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So sick of trading chat, why can't we get an auction house?


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2 hours ago, Kaminariss said:

Read what i wrote above. As soon as the items becomes worthless people will stop supplying them -> price rises.

Again, you are massively underestimating the existing supply.  Drop rates are high enough and and relics are around long enough that most stuff is massively over farmed.  Buying stuff has never been hard even in trade chat so it's not like there's a lot of room for demand to grow that much either.  The AH will mostly make stuff easier to sell and the massive increase in available supply will kill prices on most stuff irreparably.  They might regain some value when they're vaulted, but not enough to matter and not without doing some serious damage to the amount of plat being purchased for trades before then.


2 hours ago, Kaminariss said:

Wrong, market would still regulate prices as they are on current level. Add tax to it and median prices will rise. You actually got it the other way around. It is the supply and demand what drives prices. Not some illusionary barrier that doesn't even exist. The only inconvenience now is that you need to copy and paste from warframe.market, paste it to game and invite once he agrees. 

The vast majority of the player base does not use warframe.market, or for that matter trade chat.  It is not an illusionary barrier, it is a very real one created by the fact that a massive portion of the player based that has large portion of the existing supply of items do not bother with trade chat or warframe.market.  There is a massive existing supply of items that isn't being traded because it's too much of a hassle for many players to bother  with.  The AH would introduce that supply to a market that does not have much room for growth in terms of demand because WTBing has never been hard.

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7 minutes ago, Kaminariss said:

There is a way in current system that lets you make money by doing only trades.

You see this as a good thing?  That players are encouraged not to play the game, but only play the market?

7 minutes ago, Kaminariss said:

sending mission for followers for 12 chars.

You consider this proper gameplay?

8 minutes ago, Kaminariss said:

Unfortunately it does work because there is no such thing as AH. While prices may change for a moment (and it is all we are after, to buy something cheaper) it will be soon stabilized again. But such tactics works on both trade chat and warframe.market.

You have to be being willfully obtuse at this point to not see how an auction house would magnify such issues.  Like how often am I paying attention to the price on trade chat or warframe market?  The answer is never.  How often would I be paying attention to the price of an auction house?  Always.  I'd have no choice.

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28 minutes ago, Aggh said:

Again, you are massively underestimating the existing supply.

Dude, listen to yourself. Supply exists only because there is a demand. And demand exists only because there is a supply. You cannot separate them. Once something hits rock bottom it is bound to get back where it belongs: https://warframe.market/items/fang_prime_blade/statistics

Look at the statistics over 90 days. 

28 minutes ago, Aggh said:

The AH will mostly make stuff easier to sell and the massive increase in available supply will kill prices on most stuff irreparably.

Bulls*it. Both supply and demand will rise. You will simply increase market volume. That was just your assumption not based on any facts or evidence. Now tell me, how market volume correlates with supply and demand?


28 minutes ago, Aggh said:

It is not an illusionary barrier, it is a very real one created by the fact that a massive portion of the player based that has large portion of the existing supply of items do not bother with trade chat or warframe.market. 

Did you just read what you wrote? If people dont use trade chat or warframe.market because they dont need it, how will that make them now suddenly use AH?


28 minutes ago, Aggh said:

The AH would introduce that supply

Yeah that makes sense, there will be more sellers but number of buyers will not increase because it was super easy to buy things and super hard to sell things and AH will only make it easier for sellers. Surely buyers didn't have to whisper the seller and meet them in dojo. Surely buyers didn't write WTB on trade chat, didn't need to look for WTS [YOUR ITEM] messages, they didn't need to click on the seller name and click whisper in all that spam.

Funny thing is you say something so wrong while being confident.

3 minutes ago, PatternistSlave said:

You consider this proper gameplay?

Of course, can you guess why?

6 minutes ago, PatternistSlave said:

You have to be being willfully obtuse at this point to not see how an auction house would magnify such issues.

Dude, its the other way around. Do you even realize how bad that statement is? You must have been obtuse for even suggesting such thing. Probably not so yet again let me explain it to you:

Lets assume lowest price for mirage prime is curently 60p

Trade chat: you spam WTS [Mirage Prime Set] 50p then ignore all whispers
Warframe market: set yourself online, place sell offer [Mirage Prime Set] for 50p then ignore all whispers
Auction house: you place your [Mirage Prime Set] for sell for 50p, BAM! item is gone because it was cheaper by 10p than the cheapest offer.

Thats how you imagine magnifying problems?


Edited by Kaminariss
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11 minutes ago, Kaminariss said:

Supply exists only because there is a demand.

Supply can't exceed demand?  What was it you told me a while ago?  Something about using Google?

11 minutes ago, Kaminariss said:

Both supply and demand will rise.

Buying is not incredibly inconvenient with the current system and there is no reason to believe it would rise at near the rate supply would.

26 minutes ago, Kaminariss said:

Trade chat: you spam WTS [Mirage Prime Set] 50p then ignore all whispers
Warframe market: set yourself online, place sell offer [Mirage Prime Set] for 50p then ignore all whispers

You're assuming this does anything at all to my price as a seller.  Which it does not.

30 minutes ago, Kaminariss said:

Auction house: you place your [Mirage Prime Set] for sell for 50p, BAM! item is gone because it was cheaper by 10p than the cheapest offer

You're still only thinking in terms of individual sales and small quantities.  This is an auction house we're talking about here.  Where I can see exactly how many are selling what and at what price.  What do you suppose happens when say a clan sized group buys and sells items in bulk?

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Why all AH supporters thinks there is only WTB and WTS ? Why are you want to lock everything behind paywall (platwall)?

Trading means I can easly change my goodies for someone else goodies? Not just sell and buy for plat? You wan't to price tag everything in the game just because the is some average price or some equilibrium ? What does it means: " I can trade my 400 plat worth Rhino Prime Set for someone else 200 plat worth Ash Prime Set and I don't have to bother with market prices" I am happy cause I don't need to spend time to sell my goodies and i got (20 Rhino Sets, so theirs value for me is low), Ash seller is happy cause he get something more value (due to market price), even Konzu is happy. Thats open market works. You are wondering why it isn't changed for all that years because it's simple. There always be high price sellers and high price buyers, low sellers price and low price buyers and yes there will be scummers I don't say there will be none and will be dummies who don't bother themselves to price check, but you know what - "They all have to agree to make transaction", no one is putting gun to the head.  

So please don't think that every player is brain damage and he need to be guided. You're going to say I am stupid because I lose 200 plat on the deal - you're so wrong. Why? Because there is something more besides plat - for example: time / fun / free will /a good mood. You don't even know how many players buying overpriced item and they know that the price is ridiculously high but they are happy. Yes happy (being stuck 1831 xp point to MR25 for a month or more can be frustrating) because you don't pay only for item but pay for yours good mood.

Something at the end:
(I know it can be hard to understand by language differences, but I hope that you will get the sense).

Man and dog have two and four legs, six in total, divided by the "number of objects" that means two (this is the most consistent with the formula for the arithmetic mean), we get three.
Conclusion 1: both man and dog have three legs.

Conclusion 2: everyone sees that this is not true (unless the dog broke off one leg and one leg has grown on the back of a man), so the statistics lie.

So AH lies (price is too high or too low) on rare items because insufficient numbers of objects.

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32 minutes ago, (PS4)KresTias said:

Nobody asking "remove trading chat"

Yes somebody asking for that - read carefully what they wish. 

32 minutes ago, (PS4)KresTias said:

some people needs AH just for rivens

Ok. Not a problem. Don't turn off TC

P.S. As PS4 member you know there is community for that :)

32 minutes ago, (PS4)KresTias said:

Every1 who wants trade items for items have tc and maroo's bazaar. 

Maroo's bazaar works as public hub not a public channel. All will be limited to the players in hub. (Nowadays limitation TC is game server you choose - NA, SA, EU, etc.)

Edited part (digression):

If you want to know why is sometime hard to get a riven you want I will repeat myself:

Melee rivens hat 25 effects stucks with suffixes and prefixes, that's give like 300 variats of two possitives, 300 variants of  two possitives and one negative, 2300 variant of 3 possitive and 2300 variants of 3 possitives and one negative effects in total  5200 variants for each melee weapon and like 4600 variants for primary/secondary weapons. But there is more: for example my [soma critata] and yours [soma critata] will have different value of stats on max rank/the same rank (it's not like serration mod who is strito +165% damage at max rank). 

AH will help sell/buy rivens. You have to be aware that if you loking a RM exactly as you wish could be very difficult just bu the number of rolls.

End of digression.

Edited by (PS4)Semyazza1985
A little digression
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4 hours ago, PatternistSlave said:

They did.  Let's not flush that down the toilet for the sake of convenience.

Trading will likely have the same restrictions regardless of it's medium, be it a chat system or an actual trading system.  Those restrictions are what makes the trading fine so nothing is being 'flushed down the toilet', but perhaps it can actually evolve away from the 2002 process of using a chat system to facilitate trade as a whole. 
Which would in turn actually make trading look much approachable and actually help the game.


4 hours ago, PatternistSlave said:

Quite the contrary.  I enjoy and often trade items.

Which is still a monetary gain, and not really about helping people.   The current system also hugely hinders trades on a large scale, as even with the filter set to see only trades for every actual trade you see some 20+ sells/buys.

A decent system can even still have the option to set up trades that is completely devoid of sales or buys.

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As PS4 member some rivens im looking for a like almost 5 month and sick of S#&$ty riven offers n ppl who trying sell me something i dont want. Theres few more ppl "like me" and still no luck for them. My suggestion for AH is terminal on maroo bazaar where ppl from all regions can show what they got n get fair plat. Ofc AH must have limitations.

Trade chat must get improvements too.

tbh i dont know why ppl fighting here.

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Tell me where did I say supply can't exceed demand? 

5 hours ago, PatternistSlave said:

Buying is not incredibly inconvenient with the current system and there is no reason to believe it would rise at near the rate supply would.

Buying has the same level of inconveniance as selling. Exactly the same using trade chat and exactly the same as warframe market. Oh and if you are thinking about rivens there is https://www.wftrader.com/ but rivens are exclusive goods which are hard to estimate. When I want to sell all the goods I have acumulated by playing I simply go to my inventory, chceck If I have full sets of prime warframes/weapons, post them on warframe.market, wait in the dojo for about 10 minutes and everything sold. Last time I sold 3 Hydroids prime in 2 minutes.


6 hours ago, PatternistSlave said:

You're assuming this does anything at all to my price as a seller.  Which it does not.

I am not asuming, this is how i bought things cheaper (several times). It may not work for majority of sellers, but there will be few who will bend and offer their prime sets cheaper.

6 hours ago, PatternistSlave said:

This is an auction house we're talking about here.  Where I can see exactly how many are selling what and at what price.  What do you suppose happens when say a clan sized group buys and sells items in bulk?

Nothing actually. They can bend price temporarily for few items, thats all they could do. Even if you are to offer your goods at higher price, demand will simply drop. Go ahead and try it yourself. I did check personally using enormous amount of gold in WoW.

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3 hours ago, Loswaith said:

Those restrictions are what makes the trading fine so nothing is being 'flushed down the toilet', but perhaps it can actually evolve away from the 2002 process of using a chat system to facilitate trade as a whole. 

Auction houses aren't some new innovation.  They've been around since the inception of mmos.  What you don't want to accept is that not having an auction house was one of "those restrictions".  One of the ways DE limited abuse.

3 hours ago, Loswaith said:

Which is still a monetary gain, and not really about helping people.

It's about helping each other.  I get what I didn't have and you get what you didn't.  I've never had issues trading with the current system.

2 hours ago, (PS4)KresTias said:

As PS4 member some rivens im looking for a like almost 5 month and sick of S#&$ty riven offers n ppl who trying sell me something i dont want. Theres few more ppl "like me" and still no luck for them. My suggestion for AH is terminal on maroo bazaar where ppl from all regions can show what they got n get fair plat. Ofc AH must have limitations.

Trade chat must get improvements too.

tbh i dont know why ppl fighting here.

Because the situation isn't improved for you.  All that happens is you realize those offers weren't so "******".

24 minutes ago, Kaminariss said:

Tell me where did I say supply can't exceed demand?

Your ludicrous statement was a response to someone talking about supply exceeding demand.

24 minutes ago, Kaminariss said:

Buying has the same level of inconveniance as selling.

Really?  Go buy a Vitality.  See how difficult that is.  Now go sell one.  I'll wait.

24 minutes ago, Kaminariss said:

this is how i bought things cheaper

Well you're exactly the type of unscrupulous player that would probably abuse an auction house.

24 minutes ago, Kaminariss said:

Go ahead and try it yourself.

Don't have to.  Trade syndicates are common in many games.  Assuming WoW's AH isn't just broken beyond repair they're busy making money off you.  With Warframe the trading is inconvenient and lucrative enough that I actually play the game itself.

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Warframe Market is not just to consult item prices. it is an actual auction house where you announce your items and finish the trade in-game. 

I had the easiesttime announcing there to move my items around for plat, or to trade plat for items. 

If DE chose to simply buy them out, it works pretty much as an auction house should, and doesn't require the game to be running for the user to add his items to it. 

Piggybacking it with a Warframe API to access actual inventory items and do the trades outside the game would make it gold.



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yh ... sure, other riven offers not trash, not trash at all, like deth machine rifle cc/multi/status dur for 400p. Because of awful kuva economy people do not roll rivens, except for hyped weps. Sometimes they do .. but 2-3 rolls n trying sell after. We cant reroll 1 useless stat by locking other and lock this riven for trade. If u like +grinneer +corpus +infested -damage rivens ... well.. keep it for urself.

I would like to pay any1 who sells what i need a fair plat and not stealing it for 20.

Edited by (PS4)KresTias
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9 hours ago, Kaminariss said:

Dude, listen to yourself. Supply exists only because there is a demand. And demand exists only because there is a supply. You cannot separate them. Once something hits rock bottom it is bound to get back where it belongs

Fang Prime is an example of an items where everyone knows there's an enormous existing supply of its parts.  That's why they're worthless.  The supply is so high that they're considered to have no value and anyone trying to post them for 5-10 plat is trying to scam people.  


9 hours ago, Kaminariss said:

Bulls*it. Both supply and demand will rise. You will simply increase market volume. That was just your assumption not based on any facts or evidence. Now tell me, how market volume correlates with supply and demand?

Um ... what about the fact that no one in the game needs more than one set of any item?  And that they'll all continue running relics and inevitably get more items they don't need?  Both of these make it pretty obvious that supply will inherently exceed demand in Warframe.  Then the AH removes any inconvenience that was keeping that supply from hitting the market.


9 hours ago, Kaminariss said:

Did you just read what you wrote? If people dont use trade chat or warframe.market because they dont need it, how will that make them now suddenly use AH?

It's not that they don't need it; it's that they don't want to waste time with the current system because they view it as too much of a hassle to deal with.  The only reason anyone wants an AH is because it's easier to use.  I really don't get how you couldn't put 1+1 together here.


9 hours ago, Kaminariss said:

Dude, its the other way around. Do you even realize how bad that statement is? You must have been obtuse for even suggesting such thing. Probably not so yet again let me explain it to you:

Lets assume lowest price for mirage prime is curently 60p

Trade chat: you spam WTS [Mirage Prime Set] 50p then ignore all whispers
Warframe market: set yourself online, place sell offer [Mirage Prime Set] for 50p then ignore all whispers
Auction house: you place your [Mirage Prime Set] for sell for 50p, BAM! item is gone because it was cheaper by 10p than the cheapest offer.

Thats how you imagine magnifying problems?

Except on an AH the price would settle at 60P in a day whereas in the current system it takes two weeks to a month.  Then as supply continues to increase you have a much larger number of users trying to undercut each other and it would likely settle at around 20-30P.  At this point you basically would have people throwing in the common/uncommon parts for free and selling the whole set at the cost of the rare drop.  

Edited by Urabask
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10 hours ago, Kaminariss said:

Dude, listen to yourself. Supply exists only because there is a demand. And demand exists only because there is a supply. You cannot separate them. Once something hits rock bottom it is bound to get back where it belongs: https://warframe.market/items/fang_prime_blade/statistics

Look at the statistics over 90 days. 

You doofus.  The relic system creates supply regardless of demand because people don't have 100% control over what they can get out of it. And it's been doing that for YEARS with a significant portion of the player base not taking part in the economy.

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On ‎2‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 6:39 PM, Dahx11 said:

Because DE will lose money :)

Hate to say it, but that's not how economics works.

Every time platinum changes hands, it increases the chances that it's going to someone who will spend it on one of the many plat sinks in the game that remove it, thus creating a need for someone to buy more platinum.

It's called "currency velocity" and it applies to real life currencies as well.

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32 minutes ago, TheRealDestian said:

Hate to say it, but that's not how economics works.

Every time platinum changes hands, it increases the chances that it's going to someone who will spend it on one of the many plat sinks in the game that remove it, thus creating a need for someone to buy more platinum.

It's called "currency velocity" and it applies to real life currencies as well.

Except when the prices of most tradeable items tank people won't need to buy as much platinum, so yes, DE will lose money.  Demand will peak for a bit and then crater when everyone buys everything they need for next to nothing.  Meanwhile that won't even scratch the massive supply that will be exposed by the AH and prices will never really recover.  At which point DE will lose even more money since a significant portion of the trading market will be generating significantly lower total platinum purchases.

Edited by Aggh
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10 hours ago, Kaminariss said:

Dude, listen to yourself. Supply exists only because there is a demand. And demand exists only because there is a supply. You cannot separate them. Once something hits rock bottom it is bound to get back where it belongs: https://warframe.market/items/fang_prime_blade/statistics

Look at the statistics over 90 days. 

So what you are thinking the Fang Prime Blade is worthless and there is no demand on them? I will give you a hint: "Go to that site again exactly the same one you placed and look closely. Do you see something? If not, I will give a another free tip you can sell it for 15 Ducats (or even credits if you like). If you do not know what ducats are used for, then I present you this gentleman Baro Ki'Teer  to the rest you have to guess yourself, I do not want to spoil the fun.

Secondly haven't you seen this on trade chat: "WTB prime trash 5p for 5" 

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4 hours ago, PatternistSlave said:

Really?  Go buy a Vitality.  See how difficult that is.  Now go sell one.  I'll wait.

At this point I see you are fanatic. Vitality is marginal example of worthless item that everone has at least few copies from the start of the game.

2 hours ago, Urabask said:

Fang Prime is an example of an items where everyone knows there's an enormous existing supply of its parts.  That's why they're worthless.  The supply is so high that they're considered to have no value and anyone trying to post them for 5-10 plat is trying to scam people.  

And do you know why supply is so high? You only told half the truth but forgot one super important thing. Fang Prime is:

  • A dagger, never seen anyone using daggers except maybe covert lethality
  • Super easy to obtain
  • Nobody is using it except for pushing mastery rank
  • All the parts are from common relics


So why it still costs more than 1p? Because it is not worth selling at this price, demand still exists. Supply is high because of certain reasons not because you said so.

3 hours ago, Urabask said:

And that they'll all continue running relics and inevitably get more items they don't need?  Both of these make it pretty obvious that supply will inherently exceed demand in Warframe.  Then the AH removes any inconvenience that was keeping that supply from hitting the market.

If we go by that scheme, soon, everything will become worthless regarding of existance of AH. Because all the players will attain everything. That could have been said only by someone who slept on economy classes. Demand will drop to zero, supply will stop existing because no one would be buying anything anymore. So why this did not happen after all these years? Tell me.

How is inconvenience keeping that from happening? Once I buy something prime I don't need to buy it again.

3 hours ago, Urabask said:

It's not that they don't need it; it's that they don't want to waste time with the current system because they view it as too much of a hassle to deal with.  The only reason anyone wants an AH is because it's easier to use.  I really don't get how you couldn't put 1+1 together here.

If they don't need it why would AH suddenly change their mind? I crafted hydroid prime because of MR reasons, never played him after leveling up. I don't need him. Should I follow your reasoning and sell it? Maybe I shouldn't have crafted him in first place? Was it too much of a hassle to buy? Not at all. Will I buy him again? Nope.


3 hours ago, Urabask said:

Except on an AH the price would settle at 60P in a day whereas in the current system it takes two weeks to a month.  Then as supply continues to increase you have a much larger number of users trying to undercut each other and it would likely settle at around 20-30P.  At this point you basically would have people throwing in the common/uncommon parts for free and selling the whole set at the cost of the rare drop.  

Evidence? Again, its only your assumption. And no nothing like this would happen. At first when something new comes up, supply cannot satisfy demand. It wouldn't settle in a day. Unless you will create another time-space continuum which will have time slowed by 20x compared to the current continuum, and place sellers/farmers in that newly created timeline. In simpler words: there are no way people are going to get prime parts faster than the amount of people wanting it right now.


1 hour ago, (PS4)Semyazza1985 said:

So what you are thinking the Fang Prime Blade is worthless and there is no demand on them? I will give you a hint: "Go to that site again exactly the same one you placed and look closely. Do you see something? If not, I will give a another free tip you can sell it for 15 Ducats (or even credits if you like). If you do not know what ducats are used for, then I present you this gentleman Baro Ki'Teer  to the rest you have to guess yourself, I do not want to spoil the fun.

Secondly haven't you seen this on trade chat: "WTB prime trash 5p for 5" 

Im not sure if you read my post closely but thanks for aggreeing with me. You esentially said that demand will always exist because you can trade prime parts to baro, so nothing will ever become worthless. And the marginal price is set by ducats value.

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1 hour ago, Aggh said:

Except when the prices of most tradeable items tank people won't need to buy as much platinum

If prices tank, it's because the hindrance surrounding finding accurate market values of items was allowing people to scam each other.

Fighting for the right to scam players out of plat via lack of information isn't the hill anyone should want to die on. :P

Again, the more frequent transactions more than compensate for the falling prices.

Edited by TheRealDestian
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6 minutes ago, Kaminariss said:

And do you know why supply is so high? You only told half the truth but forgot one super important thing. Fang Prime is

The supply is high because it's one of the prime items that's never going to be vaulted.  Like I said, the actual price is lower than what you see on WFM.  You can literally go into region chat and ask for a free set and you'll get one.

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15 minutes ago, Kaminariss said:

So why it still costs more than 1p?

It doesn't.  No one buys it.  Just because someone is listing it doesn't mean people are buying it.  You can get a set by accident just farming other stuff.  Supply is high because it's never going to be vaulted, no buys it, and it's in a bajillion relics.


13 minutes ago, TheRealDestian said:

If prices tank, it's because the hindrance surrounding finding accurate market values of items was allowing people to scam each other.

Fighting for the right to scam players out of plat via lack of information isn't the hill anyone should want to die on. :P

Again, the more frequent transactions more than compensate for the falling prices.

No, they'll tank because DE has really generous drop rates and significantly less unique loot to allow for prices to remain reasonable.

Pretty much every prime item except for a few vaulted ones are cheaper than buying regular items on the market, it's hardly scamming people.  The current system sets a middle ground where prices have settled at a point where it's actually worth trying to sell stuff and prime sets are pretty cheap compared to what DE sells anything for.

Nope, because demand doesn't have a whole lot of room for growth.  Buying has never really been all that hard with the current system.  Supply on the other hand, would see a massive increase that really can't be made up for.

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19 minutes ago, Kaminariss said:

Vitality is marginal example of worthless item that everone has at least few copies from the start of the game.

The same could be said of most of the items in Warframe.  And yet I've sold them.  I've sold Vitality.  Was it easy?  No.  Certainly not as easy as buying one.  Which was the point.

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Trade can be annoying, too many people looking to put their kids through school with the use of platinum.  I get crazy offers that are way too low for the work I put in to secure it,  but I also have the decency to not try to over price folks.  but my clan members get items for free almost.  

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12 minutes ago, Urabask said:

The supply is high because it's one of the prime items that's never going to be vaulted. 

That is only a shortsighted and incomplete vision. It wouldn't be the case if fang prime dropped only from 3 relics, and all the drops would be rare.


8 minutes ago, Aggh said:

No, they'll tank because DE has really generous drop rates and significantly less unique loot to allow for prices to remain reasonable.

This is the truth, and a valid reason against AH. However existance of AH will not change the fact that prices will be dropping unless they will cut off supply by vaulting relics.


9 minutes ago, Aggh said:

The current system sets a middle ground where prices have settled at a point where it's actually worth trying to sell stuff and prime sets are pretty cheap compared to what DE sells anything for.

Current system except for trade limit per day doesn't change a thing.


11 minutes ago, Aggh said:

Nope, because demand doesn't have a whole lot of room for growth.  Buying has never really been all that hard with the current system.  Supply on the other hand, would see a massive increase that really can't be made up for.

Only half a truth half assumption. It is true that demand doesn't have room for growth but Selling was also never really hard with current system. Supply will not increase simply because you say so. Supply is also based on demand. If there is no demand, people will not be even selling it because it would be a waste of time.


7 minutes ago, PatternistSlave said:

The same could be said of most of the items in Warframe.  And yet I've sold them.  I've sold Vitality.  Was it easy?  No.  Certainly not as easy as buying one.  Which was the point.

No that is not even close to most of the items in warframe. I usually sell only prime sets and they literally dissapear the moment I put the same price as the currently lowest seller (no need to undercut it). I sold 3 Hydroid prime sets in just 2 minutes, over 10 people instantly spammed me whispers.

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