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Full idle animations playing in Arsenal


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Previously, in the arsenal frames would play the simple standing animation for their animation set, but now the full animation (like Octavia's dance in her idles) are playing, which make it kind of cumbersome to customize your frames!

I don't know if it's intentional, but I don't think it's an improvement.

EDIT: Maybe a good way to improve this would be to let the full animation play if no customize menu is open (with the exception of the animation set selection), so that if one is trying to customize their frame or weapons they can do so without dealing with all the movement.

Edited by SilviaFendragon
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before this update,,the only way i could get this was by going to captura....while i like it, i can see why many others dont, so give it a toggle on the appearance menu and move the captura to somewhere else....maybe a console to the right of the arsenal.

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2 hours ago, Stefe said:

The thing is, I'm almost positive that there was a time when your Warframe would stay still while you were colouring your gun. No idea what prompted the change.

Well, the old Warframe UI, the second one, had the idles playing. When in 2014 they added U14 that went away. Now they brought it back, but just let it play.

I like that animations play in Arsenal, but not while you do other stuff.

I think the best compromise would be to have the idles play only when:

-Arsenal main page

-Equipping item

-Appearance (but stopping when you enter the palettes, armor, syandana, skins and holsters).

The rest, if I left any out, should probably have only the breathing idle and not the "here's how cool I am" animation.

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