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So sick of trading chat, why can't we get an auction house?


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1 hour ago, Borg1611 said:

Exactly what I'd say to you and the other guy going on about Hearthstone. Hearthstone being P2W has literally nothing to do with the discussion or why WoW tokens are a good model and how they relate to Warframe and platinum.

The point is that they had to adjust Hearthstone's monetization because they're allowing WoW tokens to be converted to Blizzard balance ...

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4 minutes ago, Borg1611 said:

some extreme hostility towards Blizzard you need to deal with

I had no problem with Blizzard until you decided to tell me about their business model.

4 minutes ago, Borg1611 said:

You claimed some nonsense about new players having to pay a sub and me.

That's what they're doing.  Where did you think this money you're using on whatever Blizzard game you chose came from?

6 minutes ago, Borg1611 said:

I make easy passive gold in WoW via alt missions with minimal time or effort.

Yeah you do practically nothing.  Blizzard decided instead of fighting botters to just make you one.  We went over this pages ago.

8 minutes ago, Borg1611 said:

I made easy money

From someone.  This is what you want for Warframe.  "Easy money".  Well this money comes from someone and I don't think you deserve it.

11 minutes ago, Borg1611 said:

Everything purchased for plat was paid for by someone at some point

Difference being it allows ALL players to play for free if they so choose, not just those who've played for 10+ years.  Also I'm not able to use plat to skew a completely separate PvP game that just so happens to be pay2win as hell.

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Just now, PatternistSlave said:

That's what they're doing.  Where did you think this money you're using on whatever Blizzard game you chose came from?

27 minutes ago, Borg1611 said:

Psst. Buying gold for non essential items is not a requirement. Logic harder. You're trying to make an argument against a point I never made to avoid the reality that what you said was nonsense. 

1 minute ago, PatternistSlave said:

Yeah you do practically nothing.  Blizzard decided instead of fighting botters to just make you one.  We went over this pages ago.

28 minutes ago, Borg1611 said:

The point is that it's a legitimate activity for the game created by its developers and therefor not abusive. Your misguided bias judgement means nothing to me. 

2 minutes ago, PatternistSlave said:

From someone.  This is what you want for Warframe.  "Easy money".  Well this money comes from someone and I don't think you deserve it.

29 minutes ago, Borg1611 said:

Understanding failure detected yet again. My point was in response to your repeated misinformed claims of abusive activity. I didn't have to abuse anything to make easy money in D3 because the game paid for itself with minimal effort if you wanted to use the AH. It didn't require abuse or scams etc (and one of the great things about a system like an AH is it minimizes trade scams that exist in games like this). The point that it came from someone else is irrelevant. Your personal opinion of who deserves what is also irrelevant. 

It's not actually what I want for Warframe at all. In the case of D3 you could make real money from in-game transactions which is never what anyone was suggesting in this thread. Rivens are currently very exclusive and pay to win. I want a riven market so that they no longer are. I don't really need plat. I'm MR 20 and already have most of the things I'd want outside of "end-game" items and grinds. 

8 minutes ago, PatternistSlave said:

Difference being it allows ALL players to play for free if they so choose, not just those who've played for 10+ years.

That's exactly what WoW tokens do. That's exactly why they're so very similar despite your choice to ignore that fact. You could start WoW fresh today and be making enough gold to buy tokens in a month before you had to pay the sub if that were your goal and you have enough time to get started. After you're started, yes, it becomes easier. If you have a lot of alts you can do missions to make even easier gold (which does require a lot of up-front time to prepare the character and then minimal maintenance afterwards). Your past time investment and gathered resources make it easier to get more, particularly if you wanted to play the AH. People who have played Warframe longer also have had more time to find items and make currency, a crazy concept!

Unlike plat, they even allow you to play other games for free that otherwise have no F2P access. That's another reason why they're a great example of a F2P model. It's a network wide F2P model. 

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PatternistSlave and Urabask have no idea what are they talking about. There is no point in arguing with people who said something like:

On 1.03.2018 at 11:58 PM, Urabask said:

And in Warframe supply is equal to slightly less than the total number of an item in the game.  Every time someone gets more than 1-2 of an item that item is immediately available for sale.  You can pretend it isn't but that's just because you're regurgitating microeconomics 101.


WoW - not even being close to pay2win (hardest content cannot be done without skill and unbuyable gear)
Hearthstone - pay2win mostly (or a sh*tton of grinding)
Overwarch - zero % pay2win (only skill matters, everything is unlocked)

6 hours ago, PatternistSlave said:

Difference being it allows ALL players to play for free if they so choose, not just those who've played for 10+ years.  Also I'm not able to use plat to skew a completely separate PvP game that just so happens to be pay2win as hell.

I played WF for little over 140 days, Already have everything the game has to offer (and it interests me).

This dude Borg1611 played for 10+ years, I am playing for about 3 years now and it took me few months to get my first milion by playing the auction house. Easy for someone who actually understands how economics works.

Go ahead, play WoW and tell me when you reach your first milion. I can do that in few months with brand new account. Same as real world, your skills pays the bills not the fact you "exist".

Everyone who says "AH would make drop prices lower" needs to get back to school. Developers could make AH in such way that prices would either stay on the same level, raise a bit or even skyrocket. They have every means to do so.

Edited by Kaminariss
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On 3/8/2018 at 10:36 PM, Grim said:

>Person makes a suggestion on the forums about his or her opinion/statement on a way to improve the game.


>Huge chunk of the forum thread comments is just full of heated arguments trying to prove the other side wrong


Yep...nothing new here


Edit: Counted almost 18 pages of pure anger.  Jeez guys calm down lol, it's just a game!


22 Pages! :facepalm:

Well looks like this forum just turned into a cesspool of immature people non-stop bashing each other that isn't related to the main topic at all.  Can a moderator PLEASE close this forum thread? This is literally going nowhere like a dog chasing it's own tail.

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Tfw Auction houses make most commodities to loose price and get as cheap as possible. That's one way to ruin a games trading economy.

(I also want it but no Prime stuff in there. Maybe riven house? PLEASE?!)


If anyone looks at trade chat for more than 5 seconds it will get obvious that rivens are the main issue that ruin that chat.

Edited by -mhC.Kaminarion-
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Just now, -mhC.Kaminarion- said:

Tfw Auction houses make most commodities to loose price and get as cheap as possible. That's one way to ruin a games trading economy.


33 minutes ago, Kaminariss said:

Developers could make AH in such way that prices would either stay on the same level, raise a bit or even skyrocket. They have every means to do so.


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21 minutes ago, (PS4)Aerik93 said:

Can someone tag a DE forum admin/mod to just lock this topic and probably take it into consideration for the next update, leaving it at that?


Also sent him/her a message about it, shame that this thread could have turned out more friendly and civilized.  But eh...who am I kidding...there will always be those certain types of people who screw it up in the end.

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3 hours ago, Kaminariss said:

PatternistSlave and Urabask have no idea what are they talking about. There is no point in arguing with people who said something like:


WoW - not even being close to pay2win (hardest content cannot be done without skill and unbuyable gear)
Hearthstone - pay2win mostly (or a sh*tton of grinding)
Overwarch - zero % pay2win (only skill matters, everything is unlocked)

I played WF for little over 140 days, Already have everything the game has to offer (and it interests me).

This dude Borg1611 played for 10+ years, I am playing for about 3 years now and it took me few months to get my first milion by playing the auction house. Easy for someone who actually understands how economics works.

Go ahead, play WoW and tell me when you reach your first milion. I can do that in few months with brand new account. Same as real world, your skills pays the bills not the fact you "exist".

Everyone who says "AH would make drop prices lower" needs to get back to school. Developers could make AH in such way that prices would either stay on the same level, raise a bit or even skyrocket. They have every means to do so.

Yes because hiring a developer team to monitor the market and price ranges is a reasonable thing to do. Think again. They can influence prices by posting their own stuff or changing drop rates..? What else oh enlightened one

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If not an auction house, there does need to be another way to handle the ingame side of trading. Half of the time I try to use the ingame trade chat it's being spammed so badly that there's no way anyone's able to read my text. I do get that market is available, but I don't think it's ideal to require an out-of-game service to handle trading.

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30 minutes ago, -mhC.Kaminarion- said:

Yes because hiring a developer team to monitor the market and price ranges is a reasonable thing to do. Think again. They can influence prices by posting their own stuff or changing drop rates..? What else oh enlightened one

Limit of concurrent items
Trade tax (in platinum or ducats)
Postage fee (in platinum or ducats)
Self learning dynamic price restriction (Min-Max price like Tera Online/ Lineage 2 Revolution)

and many other ideas.

They wouldn't need to monitor prices constantly, they would just need to monitor them for 1-2 first months and adjust percentages of taxes/fees. Modern systems are basically autonomical if done right (proper implementation)

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5 hours ago, Kaminariss said:

PatternistSlave and Urabask have no idea what are they talking about. There is no point in arguing with people who said something like:

Whereas you've said this and you supposedly know what you're talking about: 

On 3/8/2018 at 9:02 AM, Urabask said:

And here we go again, why are you having trouble of understanding that selling was also never hard? You can sell things in a matter of minutes. If you have troubles with selling only means that you have no idea how current market works and it is the definite proof.

So apparently we don't need an AH at all because everything is really easy to sell and buy.


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13 hours ago, Borg1611 said:

I didn't have to abuse anything to make easy money in D3 because the game paid for itself with minimal effort if you wanted to use the AH.

The system was broken.  You abused a broken system  for personal gain.  The devs shut it down because of how broken it was.  The playerbase wanted it shut down because of how broken it was.  It nearly destroyed the game completely.  That you're so unbelievably egocentric that because you can take advantage of something for personal profit that makes it the best system is absolutely absurd.  And then I'm supposed to take your word for how great the system in WoW is after this?  You wouldn't know a self-destructive system if the developers came out and said it was.  Which is exactly what they did with the D3 AH.

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14 hours ago, Urabask said:

So apparently we don't need an AH at all because everything is really easy to sell and buy.

And here we go back again to this point. I never, not even once, said I need AH.

This game has unrealistic market model. There is nothing you can continuously want. And this is bad for economy.

Like in real life, you need food, water, electricity, gas etc to survive, you don't need ANYTHING in warframe to go on. That the reason AH idea is not so appealing. At some point, you won't have anything to buy anymore.

Imagine if DE would implement item condition (wearing out) and repair kits. Imagine if your operator would require food to live. Fuel for your orbiter.

12 hours ago, PatternistSlave said:

The system was broken.  You abused a broken system  for personal gain.  The devs shut it down because of how broken it was.  The playerbase wanted it shut down because of how broken it was.  It nearly destroyed the game completely.

Everything you just stated was just your opinion. Not even a speck of evidence.

While the reason was something far more simple. You could get best gear and become OP just by spending gold. That is also the reason why WoW has something called Soulbound:


Warframe has similar restriction, you can only trade zero level special weapons and prime parts. In neither of those games you can become powerful just by spending currency.

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An auction house destroys a social aspect of the game and also will make people more unhappy about their loot as they are able to browse through hundreds of rivens with amazing stats, and therefore feel like their own are inferior.

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7 hours ago, Kaminariss said:

Everything you just stated was just your opinion. Not even a speck of evidence

You're a big boy.  You can google the numerous articles, talks, and posts on the matter.  I've linked many of them.

7 hours ago, Kaminariss said:

In neither of those games you can become powerful just by spending currency.

That doesn't mean power can't be purchased.  And in the case of WoW let's remember it's a subscription game.  Hell.  Don't they charge for expansions as well?

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3 minutes ago, PatternistSlave said:

Ah yes.  Those Korean mmos I've heard such good things about.  Warframe should totally model itself after them.

Your comment totally disregards humanity.. You might as well disregard anything that comes from America as well.. Because most things American came from foreigners who did not have the freedom to produce in other countrys..

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13 hours ago, Grimmstyler said:

Your comment totally disregards humanity.. You might as well disregard anything that comes from America as well.. Because most things American came from foreigners who did not have the freedom to produce in other countrys..

Asian MMOs in general have a reputation for being grindy P2W gacha centric disasters infested with gold sellers and bots.  I don't know how you've missed that but you're not going to find many people with a positive opinion about MMOs from Asia on western sites/forums.  After the whole debacle with Battlefront 2 you're even less likely to find anyone that likes those kinds of games.  

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27 minutes ago, Urabask said:

Asian MMOs in general have a reputation for being grindy P2W gacha centric disasters infested with gold sellers and bots.  I don't know how you've missed that but you're not going to find many people with a positive opinion about MMOs from Asia on western sites/forums.  After the whole debacle with Battlefront 2 you're even less likely to find anyone that likes those kinds of games.  

Yes well.. i dunno about all that hate going on with foreign MMO's.. Thanks for the info tho

I was trying to give a good reference of how effective the auction house / trade commons worked in a game.. In which Sword of the New World 2 has.. or had.. a good trading post where you could post your item, with it having a timeshare for 2 days if no one purchased..

It wasnt a "auction" but a set price for how much you wanted to sell the item.. which worked good! to where you could even compare other set prices and even get a rough idea of value without having to load browser pages..

You didnt have to be online for the transfer to occur either.. I think you got a message or something when you logged in and you see the fund increase when you logged in..


But all together im talking about the mechanics of a trade post.. Not country orientation..

As far as bots in game of Warframe? I thought there was a filter for that? and you can get banned for such use..

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3 minutes ago, Grimmstyler said:





As far as bots in game of Warframe? I thought there was a filter for that? and you can get banned for such use..

Bots get banned in every game, they factor it into their business model.  The only way to keep bots out is to make botting inefficient.

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1 minute ago, Aggh said:

Bots get banned in every game, they factor it into their business model.  The only way to keep bots out is to make botting inefficient.

In which, a marketplace for items to be posted by players.. Bots would not apply

I mean if anything, it really comes down to players competing with the DE Warframe Market.. Then item rarity % would probably decrease.. Then how fun would it be not getting rare drops? Without DE Warframe getting $$ how could we have new open world maps, warframes and weapons?

In turn it could be the destruction of Warframe.. But a convenience between player trading..

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