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Did you guys watch the new warframe rap?


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I dont usually like rap of specific videogames but this one was specially awesome.

One of the things is the lyrics, mostly on other videogame raps they just talk about how you shoot or hack and slash but never delve into the story or the deep parts of the game, luckily here they do, in the chorus.


The fact that they base the chorus on the second dream going as far as singing directly one of the quotes of the quest was an awesome touch. And being someone who has been playing since 2013 to whom the second dream "touched" a lot, having that one thing there (alongside the others ofc) makes the song for me much much better.


So what do you think about it? Finally a well made rap for warframe uh?

(I put spoilers because the rap contains some spoilers in video format even tho new people may not know those are spoilers yet)

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The first rapper's voice was really annoying to be honest and seems very sub-par compared to both the rest of the song, as well as other Warframe songs (Get Modded, for example). It got much better as it went on though. Also the Destiny diss was 11/10.

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i find it cringe worthy tbh. I dunno if it's the case or not but to me some of the lines felt like a forced reference (the zephyr line..."i'ma dive bomb you", you sure?)

Still better than most rap songs atm, and as a song in general, just not my taste of writing.

But it's nice for warframe having more people doing content on. 

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Il y a 2 heures, Azlen a dit :

The first rapper's voice was really annoying to be honest and seems very sub-par compared to both the rest of the song, as well as other Warframe songs (Get Modded, for example). It got much better as it went on though. Also the Destiny diss was 11/10.

hmm the main reasons i didnt like get modded that much and i like this more are that first, get modded has more like a robotic theme to it instead of a futuristic+ancient arts theme that this one has if you can even understand what im saying (because i suck at this types of explanations).


The other one is that those songs plus many many others just focus on gameplay and forget the lore in the game, this one makes a good mix out of it, the fast parts talk about the gameplay in a fast paced manner imitaing the rythm of the game while the parts about lore are more mystic and paused, resembling the story, i liked that contrast a lot since it perfectly resembles the duality of the game about a fast and frenetic gameplay mixed with a mystic and somewhat more calmed story.


Tho this was ofc my opinion and i may be somehow biased since the second dream as an experience was one of the best things ive played on gaming for the impact it had, and im pretty happy it finally made it into a warframe song.

Edited by TheBrightKing
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