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So sick of trading chat, why can't we get an auction house?


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It's beyond sickening having to go through all the drama of belligerent players, sorting through an disappearing mess to sort through, where in every single MMO it's a simple search query, purchase, and equip.  No drama, just done.  Everyone will post that it isn't so bad, that there's another website, all these other solutions, but the fact that there are such solutions in the first place is the issue.  It's still a headache to navigate trading for half an hour or longer to find what you want, it's still a headache to have to play guessing games with morons who won't just give you a flat honest price and expect you to correctly guess right away based on any of the arbitrary numbers listed on a 3rd party website, and it's still a headache to not have a firm comparison of final price points to have some idea if you're being ripped off or not.


Please, please, please DE, add an auction house.

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Or the fact that quite many tries to be as cheap as possible, but also expensive as possible. To my experience, it is basicly a guessing game, or a minefield with a treasure chest somewhere. Either you step on a mine, or you find the treasure (if that anology make sense).

But yes, a auction house would help greatly, and make it more streamlined as well. When Maroo's Bazar came out, i thought that would be like an auction house, but that wasnt teh case apparently.

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The reason is because too many players are afraid of the thought of an auction house, however if we present the idea of an AH just for rivens first then it may gain favor seeing as rivens are a hard item to link sometimes and impossible to sell unveiled in warframe.market. This is very possible but does not have to be the exact same way as WoW since warframe is free however for this to work it'd need to be very exclusive to prime sets, arcanes, and unique rivens because those would take a huge load off of the rest of the market

Edited by SpectroSinjkai0
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1 minute ago, Nakak said:

I'm honestly not against nor with the idea of an AH. :Shrug: Though I do think it will benefit newer players and prevent them from buying overpriced items. (I've seen people buy sets for nearly 300% the cheapest going price.)

Not to mention since it's integrated into the game the prices will be more balanced rather than everywhere because new players don't know the average price of an item or it's rarity.

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tbh, I feel the ability to trade already destroy the game experience of too many, since the day they implement this, more and more people are complaining how much the game is easy while people who just start are intimidated.


I have a feeling adding an auction house would make the problem even worst while DE won't earn much from it (if not lose some money out of it)


Just my personal feeling and opinion.


edit: on the other hand...it might prevent newbie from getting scammed by paying way too much...

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1 minute ago, Ninjamander said:

tbh, I feel the ability to trade already destroy the game experience of too many, since the day they implement this, more and more people are complaining how much the game is easy while people who just start are intimidated.


I have a feeling adding an auction house would make the problem even worst while DE won't earn much from it (if not lose some money out of it)


Just my personal feeling and opinion.

I'm not able to figure out how trading destroys the game experience for people. I mostly use my trades as giveaways and prizes for the clan I am a part of. 

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Because Warframe has a free market, and an Auction House will only make the life of goldsellers a lot easier and ruin the game.
Trade chat is fine as it is, use filters and you will do ok.

A big NO to Auction Houses (and same goes for marketplaces).

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the current system is great to prevent some people from having the monopoly on an item, while an auction house could prevent some people from paying way too much.


to be fair, both systems have they up and down. But what I do know is what we currently have seemed to work relatively well (from observation, I could be wrong). On top of that thank's the effort of some member of the community, we have website like Warframe trade and ect.


If DE get many complain related to trading, then maybe an AH might work better, who knows.

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Rivens are something unique to players, if you're building for a certain item to be a certain style go for it, and same can go for an AH for rivens because the stats are more rng than anything else and that allows MANY players to have their own price or show buyers what the general price is so they don't feel left out. For example I was buying a bo prime riven about 2 days ago and met someone selling one I LOVED (+119% dmg +89% crit chance +99% status duration) for only 300p but I didn't have the plat so I told them I will check on them again later, the next day I went searching for another bo riven to buy and I had 2 offers for 550-600p and 1 for 390p but they're stats were bad (such as +88% dmg +40% crit chance on slide -98% status chance) but afterwards someone messaged me for 155p for one with +98% toxin +98% heat and +112% channeling dmg so as you can see buying or selling rivens is pretty chaotic and not just in trading but chat itself is plagued by many merchants just because specific rivens aren't targeted so if we were to have an AH it should be for rivens.

Edited by SpectroSinjkai0
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One problem is most of these threads have no actual ideas to them just people yelling Add AH, then arguments start, then thread gets deleted or something similar

if AH was added on top of whats already there id be game for that but not if AH replaced current trading


Buy any item lower then "typical price" or lower then the price deemed correct and then simply repost it for higher for pages and pages until you basically own the AH for that item or until everyone else shifts to use the price your setting, ive seen it done and have actually done it myself in games with AH, altho those games didnt use premium currency in AH they used game credits


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since Trading doesn't have any taxes, making it a one click process to Trade (i.e. making almost everything worth 1 Plat) is bad business.
and Players are very against about having Trade Taxes, even though every good system has one...

there are some exceptions though, Rivens have so many permutations that special support is very helpful with them. luckily we have a few Websites dedicated to Trading them. the rest of the Tradable stuff though, there aren't any permutations to speak of and therefore they aren't complex enough to need special support.


on the other end of the scale, an 'Auction House' does also make it easier for small groups to monopolize the game, basically like how the Stock Market works (where people that wish to can print money while burning Companies to the ground).

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I thought about it while making request for Group Finder:

Warframe is mission 2 common and most important (QOL) aspects of MMO:

  1. Group finder = replacement for recruit channel
  2. Auction house = replacement for trade channel

But auction house is seriously debatable, not because of weak arguments that it will ruin game economy, or ruin the game itself, those are the arguments of people who have no idea what are they talking about.

Warframe.market exists for a while now and it didn't ruin the economy so far.

The only correct argument against AH is that... You dont need to trade that much and you cannot trade much. maximum of 25 trades per day for MR25 player.

You can use online resources to buy prime parts, buy rivens. World of Warcraft for example needs auction house because there are multiple crafting professions, you almost cannot be self sufficient. You need to craft consumables, food, flasks, gems etc. Market has a steady demand which is not the case with warframe, you won't buy another Mirage Prime because you already have one.

There isn't anything that you need to buy continously. So market only hangs because of new players. Only the new players are making a "steady demand".

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21 minutes ago, Kaminariss said:

The only correct argument against AH is that... You dont need to trade that much and you cannot trade much. maximum of 25 trades per day for MR25 player.

Noone needs any arguments against AH really as DE has flat out said multiple times their not going to add it, only in recent streams in the past year or so have i even seen them entertain the conversation about them in which i believe it was Steve said how bout this if the majority of the community comes to agree then maybe well try to add one

not to mention unless the AH allowed sets to be sold that 25 trades per day would go right out the window as 1 character would then be 4 trades, so if you were trying to sell sets that 25 trades would become almost like 7 trades, if it was charging 4 trades per set or charging each item in set as 1 trade either way

Also prime parts and rivens arn't the only trade-able things, the sculptures, kubrow and kavat imprints, ship parts (dont know if these are actually stil tradeable), certain non prime items that i cant think of the name of, mods, auras, lenses, probably more im forgetting

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22 minutes ago, Kaminariss said:

There isn't anything that you need to buy continously. So market only hangs because of new players. Only the new players are making a "steady demand".

It's a different story for rivens seeing as almost my entire alliance is always looking for new rivens for the same weapon or trading them back and forth, or constantly selling certain rivens. When I said I was looking for bo riven 2 days ago I didn't mention me actually asking for one in trade chat 3 days prior daily yet not a single merchant had a riven for me and yes I did spam. Even now I'm looking for a SECOND latron riven and some friends are looking for other rivens for the same weapon to fit their other builds on it so the possibilities are endless :community:

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1 hour ago, Dahx11 said:

Because DE will lose money :)

If that was the case DE could just easily tax trades with 8+:platinum: (they determine the tax just as primed mods are 1mil:credits:) because who's going to waste their trades for less unless desperate for plat and new and for those who choose to avoid the tax you can trade the same old way because Warframe's community has grown a lot since the plains so some things are going to need new balancing, just as an update for equiping arcanes is coming so will many other changes

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Rivens are still not something that can be called "steady demand", you are limited by number of riven mods you can hold at once, number of weapons that exists in the game.

Comparison to real life. Imagine if refrigerators were indestructible, can never break and are always in perfect state. You have multiple models, from the cheapest (worst) to most expensive ones (best). If that would be the case refrigerator manufacturers would go bankrupt after around 100-200 years.

When you find a god tier riven for your weapon and buy it, you will not consider selling current one and buying another. Even if, someone else would be using your riven. You will search for another weapon to buy. And it is not something most people buy daily.

Rivens market is vast and thanks to extreme prices (exclusive goods) it will not fill for quite a while. But it is still not something that you can consider as steady demand.

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7 minutes ago, Kaminariss said:

When you find a god tier riven for your weapon and buy it, you will not consider selling current one and buying another.


I have a god tier Kohm riven but due to the modding requirements I can't have fire rate on it which kills the feel of the gun for me so I've recently been looking to acquire a second one with fire rate.

Edited by (PS4)Chris_Robet
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DE want's you to spend time in the game searching, an auction house will essentially make a influx of the content you need, to the point where you just about compete with everyone, it's like warframe market, only magnified by 100x, it's obvious that either you sell cheap or you don't sell at all, not to mention everything will be accessible and DE doesn't want efficiency, they don't want a simple click and minimal plat for certain items, they wan't you to consider grinding for the item instead of buying and if you buy, make it atleast a worthy ammount.

Efficiency is what DE hates, you cannot be efficient in anything because if you are efficient, the sooner you leave warframe because there is nothing to do, this situation might not happen to you, but will happen to many players, reaching the desired gameplay they wanted at minimal cost because they bought everything cheaply.

As for dealing with buyers and sellers, you need to find a way to minimize it so efficiency can atleast be achieved, ask for a price and reject if the seller doesn't have a price ready, as for dealing with lectures on the correct price, just state that it's your price and move on, do not flame and stay respectfull, if the other user isn't then just ignore.

No matter on how right you are, the next trader will likely be worse so you have to stay focused, efficient conversations usually have like 4 lines of text, more if you then decide to move to the invite stage, as soon the price is unknown, the budget is unknown, lectures and other things happen then just stay on track and ignore if you believe things are bad.

I for example end up ignoring if the trader raises to many red flags or hints that the user doesn't respect you or isn't taking the trading in a serious matter, sometimes i simply don't want to trade, but some users go to the point where neither a chat is welcomed and future interactions need to be avoided.

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57 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

it's obvious that either you sell cheap or you don't sell at all, not to mention everything will be accessible and DE doesn't want efficiency

DE wants you to buy cheap from other people. Why? Because you won't be able to earn much platinum by selling things. Remember you are limited on how many transactions per day you can make. And they are not earning any money from P2P transactions. They are earning money when you buy things from their shop.

Now some example.

  1. Lets say Mirage Prime set costs now 50p. Lets assume a single void fissure earns you 5p. You need to run at least 10 missions and sell those items in order to buy mirage prime. Did DE earned any money on that transactions? Nope
  2. Now if things were cheaper in half, Mirage Prime set 25p but if that is the case, single item will be worth around 2.5p, thats still 10 missions. So absolutely nothing has changed except the money flow.

In the first example you transfered about 100p (earned 50p spent 50p), in the second example 50p (earned 25p spent 25p). In both cases DE didn't earn a single penny. Even tho that plat must have been bought in first place. BUT... In the end people start spending money on their market like premium skins, weapons slots, formas, boosts etc.

Now the second example:

  1. In order to buy Rhino premium skin you need to spend 150p (I just assumed it for easier calculatons). If the prices are like 5p per mission, you would need to run 30 void fissures to earn it. You would need around 2 days to do that thanks to limit and hell of a lot time spent on opening relics. Assuming fastest you can open a relic is around 7 minutes that is still 210 minutes spent in game = 3.5h.
  2. Now if prime parts, mods, other tradeable items prices went down by half. In order to buy that premium skin you would need 60 void fissure missions. 4 days to trade loot and a total of 7h!!! in game. 

There is hardly any real life job that doesn't earn that much in 7 hours. 170 plat is ~$10 in the shop. Honestly? I would just buy it with real money. Wouldn't bother farming relics so long just to get premium skin. And if you wanna get prime by yourself (by targeting specific relics, doing radshares) prices wouldn't affect time spent on doing this at all.

So the important lesson time = money


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