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Dev Workshop: Warframes Revisited


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4 minutes ago, -QUILL_PETER- said:

Community: WoF has too much and not enough damage.
DE: We've given WoF less range and more damage.
Community: WTF Ember nerf

well it is a nerf to the press 4 to win gameplay, s8nce the range will be supet small

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8 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

We live in a world in which Zephyr and Mag has more EHP than Ember.

Let that sink in.

What does it want now?

Speaking of Mag, if they don’t give us overheat, a de buff skill would be useful too.

something to throw at a group of target to have their fire resistance lower, or take more damage from Ember’s other skills would be great.

Edited by NZ_CodeBlue
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6 minutes ago, -QUILL_PETER- said:

Community: WoF has too much and not enough damage.
DE: We've given WoF less range and more damage.
Community: WTF Ember nerf

You know there’s 2 sides of the community right?

And DE is probably not face palming from the crying, but rather ignoring it XD

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1 minute ago, BadWeatherGaming said:

sub lvl 30 enemies sure, but why are you there if not to farm? Not a good reason to destroy a popular frame that people have spent a lot of time and rss into building. Hell look to the right of this post, see that, that's Ember, the next frame to be killed by the nerf hammer unless this is relooked at and the rest of her kit fixed to make this fit.

I get that. That said, DE seems to have a nasty habit of ignoring feedback about what nerfs will do like the plague sometimes it seems. I love em and the game, but that is a rampant problem that I am noticing more and more. I honestly believe it is the mindset of "well, we created the game, so we know better than the people who actually play the game and character constantly". 

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12 minutes ago, Funki0 said:

Thanks a lot for those changes DE, Atlas and Ember really needed those changes. And the others are also getting some nice changes of course.

It's a step in the right direction to remove the cheesy "press one button and forget" nonsense tactic and give is a bit more substance. World on fire does get more damage, but decreasing the range and increasing the energy is a nice change. People just actually have to do something and move for the kills they desperately want and they have to keep an eye on their energy, since it will be necessary with those changes.
Besides, energy management is really not difficult and in most cases it doesn't even require you to use any energy pizzas.
Well, thanks for those changes and I hope they will be here for all to appreciate.
Thanks again and good luck.

Yup, you are right. I guess its time to look at Loki and Inaros as well since all I ever do with Loki is press 2 and 2 again when the duration expires and press 4 for Inaros till Scarab Armor is at 100% and refresh by pressing 4 when necessary. Negation Storm FTW.

And no, I don't use Inaros' Dessicate nor Devour nor Sandstorm because I run him with Arcane Grace + Guardian set and use Naramon dash to proc stealth finishers iF ever there was a need to, yes I just press 4 for Inaros and 2 for Loki.

Edited by yrtsim3k
Negation Storm
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1 minute ago, (PS4)Boomstickman98 said:

I get that. That said, DE seems to have a nasty habit of ignoring feedback about what nerfs will do like the plague sometimes it seems. I love em and the game, but that is a rampant problem that I am noticing more and more. I honestly believe it is the mindset of "well, we created the game, so we know better than the people who actually play the game and character constantly". 

Agreed, I don't get how they can't see they are trying to fix the solution they players found and not the issue we solved with her. Fix the non-stop grind and people wouldnt use set ups like we have on Ember and Banshee. We don't have days-weeks of time to put in to one thing. Especially after a lot of us have put in 1k+ hours into the game already.

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10 minutes ago, BadWeatherGaming said:

If you cant melee kill an infested that is slowed to a snail by Frost then you need to relook at your mod set up. Most can do the killing you need with no issue. Frost is not a problem the way he is. And nerfing or (god forbid) destroying Snow Globe would kill that frame was well all so you can shoot infested that you should be able to melee kill easy.

You have no rights to force the teammates to only use melee weapons, nor you are able to provide them the good settings for the melee weapons that is better than the guns for every single random teammates you encounter either.

Anyway, it seems out of topic.

Edited by DroopingPuppy
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3 hours ago, Why-are-you-reading-this said:

But there is no point complaining if you don't have a better idea yourself, so here it is.

First off im just going put this out there and say we have enough exalted frame powers. its flat out boring. just stop

so instead of making volt cc as the current plan, even though Scott said himself it is not suppose to be cc, just have volt's overload work like it did in the good old days but it arched and amplified  scaled depending on a foe's shields and armor. it used to be extremely destructive because it used the environment to amplify itself.

and for people that still want CC. You could just have the stun duration be effected by mods.

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1 minute ago, yrtsim3k said:

Yup, you are right. I guess its time to look at Loki and Inaros as well since all I ever do with Loki is press 2 and 2 again when the duration expires and press 4 for Inaros till Scarab Armor is at 100% and refresh by pressing 4 when necessary. 

And no, I don't use Inaros' Dessicate nor Devour nor Sandstorm because I run him with Arcane Grace + Guardian set and use Naramon dash to proc stealth finishers iF ever there was a need to, yes I just press 4 for Inaros and 2 for Loki.


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4 minutes ago, BadWeatherGaming said:

Trin is fine, she is my main in pubs and has no issues, does her job perfect. Heals, redirects dmg, refills energy and health, what more do you want from her?

EV and Bless needs a fix, it is too OP for now as it is. Oh wait, noone is complaining, just leave it as it is.

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Just now, DroopingPuppy said:

You have no rights to force the teammates to only use melee weapons, nor you are able to provide them the good settings for the melee weapons that is better than the guns for every single random teammates you encounter either.

And you have no right to force people into frames that aren't made for that mission type.

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Just now, yrtsim3k said:

EV and Bless needs a fix, it is too OP for now as it is. Oh wait, noone is complaining, just leave it as it is.

PLEASE for the love of god, don't nerf her again lol. she is fine right now... In fact, everything is fine right now lol

Edited by BadWeatherGaming
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1 minute ago, DroopingPuppy said:

You have no rights to force the teammates to only use melee weapons, nor you are able to provide them the good settings for the melee weapons that is better than the guns for every single random teammates you encounter either.

Anyway, it seems out of topic.

Yes, there is a right to, Sortie Rights, You Must Use Melee Only.

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Just now, BadWeatherGaming said:

And you have no right to force people into frames that aren't made for that mission type.

Yep, and I don't requires taht to them. I just expect them to be not hampers the teammates and the process of the mission.


For example, even consider Limbo is the best troll frame, if he puts catastasis on the mission just for protecting mobile defense target then I don't, and can't blame him, for the mission doesn't requires a kill(unless it is a Void Fissure mission, which we need to kill some enemies).

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I'm kind of what the chroma change implies, if an ability says: +500% damage, that should imply that the damage is actually buffed by 500%. if it means: the ability deals 500% more base damage, the wording is wrong, because the damage is not actually buffed by 500% but a value differing from that, dependent on which mods are installed on that weapon. The second option of those is what octavia's damage buff does, it is insignificant to the point, that nobody uses it for buffing the damage, but the description says: it doubles the damage output, which is plainly wrong. The same thing for all calculations of buffs, either make them all multiplicative applying after everything is calculated, as the ability description implies, or have the ability description calculate the actual buff a weapon could receive from the ability.
quick example:

weapon has 100 base damage and a serration equipped with a 300% damage buff, how everyone reading it would perceive it:
100*(1+1.65)*(1+3) = 1060 damage
the same thing, but used in the weird way the wording in this dev workshop implies, but which isnt perceived through the ability section (aka like octavias buff works)
100*(1+1.65+3) = 565 damage
so the actual damage boost would be 130% and not 300% as the ability states, which leads to even more player confusion, because the ability doesnt do, what the ability says, as it doesnt amplify the damage by the value given in it's description
for a clearer difference, let me add heavy cal:
100* (1+1.65+1.65)*(1+3) = 1720 damage (based on the value given in an ability)
100* (1+1.65+1.65+3) = 720 damage

as you can see, the difference only gets more vast and vast between the two and the player is not given any hint, that the damage is not calculated multiplicatively, I still think that octavias ability amp is buggy, as it doesnt do, what it's description tells the player it would do.

Summary: I think all buff damage calculations should be multiplicative, as doing it in another way renders the description wrong, if anything should be changed, it should be the values of the buff

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I like their spirit! New year, new adjustment. But here's my mega-wishlist, please consider DE~ :sun:



  • [Smokescreen] base AoE increase and reduce enemy accuracy by 20%. for up to 12s


  • [Landslide] now grant Atlas damage reduction, instead of damage immunity. Landslide energy cost increased per consecutive combo (capped at 5)
  • [Petrify] can be used without holstering Atlas weapon.


  • [Sonic Boom] can now hit critical weak spot generated by Sonar.
  • [Sound Quake] now stagger enemies at 20% chance (before 100%), Deals bonus damage if the enemy affected by Silence.


  • [Elemental Ward] base Aura range increased up to 20m
  • [Vex Armor] effect now transferred to Sentry while using Effigy. Chroma no longer gain Vex Armor buff while casting/using Vex Armor while Effigy is active.
  • [Effigy] this ability can now be tapped [tap 4] to cast effigy roar. Effigy roar now taunt enemies. Hold 4 to return. [Guided Effigy] Sentry now follow Chroma at default, tap [X] to hold position, while following Chroma deals 2000 damage per second in its path. (no longer roar upon arrival/stop)


  • Their S1 now inherit current Augment effect. [Augment reworked], now increase their respective elemental damage dealt by 25/50/75/100% to targeted enemies for 40s.
  • [Accelerant] now grant 30% cast speed to all allies in range. [Flash Accelerant] reworked, now overheat self and allies primary and secondary weapon to deal extra 40/60/80/100% Heat and gain 50% Fire Rate.
  • [Fire Blast] Ring Radius now scale with POWER RANGE. [Fire Fright] Reduce Ignited [Heat status effect] enemies armor by 20%.
  • [World on Fire] as the range get reduced, max enemies hit increased to 10.


  • [Slash Dash] no longer provides invulnerability. Each cast increase combo counter by 5, damage now scale with combo counter. [Surging Dash] automatically cast another dash with 40/60/80/100% damage if enemy killed upon hit.
  • [Furious Javelin] duration increased to 10/15/20/25s
  • [Exalted Blade] added Charge attack. Slam attack now cast additional [Radial Javelin] with half energy cost.


  • Rework his passive. Spawn tentacle each time Hydroid or his allies attacked by an enemy at 50% chance. Max tentacle 7.
  • [Tidal Impunity] duration increased to 6/8/10/12s.
  • [Undertow] puddle and grab range now scale properly with POWER RANGE, note: puddle range with 250% POWER RANGE now has 10m range instead of 6.32m [Curative Undertow] now heals energy instead of health at the rate of 2/3/4/5 energy per second.


  • His passive [Sarcophagus state] can now consume Sand Shadow to instantly restore a percentage of health. Siphoning damage increased to 150 and can be increased by [Provoked Mod]
  • [Devour] max Sand Shadow 3. Deals extra damage if the enemy affected by [Desiccation]




  • [Ballistic Bullseye] reworked, now store damage for 2/3/4/5 shots. note: Without augment, [Ballistic Battery] stored damage can only be used for 1 shot.
  • [Shooting Gallery] No longer jam enemy weapon. Additionally, increase ally weapon accuracy by 30%.
  • [Shatter Shield] damage reduction reduced to 10/15/20/25%. Now has a fixed 50% chance to reflect incoming bullet. [Staggering Shield] stagger chance increased to 40/60/80/100%.
  • [Peacemaker] Initial damage and fire rate reduced by 50%. Max bonus damage and fire rate still the same. Maximum potential is reached after 100 gunshots.


  • [Blazing Chakram] base range increased up to 20m


  • [Larva] Max enemies latched fixed to 8 [previously infinite]


  • Rework her passive. Grant 50% damage boost to enemies under Confusion and Mind Control. Additionally, Nyx receive damage reduction if hit by them.


  • [Rip Line] now pull Valkyr to full distance if targeted to terrain.
  • [Hysterical Assault] Rush toward enemies up to 30m range and deal 100/150/200/250% damage.


  • Passive, now grant 50 flat bonus armor, additionally disable ground trap within range.


  • Passive, Combo counter duration increased to 6s. Additionally increase Melee combo multiplier to 0.75.
  • [Iron Jab] Base range increased to 20m. Deals extra damage if [Primal Fury] is active.
  • [Defy] When triggered, can now spawn one Wukong Clone to attack nearby enemies with currently equipped weapon.
  • [Primal Fury] Now has 4m base attack range, affected by POWER RANGE and Melee Mods. Each attack has a 40% chance to spawn Wukong Clone which last 12s to continuously attack nearby enemies. Clone deals 20/30/40/50% damage and immune to enemy attack. Each clone attack increase Wukong combo counter. Max Clone 10.


Thank you four your support these five years!

Edited by LlednarAtreide
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Being a little on the squishy side as a warframe, what if they added damage reduction buff (influenced by ability strength) to Ember's #4? I'm thinking something akin to Mesa's #3, Nova's #1 or Mirage's #3 in the dark.

If Ember can deal more damage but at a reduced range, give her a chance to take that damage to the enemy?

Edited by Aldrr
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