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Mastery Rank Tests

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I cannot think of another game with such a pointless leveling system.  I would rather have to complete a quest (and those are broken half the time) or beat another boss than do one of these tests.  First off they have literally nothing to do with the skill in the game, take MR17 for instance, when have you had to hit orbs and kill anything in a period of time and depending on where the orbs spawn will determine if you pass NOT whether or not you're good at the game?  Even level 20-24 players (that I've spoken to) have said these are pointless and do nothing to do with the game but make people miserable.  The MR8 one almost made me rage quit forever.  

Not to mention test anxiety, which is a real life issue for many (including myself).  When I have to do one of these tests I break out into a cold sweat, yes it's a game, but tell the brain of someone with test anxiety that it's just a game.  Didn't work in high school when it was just a quiz either.  I suddenly can't do a bullet jump to save my life despite having done it a million other times successfully.  Every test seems to be a fresh new hell.

For everything this game has to offer, the MR tests make it worth quitting.  Nothing is quite so rage inducing and I play PUBG and Overwatch, I might put it up there with LoL level of salt and I quit that for good.  Sure I'm only level 17 and people at level 24 might begrudge others for not having to do them but honestly if I could save new players the rage and frustration I'd be glad to do it, more of them might stick with the game.

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I kind of like them, actually. I'm sorry you get anxiety over them. The big thing is, as Screamlord_Star said, to recognize that they can all be cheesed, and cheesed hard. 

For that test (which looks like just a shorter-duration of survival), it seems an Ember or a Maimquinox would make it fairly easy. Then you can ignore the enemies, for the most part, and just hit the orbs (which seem to give you survival-style waypoints when they spawn?). Just some thoughts...I'm about to reach 16 myself, so this one will take a bit for me.

Good luck!

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Imo, MR test are not pointless.

Each test its supposed to be more harder than the one before.

Mastery Rank, in some way, means how skilled u are.

U are supposed to have a high variety of wfs, weapons, mods, etc. while u increase ur mastery.

If u have a nice variety of wfs and weapons in ur arsenal, any Mastery rank test should be a problem.

Just like fellow tennos said before. Try different options, increase ur arsenal. For example, that test u were talking about, where u have to hit orbs while kill enemies, it shouldn't be a problem for ember, dont use equinox, he deal less dmg and consume more energy.

Good luck Tenno.

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Well for me to get a starting cap to my weapons and frames for mod capacity there worth everything starting with more cap is better , these are rewarding to get mr maxed up plus it increases the enemy level up speed I am glad for . And so much love for more syndicate standing for higher mr lvl . Mr 60 when ever that is =61k of syndicate standing . So imagine that one day the master rank will be a lot more worth it but not if you sulk over high ranks . Please read into your own info before miss leading info (master rank is important)

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I've been stuck at MR 17 only because it's pure RNG. I have succeeded in the simulacrum every single time, but somehow, during the real thing, I get bullS#&$ orbs spawns constantly at the opposite of the map and I lose to the timer. So I'm working on volt, no more BS from the game, I suppose, but this is really upsetting, there's no possible practice without consistency. They're not even interesting! I don't know what happened to the MR tests we had back in 2014 but at least they were decently challenging and fun, now it's all about cheesing and requesting an extended arsenal. I have a lot of warframes. Bought a lot of slots. Got many, many weapons, yet it's not enough for MR 17 because someone thought that having RNG making the experience arbitrarily trivial or difficult was "fun". :facepalm:

I'm also thinking about quitting. I've been stuck at this for 3 days and since it's just RNG BS there's nothing to do but hoping for good rolls, and if further tests are all like this it's not worth the frustration.

Edited by sixmille
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11 hours ago, sixmille said:

I've been stuck at MR 17 only because it's pure RNG. I have succeeded in the simulacrum every single time, but somehow, during the real thing, I get bullS#&$ orbs spawns constantly at the opposite of the map and I lose to the timer. So I'm working on volt, no more BS from the game, I suppose, but this is really upsetting, there's no possible practice without consistency. They're not even interesting! I don't know what happened to the MR tests we had back in 2014 but at least they were decently challenging and fun, now it's all about cheesing and requesting an extended arsenal. I have a lot of warframes. Bought a lot of slots. Got many, many weapons, yet it's not enough for MR 17 because someone thought that having RNG making the experience arbitrarily trivial or difficult was "fun". :facepalm:

I'm also thinking about quitting. I've been stuck at this for 3 days and since it's just RNG BS there's nothing to do but hoping for good rolls, and if further tests are all like this it's not worth the frustration.

A lot of people have had issues with this test for some reason. I am a relatively new player, only been playing since xmas but I found it easy as long as i anticipate, focus on the orbs and position myself correctly, if you say the orbs are always on the other side of the map then try moving to the middle of the map every time you hit an orb, in that way, orbs will not be in the other side, just half way. 

There is absolutely no reason why you need to be MR18 besides the increase in the daily cap, so if you are thinking of quitting because you can't pass this test maybe you should re-evaluate things, there is nothing you can't do as MR18

I see that attitude a lot "make it easier for me or I will quit" which I think is not good. Not just for this game but in life in general.

This type of test will come up again much more difficult at MR21 (I think), the MR22 test is more challenging IMO, as I think it is the first test that actually requires proper weapons and finally has harder enemies, similar experience to what you get at the Rathuum Arena. So you will need to be prepared as well. 

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Im old timer here , only mr 19 and so far I have yet to have any problems with any of the mastery tests .

I would say "git gud" but what would sound likean insult to some so I will say this , I like em they feel like progressing chalage one after the other and I hope what futures one up untill 30th one will get harder and harder when priews ones , I personaly cant wait till I get to try 20th , 21th , 22th , 23rd and 25th one as those look like real chalange and fun .

So use simulacrum and get better tenno , the Lotus has no need of weak

Edited by bad4youLT
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I suggest you widen your arsenal by acquiring and building the 'cheese-frames' and 'cheese-weapons' to do them with. Without Banshee or Sarpa, I would've never passed the test which involves bypassing security that can kill you by looking at you (test fails upon being detected), breaking orbs which unlock the prison cell if all orbs are destroyed, then escorting the target out after killing all security.

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50 minutes ago, (PS4)El_Senior_Fats said:

A lot of people have had issues with this test for some reason. I am a relatively new player, only been playing since xmas but I found it easy as long as i anticipate, focus on the orbs and position myself correctly, if you say the orbs are always on the other side of the map then try moving to the middle of the map every time you hit an orb, in that way, orbs will not be in the other side, just half way. 

There is absolutely no reason why you need to be MR18 besides the increase in the daily cap, so if you are thinking of quitting because you can't pass this test maybe you should re-evaluate things, there is nothing you can't do as MR18

I see that attitude a lot "make it easier for me or I will quit" which I think is not good. Not just for this game but in life in general.

This type of test will come up again much more difficult at MR21 (I think), the MR22 test is more challenging IMO, as I think it is the first test that actually requires proper weapons and finally has harder enemies, similar experience to what you get at the Rathuum Arena. So you will need to be prepared as well. 

I logged in just to give you a like.   Great response and I couldn't have said it better.

I enjoy the mastery rank tests.  I think they are a neat part of the game and with a little preparation generally go well.  Do what this guy says for MR 17. Good advice.  Equip a rush mod and try to do as little jumping as possible.  Unless you are adept at killing things while flying through the air you are only losing time and coordination.

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il y a une heure, (PS4)El_Senior_Fats a dit :

A lot of people have had issues with this test for some reason. I am a relatively new player, only been playing since xmas but I found it easy as long as i anticipate, focus on the orbs and position myself correctly, if you say the orbs are always on the other side of the map then try moving to the middle of the map every time you hit an orb, in that way, orbs will not be in the other side, just half way. 

There is absolutely no reason why you need to be MR18 besides the increase in the daily cap, so if you are thinking of quitting because you can't pass this test maybe you should re-evaluate things, there is nothing you can't do as MR18

I see that attitude a lot "make it easier for me or I will quit" which I think is not good. Not just for this game but in life in general.

This type of test will come up again much more difficult at MR21 (I think), the MR22 test is more challenging IMO, as I think it is the first test that actually requires proper weapons and finally has harder enemies, similar experience to what you get at the Rathuum Arena. So you will need to be prepared as well. 

Except that it's not life, it's just a game and I don't really care. It's clearly not where a challenge should be, even if it's not one in that case, as it's just randomness at its best. Put good rewards behind a challenge and I don't mind, gate progression behind RNG and I will. It's that simple really. I didn't mind learning puzzles for ayatan scupltures, but it's irritating to be stopped by poor design in a MR test. In addition, the older MR tests were more fun, I don't know what happened to them but I remember having a lot of fun back in 2013/2014 with some of them. Now they're mostly crap.

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11 minutes ago, sixmille said:

Except that it's not life, it's just a game and I don't really care. It's clearly not where a challenge should be, even if it's not one in that case, as it's just randomness at its best. Put good rewards behind a challenge and I don't mind, gate progression behind RNG and I will. It's that simple really. I didn't mind learning puzzles for ayatan scupltures, but it's irritating to be stopped by poor design in a MR test. In addition, the older MR tests were more fun, I don't know what happened to them but I remember having a lot of fun back in 2013/2014 with some of them. Now they're mostly crap.

If it is just a game then you shouldnt really get so upset. Again, there is nothing you can do as an MR18 that you can't as an MR17. 

And as I said, this test is not hard, in fact, for the MR21 test which is the same but just more floor levels I was getting all the orbs opposite to where they were spawning but still did it. And I am pretty average. Also, I find it fun, same as most of the MRs. Not sure how the MRs were before but this ones are not boring, at least to me. In fact I would like them to be a real challenge, as IMO they should be, so far none of them have been.

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