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Slide Attack/Maiming Strike/Whip and Polearm range -- an absurd mixture of overpoweredness


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I've got a solution for the weekly 'nerf x because it's not how I want to play the game' thread because lets be realistic the nerf crowd will only be happy when we get to something close to the below.

Lets just make it so everyone but the person complaining can't use their abilities and they can't use weapons that aren't daggers, oh wait they're out due to covert lethality, so better make it a machete, we all know how bad they are, and obviously have no use for any guns/bows etc.

Seriously at the rate things are going the nerf crowd will turn this game into a game where we're basically fighting with sticks and stones.

Not to mention we all know how good DE are when it comes to a fix to solve a supposed balance issue, just look at how they fixed ember WoF and banshee RQ, oh wait they didn't...

Oh there's also this thing called recruit, it's the usual 'suggestion' from the 'nerf crowd' when others don't want to play the way they do in a public group...and to cover your response of why should YOU go to recruit chat, it's simple we're not the ones with the issue...

Edited by LSG501
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6 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

I've got a solution for the weekly 'nerf x because it's not how I want to play the game' thread because lets be realistic the nerf crowd will only be happy when we get to something close to the below.

Lets just make it so everyone but the person complaining can't use their abilities and they can't use weapons that aren't daggers, oh wait they're out due to covert lethality, so better make it a machete, we all know how bad they are, and obviously have no use for any guns/bows etc.

Seriously at the rate things are going the nerf crowd will turn this game into a game where we're basically fighting with sticks and stones.

Not to mention we all know how good DE are when it comes to a fix to solve a supposed balance issue, just look at how they fixed ember WoF and banshee RQ, oh wait they didn't...

Oh there's also this thing called recruit, it's the usual 'suggestion' from the 'nerf crowd' when others don't want to play the way they do in a public group...and to cover your response of why should YOU go to recruit chat, it's simple we're not the ones with the issue...

Kind of sounds like you have issues, though,

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34 minutes ago, Vindicus8235 said:

The tried and true infinite hyperbole post.  You think x is too strong, well then why don't we just make everyone have 1 hp and do 1 damage.  Boom, perfect balance!  Works every time.

well it's no different to your 'nerf x' because it's not how YOU want to play the game type post is it.  There are solutions which do not require nerfing mods/weapons/frames that others enjoy using, you're just not prepared to do them.


30 minutes ago, rune_me said:

Kind of sounds like you have issues, though,

Yeah, sadly the issue isn't going to go away... as seen from the weekly 'nerf' thread we have here...

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vor einer Stunde schrieb Vindicus8235:

Slide attackers do what you described at all levels of the game, can you see the distinction?

No it does not, that is evidently wrong. Slide attack is NOT an outlier as people have pointed out repeatedly.

This is just the same nonsensical "it's op because I say so, totally broken at all levels". Basically, proof or it didn't happen. You're either talking nonsense because you don't know better, or you're blatantly lying to discredit something you don't like in an attempt to get through with your agenda.

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1 minute ago, LSG501 said:

well it's no different to your 'nerf x' because it's not how YOU want to play the game type post is it.  There are solutions which do not require nerfing mods/weapons/frames that others enjoy using, you're just not prepared to do them.


Yeah, sadly the issue isn't going to go away... as seen from the weekly 'nerf' thread we have here...

It's quite different actually, as I'm targeting a specific issue (slide attacks) and you're broad-stroking with hyperbole.

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1 minute ago, Maercurial said:

No it does not, that is evidently wrong. Slide attack is NOT an outlier as people have pointed out repeatedly.

This is just the same nonsensical "it's op because I say so, totally broken at all levels". Basically, proof or it didn't happen. You're either talking nonsense because you don't know better, or you're blatantly lying to discredit something you don't like in an attempt to get through with your agenda.

My agenda is better health and balance for the game.  Seems noble enough to me.  Your agenda is keeping an egregiously overpowered 1-button-press slay the whole screen perfect storm of overpowered mechanics untouched.  Seems slightly less noble to me, but who am I to judge?

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1 minute ago, Vindicus8235 said:

My agenda is better health and balance for the game.  Seems noble enough to me.  Your agenda is keeping an egregiously overpowered 1-button-press slay the whole screen perfect storm of overpowered mechanics untouched.  Seems slightly less noble to me, but who am I to judge?

I don’t think DE are going to remove a whole weapon.

Oh you aren’t talking about ignis, that does everything you listed and can do it through walls and doors?

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vor 4 Minuten schrieb Vindicus8235:

My agenda is better health and balance for the game.  Seems noble enough to me.  Your agenda is keeping an egregiously overpowered 1-button-press slay the whole screen perfect storm of overpowered mechanics untouched.  Seems slightly less noble to me, but who am I to judge?

That's because it isn't overpowered as a matter of fact. In order to be overpowered something would need to be an outlier, which it isn't. Your agenda is based on false judgement and limited knowledge, considering something overpowered that is well within other things, even worse than many other things in the game, because you compare it to level 30 content (where everything can be "op") while lying about it being like this "at all levels". I call bullS#&$ on that. Nothing noble there.

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3 minutes ago, Maercurial said:

That's because it isn't overpowered as a matter of fact. In order to be overpowered something would need to be an outlier, which it isn't. Your agenda is based on false judgement and limited knowledge, considering something overpowered that is well within other things, even worse than many other things in the game, because you compare it to level 30 content (where everything can be "op") while lying about it being like this "at all levels". I call bullS#&$ on that. Nothing noble there.

You're really standing by this thing where slide attack is only good in level 30 content, huh?

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11 minutes ago, Vindicus8235 said:

It's quite different actually, as I'm targeting a specific issue (slide attacks) and you're broad-stroking with hyperbole.

No it's not, you're asking for ANOTHER item in the game to get nerfed and it's basically down to you not liking that playstyle, nothing more than that.  

You might think because you're 'targeting a specific issue' that you're not, but you've selected a problem that YOU don't like and are calling for it to be nerfed, which is no different to all those asking for WoF to be nerfed or banshee RQ to be nerfed.  

What happens now is we get in the 'endless' cycle of nerfing the 'meta' because a subset of players either can't do said meta or don't like said meta and don't know where recruit chat is instead of going into a public group where a player has the right to play how they wish to play and if we don't like it we have the option of aborting.   The thing with meta's is that once one has been nerfed, another pops up and we get the next set of 'nerf this I don't like it' threads. 


If we just solve it and make it so all we have to fight with is sticks and stones we'll never have the issue of someone playing the game differently to another player and upsetting them...


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On 3/12/2018 at 8:42 PM, Vindicus8235 said:

The simple solution is to no longer talk about it then.  However, I choose to continue the discussion.  Toodles.


No.  I want party play that's fun, interesting, intuitive and engaging for the entire party.  For the most part Warframe delivers this.  The exception is when a slide attack spammer is in the game.  You are correct though, they do "have more power than me" because it's an entirely broken combo of mechanics.  I'm glad we agree on that point.

If you want party play that's fun make a themed eidolon hunt group, I would normally suggest raids but those are gone for now. A lot of the ranged melee shenanigans is in low to mid level content where literally everything nukes the floor, everywhere else people normally just go for raw damage over blood rush whips/poles. Nerfing them will literally not accomplish anything because there are plenty of frames that can be made to nuke and plenty of weapons that can nuke especially in low to mid level content. Should we finally delete/completely rework Chroma and Mirage since they can make weapons silly? Should we delete the Amprex and any chaining beam weapons? You're complaining about a specific setup likely because you have a biased view over it and simply want everyone to conform to whatever you dictate is fun, well here's a newsflash not everyone adheres to your own sense of fun and this is coming from someone who likes to run frost with funky weapon combos and have been for sometime now.

People will run missions however fast they want you either keep up or play solo or get friends around your same playtime/mr. I do think an MR limit option introduction would be nice for the game as it would benefits both sides, the higher the MR the more likely you'll run into a "speedrunner" so you can limit to MR around yourself and it'll benefit those who want to start a teralyst bounty and not get an MR1-5 in the plains. Some people won't care and leave it unlocked while others who do care can lock their queue up. 

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7 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

No it's not, you're asking for ANOTHER item in the game to get nerfed and it's basically down to you not liking that playstyle, nothing more than that.  

You might think because you're 'targeting a specific issue' that you're not, but you've selected a problem that YOU don't like and are calling for it to be nerfed, which is no different to all those asking for WoF to be nerfed or banshee RQ to be nerfed.  

What happens now is we get in the 'endless' cycle of nerfing the 'meta' because a subset of players either can't do said meta or don't like said meta and don't know where recruit chat is instead of going into a public group where a player has the right to play how they wish to play and if we don't like it we have the option of aborting.   The thing with meta's is that once one has been nerfed, another pops up and we get the next set of 'nerf this I don't like it' threads. 


If we just solve it and make it so all we have to fight with is sticks and stones we'll never have the issue of someone playing the game differently to another player and upsetting them...


With that logic there should never be any discussion about balance in the game.  If a weapon were added that when you entered a mission and pressed left click all of the enemies died, you collected all of the loot and the mission complete screen was displayed, I could not, according to you, come to the forum and voice my opinion about its negative impact on the game because I'd be asking for "another item in the game to get nerfed because I don't like the playstyle".

The forum is precisely for what I've done here which is giving feedback and discussion.  You nor anyone else who keeps shouting "No, No!  Just look away!  Everything is fine here!" will stop me from posting about how utterly broken slide attacks are when combined with maiming strike and a whip/polearm.

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vor 3 Minuten schrieb Vindicus8235:

You're really standing by this thing where slide attack is only good in level 30 content, huh?

No, actually I never said that it's "only good" in level 30 content. I said it's "only overpowered" if you compare it to level 30 content, like literally everything else in the game that is just as or even more so overpowered when comparing it to lower leveled enemies.

There is no remote sense of balance below level 40-50 in this game, like it doesn't even try to be balanced in that area, that's the part of the game comparable to slaughtering Fallen Mobs in Diablo IIs First Act. That's such a low level, it can be trivialized with everything once properly modded.

Beyond the level ~30 area, Slide attacking is still good, but not overpowered, and it falls off the higher you go. It scales decently well, surely, but is eventually replaced by better builds utilizing Status. It's not even mandatory on the weapon class it's best at, which are high range weapons like Polearms, Whips or Staves. A lot of those don't even have Maiming Strike in an endgame viable build, because there's no room for it and Primed Reach.

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15 minutes ago, Vindicus8235 said:

Who said anything about removing weapons?

The comparison went over your head.

The Ignis can do everything maiming strike combo can, but also can do so through walls and doors.

Maiming strike is not OP.  Period.  If it is, so are hundreds of other combinations of mods and weapons. 

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I mean, if Warframe was a PvP-focused game, I kinda get where the OP's coming from, as it'd be a pretty cheap tactic to beat other players.

But that's hardly the case here. 

This is a PvE game. Just because you don't like how some folks press 4 to win, or spin 2 win, or kill more mooks than you do, or whatever thing they do that pisses you off, doesn't mean you get to dictate how they play the game and how they have fun.

Because, in the end, that's just your opinion, man.

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3 minutes ago, Vindicus8235 said:

Isn't it an unspoken assumption that anything posted on the internet, or in fact any idea conjured from your mind is opinion?  Or should it be added to the end of every post?


When you post an opinion and people disagree, then you get mad because many do not see things like you do, is it an opinion anymore, or aren't you just trying to impose your point of view above everyone else's? Many have already shared counterpoints to your opinion, yet you get triggered and refuse to acknowledge those by calling them "hyperbole." To you, MS is "an absurd mixture of overpoweredness" to quote your thread title, but that's just your opinion. Many do not agree with you and have voiced their opinions as to why not. Instead of just agreeing to disagree, you keep pushing the subject like you're right and everyone else is wrong. We're just sharing opinions here. Yours is not more valid than mine. You say yes, I say no. Who's right? Who decides who's right? Not you...

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