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UPDATE!! We Are Getting Accessories Only For Unvaulted Packs Starting This Pack. THANK YOU [DE]!


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5 minutes ago, megalomaniacalHalide said:

You can't speak with any certainty whatsoever, because your only data point is 'they still do things this way'.  There is absolutely no concrete data to suggest that they wouldn't make more profit if they gave players the purchasing options that are being asked for.  Your self-decided conclusions have proven absolutely nothing.

I am asking for other options.  My clanmates are wishing for other options.  Major community members are cynically commenting about the lack of other options.  This thread is FULL OF PEOPLE who want other options.  There clearly exists a demand that is not being met with supply, and that is very demonstrably profitability that is not being capitalized upon.  

Just because tons of people would buy it, does not mean it'll be profitable. Where's your own proof that splitting the packs apart will be more profitable?

I know tons of people would like to get cheaper and more affordable healthcare. But healthcare companies would never sell that. Why? Because it just isn't going to be as profitable. Why sell one thing that everyone wants for cheap when you can sell it for far more? People are still going to get healthcare even if it costs them an arm and a leg.

That's the cold hard truth. We may not like it, but that's just how it is.

Edited by Tricky5hift
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1 minute ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

Thing is, the "naysayers" as you call them don''t need to provide the data.



So did you miss all the people who are saying "we want to buy things this way, but we won't buy them the way it is", or were you just ignoring this thread, every other thread like it, the youtube videos parroting similar sentiments and all the rest?  Cuz uh, that seems like pretty significant proof.  You're just ignoring it blindly.

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3 minutes ago, Tricky5hift said:

Just because tons of people would buy it, does not mean it'll be profitable. Where's your own proof that splitting the packs apart will be more profitable?

I know tons of people would like to get cheaper and more affordable healthcare. But healthcare companies would never sell that. Why? Because it just isn't going to be as profitable.

That's the cold hard truth. We may not like it, but that's just how it is.

Speak for thyself, the USA's ''Triple A game industry'' mindset healthcare system isn't universal to the world.

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1 minute ago, megalomaniacalHalide said:

So did you miss all the people who are saying "we want to buy things this way, but we won't buy them the way it is", or were you just ignoring this thread, every other thread like it, the youtube videos parroting similar sentiments and all the rest?  Cuz uh, that seems like pretty significant proof.  You're just ignoring it blindly.

You don't know what "proof" means, do you? People making claims is not proof. You have to prove that DE's bottom line will improve by breaking them apart. You are challenging the status quo (ie. Cosmetics are part of the PV bundle).

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2 minutes ago, megalomaniacalHalide said:

So did you miss all the people who are saying "we want to buy things this way, but we won't buy them the way it is", or were you just ignoring this thread, every other thread like it, the youtube videos parroting similar sentiments and all the rest?  Cuz uh, that seems like pretty significant proof.  You're just ignoring it blindly.

They can express their dislike for a certain practice by not buying it...

Hell I fully support that in this case. This isn't something as important as healthcare where you really have to decide if you want to empty your pockets for something.

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1 minute ago, Artorius-Alter said:

Speak for thyself, the USA's ''Triple A game industry'' mindset healthcare system isn't universal to the world.

My point is, there's a profit to be made.

No matter how altruistic some companies/governments claim to be, profit will always be on their mind.

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15 minutes ago, Tricky5hift said:

Just because tons of people would buy it, does not mean it'll be profitable. Where's your own proof that splitting the packs apart will be more profitable?

I know tons of people would like to get cheaper and more affordable healthcare. But healthcare companies would never sell that. Why? Because it just isn't going to be as profitable.

That's the cold hard truth. We may not like it, but that's just how it is.

That's not the truth at all.  Everything about selling prime accessories from the past is 100% profit without expense.  Every potential sale ignored is profit left on the table, because there is 0 cost whatsoever to selling digital items that have already been created from previous efforts.  DE is simply abandoning money from not making these sales, no matter what price point they decide on.  Even then, the price points are all entirely under their control, so of course they'll make it as profitable as they please before putting it up for sale.

Health care is completely different in that and almost every other imaginable respect, why even bring it up...

Edited by megalomaniacalHalide
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1 minute ago, megalomaniacalHalide said:

That's not the truth at all.  Everything about selling prime accessories from the past is 100% profit without expense.  Every potential sale ignored is profit left on the table, because there is 0 cost whatsoever to selling digital items that have already been created from previous efforts.  Health care is completely different in that and almost every other imaginable respect, why even bring it up...

You're paying for a service...

Be it a video game where all you do half the time is doll yourself up or a form of insurance that could potentially spell the difference between life and death for a person.

I understand the healthcare analogy may not be too accurate for other parts of the world but that's how it works here. For now at least.

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Why not? People want to buy vaulted cosmetics, but they can't. No such pack exists so they have to do w/o. Why don't you want to sell cosmetics to them? It's very strange how you don't want their money.

They want these primed cosmetics on their Primed Loki/Ember/Frost, but they can't because they you refuse to sell them the cosmetics.

Don't get why the Devs hesitate to take their money. You need the money. You need to eat, keep the servers running, feed your families support the game w/ more and more content. Don't you want more pizzas?

Do ye not need the money, devs?

Jus take their money

You accepted they cash w/ Prime Access, but refuse their money w/ Vaulted Primes.

Where's the sense in this?

Jus take their money. It's ok.

They want to give it to you.

They want to give you their money.

Even many youtubers want to give you money, but lack the option to do so.

Consider selling them the vaulted prime cosmetics

There's even a certain famous youtuber new to the game and wants to write a glowing review about you and your game, but can't if you continue down this path. He has fallen in love w/ Warframe.

Also consider selling primed cosmetics w/ the plat/boosters ballooning the price to $60. What a waste of money. Should be at lest $20. Some folks can't afford to pay $60 for cosmetics. (Why are cosmetics even $60 in the first place? That's way too much. Cosmetics in other free to play games are a lot cheaper, even Korean games).

They have enough issues affording other things, even those $60 games which is why Steam Sales are so popular, why pay $60 for anything... Too bad those sales don't affect Prime Access Cosmetics.

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8 minutes ago, megalomaniacalHalide said:

So did you miss all the people who are saying "we want to buy things this way, but we won't buy them the way it is", or were you just ignoring this thread, every other thread like it, the youtube videos parroting similar sentiments and all the rest?  Cuz uh, that seems like pretty significant proof.  You're just ignoring it blindly.

So how much do you think they should be charging for just the Primed Accessories themselves? 


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13 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

So how much do you think they should be charging for just the Primed Accessories themselves? 


That much is absolutely for DE to decide.  That said, I think it'd be perfectly reasonable for them to price unvaulted primed accessories the same as what they were available for originally, minus whatever discount they believe to be reasonable for the age or the lack of boosters.

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14 minutes ago, megalomaniacalHalide said:

That much is absolutely for DE to decide.  That said, I think it'd be perfectly reasonable for them to price unvaulted primed accessories the same as what they were available for originally, minus whatever discount they believe to be reasonable for the age or the lack of boosters.

The Prime Accessories pack offered during Prime Access is $49.99 and includes the Accessories and Boosters.

The Vault Pack is $39.99 and includes the Accessories, Frame, weapon selection, and 400 Plat.

You do realize that DE could simply stop offering accessories altogether and that pack would still sell at that price, right?

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You know, not many people know this but originally prime access were a one shot deal, you only had one chance to get those accessories and then they were gone for good, did we complain when we missed them?  Yes, people complained for 2 years before DE decided to do something, so really be thankful for what you got before you complain about what you don't have, Obviously the prime unvault packs are still seeing because what you guys are barking about is old news, we said how much we disliked the packs before, DE acknowledged it, however many many people still bought them regardless, and honestly? I couldn't give a rats &#!, its a nice source of income, gives them reason to give us more content.  So really all these posts and vids that go up just remind me of how spoiled the community has gotten, surprised DE hasn't done damage control on these threads yet.

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4 minutes ago, Knight_Ex said:

You know, not many people know this but originally prime access were a one shot deal, you only had one chance to get those accessories and then they were gone for good, did we complain when we missed them?  Yes, people complained for 2 years before DE decided to do something, so really be thankful for what you got before you complain about what you don't have, Obviously the prime unvault packs are still seeing because what you guys are barking about is old news, we said how much we disliked the packs before, DE acknowledged it, however many many people still bought them regardless, and honestly? I couldn't give a rats &#!, its a nice source of income, gives them reason to give us more content.  So really all these posts and vids that go up just remind me of how spoiled the community has gotten, surprised DE hasn't done damage control on these threads yet.

''Complaining got us what we wanted, so be thankful and stop complaining.''

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Prices are the same every unvault for years. every unvault we have the same kind of packs but it was never THAT big of a deal. 


This kind of S#&$ is the only reason i wished Warframe wouldnt get that much of a popularity boost.. So many Bandwagon Kids who just copy past without even knowing what they saing.


I bhought the frost pack for the syndana even i had everything on it. because i support the devs and i like it. u dont? dont buy it. 




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Hey, if DE doesn't want to earn some additional pure profit (yes - it would be pure profit because these are digital items have been made / created already and don't require additional resources to replicate) selling Primed accessories separately, like a number of people on Reddit, these forums, and probably Twitter have been asking for for a while, while waving their wallets at the screen mind you, that's DE's decision.

It's arguably an extremely short-sighted decision, because there's an absolute guarantee that some people WILL buy primed accessories by themselves. I'd buy at least 2 items separated from vaulted packs at the drop of a hat.

I sure as hell won't buy a Prime vault pack just to get said accessories. Why? Because a. I already have the Primed weapons and 'Frames in the vault pack or b. I don't want the Primed weapons and 'Frames in the vault pack. I refuse to pay a good chunk of money to get an accessory and then throw away everything else. That's a tremendous waste and I'm sure other people would agree.

DE, it's really simple. You want to make a bit more profit? Then you might want to listen to what your loyal, PAYING customers (customers that number in the hundreds at the very least) are asking for, provide it, and we give you a bit more of our hard-earned cash so we can have cool bling and you can continue to churn out content and pay the bills.

Note: This isn't about entitlement at all, so take that dumb, knee-jerk "argument" and shove it in a black hole. This is about customers saying "We'd like to buy these items, but not the way you have them packaged now" and DE ignoring that request and also the possibility of earning some extra money.

And it's not an unreasonable request either.

Mind you this is the same DE that released a deluxe skin that the vast majority of the vocal population of the player-base had previously said was awful and not worth buying.

Yup. That's a really smart way to make money...releasing a product that most people said they wouldn't buy when it was previewed because they thought it looked unappealing. /s

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8 minutes ago, Invisusira said:

DE has constant developer livestreams and is highly communicative with its community. I love Jim Sterling as much as the next guy, and I used to be the biggest Bungie fanboy, but DE is about as anti-Bungie as it gets.

i honestly look at it at plus, this whole discussion, because if the circumstances with the game are so good, that the only thing people are complaining about is wanting to spend money on just cosmetic stuff, you know this game is off the charts, and DE deserve all the credit for this master piece, what a game.

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I bought the prime unvault packs just for the accessories so I guess Im just part of the problem :perrin: That and I don't mind paying extra for the things I want as many many many other people do, which is the reason why DE never makes adjustments to the unvault packs because enough people are buying them to justify it, and I doubt we'll stop anytime soon.

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Man, this is perhaps one of the most inflammatory threads I have ever read, on this forum. What way to garner reactions, then to post an inflammatory title followed by a video. After all is it too hard to make your own opinion rather than posting someone elses opinion? Regardless, I take no offense to the OP, rather the nature of the post is what I take offense to.  Anyways to the subject at hand, if the price of prime unvault is whats the main issue then do not buy it. What way to make DE listen then to speak with your wallet. Coming to the forums, instigating people, and causing a ruckus isn't whats gonna cause change my friend. 

If the market is content with paying such outrageous prices for these digital items then so be it. Even If I personally can't justify paying 40 dollars for what amounts to frames, slots and cosmetics. Regardless, if the market at large is perfectly fine with this, then whats the issue at hand? And no, anecdotal and inflammatory speech isn't gonna bring about change. The market is what causes change. 

So dear reader, all I suggest is for ya to tone it down with the baits and speak with your wallet. If you happen to disagree with DE's monetary practices, then speak with your wallet. Or is such discourse too inconvenient? 

Edited by toxicpanda
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Nope, It's pretty much about entitlement...Your own post proves the point in fact.

The current pack is $39.99 for a pack where just the platinum in it is sells for almost half that price.

DE could just as easily sell the accessories and plat by themselves for 39.99 and it would still sell.

Likewise, just the frames, weapons, and plat would sell for the same amount.

39 minutes ago, MirageKnight said:

I sure as hell won't buy a Prime vault pack just to get said accessories. Why? Because a. I already have the Primed weapons and 'Frames in the vault pack or b. I don't want the Primed weapons and 'Frames in the vault pack. I refuse to pay a good chunk of money to get an accessory and then throw away everything else. That's a tremendous waste and I'm sure other people would agree.

Your post outright states that you should be entitled to a la carte pricing because you possess some of the items already.

Nothing wrong with making value based decisions for yourself but entitlement ensues when you assert that your perceived value should apply merely because you think it should.

If you bothered to do even a portion of the math then you realized the Prime Vault pack is exactly 10 bucks less than it went for during it's Prime Access.

...Plus the frame, weapons, and plat and minus Boosters (which run approximately 50 bucks for that time frame).

Given that the accessories are exclusives and timebound,  DE could just as easily continue pushing just them at their target amount (with the plat) and they will continue to sell. Or... They could simply stop offering Accessories in their Vault pack and it would continue selling for the same amount and getting purchased.

   But, let's say they dropped the price for Vault Accessories to $20...

Then they kill Accessories Pack purchases for current (and subsequent) Prime Access offerings.

Why? Because more people will just wait for them to become available as Vault Offerings instead. That's not to say this doesn't happen now but the number of people doing it would increase to some degree. Some portion of those adopters would be people buying full packs currently.

Why pay full price when I can wait a year or so and get it cheaper? And If I am not playing whenever it's re-released, I saved myself money regardless.

So, why should players paying full price be obliged to do so when you are entitled to pay considerably less by waiting a while for that exclusive cosmetic?

Simply put, DE could stop offering Accessories  in Vault Packs altogether and they won't lose that much money compared to what they risk losing by dropping the price... And would have to sift through fewer hurt feelings in the process.

...It's arcane helmets all over again.

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A lot of people are confused. If DE's current monetary practices are not sustainable then they would have changed it. The fact that they haven't changed their practices, means that people are fine with it. Indeed the market speaks louder than some user throwing a tantrum on the forums. 

Also, do not forget warframe belongs to DE, they are entitled to do whatever they want. Unless said practices are unsustainable. Furthermore the posters who frequent the forums are NOT representative of the overall population that plays warframe. Just because some user on the forums is crying about DE's monetary practices does not necessarily mean the overall population is against them.

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