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Baro unvaulting volt like this feels bad for everyone.


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On 3/10/2018 at 6:07 AM, GrayArchon said:


I don't think DE has any obligation to keep items at a high platinum price or to otherwise curate the secondary market. If you invest in any kind of virtual market like this, you are assuming a large amount of risk – that's just the nature of the economy. People who kept Primed Flow in order to sell it also got screwed, because he brought back Primed Flow this week. It happens.

The current unvaulting system is clearly unsustainable, and DE have said as much on stream. This current unvaulting season sees three different prime warframes being unvaulted, along with their prime weapons and other gear, which makes for a large number of relics to farm, and thus drop table dilution. Their solution was to put the relics all in one place – Cetus bounties – which, as I'm sure you know, has come with its own share of controversy in the community. If they keep this pattern up, next year will have four prime warframes unvaulted around this time. How do you think this will end?

My position is that mastery-granting items should not be kept out of the reach of players for long, especially over the lifetime of the game, because mastery rank is the clearest sense of player progression that we have in this game. I think DE holds a similar position; they recently overhauled primary and secondary weapons to follow a rough progression curve based on mastery rank (more powerful weapons are restricted to higher MR, thus making MR progression more logical), and they have stated that they want to explore alternative methods of getting old prime items out of the vault. In fact, when they said this on stream, they even brought up Baro as a possible outlet for old prime items, and here he is with Volt Prime.

I think that not only was this move telegraphed and foreseeable, it is also aligned with DE's philosophy for player progression within the game, and thus inevitable. If old items being put back into circulation upsets you, I predict you will be further upset in the near future, as DE streamlines their game to make MR progression more logical and straightforward.

If they want new ways to unvault things, then those ways should not be costing people credits AND ducats for a -relic- when in normal terms, you can just go farm a whole bunch of relics. This way, you're farming relics to get prime drops to get ducats to get relics.

"Lessen the grind" - pretty sure they said they wanted to do this in 2016. Far as I've seen, its only become 100x worse since then with no signs of getting better.

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On 3/9/2018 at 9:20 AM, Senguash said:

If you have alot of volt parts stored to be sold later it sucks, because he's essentially been surprise unvaulted.

On the tail end of the weekend, it seems like the ducat cost prevented Volt sets from changing much if at all.

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Baro functions as a monetary policy lever to remove prime parts from the market and prevent inflation of prime parts (plat deflation). I surmise that when he brings desireable items, DE is trying to pull that lever harder. So, burning prime parts to get a smaller number of prime parts makes perfect sense from this perspective.

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So i got volt p this weekend by getting 2 or 3 of the unvault relic from baro, realizing this was aweful, then running axi alot and waiting for a random chance to get the last 2 parts i needed.

You don't need to be the guy who farmed every chance - don't be that guy, he hates himself.  Put in your 250 or 375 ducats worth then feel free to rely on others.  K I'm off my soap box now.

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On 3/9/2018 at 9:40 AM, LSG501 said:

My biggest issue is that DE seem to see these relics as 'new items' for baro so those of us who already have the prime items and been here for 'long' time have no reason to bother with baro again.

It does honestly feel a bit like it's pandering to newbies at the expense of veterans again, it's almost like he's become another part of the game (along with syndicates) that has no use to 'high level' or long terms players. 

People seem to forget though (or maybe were simply never aware) that the Prime Vault was only ever supposed to be a temporary thing in the first place.  Initially, they began retiring older primes to make way for newer ones so the drop tables didn't get too cluttered - It was only ever supposed to last until the old Void System got revamped.  Then the fissure/relic system came along and replaced it, but they still continued to vault things - likely because they still faced the same issue drop table clutter only with relics instead of the prime parts (not to mention I'm sure making a profit by reselling 'limited' existing content played a role in that too).

Ultimately, there is a bit of an inconsistency with the vaulted primes vs almost everything else in the game in terms of frames, weapons, archwings, etc: unless you run into a verrryyy generous soul or a Prime Unvault running, they aren't obtainable without having to pay plat.  Problem with the vault though, is that things are regularly added to said vault which has already resulted in some fairly long wait times before a particular prime is unvaulted again.  Need I mention Loki Prime who just now only has relics with his parts in them for the very first time despite him being vaulted for almost 2 years?

Point is, just about everything else in the game you have the option to buy in the market, or farm the stuff yourself at your leisure, and while Primes aren't in the market directly other than Prime Access, it still subjects players both new and returning to essentially 3 options : wait an unknown amount of time for the opportunity to get those vaulted items during an unvault, slog through trade chat in hopes of finding someone who isn't going to sell you a set for an obnoxious price (counting 3rd party trading sites), or give in and just pay said obnoxious prices.

Having baro sell these relics helps to alleviate the issue with vaulted primes - him selling them is no different than him selling old event weapons or mod sets. Seeing as he is the 'primed/prisma stuff guy', this only makes him a fitting option to have him occasionally provide vaulted relics too.  Sure, the pricing and whatnot could be adjusted to make it more reasonable, but it does bug me when people get upset for, as you say, "pandering to newbies at the expense of veterans again" for a couple reasons - namely the fact that every game needs new players in order to survive.  How do we get veterans? By getting new players who survive the gauntlet of early-game, aka those who stick around and enjoy Warframe long enough to become veterans.  Finding ways to retain vets is important too, but there are still a number of issue with early-game that can and will very easily be a turn-off to new players and push them away before they ever really give the game a chance. I believe that adding some other means to obtain vaulted items can help that, granted it's a small bit, but hey, every little bit counts.  Just because Baro brings something not geared towards vets one time, does not mean he won't bring something that does the next time.  There are more that just vets in the game after all - he should have things in his inventory that can be of use to both new and old players.


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9 hours ago, Sin1989 said:


There's an economic element to vaulting too.  You said it yourself the trade price of prime items goes up once vaulted and newbies are the ones that DE are trying to get to 'buy plat'. 

Now placing relics in baro not only devalues the prime item in trade, even if just for a short while, it also takes away potential purchases.... so it doesn't make sense for them to do this in all honesty, unless they're trying to get rid of trading for items so we can only get plat from buying it (conjecture before people jump on it). 

I don't have a problem with the vaulting of frames, it kind of reduces burn out a little and in all honesty it's not like a primed version is massively different to a non prime version in most cases.


But as I said originally, there was nothing there for those of us who already have the items in the relics, either from buying them, farming them (after waiting for it to come back) or even trading them.  Relics of previously released items should never be the 'new item' for baro, if they want to release vaulted primes this way then DE can do so if they wish, but it should be in conjunction with something for those of us who already have everything else. 

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