger what didnt have this tiny range, it was futile) are here fighting for this spot with 2 votes on each.

12: Is still not decided so stay tuned!

13: Nope, not enough votes yet.

14: The finalist category for the overall worst gun is still being evaluated but is curently led by the hind with all 4 votes.

Those who are interested in the other answer can check here:



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