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Limbo's True Power


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15 minutes ago, (PS4)SSXBIGGS28 said:

I dont necessarily hate limbo i hate most ppl who play as limbo....a good reason y is: 

A long time ago i was in a sortie rescue on a corpus board there was a limbo on the team so i thought "ok he's gonna put the target in the rift cool" when we got to the jail my squad opened up two of the three cells and the rescue target wasn't there i got to the third cell and was literally almost done i just had to move this one last section into place and the target would've been free and with five seconds left on the execution timer i was about to clutch it then the limbo decided to put me in the rift which took me off the hacking screen i couldn't get out of the rift fast enough the countdown hit zero and the mission failed

So i dont hate limbo i just hate the ppl that troll with him or dont know how to play with him but insist on playing with him anyway

THANK YOU! Finally, someone who can see the difference between a bad tool and s**ty people.

In the same way that everything in Warframe can be tweaked to suit your playstyle, there is an unfortunate plethora of options for being a complete POS player. Seriously, all this hate wouldn't exist if people would just take the two minutes to figure out how to actually benefit their team. Maybe we should stop letting children play games like this.

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Forgive my other post but ya'll done brought out the satirical levity in me.  It was not entirely intended to be trollish in nature.  Its more along the lines of me agreeing with what Senior, LuckyCharm said.  Limbo can be annoying!  I imagine in some ways I too can be like a real life Limbo.  I'm not afraid to admit it.... or flaunt it..

This isn't limited to Limbo, though.  I can point out an entire list of things that happen every day in every mission with every other warframe.


A Rhino that stomps for DPS but doesn't have the power to kill anything, effectively lowering group DPS

A max range Nehza that loves to Spear defense missions forcing everyone to play hide and seek with the enemies.  Really why should I have to run all the way to the spawn point to find 10 things stuck on spears?

An Oberon or a Mag that likes to play follow the bouncing ball with everything in range but also doesn't have the strength to kill anything, lowering group DPS

A Banshee, Saryn or Ember that unleashes massive mission clearing AoEs without asking first.

A Slide Attacker that I have to keep reviving, or anyone else that turns a group mission into their own personal solo mission

A Titania that turns everything into balloons cuz.....Balloons!   Hey where is that final enemy in this defense mission? Oh there it is stuck in a corner 30 meters above the floor!

A Trinity that won't do anything that Trinity can do and dies all the time,  or any one that uses Well of Life outside of a CC capacity

A Frost that doesn't know how to pop his own bubbles and forces everyone to melee through 4 of them just to hit anything,  or that uses an opaque energy color.  Why use an energy color that literally no one can see through?

An Ivara that can't spy!

A Nova that slows everything in low level missions or speeds up everything in high level missions without asking!  A Nova that only makes portals for herself so she can get there first and die.  Yea, you know who you are..

Octavia's resonator as it carries all the enemies off in random directions

Nyx's little weird illusiony whatever those things are.... How do you get headshots on those!?

Zephyr that overuses Tornados as DPS in high level missions

Volts Speed check, rofl this is actually kinda funny to watch the faceplants happen.....unless its me and I fly into a hole in the ground. Not funny!

Nekros army of minions being used in cramped places not allowing anyone to shoot ANYTHING but them.

Poorly timed blinds while I'm trying to clear things with melee!

Overuse of blast damage and knockdown effects

Any use of CC that isn't mission critical or critical for anyone's survival, this includes Limbo

A Limbo that dies!  I die too, so I could potentially annoy myself, it happens!  No less irritating.

Spamming revives on Lenz users!  Or anyone else with an out of control launcher weapon.

Having to constantly revive Rhinos! Seriously?  Only outmatched by the Rhino that hides behind everyone so he can use his shiny new beam weapon while the squishies tank!

People that join endless missions and try to leave in 5 minutes!


This list could go on for days .....There are literally countless ways to be disruptive to gameplay or potentially annoying in game and for the most part it all comes down to player choice in what weapons and abilities and warframe they're using at the time.   There are a lotta things that, even on well built frames, get used poorly or at the wrong time.  This is what is wrong with Limbo.  Everyone uses the wrong things in his kit at all the right times and in all the wrong ways making everyone else disgruntled.   That doesn't mean he can't be played well and with minimal intrusion into others playstyles.  You just have to pick and choose your battles,  don't click Cataclysm just cuz its there, don't banish just cuz you can.

If I go into a mission and I'm not feeling like everybody wants me to do Limbo things I'll find an area to protect thats out of the main drag and away from other players and I'll just murda murda everything that comes my way.  Limbo is great at that, and he can do it without stopping time in a whole mission.   I know this works cuz I do it.  If you're spamming your max range Cataclysm on top of a group without asking, you're wrong.  Just like anyone else using CC poorly in game.


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1 hour ago, BBaw said:

Nyx's little weird illusiony whatever those things are.... How do you get headshots on those!?

Those are projections of Nyx holding a Braton (what the enemies are seeing each other as when confused) :P You still have to aim low enough to hit the enemy's actual head for headshots, not the illusionary head.. Hehe

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On 14/03/2018 at 6:21 PM, RagingReaper67 said:

I've seen a lot of hate thrown at Limbo and, to be honest, I can see why. Having enemies, or even yourself, snatched into the rift can be frustrating. The thing is, Limbo actually shines when you use the rift  in a completely self-centerd way. What I mean is, don't drag anyone else into the rift (unless your allies want to use it for a bit). 

To get the most out of this tactic, you'll need to have completed The War Within (more on that later). The application is super simple, just dash into the rift. That's it (but make sure you don't do it next to your allies cuz they can get sucked in). Now, I know you're probably saying "that's rediculous, you can't do anything in the rift" WRONG. You can do two very important things while in the rift: first, you can res allies. This is pretty much cheating all on its own because you get to not take damage while giving your friends unlimited lives. Second, and more importantly, you can use transference.

The thing that makes transference so powerful, when paired with Limbo's rift walk, is that Limbo will remain in the rift while your operator will not. This means you get to leave Limbo in his nearly invulnerable rift state while using your operator to do things like fighting baddies, opening containers, hacking terminals and picking up most forms of loot (you'll need to hop out of the rift to grab certain things like mods). So, farm that focus, give your operator some love (I recommend specializing in Madurai to maximize combat effectiveness) and have fun.


Side note: you don't have to use any mods...at all for this to work. You could literally use an unmodded, unranked Limbo and this would still work. I would, however, mod Limbo to be less squishy for those times when you need to pick up a mod or fight the stalker.


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19 hours ago, RagingReaper67 said:

No, ignorantly said. Actually, no. Ignorance is a term reserved for those who both don't know and have not had the opportunity to learn. When you're given the opportunity to learn, and choose not to, you've become stupid. 

I could be just as much of a nuisance with any frame that has the ability to affect large areas. Do you think everyone loves to follow an Ember around, watching everything die while experiencing zero actual gameplay? Or maybe you think it doesn't frustrate people when they say "I'm new", just to be ignored and abandoned at the beginning of the mission. 

Players need to start being more selfless in games, rather than trying to grab at self gratification at the expense of others. It's not going to kill you to take a couple minutes to actually work together.

WTF Brother that may be the longest long winded response in this forums history. Probably not though....lol


Limbo is a nuisance to everyone in that mission. Especially when they cast trash on you. You cry about Ember yet with the map as large as it is. You could easily get out ahead and do the killing. I some how doubt that you'll be able to fare well out there though. Just my honest opinon....

Edited by (PS4)KnowLedge
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On 3/14/2018 at 11:25 AM, RagingReaper67 said:

You do realize that you're getting nowhere here.... now go hide in your ignorant little corner. You clearly don't know how to effectively play this game.

Ahh I missed this one too from the no skill player. You're right. Completing the JV trial the multiple times it took to get just half my energize set, maybe the countless nightmare trials, ton of sorties, all the events, and even my nonchalant attitude towards MR and still being almost a MR23 must definitely mean I'm terrible at this game. Maybe its the fact they tried to kill ember and the synoid simulor yet both of mine STILL wreck shop daily. Possibly the thousands of plat I've hustled up. Yes it's very true. I haven't a clue about warframe or how to play this game. Simply because I have the balls and respect to not play a nuisance, garbage, good for nothing, waste of resources, dirty, lazy, down right ANNOYING, game quality lowering frame....


So if I'm a trash noob. Does that make you the lost guy in Cetus looking for your dojo... 

Edited by (PS4)KnowLedge
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8 minutes ago, (PS4)KnowLedge said:

Ahh I missed this one too from the no skill player. You're right. Completing the JV trail the multiplentimes it took to get half my energize set, maybe the countless nightmare trails, ton of sorties, all the events, and even my nonchalant attitude towards MR and still being almost a MR23 must definitely mean I'm terrible at this game. Maybe its the fact they tried to kill ember and the synoid simulor yet both of mine STILL wreck shop daily. Possibly the thousands of plat I've hustled up. Yes it's very true. I haven't a clue about warframe or how to play this game. Simply because I have the balls and respect to not play a nuisance, garbage, good for nothing, waste of resources, dirty, lazy, down right ANNOYING, game quality lowering frame....


So if I'm a trash noon. Does that make you the lost guy in Cetus looking for your dojo... 

The only thing I'm telling you that makes you ignorant, is still clearly displayed here. You're trying to pass your opinion off as fact. Just say "he's not my cup of tea" and move the eff on. You don't have to try to convince people that your opinion is fact when that's clearly not the case. DE has not put a single thing in this game that's unusable.

I probably did go too far in saying you don't know how to WF, sorry about that. But seriously, just admit that your opinion is only an opinion. Figuring out how to use each and every element of WF effectively makes you a better player and is a big part of what makes it fun.

And I know where the Dojo is....it's at the back of the ship right?

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2 hours ago, RagingReaper67 said:

Don't bother posting if you can't use actual words. Forums aren't picture books.

I wouldn't bring Limbo to really anything.

About the only thing I'd probably bring Limbo to is Excavation and even then just to do two Excavators at a time.
But I might as well bring Frost at that rate.

Half the playerbase is too incompetent to even use Stasis correctly, they can't toggle it at the right moments. They don't burst it. "Hai Gaiz Im a Limbo main" with 33 (Soon to be 34) other frames in the actual game. Mother of God, plonkers.

Why isn't there "Main Mains" in a game where frames are used by mechanics, scaling and application. Not just World of Maincraft.

A lot of times you have to post pictures that convey meaning in this forum, because that's a lot of what this forum only understands.
A part from the burning fire pile of "oh wew jeez gaiz, commoonity soo amaizing, quick give karma pwease, hand itemz pwease, don't want to grind for it pwease. dat pwatinums too spensive' -- Even though it's the average price of wurfraim market."

Edited by Kinjeto
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23 minutes ago, Kinjeto said:

I wouldn't bring Limbo to really anything.

About the only thing I'd probably bring Limbo to is Excavation and even then just to do two Excavators at a time.
But I might as well bring Frost at that rate.

Half the playerbase is too incompetent to even use Stasis correctly, they can't toggle it at the right moments. They don't burst it. "Hai Gaiz Im a Limbo main" with 33 (Soon to be 34) other frames in the actual game. Mother of God, plonkers.

Why isn't there "Main Mains" in a game where frames are used by mechanics, scaling and application. Not just World of Maincraft.

A lot of times you have to post pictures that convey meaning in this forum, because that's a lot of what this forum only understands.



Thank you for the elaboration, and fair enough. But, do you really want to cater to those who haven't progressed beyond pictures? Do you want to encourage more of the very thing causing all of these complaints?

Honestly, restricting yourself to just one frame is pretty rediculous. Now, if you've maxed out every frame and still just want to play one then fine.

LMFAO, World of Maincraft. That's great.

Side note: Limbo isn't my favorite frame, Valkyr is. Limbo is my favorite, however, for Pavlov. Literally just walk through what's arguably one of the most irritating spy missions.

Edited by RagingReaper67
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