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BrOberon skill 3



Hello fellow tenno (hehe),


I recently built oberon and am actively lvling him through the node Io on Jupiter. Now, he is capable of being a fairly tanky frame due to his 3rd skill however I just don't understand how it works. I assumed it would just trigger a burst heal upon activation but that is not the case, it is a AoE heal over Time , so it drains energy over time as well, still pretty good. BUT like all other something over time skills, I assumed it would be activated by one button, and the reactivation would deactivate it. But for me, I can activate renewal, and it will drain energy even if nobody needs health ( not even allies, pets, teammates, etc, I know the number on the skill icon displays that information). When I "activate" the skill again, Oberon just recasts it, taking away energy for casting it, along with continuing the energy over time effect. So basically I just lose energy for nothing, this is steering me from using this pretty cool frame. Anybody have this issue or know how to combat it ?


TL;DR .       I can't deactivate Oberon's Renewal Skill. I don't know why. Please Help. Thanks.

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it constantly drains because of the armor buff from doing his second ability then his third ability on the area affected by his second ability. its not just hp regen. you can still cast his second ability but if you touch his third ability again it cancels the channeling. so if you just want to end the buff then hit 3 again. i would say the point is the armor buff but thats just me

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44 minutes ago, (Xbox One)PredakingXYT said:

thanks for responses but Im not sure if everyone understands the question. I' saying that I cannot deactivate Renewal and it should be deactivated by clicking it again.

You're not intended to deactivate it. The point of the skill is that you cast it in order to heal, and it just continues giving you health over time until the timer runs out. It's a "cast it and forget it" thing. If you don't need it, don't cast it.

It's a good team-support skill and it's easy enough to keep your energy filled. Rage mod, Energy Siphon aura, or general orb pickups... there are ways to keep your energy up. Oberon is my preferred frame and I run him a lot. Rarely do I have a problem not having energy, and that's usually when I get overwhelmed by energy-sucking mobs like ancient disruptors.

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2 hours ago, Sentinel-14 said:

You're not intended to deactivate it. The point of the skill is that you cast it in order to heal, and it just continues giving you health over time until the timer runs out. It's a "cast it and forget it" thing. If you don't need it, don't cast it.

It's a good team-support skill and it's easy enough to keep your energy filled. Rage mod, Energy Siphon aura, or general orb pickups... there are ways to keep your energy up. Oberon is my preferred frame and I run him a lot. Rarely do I have a problem not having energy, and that's usually when I get overwhelmed by energy-sucking mobs like ancient disruptors.

I see, I guess i just need the right mods. Haven't been able to get the unbroken versions of flow, or continuity. Thanks.

51 minutes ago, (PS4)Yes-Man-Kablaam said:

Are you sure you aren't just double clicking? It should deactivate by just using 3 again or when you run out of energy. 

Will try this, thank you.

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On 27.12.2017 at 9:58 AM, (Xbox One)PredakingXYT said:

Hello fellow tenno (hehe),


I recently built oberon and am actively lvling him through the node Io on Jupiter. Now, he is capable of being a fairly tanky frame due to his 3rd skill however I just don't understand how it works. I assumed it would just trigger a burst heal upon activation but that is not the case, it is a AoE heal over Time , so it drains energy over time as well, still pretty good. BUT like all other something over time skills, I assumed it would be activated by one button, and the reactivation would deactivate it. But for me, I can activate renewal, and it will drain energy even if nobody needs health ( not even allies, pets, teammates, etc, I know the number on the skill icon displays that information). When I "activate" the skill again, Oberon just recasts it, taking away energy for casting it, along with continuing the energy over time effect. So basically I just lose energy for nothing, this is steering me from using this pretty cool frame. Anybody have this issue or know how to combat it ?


TL;DR .       I can't deactivate Oberon's Renewal Skill. I don't know why. Please Help. Thanks.

Swazdo-lah, surah!

First of, welcome to a wonderful world of The Gread Goat God!

Here are some knowledge and tips that I can share on the topic of Renewal:

-Renewal is a toggled ability, which gives constant over-time heal to anybody who has the buff.

-Being a toggled ability, it constantly drains the energy while it is toggled on. It drains more when it actively heals someone.

-When ability is activated it leaves an invisible bubble at the location of activation, that stays there as long as ability is active. That means anybody who goes through that area, through that invisible bubble gets the buff, including people who have joined the session after the ability was activated! So the ability still works constantly, in different way, even why it is not healing enyone at the time. That's why it drains energy and doesn't "deactivates".

-Players who have an active Renewal buff get additional flat armor buff when they touch Hallowed Ground, which is active as long as they have Renewal buff. They don't need to stay on Hallowed Ground to keep the buff. All that's needed is to step on it once.

-Armor buff stays active for 30 seconds after Renewal buff is lost. For example if Oberon ran out of energy. So that's 30 seconds for oberon to get some energy and reactivete Renewal, to keep the armor buff up without the need to cast additional Hallowed Ground.

-People who've lost Renewal buff due to it's removal by Nullifiers of by falling into a pit can not go back to the invisible bubble to get the same buff again. You have to recast the ability for them to get a new buff.


With my current build, Oberon gives everybody (including himseld, of course) 400 armor, which means even the squishiest frames get almost 60% damage reduction.

With 80 HP/second from Renewal it skyrockets the survivalability of the team.

Some people may say these numbers are laughably low on paper, but in reality they're insanely effective. To the point that sometimes enemies just can not get your health to drop below zero. For some frames, who have some decent armor themselves, this is true up until Sortie 3 levels.

I've seen some frames just refusing to die under a constant fire from 90-100 lvl enemies, staying permanently at the verge of 0 hp.


So, how to use it?

Basically, all you need to do is to activate Renewal once to get Heal-over-time, put Hallowed Ground to get Armor, and keep Renewal up at all time.

Thanks to aforementioned invisible bubble that stays in the plays of ability cast, you don't have to chase every team member, or organize them to apply the buff on everyone. You can activate the ability in a strategic spot, such a narrow corridor, or other area where people are pretty much guaranteed to go through, so people will just come and get the buff themselves.

Also, always cast Hallowed Grounds at the same place you cast Renewal, so everyone who gets HoT buff could also automatically get Armor buff.

Since Hallowed Ground has a timer, you may need to chase some people around and cast it again under their feet, if thay didn't manag to get Armor buff the first time. But since Hallowed Ground is a generally usefull ability for some crowd control and status immunity, you'll be casting it regular enough anyway, so people will get the buff eventually.


That leaves us with the question of how to keep Renewal constantly active, if it drains energy?

The answer is simple: mods Rage or Hunter Adrenaline.

Those mods gives you energy when you take damage to your health, which means, when enemy is shooting you, they provide you with the necessary enegry.

And what's even better, with those Armor and Heal-over-time buffs tou won't even feel a thing, while your energy pool will be constantly filled up!

And if you find yourself really low on energy, you can just run in front of enemy and deliberately let them do damage to you. Again, with those buffs you can easily afford that.

So, ideally, if noone is going to lose their buffs to pits and nullifiers, you shoud be able to just activate Renewal at the start of the mission, give Armor buffs with Hallowed Grounds, and keep it all up throughout the whole mission, without thinking to much about it. And occasianally deliberately getting a few punches to the face, if energy is desperately needed.


I hope these tips will help you to start your journey to becoming an Amazing Immortal Savior Goat God!




And how dare I to forget about Phoenix Renewal augment, which once in 90 seconds replenishes health of a player who gets a fatal blow.

Which skyrockets survivalability even further, into uncharted regions of the universe!

Edited by WindigoTP
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16 hours ago, (PS4)Chel-El said:

Which aura is meta for him? Steel charge, rifle or energy siphon? 

Pick any one you prefer, I guess.

I'm using Steel Charge, because of the default V polarity, and because it allows me to have my build without putting a single forma on my Oberon Prime.

Although, I have to say that Energy Syphon would be useless for you, because when Renewal is toggled on, you don't get energy regen from the aura, and you will gain energy from Rage anyway. On the other hand, it may be helpful for your teammates.

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20 hours ago, (PS4)Chel-El said:

Which aura is meta for him? Steel charge, rifle or energy siphon? 

I use greater power on Oberon get one status effect then do your renewal for more Regen and armor.(you get 10 more regen and 51 more armor with this aura)

Edited by (PS4)Eluminary
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I realized forma is a mini Orokin reactor/catalyst. And because those 2 are rare, (catalyst being rarer since I have personally installed more reactors) This makes me wanna forma instead of waiting for that Orokin technology to arrive 

Back to Oberon, thanks for the aura tip. He looks like he’s designed to be a melee frame because of that v polarity and pics of him holding maces. But the explanation of energy siphon turning off during renewal’s toggle makes more sense

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I am actually slightly annoyed by how efficient he is after applying the 2/3 synergy taught here 

I was getting top stats without being a try hard lol. Prolly his 2 was getting passive dps while I was just having fun with melee combos. 

With that efficiency I see why you don’t see the need for forma 

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Am 27.12.2017 um 03:55 schrieb Sentinel-14:

You're not intended to deactivate it. The point of the skill is that you cast it in order to heal, and it just continues giving you health over time until the timer runs out. It's a "cast it and forget it" thing. If you don't need it, don't cast it.


No it´s not.

1. It has no timer, it´s runnung either til you have no more energy or 

2. you are deactivating it by pressing 3 again

@OP: it´s weird if you cannot deactivate it by pressing 3, cause I have no problems doing so. And btw, this should be in players helping players.


Edited by Kuestenjung
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2 minutes ago, Kuestenjung said:

No it´s not.

1. It has no timer, it´s runnung either til you have no more energy or 

2. you are deactivating it by pressing 3 again

@OP: it´s weird if you cannot deactivate it by pressing 3, cause I have no problems doing so. And btw, this should be in players helping players.


recently fixed the problem; it was that my controller was a little messed up and double clicked whenever I wanted to deactivate, got it fixed though.


Also, Do I move it to players helping players or does a Moderator do that ?

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vor einer Stunde schrieb (Xbox One)PredakingXYT:

Also, Do I move it to players helping players or does a Moderator do that ?

A mod has to, you can allways use the report button in the upper right corner to tell it a mod, but I already did that for you and good to hear that you fixxed the problem.

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