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Why mains are absolute nonsense


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4 hours ago, Icari said:

Read the whole thing before commenting? literally only need to glance at the thread title to know it's gonna be a stupid rant by a stupid kid who seems to not have played any other game in their life. People play whatever they want, even if they want to play the same warframe for thousands of hours for all types of content and no one can stop them from doing that.

so you didnt read it then? dont call me a kid if you arnt going to be fully informed before making a comment and atleast comment on the post rather then attack my character.

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3 hours ago, Nakrast said:

I consider myself an OTP, in basically every game, there is always one character that i play 99% of the time.
So to be honest your post makes 0 sense to me, people play like they want.

Like for example, i absolutely hate people that use Ember just for faster clears, but i do not hate Ember mains.

So, at the end of the day, play and let others play.

do people really main ember? that's a rare sight

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3 hours ago, Dhrekr said:

Has that worked out well in this thread.

Oh, a controversial title is fantastic to get responses. Then you have to spend half of the thread writing "read the post" and "at least please read the bullet-points".


Oh by the way, on the subject, I don't do mains. I don't think they are cancer though. This is a game and anyone should find joy and entertainment in their way of playing, whichever it is, no matter the downsides.

if people commented constructively on the post rather then saying they skimmed it we wouldn't have this problem would we? im looking for discussion, not a pissing contest on how triggered i can make people. a few people on this thread have provided smart insight but more over are people commenting to insult and those are the ones that i dont think are acually interested in the content

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8 minutes ago, Ragnarok160 said:

i think thats spliting hairs

It's really not.  

7 minutes ago, Ragnarok160 said:

he is because if your caught in his 4th ability wether your rad proc or he is then you'll most likely die, again just an example not a hard statement

You realize Equinox is female and has two sets of abilities, right? 

Mend & Maim

Rest & Rage

Pacify & Provoke

My point that you seem to not know what you're talking about still stands.  Just because someone takes an Equinox into a mission, does not mean they will be using AoE damage.  I've run with an Equinox main who takes up a healer role when needed, and a CC/damage role when needed.  

Just now, Bladefeather said:

So having fun isn't healthy?

Only if you're having fun the way OP doesn't like.  

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3 hours ago, Miccos said:

To long to comment

sorry i didnt want to quote the whole thing its long, anyway playing something you are comfortable with is much different then picking something all the time for everything. i prefer to refer to it as a default load out which is fine, sometimes i come across missions that im not sure what to run so i may run rhino to be safe. i talking more towards the extreame cases of people picking load outs that ignore basic mission principles based on hard bias

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8 minutes ago, Ragnarok160 said:

sorry i didnt want to quote the whole thing its long, anyway playing something you are comfortable with is much different then picking something all the time for everything. i prefer to refer to it as a default load out which is fine, sometimes i come across missions that im not sure what to run so i may run rhino to be safe. i talking more towards the extreame cases of people picking load outs that ignore basic mission principles based on hard bias

Which mission principles?  

Stealth doesn't require a stealth frame to complete.  I've routinely completed Spy missions, Star Chart, Quest and Sortie, with my Mag Prime and never once tripped an alarm.  It's simply remembering the short cuts, pathing of the guards and timing.  

Edited by MagPrime
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2 hours ago, LSG501 said:

Honestly, that just seems like a rant more than anything...

1) Think you might have a slightly different opinion on what 'maining a frame' is... it doesn't mean you don't use other frames, it just means you use a particular frame or type of frame (a lot) more than the others.  I could quite easily say I main inaros because I like using melee and imo it's the most suited (with my setup) for my personal playstyle, that doesn't mean I don't use ivara for spy etc. 

2) I doubt anyone in this game would say no to a buff to any frame, the problem is when you get people calling for changes 'because it's overpowered' and it ends up being nerfed into oblivion like gara's mass vitrify. 

3) Sounds like you've got an issue with veterans/meta groups more than anything else here...

4) Isn't that just repeating 1 with a different set of words...

yea this post is more preachy and ranty then i would have wanted, yea with maining its more like a 90% to me, really the hard mains, the ones that never swap off, also is it strange i might have a more a problem with veterans rather then new players, to be honest i think this happens at all levels also its very true 1 is probably reworded in the other points but its easier to read and digest if its broken up, would suck if it was one long wall of text, my eyes would get sore

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3 hours ago, Rekkou said:

So you must be one of those people who believes you have arguments so compelling that people will absolutely agree with you just by reading your post.

First, people can disagree with you no matter what your arguments are.

Second, if the basic idea is bad, that's more than enough for people to disagree with you.

where i work im part of a group called the company climate survey where we take notes and surveys of how the atmosphere of my company is, and when going over the data most of what we see is negative but only consist of 10% of the total people working there, the reason is because someone who disagrees or see's problems are far more likely to take a survey then someone that sees no problems with it, the same goes for my post, if you disagree with what i have to say your far more likely to leave a comment then if your agrees.

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2 hours ago, Zeratul81 said:

I'm not going to comment on the all of the OP but rather the below section



I started playing Warframe with Frost and it has been one of the main Warframes I use. (I tend to use a lot of Loki and Chroma). One thing that has lead to this is the fact that I have played a lot of Excavation missions (currently sitting on 1,04mil Cryotic). One thing is also that tend to like to be in a role that can protect others. (For example Warrior in WoW).


From my perspective it does seem all the hours put into playing this Warframe (Frost/Frost Prime) has made me better than average simply by comparing to how other people use it when I play with them. There are some very simple things people can do with the Snow Globe ability yet I rarely see people using it in that way.


Here are some ways that I can think of from the top of my head

  • Stack the Snow Globe for extra HP
  • Refresh the Globe for invulnerability of the Snow Globe
  • Reresh (or apply to Snow Globe for the first time) to push enemies off the location you are casting the ability on (very helpfull on Excavation)
  • Cast the Snow Globe in choke points of the map/tileset if you need to slow down the enemies after you
  • Surround your original Snow Globe with additional 3 Snow Globes to further make it harder for mobs to get to your target (naturally might cause problem for others depending on weapon loadout etc, so will have to take into account the situation)
  • Mod for High Range Snow Globe during Infested Missions (Defense/Excavation for example) to slow down the (mostly melee) mobs from reaching their target. (Some of the ranged mobs can cause problems but this can be countered with refreshing the globe and pushing back the enemies.
  • Use Snow Globe to slow down special enemies like bosses or Stalker and make killing them extremely easy


I see a lot of people that don't even use the most basic things from the above list. At the same I can admit that I barely use any other of the Frost abilities in missions other than the 4th ability and I have yet to try out the augment mods other than for the Snow Globe. I am guessing only one other one of them has some use in endless type missions slowing down enemies.


What I have expirienced in all the hours I have played Frost and seeing other play him really contradicst what you claim above. I might be mistaken. It might just be that  player feels that he does not need to do all those things to accomplish what he/she needs to do in the mission but couple of things mentioned above should pretty much be done every time you use the Snow Globe to protect something yet people don't seem to do even those things.


I don't really see anything REALLY bad with having a "main" Warframe but I would consider it very good for people to try out the frames as it naturally gives you a better view on how they work and make you able to better complement their playstyle with your Warframe of choice.

hmmm well that's debatable, i've been playing 2.5 years and i've always found it fun especially in newer frames to find as much information on them as i can and use it to my benefit. with that being said theirs only so much mechanical information in one given frame, once you know the in and outs of a single character its strikes me as boring to relay the same info in a match over and over again. what i'm saying is that every frame was not designed to do everything and every frame only has a certain amount of useful information on there skill set. once you have it figured out there isn't much of a point to sit on a singular character.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)watt4hem said:

I main mag and trin. Not that i'll always pick them, i use all of my frames from ash to zephy, but mag and trin are who i fall into when i have no idea who i wanna use, or am too lazy to switch up between sorties.

So yeah, i main them.

the fact you use more then one isnt really the criteria i use for a "main"

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26 minutes ago, Bladefeather said:

So having fun isn't healthy?

i'm talking mechanically and strategically, taking 10 seconds to learn the role and perspective of another character often triggers new ideas in how to use a frame, atleast for me, like i wrote, if your a trinity that can land head shots or a rhino that can move like a butterfly.

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1 minute ago, Ragnarok160 said:

once you have it figured out there isn't much of a point to sit on a singular character.

That's your opinion.  Someone else like me just prefer playing that frame and/or playstyle.  

1 minute ago, Ragnarok160 said:

the fact you use more then one isnt really the criteria i use for a "main"

What is your criteria?  I honestly want to know this.

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1 minute ago, Ragnarok160 said:

the fact you use more then one isnt really the criteria i use for a "main"

And you don't sanctify 70%+ as main either (on profiles with 1k+ hours).
If you are going to shove down a specific meaning that carters only to your feelcraft and is equal to "uses only that frame", I am afraid that you are strawmaning the word a lot.

Main is used only if you have alternative heroes/characters/frames - if you have and use only one, the term means nothing.

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Just now, DatDarkOne said:

That's your opinion.  Someone else like me just prefer playing that frame and/or playstyle.  

What is your criteria?  I honestly want to know this.

this whole thread has been my opinion, remember in any game "mileage may vary" also if you want what i would consider a hard number its more in the 90% or in a mindset that reinforces a hard bias pick

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Just now, Ragnarok160 said:

im trying to keep the conversation tame, ive seen DE close a thread over people being very disrespectful i.e cursing, slang, hateful remarks

Tame or not, this is just beating a dead horse for the joy of beating it; in other words, going nowhere which is another reason to close a thread they use.

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2 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

And you don't sanctify 70%+ as main either (on profiles with 1k+ hours).
If you are going to shove down a specific meaning that carters only to your feelcraft and is equal to "uses only that frame", I am afraid that you are strawmaning the word a lot.

Main is used only if you have alternative heroes/characters/frames - if you have and use only one, the term means nothing.

if you read that guys post he named 4 different frames, in my opinion that's still flex picking

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1 minute ago, Ragnarok160 said:

this whole thread has been my opinion, remember in any game "mileage may vary" also if you want what i would consider a hard number its more in the 90% or in a mindset that reinforces a hard bias pick

I'm probably the most extreme example of a main that posts on this forum.  My usage only dropped under 90% when I started beasting with Mag more.  But considering the amount of play time I have, the 84.7% usage more than qualifies me.  


With the amount of playtime I have it would take a lot more playing for that percentage to go up or down. :smile:

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1 minute ago, AzureTerra said:

You can believe all you want and live in your Bubble. People will play how they like and if they choose to have a Frame/Class they play for all and sundry so be it. 

everyone says they don't care till it affects them, did you ever consider that? a good portion of the negative comments i've gotten is "people will do what they want" blah blah blah, you spent so much time saying my perspective is wrong and ignorant but just how i've been accused of having a harmful view point a good amount of you have done the same to me. you cant say i have a bad view point when all i've asked for is constructive criticism but just lead hurtful remarks. you cant say im wrong because blah blah blah then subjugate your own views points over mine then accuse me of doing the same, its truly hypocritical but i put myself out there and thats my fault i guess. what a faint world we live in

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