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A Tactical Approach to Combat is Impossible (Because of the Controller)


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Allow me to preface this post with the following:

- I am aware that warframes are parkouring space ninjas.

- I am aware that the console format restricts combat capabilities. i.e. "get gud #PCMasterRace"

- I am aware that I can modify my controller configuration.

NOW, with that out of the way...

I am a big fan of tactical combat in any game. Communication, movement, awareness, etc. are all aspects that I focus on.

That being said, one of my favorite things about warframe combat is the camera shift function, allowing me to swap shoulders on the fly and letting me check corners and more effectively hold firing positions in firefights.

The problem is that I don't have anywhere on my controller to adequately bind this function without sacrificing another necessary function like secondary fire.

Currently, I have the camera swap set to UP on my D-pad, which is not a useful place for it.

Something that I have noticed in a number of 3rd person shooters is a dynamic camera which shifts, based on the direction of your movement: move right, camera shifts left - move left, camera shifts right.

Incorporating this sort of feature as a toggle-able option (such as the experimental archwing controls) would be rather beneficial for players searching for that tactical fluidity.


Edited by (PS4)SilentTakeo
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49 minutes ago, (PS4)SilentTakeo said:

Something that I have noticed in a number of 3rd person shooters is a dynamic camera which shifts, based on the direction of your movement: move right, camera shifts left - move left, camera shifts right.

Incorporating this sort of feature as a toggle-able option (such as the experimental archwing controls) would be rather beneficial for players searching for that tactical fluidity.


39 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

This is not a game that lends itself to tactical gameplay. How many people would realistically use this, given it would have to be opt-in?

*raises hand*
It would have to be disabled while firing or during ADS, else aiming would be harder.


Edited by danewgui2
Added a second sentence, a reason for the edit, and sir you said you wanted a burger with that? I added that too.
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If you use the power menu, you can bind normal Dpad functions to the touchpad, freeing up a few inputs. After playing around with various configs, I ended up with camera swap on D-right. Not ideal, but at least it's there.

Part of the problem is WF has several mutually-exclusive functions on separate inputs. This could be solved by allowing players complete control over input layout, including multiple functions on the same binding.

Fat chance they will ever do this, though. People have been asking for years.

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It's incredibly stupid, i mean no offense, just the fact that you naively think that switching shoulders can give you an upper hand in any scenario on warframe.

The ugly truth: It doesn't.

Go to the simulacrum, peek out of a column for a fraction of a second and that will be enough to make any enemy shoot at you.

On warframe you don't react, you preempt, that's why cc is important. It's sad and an ooze fest, one that will only see its end the day A.I is somehow reworked or forcefully handicapped to feel more natural instead of an aimbot army.

Now, none of that invalidates your request in any form, button mapping restrictions are a pain I can relate to, even if not for the same action, or game.

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