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Support ETA?


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So, ive been trying to recover my account from 2015.   I submitted it last week, got a reply over weekend asking for some specific info.   I answered within an hour of noticing.  Now waiting 3 more days with no response.

Despite I spent abit of money on the account, i doubt ill get it back but it'd be nice to get a response...   i know they are busy, its just frustrating checking daily and no changes.   Ill probably end up making a new account without spending any money due to the games support quality.   Id rather not lose money to a company that has no specific way to recover accounts other than an email address.  Which i'll add that emails get hacked more than game accounts. Lol.    So EVEN if i do get access, hopefully I can even access the email. (I probably can but hacked emails have happened before)


Can i just have my account?  It hasnt been accessed since 2015 and im offering to give ID and payment info and anything i can possibly offer.


I know I wont get help here but this is my way of venting on an unneeded frustrating situation and already finding myself playing the game on my xbox while checking to see when i can access my pc account.   I've never experienced such slow and unorganized support.


How long did it take for ur support tickets?

Edited by jamesch222
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9 minutes ago, xXDeadsinxX said:

Support are extremely busy with what they do, the best thing you can do is be patient. Support can take up to a few days to even a month or so to respond, really depends how busy they are with tickets.

LOL,  its not the "paying" players problem that they are a big company that can't hire more people.   Just goes to show that even games with horrid support can still be successful.

It woulden't be so bad IF i knew id even get my account back.  The questions asked were game related and I honestly had to even google what support was even talking about on a few questions simply because i've not played in years.   Im convident in my answers that atleast most of them are correct but what if one question is wrong?  Bye progress and cash? 

Recently seen POE is made by same companu, same support?

Edited by jamesch222
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2 minutes ago, jamesch222 said:

 I wont support a game that doesn't care for their players.

They do care about their players. The support team is entirely different from the normal devs that you normally see. If you're going to "quit" the game because of that, that's just silly and you wouldn't have stayed long anyways.

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15 minutes ago, xXDeadsinxX said:

They do care about their players. The support team is entirely different from the normal devs that you normally see. If you're going to "quit" the game because of that, that's just silly and you wouldn't have stayed long anyways.

They care for paying players who returned?   Yet, i'm not in the game after so long?    Heck, i coulda already bought platinum by now.

It's also not techincally "quitting" if u cant return to the game to begin with.   I'm not going to start at day 1 when i rightfully have an account ive dedicated hours to previously.   Its the morale of it that counts.   Why should I play a game that I feel I wont get support when I need it?   What if i started over then my email gets hacked or somehow deleted after a year?   Im out of luck!

(I have had emails get automatically deleted, or lost access to emails due to new phone number)   im not only worried about my account, but even my account later or future account.  Email isn't very secure way to verify account owners.


Just comes down to the fact that I want MY account and I dont want this issue again.   Didnt they used to login via username, not email?



EDIT: Im trying not to be very negative about it and even editing out some things out of my posts, its just frustrating for me as I feel that with how things are going, i wont get my account and im the one with a loss.  I'll have to buy all my cosmetics back atleast and I wont even be happy about giving money for something I already own.  Seeing platinum prices, ill ne spending atleast $100, if not more.

Edited by jamesch222
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Are you sure it wasn't an automated reply


Hello Thundervision,

This is an automated email, intended to gather all the necessary information we need to process your request.

Thank you very much for reporting this issue to us. In order for us to be able to fix problems as fast as possible, please make sure to include the following information in your ticket:

1) Documentation
* Can you provide a screenshot or video of the issue?
* Can you please send us the EE.log file that recorded the issue?

2) Additional Information
* Where were you when the issue appeared?
* Step by step, what did you do that lead to the problem?
* Was this a one time thing or is this issue reproducible?

If this issue has been solved since you created your ticket, please reply to this email with “This is now solved” and your ticket will be closed automatically. If you have additional questions or your problem was not solved, one of our Support Agents will shortly get to your ticket.

Thanks for your patience!

like that? Depending on how busy the Warframe Support is, it can take either an hour or 14 days. In rare and specific cases it takes a month or so. I think if you get no reply within 14 business days, you can make an update in your ticket. Note, though replying to or creating the same ticket multiple times can not only make response time longer, but also lead to your support account suspension. It works on a first-come, first-served basis, so there are no special snowflakes, don't worry.

Also, accounts get suspended due to their inactivity to prevent them from being dragged or involved in shady stuff or being hijacked.


25 minutes ago, jamesch222 said:

If it takes more than 2 weeks then they can just delete my accounts because I wont support a game that doesn't care for their players.

Keep in mind that the number of ticket the game's Support receives doesn't go down and won't. For comparison sake:

My first ticket (5 years ago): #55400

My latest ticket (2 months ago): #1103997

Most of my submitted tickets (of all time) were resolved within days or two weeks.


It's also worth to mention that many players don't even bother to submit their tickets correctly thus only increasing response time.

Edited by Thundervision
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2 minutes ago, Thundervision said:

Are you sure it wasn't an automated reply

like that? Depending on how busy the Warframe Support is, it can take either an hour or 14 days. In rare and specific cases it takes a month or so. I think if you get no reply within 14 business days, you can make an update in your ticke. Note, though replying to or creating the same ticket multiple times can not only make response time longer, but also lead to your support account suspension. It works on a first-come, first-served basis, so there are no special snowflakes, don't worry.

Also, accounts get suspended due to their inactivity to prevent them from being dragged or involved in shady stuff or being hijacked.


Keep in mind that the number of ticket the game's Support receives doesn't go down and won't. For comparison sake:

My first ticket (5 years ago): #55400

My latest ticket (2 months ago): #1103997

Most of my submitted tickets (of all time) were resolved within days or two weeks.


It's also worth to mention that many players don't even bother to submit their tickets correctly thus only increasing response time.

It was not an automated message and asked information specificly on my purchases I made.   I did have to google one of the questions and made a 2nd reply.  That will make it longer?

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15 minutes ago, jamesch222 said:

It was not an automated message and asked information specificly on my purchases I made.   I did have to google one of the questions and made a 2nd reply.  That will make it longer?

Well, personally, I didn't experience increased response time when I replied to my submitted tickets, but I only did so in my most problematic cases and like once per ticket, when I got no response in ~2 weeks. I know for sure that submitting another ticket puts you back in the queue, though.

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I wo

9 minutes ago, Thundervision said:

Well, personally, I didn't experience increased response time when I replied to my submitted tickets, but I only did so in my most problematic cases and like once per ticket, when I got no response in ~2 weeks. I know for sure that submitting another ticket puts you back in the queue, though.

Submitting another ticket shouldent help anything so i'm unsure why anyone would do it anyway.   However.  Thanks for the responses.  Wish me luck!

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Warframe is a game with hundreds of thousands of players. If only 1% of a 200,000 player playerbase needed support, that's still 2000 tickets to sort through. Warframe has that many and more players a day, and the percentage is probably higher given Warframe's buggy nature. All you can do is be patient. Maybe check your spam folder to see if their reply got sent to there.

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It took about 2 weeks to get my League account back, of which we're talking no joke 2,000+ real dollars invested into. So believe me, I know your pain.

But just be patient. Warframe support is a lot better than many support teams out there, and probably one of the best F2P game support teams. It sucks and you wanna play. I gotcha. But just be patient man.

Don't bump your ticket if you can help it (puts you back at the end of the support queue) and be nothing but courteous to any support member you get.

Keep in mind that, as mean as it might sound, this is a service they are providing for you. A courtesy. Your account belongs to them and you aren't really "entitled" to anything on it. No matter how much money and time you spend. 

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